Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Time to Let Dudes into Women’s Lockerooms

Lets get right to it…

Ines Sainz, a reporter for Mexican TV Azteca, went into the New York Jets Locker room to interview Mark Sanchez. Continue reading

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Glazer: Chiefs’ Cassel Soon to be Forgotten Man

Everyone else just wants to enjoy last night’s win…

Okay, I watched. I bet on the Chiefs. I won. It was exciting. It was great to see Arrowhead rock again. The new guys did damage and the Defense showed up for the first time in a decade. Nice.

However I doubt that one smart Chiefs Fan believes this team has a bright future this year.

Do you? Continue reading

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Glazer: How a Smoking Hot, Chlorine-Scented Teen Vixen Ruined My Life

When men sleep with lots of ladies they’re considered players or cool – its a good thing…

Women who sleep around are not given the same respect. They’re called whores, skanks, loose, cheap, nothing good. Unless you’re a Hollywood hottie like Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. Then its kinda OK.

It’s not fair.

Like Holly Starr told me, “Guys are only as loyal as their options.”

Very true and that ends with marriage and aging. Except for a chosen few, like me. Then it’s not until you are dead or close to it! Continue reading

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Glazer: The Rebirth of Westport

I left Westport in 2004…

Since then it’s suffered. We all know that. So I have no personal reason to pull for an area that in the end drove my business Continue reading

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Glazer: Tough Times Prevail at Kelly’s

While things are looking up for Westport, it still has a ways to go…

The neighborhood institution Continue reading

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Glazer: KC Strip Gathering Zip!

It may be time to stop bagging on the KC Strip party trolleys…

I was at the Woodside pool Saturday – it was still busy- and overheard an amazing conversation. Some young ladies, led by 20-something Woodside member Continue reading

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Glazer: I Have a Dream, That Chiefs Matter Again

So we won a game Thursday against the second and third string Green Bay Packers

Green Bay, who many including me, think will win the NFC. Alright, lets look at the bright side, a win is a win and God knows this club needed one.

I could say that we played close to the same style game in all four preseason Continue reading

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Glazer: At Long Last, Craig Connects with Holly Starr

As I pulled up to the NBC TV, Channel 41 studio this morning, I walked right into Holly Starr…

Holly was getting ready to do a radio spot for the 38 The Spot, she’s still the face of the station on TV and radio. In fact, as you enter NBC it’s Holly’s face that welcomes you on an indoor billboard.

Holly is still really the only “wow” female celebrity KC Continue reading

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Glazer: War’s Over but Hold the Hoopla

The War is over in Iraq…

President Obama called an end to it yesterday. No big headlines. No party. No parades. Kinda like Vietnam, a quiet ending.

The tally: seven years of US troops and civilians killed – 4,427 at last count with 34,265 wounded. Less than 50,000 troops still in Iraq at this time. Continue reading

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Glazer: Nicer Digs, Phony Crowd Counts Don’t Make Up for Poor Play at Arrowhead

It’s a classic case of style over substance…

Better food and wider concourses instead of a better football team. So rather than go over the Chiefs pathetic loss to Philly, let’s look at some other stuff…

Todd Haley the head coach, is different this year. Todd shaves and speaks much more clearly. You can understand him much better in his post game talks. Hey, maybe he’ll dress up a bit on the sidelines this year, huh? Continue reading

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Glazer: Death of Local Strip Clubs & Investigating O.J.

So it’s happening…

As of this Saturday, no more totally nude strip bars in KC MO. New rules will likely close most of if not all of the strip clubs in the city. Missouri only.

That is unless attorney Richard Bryant’s last minute court appeal late this afternoon and forestall the new law.

Six-feet from the men, no lap dances and no booze after midnight means nobody will come and they will have to close and/or relocate to Kansas.

Why? Continue reading

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Glazer: Life After Whitlock, KCC & the Future of Kansas City As We Know It

Jason sure gave us all cause to pause…

Its always sad when a local ICON like Kansas City Star sports columnist Jason Whitlock is done. At least done here. While the ghost of Jason will pop up now and again, my prediction is simple.

There is nowhere for him to go here.

Jason is not a TV guy. He’s done at the Star, done at WHB and done at 610 Sports for the most part. He may go on 610 as a guest now and again with the NFL.

My final prediction: Continue reading

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Glazer: Chiefs Spiral Continues / Channeling Joe & Cynthia Phillips

Let Continue reading

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Glazer: End of Days for Big Sexy, My Jason Whitlock Story

Think of it as the end of an era…

Just like that, Jason Whitlock is gone from the Kansas City sports media landscape. At least for now. And the Continue reading

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Glazer: Chiefs Nation a No Talent Mess

Like most of you, I too had high hopes for this season’s Kansas City Chiefs

For this being the Chiefs’ “turn around” year. Or at least the beginning of that process.

But guess what? We all got taken.

The Chiefs really had no draft last year. With the exception of the place kicker, it was a wasted draft, nobody else mattered. Least of all the Chiefs No. 1 draft pick shmo bird Tyson Jackson – total waste of time. If it were not for the fact that Jackson was a number one pick he would already be gone. Last year he did zip; no sacks, no big plays. And thats hard to do for an entire season starting each game, for Chrissakes.

Heres something to remember: the Chiefs have not hada name defender in more than a decade. Continue reading

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Glazer: First Love, Ever So Lonely (Somebody Hide the Cat)

I’d like to share my first love with you...

But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. For most people, our first love is ourself. So let’s go there, not many want too. But I will.

And sorry, girls. This is from a guy’s persepctive, but I think you will see some of yourselves in this as well.

It all starts with lookin at dad’s Playboys or Penthouses. And maybe seeing some porn when we are like seven or eight. Continue reading

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Glazer: Zack’s Gone, Royals Suck, End of Story

Zack Greinke telegraphed the Royals his answer in his last start last week…

Going into the fourth inning, the Royals pitching ace trailed the lowly Seattle Mariners 2-1. You could see it in Zack’s eyes, disgust. He was thinking, “Dammit, these guys never score any runs for me. I give up – screw it!”

What followed was not pretty.

He gave up three more runs, left the game with little chance to win and added another loss to his record with a game ERA of 7.7l. Continue reading

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Glazer: The Fame Game, How to Play it to Win!

Most people dream of becoming famous…

Maybe not on the national or global stage, but at least in their community, at work or school. I think most of us daydream about being “on top,” the quarterback on the field in the Super Bowl. The pretty face on the cover of People magazine. The star of our own TV series or big movie. The lawyer always on CNN. Maybe even the President of The United States.

And for a chosen few who work hard, have some major luck, are born with the skill or talent to get there – Continue reading

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Glazer: Forget the Hooker Stops, Our Leaders Are Only Human

In today’s world where “bad news travels at lightspeed,” everyone is under a microscope…

Most of all the BIG NAME folks – movies, sports and television personalities. And now more than ever….Political Leaders. Continue reading

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Glazer: Why Carl Peterson Hates My Guts

Several years back when I ran Red Friday in Westport – when it mattered – Marcus Allen helped bring the Chiefs players to Westport…

And yes, I was the one who took it from 300 people at Barney Allis Plaza to l7,000 in Westport. Aided only by Bill Nigro and our staff. Derrick Thomas and Neil Smith lent a helping hand but Marcus was the team’s offensive Continue reading

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