Tag Archives: Tony Botello

Tony: Jumping Around Jazz Radio

I don’t know much about Jazz but I’m fan of local media content. And the trials and travails of the program formerly known as “The 12 O’Clock Jump” provide a variety of lessons for any local media producer.

I just started listening to the show and I like that it’s a much cooler and a tad more “hip” than A Prairie Home Companion but then again, so is my 85 year-old Grandma.

If I’m hearing things correctly, this local jazz show is an effort to encapsulate Kansas City’s unique Jazz sound and culture into a late night audio cabaret of sorts. Again, I just started listening but the concept seems solid to me. The only problem seems to be that Kansas City doesn’t seem readily willing to cooperate with the show’s mission.
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Tony: Time to Celebrate Even More Upcoming Star Layoffs!

A few weeks ago Hearne was the first in Kansas City to report that McClatchy CEO Gary Pruitt was in town to bestow some awards on Star reporters for a feature that only senior citizens read.

But like most media stunts, word is that was nothing but a ruse.

Like it or not, the word at Kansas City’s so-called “paper-of-record” is even more layoffs are on the horizon. The Pruitt drop-in was just proof that cutbacks at the local institution aren’t just part of The Great Recession but really a manifestation the ongoing decline of dead tree media.

Even in a recent conference call, Pruitt noted that classified advertising is still lagging so hope of a newspaper recovery is nothing more than a pipe dream.

Still, the office politics of Kansas City Star layoffs are what really make interesting gossip for media people all over this cowtown.
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Tony: Crappy Mobile Phone Snapshots Of Kansas City

As I wander around this town getting into different adventures, I always (try to) make sure that I have my (not so) trusty mobile phone at the ready. Believe it or not, it’s new and I usually end up grabbing a photo of my shoes when something interesting goes down in my vicinity. But while I’m mostly late with the shot when there’s a shoving match in the Quicktrip checkout line; as of late I’m getting rather good with my powerful 2 megapixel new mobile blogging device and I’ve been able to snag a few decent shots.

In fact, I’ve even managed to learn a few things about this cowtown while snagging these images.
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Tony: Craig Glazer Won The Plaza Riot

Until there is another Plaza riot. The news cycle on this subject has all but stopped. So now it’s time to think logically about the situation instead of just panicing because of the mere thought of African-American teenagers organizing.

Thinking about this episode in Kansas City history what’s clear is that almost nobody scored a decisive victory. The mayor and his wife seemed aloof and disconnected while everyone else just came off as unprepared like total reactionaries.

Except for one dude: Craig Glazer. Continue reading

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Tony: A Tribute To Rick Ryan

Local Internet fame can be tricky. To be kind, Kansas City is a niche market and even most newsies at big media outlets are looking to move up and out. Meanwhile, the local Internet scene is marked mostly by entrepreneurs hoping to spin content, links, photos, calenders and all variety of schemes into gold.

My favorite of all online operators has to be Rick Ryan of Independence. The vlogger has quietly become one of this town’s most consistent content providers online.
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Tony: It’s The Cowtown Season Of Divorce

They say that Springtime is the season for new love. Sadly, in this town it’s also the time to discard old flames in order to go and chase poontang romance.

To wit, it’s with great sadness that I note a few recent divorces among the elite gentlemen of this town.

Here at KCC, our dear leader Hearne Christopher finalized his divorce this week. There was Pitch reporting on the subject, homo rumors online but for the most part I hear it was amicable.

Local Transit impresario and KC Strip co founder Bill George also untied his knot a few weeks ago. He must be taking it well because I recently saw him out with an AMAZINGLY HOT RED HEAD.

Finally, local rich dude and Mutual Fund Store founder Adam Bold dissolved his martial obligations recently as well. I know, I know, Bold isn’t really a high-profile dude but his recent foray into the public spotlight is worth noting.
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Tony: This town will be disappointed by a peaceful Plaza this weekend

Since writing about anything but potential plaza riots would be pointless. I want to encourage readers to think of all of Kansas City media as nothing more than a contrary indicator.


