Tag Archives: Greg Hall
OTC: Chiefs’ 2011 Draft Gets Mixed Reviews From National Media But Locally It’s A Hit

Soren Petro, 810 AM
GH: What a difference a year (and 10 wins makes) for our Chiefs. After Scot Pioli went with the altar-boy draft in 2010, he came back with the biker-bad ass draft in 2011. Can he and Todd Haley mold the new bad boys into shape by exposing them to the plethora of team captains they have assembled in the Chiefs’ locker room? It will be interesting to see if the Crips or the Scouts win out at One Arrowhead Drive.
Peter King, writer for Sports Illustrated, Twitter
GH: A fruitless exercise? It is football, Peter! The whole notion and existence of the sport is pretty much meaningless when compared to the necessities of life. But as a professional who makes his living analyzing and commenting on the game, we expect you to do your job. What a pompous ass this dweeb can be.
OTC: Chiefs Grab Pitt WR Jonathan Baldwin In Shocking 1st Round Knockout

Danny Parkins, a Syracuse grad and the new mid-morning host on 610 AM
GH: Parkins did a good job in laying out his knowledge of Baldwin and then getting opposing viewpoints of the former Pitt wide receiver from different Pittsburgh sources. Read on.
Andrew Filliponi, post-game host for Pitt Panther football, in an interview with Danny Parkins, commenting on an earlier interview Parkins did with Hillgrove, 610 Sports
GH: Filliponi came out of the blocks firing in his interview. He destroyed Hillgrove’s credibility with these two opening sentences. 810’s Soren Petro also had the cheerleading Hillgrove on his Friday show. I immediately thought of Bob Davis being asked to evaluate a Kansas player. Not much objectivity when it comes to talking to the “voice” of any team. Hillgrove was a poor interview choice but at least Parkins balanced his show with the sarcastic and entertaining Filliponi. Read on.
OTC: Moving Gordon To First Is Another Move Backward For Royals’ Future

Nick Wright, after Ned Yost decided to move Gordon from left field to first base to make room for Jarrod Dyson in center field, 610 AM
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: The move to place Gordon back in the infield is more than curious. I think it is ridiculous and an attempt by the Royals to grab a few meaningless wins here in April to improve their gate at their upcoming homestand.
OTC: NFL Lockout Suspended / NFL Draft Not Deep On Qbs
Lester Munson, saying the judge worded the judgment so strongly that it will be difficult for the owners to get it turned around, ESPN
GH: Let’s hope so. I can’t think of a news item I have been less interested in than the NFL lockout. What the owners and players should realize is that we just want football. We don’t care who makes the money since it’s all coming out of our pockets.
Brian Baldinger, talking to Bob Fescoe and Josh Klingler, discussing the lack of fan interest in the lockout and therefore the NFL, 610 AM
Take 26.2: Part II / My Time At The 2011 Boston Marathon

Take 26.2: My Time At The 2011 Boston Marathon / Part I
Take 26.2: GH Takes On The 115th Running Of The Boston Marathon

OTC: Kobe’s Mouth Is His Problem, Why Make It Yours? / Big 12 Deal Good For KC
“I think it’s very easy for a straight white guy to say that words are (meaningless), slurs are no big deal. … You know, that’s a terrible lesson for kids to learn – that’s sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Words can hurt you so much more.”
Nick Wright, on Kobe Bryant being fined $100K for calling an NBA referee a faggot, 610 AM
GH: Count me among the straight white guys who don’t get it. Why should words be harmful? It is up to the recipient of a slur to determine whether or not they are going to be harmed or impugned by a verbal attack of another. Why would you grant your assailant this victory over you? Name calling is the one of the most overhyped and ridiculous practices that continues to breathe life because of oversensitive adults. Kobe was/is an idiot. Who the hell cares what he is yelling at a ref? Everybody needs to get over the color of their skin, their sexual preference, their god, yada, yada, yada — and the fact so many of us differ in many ways. We are not the same. Live with it.
OTC: Alex Gordon, Frank Martin, Josh Selby In Today’s News

