Tag Archives: Tony Botello

Tony: Top Five Reasons Jackson County Stadium Funding Was A Waste

I don’t know 810WHB Sports Talker Kevin Kietzman but I don’t like him.

His mostly cheerleading fan boy sports perspective misses the point that pro-sports in Kansas City has always been about mediocrity and money grabbing from tax payers in KC Proper. I’m guessing the dude lives in JoCo since he’s a Shawnee Mission North/K-State grad and from his overall jocular on-air persona aimed at impressing the d-bags who closely follow Kansas City Sports in order to distract themselves from their lives of quiet desperation.

Again and again, Kietzman misses the political and socio-economic impact of pro-sports in Kansas City and actually wastes time thinking about what happens in these mostly meaningless games. That’s probably because pro-sports funding and coverage in this cowtown represent a wide-scale endorsement of the status quo which keeps dudes like Kietzman in business. To to be fair, Kietzman did take on a Union debate regarding the Stadiums earlier this year and was spun into a tizzy by political operatives and paid lead on fan boys like him. But at the end of the day most of his reporting on the subject was inconsequential and turned out to be nothing but Union muscle flexing with the help of his microphone.

Still, Keitzman missed the real Stadium Tax rip off. And pretty much like every other JoCo resident, Continue reading

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Tony: UMKC gets along great with neighbors now that they’re long gone

Dan Verbeck is a local radio news legend but that doesn’t mean he’s above writing PR. In his latest communique from KCUR he notes the great community relations that the University of Missouri – Kansas City has with their neighbors given a recent award from some small East Coast College I’ve never heard of .

Great neighborhood relations for UMKC is an interesting thesis, but it’s also completely bogus.

There are many reasons why this ranking and subsequent award have no basis in reality, but probably the most obvious is that UMKC got rid of its neighbors a long time ago.
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Tony: Mayor Funkhouser’s Most Recent Technology Foibles

It’s safe to say that Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser has lost support from The Internet. However, what most people might not remember from a mere two years back was that the Funkhouser campaign was extremely Internet savvy and earned a loyal online following via myspace (wow, it was long ago) a blog and a few campy dog commercials.

Heck, the guy was so open to new technology that I was even contacted to make a video documenting a brief interview at his trailer based campaign headquarters.

Now, more than halfway through with his tenure, the local Internet is completely out of love with Kansas City’s Mayor.
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Tony: A Tribute To Kansas City Media Trends

There are certain recurring themes that define Kansas City other than the fact that KC Mayor Mark Funkhouser and his co-mayor wife are still running this town into the ground from their Brookside residence. For this post I’d like to present a bit of a retrospective on the cultural logics that are currently informing our stereotypes regarding River City.

Check out the following trends I’m poaching from newsies too lazy to come up with anything new (for me to steal reference) . . . Continue reading

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Tony: Kansas City Is Responsible For David Cook’s Mediocrity

Do you know the worst thing about Kansas City?

I guess it could be the institutional racism, an overall atmosphere of mediocrity or maybe even the pervasive middle-class sense of entitlement that seems to permeate every topic in the local discourse.

But I’m pretty sure that David Cook is what’s worst about Kansas City. Or at the very least his D-list celebrity status that symbolizes all of this cowtown’s failings with a throaty, retrofitted REO Speedwagon-esque muzak serving as our soundtrack. No offense directed at REO Speedwagon, who actually had a couple of decent albums.
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Tony: Kansas City Improv Comedy Isn’t Funny, Especially on the Internet

There’s a good chance that any extended stay in Kansas City will present the opportunity to check out one of many local improv comedy groups.

My only advice: STAY AWAY!!!

After the jump there’s a bit of news about new online local improv comedy developments but I thought it was worth remembering: My hatred of local improv comedy stems from a couple of years ago when I checked out one of them still doing Clinton jokes and Scottish accents. Those cretins took me for $37, and were probably the impetus for a breakup with a broad I had yet to bang, SOOOOO I’m obviously one of the foremost experts on local improv (or at least its criticism) in the KC area. More importantly, I consider myself an authority on broken dreams in this cowtown, and I can say without question that there is nothing more unfunny than a liberal arts major on stage bravely undertaking a last ditch effort to avoid real work.