So many media folks loved this idea of Mark Funkhouser as Mayor that their coverage was biased and unquestioning. Only after one painful embarrassment following another was his incompetence revealed and now he’s pretty much a non-factor as far as the local news scene. Continue reading

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Tony: The Royals Season Was Over Before It Started

I have no sympathy for the scumbags who still cheer for The Kansas City Royals.

Year after year through most of my life they have been a team marked by nothing but failure and what seems to be false advertising. This year, marketing for the team didn’t even speak to game play but attempted to sell stadium improvements, a better menu and some carnival attractions. Everyone who knows just a bit about how the world works realized that the fix is in, especially given the tragic honor bestowed upon Zack Greinke that was really more about marketing since his victories in non-competitive games don’t really mean much and he’s currently struggling just like the rest of the bullpen.

Still, at the start of this season there were yet again clear signs that there was no improvement on the horizon.
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Tony: Kansas City’s Facebook Heavy Hitters

Facebook stopped being fun a long time ago. Once it moved out of the Mark Zuckerberg’s and into the mainstream it became more stats, trends and Internet hype than any useful online destination. Seriously, I get more laughs out of Lamebook.

Furthermore, few Internet denizens in this cowtown have taken the time to note that the only people buying into Facebook hype seem to be some shaky Russian venture capital firm. If it really was the future in media, and not just another popular website, I would have thought they could raise money from the uppercrust in this country.

Nevertheless, people in Kansas City will be the last to learn this Internet trend is dead in much the same way that Myspace pages are still active this town.

So, let’s talk leaders. Who is at the top of the social media game in Kansas City and not just paid to con advertising firms and misinformed clients on the subject. Let’s see:
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Tony: After Hours KC Going Internet Only

On one of the rare occasions I ventured outdoors on a weekend evening I was lucky enough to run into a big shot in the local entertainment broadcasting scene.

Darron Story has had more success with Kansas City Night Life show After Hours KC than so many other folks hoping to capitalize on the cowtown entertainment scene. The key to his popular venture has been his eclectic taste and his ability to showcase the true diversity of local nightlife. His many hot co-hosts have also helped draw a local following.

Still, it’s worth noting that the new direction for the show is indicative of the local entertainment options i.e. going strictly to the Internet for promotion and distribution.
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Tony: A Very Careful Karrin Allyson Review

They say that people get the kind of treatment they allow, accept or demand for themselves.

Upon entering Jardine’s last night I couldn’t help but notice that everyone was walking on eggshells. From the looks of things, Karrin Allyson’s performance was probably the biggest show the place had hosted this year. I’m not a show business expert but I’m sure that it’s not often a performer can demand silence from an audience and get it. In fact, I was warned that photos from media were only allowed for the first three songs of the performance. Before I even heard a note of Allyson’s performance I was already impressed with the control she exerted over the venue.

Obviously, I wondered if the show would live up to all the meticulous preparation and warnings to the crowd. I was amazed to discover that in one of the few instances in my life the hype was actually spot on and the performance that Karrin Allyson put on was just as amazing as those who touted her arrival had claimed.
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Tony: It’s Lady Football Time In Kansas City

The Kansas City Tribe is kicking off their season once again. The local lady football team was the subject of a great many newsy features last season but this year it seems that they’re ready to dominate. Their first victory … Continue reading

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Tony: Lucky Deluxe at Local Dr. Sketchy’s School

After three years Dr. Sketchy’s is still going strong in Kansas City.

The underground art school started in New York and took hold wherever hipsters congregated. Over the weekend I attended the event featuring Susanna “Lucky Deluxe” Lee, Kansas City’s Pinup Comedian doing some rather interesting poses.

I’ve seen the burlesque version of racy and that’s cool . . . I was actually more intrigued by Lee posing with a half a brain in her hand, the other half in a pot, an iron cord wrapped around her finger and in full burlesque gear reminiscent of a busty 50’s housewife.
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Tony: The Top 5 Kansas City Star Contradictions

On Monday morning a great many volunteers are going to be on the street pushing copies of The Kansas City Star as part of a fundraiser for the Rotary Youth Camp Foundation. This local ritual gives the illusion of this town’s last, biggest, daily paper as an institution but in reality it’s just another struggling company on the brink of collapse during The Great Recession.