Steve Stewart, Royals radio play-by-play, with Alex Gordon up in the seventh Tuesday night with no outs and runners on first and third and the Royals tied with the Twins 3-3, Royals Radio
GH: Gordon went down swinging on the next pitch. Butler and Francoeur also failed to drive in the go-ahead run and the Royals ended up losing the game in the 10th. I am rooting hard for Gordon this spring. He needs to be good and so far he has been. But I just can’t see him as the three-hole hitter with his propensity to swing and miss. A professional hitter does not strike out with a man on third and no outs. He simply cannot. Gordon does too often.
Nate Bukaty, 810 AM
GH: No one is completely sold that Gordon is a who we thought he might become. It’s only mid-April for starters. But Royals fans desperately want this guy to succeed as much as anyone who has ever worn the blue.
OTC: It’s Not Frank Martin’s Salary Miami Can’t Handle, It’s His Mouth

Cole Manbeck, TheMercury.com
GH: The non-recruitment of Frank Martin by the University of Miami continues to be one of the oddest “non-stories” in college basketball this off-season. Read on.
Frank Martin, in a story written by Doug Tucker of the AP
GH: Okay, that’s pretty clear. Frank wants to stay in Manhattan where he is happy and by the way, he’s never even had another option. Well, maybe not. Read on.
OTC: Masters Goes Bad For Rory & Female Reporter

Jim Rome, after the 21-year-old McIlroy went Greg Norman circa 1995 on the backside at Augusta and blew his 4-stroke Sunday lead into an 80 and finished tied for 15th, Twitter
GH: Rory’s meltdown was Chernobyl-like..only quicker. One moment he’s leading The Masters and the next he’s in some side yard along an Augusta cabin sizing up his second shot from a place we have never seen before. You had to feel for the kid as his wheels came off and his chance at the jacket disintegrated with his swing. He only imploded for three holes, but it seemed like 10. I agree with Rome, he’ll bounce back and have a great career. But no one will forget his ugly fall from the leader board.
“Lots of junior prom putts for Tiger yesterday…all lip, no hole.”
JFish26, on Tiger Woods’ close-but-no-jacket Sunday at Augusta, Message board on KUsports.com
OTC: CBS’ Gary Parrish Links Frank Martin To Miami

Gary Parrish, college columnist, CBSsports.com
GH: The rumors and speculation around Martin leaving KSU for Miami have been swirling ever since Mike Alden made his odd choice of plucking Frank Haith from the Hurricanes. Martin didn’t squash these rumors with his interview with Tim Brando. Parrish’s column today adds even more heat to this growing flame. Read on.
OTC: Alex Gordon Goes From Goat To Great In 1st Week

Kevin Seitzer, Royals hitting coach, on Alex Gordon prior to the start of the season, Lincoln Journal Star
GH: Gordon could not of had a much worse outing on opening day when he went 0-5 with three Ks and struck out in his final at bat with the game on the line. Almost everyone, including me, had given up on the one-time top prospect from Nebraska. His second game wasn’t much better, again striking out with men in scoring position. But then something happened. He started to hit. He started to look comfortable. Tuesday night against the White Sox he looked down right cocky at the plate! Read on.
OTC: Tim Brando Gets The Frank Martin/Miami Interview