Of course there are exceptions to this rule (not really), but I can note with a great deal of confidence that every comedy improv group in Kansas City is comprised of people who are completely untalented and unfunny. Continue reading

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Tony: Partying with the Royals is much more rewarding than watching them play

Baseball isn’t just about the game.

Fans of the America’s Pastime are wrapped up in a cultural mythology that surrounds every facet of the sport. Selling the “idea” of baseball (and not just the tickets) has now become the last resort of a Major League Baseball league caught in the midst of The Great Recession and a shrinking fan base.

Already, the legacy of baseball as an American tradition no longer exists in the urban core as African-American youth have seemingly lost interest in the game. And let’s face it: between X-box Live, American Idol, and so many other entertainment options, people just don’t have time to sit through an entire day at the ballpark watching leisurely games that mostly feature the Royals losing.

Luckily, there’s a solution to keep that money machine oiled.
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Tony: If Kansas City Sports Fans Are Inherently Conservative They’re Also Naturally Dumb

There was a minor controversy this week regarding the politics of Kansas City Sports Fans.

Walking penis impersonator Chris Stigall – the morning – host of 710 KCMO AM – Continue reading

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Tony: Kansas City’s Downtown Renaissance Might Not Age Gracefully

There’s a lot to be said for longevity, but it’s definitely never pretty. There have been a great many people thinking about the Sprint Center after the recent propaganda put forth regarding some accounting tricks that produced an “operating profit.”

The Pitch even tried to do some financial reporting today and scribbled down some numbers related to the place but came to no real conclusion about Sprint Center finances.

Make no mistake, The Sprint Center is costing Kansas City big money.

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Tony: Even the Independence Po-Po Don’t Read The Paper Anymore When Busting Prostitutes

I’ve come to yet another conclusion this evening regarding the fate of the dead tree media: Now that hookers are completely online, newspapers have been rendered obsolete in yet another profitable demographic.

Earlier this year Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster made a big show of going after Craigslist for its hooker ads. And this evening there are reports that the Independence po-po putsource its resources into scouring online content for hooker ads. The local NBC affiliate reports:

Between Thursday and Saturday, investigators contacted people posting online ads on popular websites like Craigslist and Backpage.They arrested 13 men for patronizing and 14 women for prostitution. Investigators say two of the women were 5 and 6 months pregnant. Continue reading

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Tony: Lame KU “Ladyhawke” Video and the Not-So-Secret “down low” side of College Sports

Because I’m a nerd, whenever I hear the term “Ladyhawke” I think of a crappy 80’s movie featuring Matthew Broderick shot around the time he killed those two women in Ireland and only had to plead guilty to careless driving and pay $175. People find the best deals on vacation.

If I was more in tune with popular culture then I guess the word Ladyhawke would bring to mind the star of Perez Hilton’s music tour. Or maybe not considering that her concert was horribly attended in Kansas City.

Unfortunately, women’s basketball just never comes to my mind. The University of Kansas is trying to change long time neglect of female hoops with some nicely produced video promoting season tickets for the lady Jayhawks.

The effort is noble and I’m happy to see some students actually show up for these games intentionally, or at least for Women’s Studies Extra Credit. However, selling lady ball (?) is a tough proposition. No matter how tall or talented, women play b-ball below the rim and that’s just not that exciting to watch. And since there aren’t any reports of female beat downs or interesting Facebook chatter, even less excitement surrounds these KU lady athletes. Continue reading

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Tony: Top 5 Things the Midwest and KC Metro Don’t Know

I’m busier than I thought I would be today so all of the d-bags reading Hearne’s site will only be able to enjoy a quarter of the half-assed effort I put into my posts on this blog. Then again, so many metro MILFs and younger hotties resembling pop singer and professional dunce Jessica Simpson would be much better off with only a quarter of the ass they currently maintain.

So, closely watching the news between video gaming sessions I’ve noticed 5 trends related to local ignorance that deserve just a bit more attention.

Check it:

1. Lew Perkins doesn’t know anything about the Internet. In what could be most uncomfortable interview conducted in Kansas since Bob Dole once worked as a pitchman for Viagra penis pills, Perkins displayed a stunning amount of ignorance about technology, the lifestyle of a sizable portion of students at The University of Kansas and basic Public Relations strategies. Put simply, Perkins blamed the Internet, Facebook and hip-hop for every problem in Lawrence, as if he was a housewife visiting the Oprah set.

