Tag Archives: Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson: Republican Presidential Debate – Do These Guys Even Exist?
I knew going in that last night’s debate would be more than I could stomach… Listening from my home office was as close as I wanted to be to this train wreck. I could hear it as well as I … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: K State Half Time Show – It’s a Bird, it’s the Enterprise, it’s…a Marching Penis?
About the hubbub over the K-State band’s half time show in Manhattan… Not being a sports fan, I caught the video on Facebook and had a hard time – no pun intended – trying to decipher exactly what it was the … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis – Hate Comes Full Circle
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Kim Davis is the disgruntled Kentucky clerk who has recently acquired her 15 minutes of fame by refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples… Gay marriage – after the recent SCOTUS ruling … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Everything’s RACIST, Including You, You RACIST!
The words racist and bigot have replaced the F-bomb as today’s top slurs… Oh, there are real live racists living among us, no doubt. One only has to look to Frazier Glenn Miller, the anti-Semite, white supremacist who killed three Christians while tracking down … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Global Warming — It’s Hot!
Over the past decade or two, manmade global warming – aka AGW – has become a culpable cultural credo… Yet all too often, the focus has been on the negative side of this much maligned malady. However as we all know, every dark … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Indiana, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act & Poe’s Law
On Thursday, Indiana lawmakers made changes to RFRA to calm the national tsunami of gay discontent flooding the state… This isn’t new, Indiana joined 20 other states in giving businesses the right to not provide services to the gay community … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review
Shooting Your Junk – The Unintended Consequences of Concealed Carry Kansas gave final approval last week to a bill allowing residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit… However, some lawmakers voiced concerns about inadequate training under the new law, and … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: I’d Like a Venti Americano with an Extra Shot of Race Relations, Please
Starting this week, there’s a chance my Starbucks cup, normally labeled “Well-Coifed Scribe,” will be passed across the counter with a smile and the notation, “Race Together.” Starbucks wants in the race and values business? The same Starbucks that spends millions … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review
Hillary Clinton: Yes, I Had Textual Relations with that Private Server As fallout from Hillary using her private email for official State Department business continues, her response amounts to, “What difference does it make?” Asked if she’d been briefed on … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Brian Williams & the Double Standard of Situational Exaggeration
Seventy three years ago this month, C.S. Lewis wrote, in The Screwtape Letters, “ It is always the novice who exaggerates.” Well, Mr. Lewis, a lot has changed since then. We have some exceptional exaggerators and professional pathological perjurers to … Continue reading
Hearne: Journal World Shoots Arrow at Roy Williams, KU Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little
Remember that line about walking softly and carrying a big stick? That’s hardly the case in Lawrence, Kansas where the walking is almost always pretty darn soft and the size of the stick is not only small, it’s all but invisible. That’s … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Rainy Day Books Presents Anne Lamott
Yesterday I had the pleasure of talking to Rainy Day Books honcho Vivien Jennings… For those of you who may not know her, Vivien is the woman behind bringing nationally recognized authors, politicians and celebrities to Kansas City for readings, lectures … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Ferguson, Mo, Part Deux – The Protestors Make the Rules
The storm clouds are gathering… Sometime this week or next, we’re most likely going to learn the fate of Ferguson, Missouri police officer, Darren Wilson. Whether he will or won’t he be charged in the shooting death of Michael Brown. And that set … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: “I Got The Message, I’m Not Changing a Thing.”
Time to do a little tea leaf reading… The midterm elections are over, but what does it all mean? Other than it almost seems as if someone other than the American electorate cast most of the ballots Tuesday. How else to explain polls … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Sprint Has a Plan Allright, To Clean House
Let’s do a little math… On October 17th Sprint announced it would lay off 452 employees from its headquarters. Add that to the 477 area employees laid off in March and that comes to 929 jobs lost in 2014 thus far. That leaves approximately 6,500 employees here … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review; Snake Love, Dead in Bed & Foot Fetishes
ANAL EEL ANTICS We’re pretty much all familiar with run of the mill sexual fetishes, but here’s one that takes the cake… Seems an unidentified man got a South American Lungfish stuck inside his anus after seeing it done on a … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Pope 1, Fundamental Literalist Christians Zip
Pope Francis made a big bang in the news this week by conceding that evolution most certainly did happen, but at God’s impetus… The Pope told the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Sciences that the “Big Bang” – which today we hold to … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Ebola Czar Has No Clothes
I can’t get the Faux-Ebola panic off my mind… Fortunately more Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died of Ebola. And frankly, I’m not sure which would be more painful, but that’s another story for another time. Ebola Czar … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Coming Soon to a Town Near You…Ebola
This week’s news brings word that KU Med is hosting a guest… And not just any guest, mind you, but one who could become the third person in this country diagnosed with Ebola. While the hospital refers to the patient … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Happy Columbus Day! Ripped Anybody Off Yet?
An unexpected trip to the bank this morning reminded me that it’s Columbus Day… Upon landing on these shores, Columbus journaled, “The Indians are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them … Continue reading