Recently, The CEO of McClatchy came into town and while, unfortunately, he didn’t fire columnist Mike “Golden Ghetto Liberal” Hendricks, I can’t imagine there was much good news he took home.

Like it or not, print media is dying because nobody wants to read a historical document that’s mostly compiled according to a milquetoast political agenda.

There are many problems looming for the Kansas City Star that are far more important than their elitist editorial slant, but today I want to focus on the most hypocritical elements of their publication. Check out the most blatant contradictions of this town’s paper of record:
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Tony: The Two Faces Of Kansas

The Eyes Of The World Were Focused On Kansas Today.

Google’s April Fool’s prank provided some much needed publicity for the flyover state. The most popular search engine in the world changing it’s name to Topeka for just a day is a major coup for the State that most people only think of in passing.

Sadly, Kansas finished the day on the topic of political murder in the name of preventing more abortion death. Continue reading

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Tony: Stop Celebrating More Taxpayer Cash for Green Cars

There’s one tiny fact being left out of recent local reporting related to a $22 million dollar Department of Energy Grant to Smith Electric Vehicles in Kansas City. It’s not that big of a deal for Kansas City. Why? Well, … Continue reading

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Tony: Help Jason Holsman Stamp Out Chiefs Blackouts!

Missouri State Rep. Jason Holsman has been waging an uphill battle to keep The Chiefs on TV during their typical late season doldrums despite NFL blackout rules. He has good cause for his legislative efforts. Arrowhead and the Truman Sports Complex is subsidized by Kansas City and Jackson County at a rate of millions per year. Meanwhile so many broke local residents caught up in The Great Recession can’t afford to buy tickets but might like to see the home team lose the last few games of the year.

After talking with Holsman just a few minutes ago, he reports that progress on the bill is getting mixed results. He has several bar and restaurant owners lined up to support him. However, reaction from the NFL has been non existent.

“They’ve basically thumbed their nose and me,” Holsman says of top NFL officials. Still, his effort has continued to pick up steam. In fact, lawmakers in California, New York, Michigan and Pennsylvania have introduced legislation inspired by his bill in their state legislatures. Counting other states who have expressed interest, this means at least half of all NFL teams could find themselves subject to anti-blackout legislation.

Here’s where hardcore Chiefs fans can help with the effort . . .
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Tony: Reviewing Randy Miller’s New Internet Radio Station

I’ll start this off by simply noting that I don’t like radio and I like Internet radio even less.

However, the growing segmentation of all media in the digital/Internet age has always drawn my interest. In the future, it’s important that we stop thinking about “radio” and think more about audio and the way different way that users want to utilize their listening experience.

The first thing that intrigues me about this is that, unlike blogs ANYBODY can start an Internet radio station but few people really put much serious effort into it.

Just a modicum of skill is required to start “broadcasting” audio from the web. Think I’m kidding? Take a look at the low barrier to entry for Randy Miller’s new project.
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Tony: A Look Inside an Underground Kansas City Dinner Party

Kansas City Foodies are a strange group.

Local culinary aficionados go out of their way to try stuff I never knew existed. During a dinner party last night in Midtown Kansas City I got a close look at their antics. At this particular midtown, underground foodie gathering folks were going out of their way to experiment with different spicy Indian dishes. However, because I’m kind of finicky about food that isn’t pre-packaged or processed by the good people at fast food restaurants, I didn’t partake. But it was quite a scene. Take a look:
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Tony: Burlesque War? Lucky Deluxe Says Goodbye to a Few Local Burlesque Buddies

Before I witnessed a couple of local shows and talked with a few performers, I didn’t realize that the Kansas City Burlesque scene was filled with so much intrigue, mystery and maneuvering.

The latest tremor shaking the scene to its core is a move by Susanna “Lucky Deluxe” Lee that announces a split between the local pinup comedian, whose career is on the rise, and her pals at The Kansas City Society of Burlesque.

On the record both parties are being very cordial and it’s kind of the classic “creative differences” split that so many performers undergo. But on background, it’s clear to me that Lucky Deluxe might have outgrown the KC SOB and their collection of small town part-timers.

Check out the rather gracious press release from Lee: Continue reading

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