2. The Star is smacked in the face by the Washington Post for their ignorance of all subjects related to State-Wide Missouri politics. Continue reading

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Tony: Clay Chastain Train set to ride again this Fall

Kansas City’s favorite politically involved tourist is ready to start up his quest to bring light rail to Kansas City once again . . . And all of a sudden it doesn’t look like such a long shot.

Consider: Political activist Continue reading

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Tony: UMKC Law Prof Gains Notoriety Taking on Bush Legacy, Obama and “Systemically Dangerous Institutions”

Face it, in these lean times the only talk that really matters relates to money.

On the subject of the old and busted U.S. Banking System, University of Missouri – Kansas City Law Professor William K. Black has recently been stepping up his game in terms of taking his insight and analysis to the public.

His money quotes have been showing up everywhere from The New York Times to the crackpot Alex Jones Prison Planet site.

Overall his message is simple and mostly notes that both Bush and Obama have failed to properly address lending institutions that nearly destroyed the world’s economy, but managed to solicit U.S. financial forgiveness because they were “too big to fail.” Continue reading

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Tony: Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em KU Robot Game Just as Exciting as Pointless KU Athletics Brawl

I don’t understand college sports and I don’t see the appeal. I’ve always thought it was a glorified farm system that worked mostly to corrupt the idea that a singular devotion to academic performance ever really got anybody ahead. However, … Continue reading

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Tony Knows it’s Hard to RiseUp When the Internet (and Creditors) Keep Bringing You Down

Janice Ellis’ dream of publishing a magazine dedicated to diversity issues turned into a publishing nightmare.

The business side of the former KC Councilwoman and mayoral candidate’s failure has been well documented by the media. The bottom line is that the racial newspaper insert (ouch) never made enough money to cover its costs. The initial June 22, 2008 claimed circulation of more than 4 million through distribution in newspapers including The Washington Post, New York Daily News and St. Louis Post-Dispatch and of course, the Continue reading

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Tony: The Action At Caf

Allow me to begin this post by making the rather insecure point that I have absolutely no experience with hot, homo parking lot action. Furthermore, I’ve always believed people have the right to pursue happiness, which is why I try not to tease my friends for dating fat chicks. The sentiment, “to each their own” seems to typify the attitude of everyone involved with this story.

Now let’s get down to discussing some hot gay action!!! Continue reading

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Tony Hates This Town: Poolside Supremacy At The Jones For A Good Cause!!!

I don’t mind admitting that I’m somewhat disappointed that during this summer more allegations of racism and discrimination never materialized at the P&L District related to their swimming pool stupidly named “The Jones.” There are many factors related to the relatively quiet swimming season but it was probably the cold weather that kept people from every demographic away. It really takes a nice heatwave to spark the intense fighting over Kansas City’s racial divisions.

Still, credit the savvy target marketing from this upscale (read: tacitly racist and explicitly elitist) Downtown Destination for avoiding a fight this summer. Check out their latest press release for a benefit tonight: Continue reading

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Tony’s Tasty Top Five Under Exposed Kansas City Stories

Today’s Big MAST Fight leaves so many local items with far too little attention, Therefore I thought I’d take just a moment to report blog some of the most important Kansas City stories that aren’t getting enough exposure as of late.

1. Kansas City can’t wait to get into the Hotel Business. Under the radar, the quest to build a 1,000 room Downtown Kansas City Convention Hotel is the latest, greatest scheme from Council types who don’t have anything else to show from their tenure. Never mind that St. Louis tried the same scheme years ago and it recently failed.

2. The KCPD is murdering crime reporting. More than any other public institution in the metro the KCPD is working to bring informative content online that people actually want to read. Continue reading

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Tony: The Westside Doesn’t Need The Tour of Missouri or Mike Hendricks To Sell Mexican Food

It’s amazing how much Mike Hendricks doesn’t know about Kansas City.

In today’s hot mess of a Hendricks column the journalist at 2/3rd salary makes a bold and completely misinformed claim.

Hendricks strangely touts burrito and tamale sales as an indicator of Tour of Missouri success

It’s a Westside connection so stupid and backward I’m at a loss as to how The Star prints that kind of garbage and then dares to call itself a community news source.

I always like to remind folks that Hendricks is a Johnson County resident whereas I live within walking distance of the establishments the Star columnist claims benefited from the rather boring bike race. Continue reading

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