Frank Martin, answering Tim Brando’s questions on his interest in the Miami job, Tim Brando Radio Show
GH: I grabbed these quotes from a write up by Austin Meek of the Topeka Capital Journal. Brando somehow got the interview with Martin that every local radio, TV and print media outlet should have been clamoring to get. Maybe Martin rebuffed local requests for interviews and instead went with a more national voice to air his somewhat noncommittal comments. But this is an interview that we needed done by someone locally. Getting beat by a national guy is not attractive.
Sam Mellinger, on Frank Martin’s comments on Brando’s show, Twitter
GH: It is easy to read something into Martin’s comments or read nothing at all. It all depends a=on your perspective. Read on.
OTC: Is Frank Haith Coming & Frank Martin Going?
Pat Forde, of ESPN, on hearing Missouri will be naming Miami’s coach as their replacement for Mike Anderson, Twitter
GH: I went to bed thinking the Shaka Smart bidding between Mizzou and North Carolina State would be the story today. Instead, I woke to a funeral that has some guy named Frank Haith carrying Mike Alden’s casket all by himself down the Avenue of the Columns. Read on for the national media’s reaction.
“Mizzou hires Frank Haith. Rest of world giggles.Frank Haith is an anagram for worse hire than Quin Snyder. … I truly feel bad for Frank Haith. He doesn’t deserve today’s scorn. Mike Alden deserves every bit of it.”
Gregg Doyel, CBS Sports, Twitter
OTC: Alex Gordon Continues To Write Next Great Greek Tragedy

Denny Matthews, on Alex Gordon’s ninth-inning walk-off three-run home run attempt landing just foul down the left-field line, Royals Radio
GH: I missed my first Royals’ opening day in six years yesterday. I followed the game from my desk on the radio via Denny Matthews and Bob Davis. A frustrating first half of the game had turned to hope in the ninth during my drive home. As Gordon came to the plate I recalled his first at bat in the bigs on Opening Day 2007 when he battled Curt Schilling with the bases loaded. You too?
Sam Mellinger, Kansas City Star
GH: How cruel of the baseball gods to once again taunt us with dreams that quickly sour into nightmares.
OTC: Mizzou Gets Whitewashed By Painter & Twitter

Eric Blumberg, sports anchor/reporter for Columbia’s KOMU, while talking to Nick Wright about 2:15 PM Wednesday, on how positive he was that Purdue’s Matt Painter had accepted the Missouri basketball coaching job, Twitter
GH: Blumberg was one of the first respectable voices in the media to make it known via Twitter that Painter was coming to Mizzou. I was at Sporting Kansas City’s stadium tour when I saw his tweet and mentioned to the people there it looked to be a done deal. When I heard Blumberg on Nick Wright’s show make his 110% guarantee, I could not believe what happened next. Read on.
OTC: Royals Are The Yankees Of Minor Leagues

Tim Keown, writer, ESPN the Magazine
Tim Keown, writer, ESPN the Magazine
GH: The Yankees of the minor leagues. Well, at least we’ve got that going for us this season. Plan your trips to Omaha and Northwest Arkansas now!
OTC: KSU Fans Also Revel In KU Failures / New Paint At Mizzou?
Gene Keady, former coach at Purdue, when asked by Shan Shariff about Kansas loss to VCU, 610 AM
GH: We dug deep into the psyche of Mizzou fans in yesterday’s OTC and their love for celebrating “Tiger Christmas” each spring when the Kansas basketball team loses to an inferior opponent in the NCAA tourney. Let us not forget the K-State fans who also revel in their rivals’ misfortunes. Even KSU old-timers like Keady still get wood from a Jayhawk catastrophe.
“Why can’t he find more players of high character? Why can’t Bill Self find those players?”
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: No K-State grad in the local media takes more glee in a Kansas basketball defeat than KK. He fervently attempts to hide his hatred for the Crimson & Blue but losses like VCU are too delicious for him to stay silent. Kietzman played a mock promo for KU’s Final Four broadcasts that poked vicious fun at the Kansas team, fans and aura that surrounds Kansas basketball. While he tried to push the blame for the promo onto a faceless voiceover talent, this was pure KK. One thing you can say for Bob Fescoe that you’ll never say about Kietzman, Fescoe is too dumb to be fake.
Take .390: Royals New Bar & Grill Is Bacon Good