Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Another Comeback for Stan The Man?


Stan the Man Is back…

KansasCity mayor Mark Funkhouser has appointed two-time mayoral candidate Stan Glazer – as in my dad – to the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. Stan met with the four other potential appointees and gave them his thoughts on making Kansas City more prominent in the minds of convention folks and visitors.

Stan – who was mentioned in yesterday’s front page Star story on the Mayor not wanting bodyguards – is excited to help. The story said it was Glazer who first refused police protection when he ran against Kay Barnes. Stan said then, "If elected, I will not have a police officer with me  to save the city $200,000 in expenses over my four year term." 

Funk agreed with Stan. And Stan spoke highly of Funk during his first run for Mayor in the early 2000’s.

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Glazer: The Chiefs Lost, So Effing What?

So does winning in pro sports really matter in the big picture of life?

The answer is a resounding NO! Sure it’s a nice ego boost for some fans.  But let me ask you this: Did winning four Super Bowls with Terry Bradshaw make people want to go visit Pittsburgh? Did the Baltimore Orioles get hoards of folks running to their fair city because of their world series wins?

Who’s gonna come visit or move to KC if we ever win anything – not that we will? What’s more, it’s not gonna change anybody’s life in any meaningful way.

So while fans love to wear their tacky shirts and the hats of their favorite team and some will venture several hundred miles to see a game now and then, it really no longer changes the overall image of a city.

I mean if Cleveland won a Super Bowl would anyone actually want to go there? Of course not!

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Glazer: Chiefs Won and Done; Merit New Name


We all know now the Chiefs were not as good as we’d hoped.

Our new team name is ONE AND DONE. The Chiefs have earned it. SEVEN STRAIGHT POSTSEASON LOSSES IN 20 YEARS, A RECORD. Boy, do we have records. Let’s be honest, other than the Len Dawson era and the Royals era with George Brett, we basically stink in pro sports.

Let’s just accept the fact that we’re losers.

The big mystery:  What happened to Dwayne Bowe?

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Glazer: Looking Back at ’93 Chiefs Through Crimson Colored Glasses

Once upon a time there was a big buzz on the Chiefs

There sure was 18 years ago. I got bundled up, even though we had a suite at Arrowhead, I knew at times my pal actor Sonny Landham and I would be sitting outside and watching the game. So on January 8th at 11:30 AM the Joe Montana, Marcus Allen led Chiefs took the field for what would be one of only TWO ever playoff wins at our home stadium.

Yeah we won a game over Oakland in 1991, a wild card game. Marcus Allen fumbled on what may have been the winning drive for the Raiders. He was fired for that, thank God, he came to KC a season later.

Allen would go on to be the overall most valuable player in modern Chiefs history, after the Len Dawson era.

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Glazer: Whitlock Muffs Michael Vick Interview on 610 Sports

As Greg Hall reported, 610 Sports host Nick Wright had Jason Whitlock on as a guest this week..

Most of the talk was about the Chiefs. And towards the end, Jason made a point of how the Chiefs hire based on FAMILY VALUES. He said he was impressed that the Chiefs front office looks for quality people on and off the field. Jason felt this was working for the Chiefs and would continue to in the future.

Near the end of the interview Whitlock got on the subject of Eagles quarterback  Michael Vick.



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Glazer: Jason Whitlock Slugs it Out With 610 Sports Nick Wright


The strangest part of 610 Sports Nick Wright’s interview with Jason Whitlock

Near the very end of their talk –  and  yes,Jason hadn’t been on with Nick since his infamous TV/radio meltdown about leaving the Star – Nick asked a question that went something like this:

"Hey man, guess we aren’t really friends. I mean, you took me off your Twitter friends. I’m blocked. Why?"  And Jason answered, "Well, OK, no we are not friends Nick. And that’s because you aren’t honest." 

Nick then pushed it, and Whitlock confessed: "Look, you tried to be me, not as well, but you kinda did what I did to make it in the media. You copied me." 

Nick denied it. There was a brief argument over the issue. Then the show was over. Or was it?

I have to take Nick Wright’s side here.

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Glazer: The Rise & Fall of New Year’s Eve in Kansas City

Okay, so New Years Eve is not the big deal it used to be when you were in your teens and twenties.

Remember when all your friends would ask, "So where are you going for New Years?" Or maybe, "Who’s your New Years Eve date?" Not so much anymore.

Of course most people over 30 are married, divorced or both and the club scene is sorry at best.

Not so much going on out there, is there?

I opened both shows at Stanford and Sons Comedy Club at The Legends on New Year’s Eve. Nice crowds, but kinda subdued. There wasn’t a lot of energy for the big 2011.

In fact, around KC, there was almost none. I was headed to the Hyatt for the MIDNIGHT ball drop. My date Whitney, excited to a certain extent, admitted that most of her girlfriends were either not going out or headed to friends’ houses to party.

Not for fear of DUI checks because the cops know that nobody goes out on New Years Eve, so guess what? NO DUI CHECKS (because they can’t make any dough). Besides, it’s a big night for the police to scarf up that OFF DUTY money at private parties and hotels.

I don’t blame them.

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Glazer: Chiefs Banged by Raiders, Go Out With Whimper

Yes it was sad and ugly..

This game had no good news. None. The Oakland Raiders walked all over our beloved Kansas City Chiefs Sunday. The loss, maybe the year’s worst, puts KC in the No. 4  spot instead of the 3 spot for the playoffs. That means we get the Baltimore Ravens instead of the New York Jets. And yes, the Ravens at 12-4 are a better team than the Jets.

They’re already a 3 point favorite against KC.

Why was this the Chiefs worst loss of the year? In the Denver game back in November,even though the Broncos ended the game fast – and we couldn’t stop anything they did – at least Matt Cassel got to work out with D-Bowe and get some touchdowns. Meaningless points, true. However letting THE FRANCHISE wing the ball so often seemed to give him confidence in the games he played after that one.

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Glazer: Why People Hate Craig Glazer & Why I Love Myself

There are just so many really damn good reasons to dislike or hate me – so let’s just get right to it…

Craig Glazer is arrogant. He’s an egomaniac. He needs to get over himself.

I date girls way too young for me – like in their 20s – what a jerk. I drive not one, but two Porsches – major asshole for that.  I’m on like every radio show in town that matters, giving my thoughts on everything from sports to how to fix this city. Face it, I’m a know-it all jerk-off that thinks because I’ve lived so much of life and got a book written about myself, that I’m the last word on everything.

A big-mouth moron. 

Boy, I’m even starting to hate myself.

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Glazer: Right, Wrong – What’s the Difference; Go Chiefs!

Great year overall for the Kansas City Chiefs! 

General manager Scott Pioli and coach Todd Haley have shown us they are for real. As in they know what they’re dong.  And even if you are like me – someone who didn’t think this team would do this well –  you have to admit, great work from the staff and players.

Now a confession…

In fairness to you guys, NO I WAS NOT ON THE BANDWAGON when the season started. You may recall in the pre-season I called them "THE MESS." 

I was wrong.

Later I labeled them as average. That too was wrong.

They are a good team, not a great team. One that has gotten better as the season draws to an end. So unlike some people, I have to say, I was wrong about these guys.

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Glazer: The Road Ahead for Playoff Bound Chiefs

Wow, suddenly its over…

The Chiefs win the division because the last place Cincinnati Bengals jacked up the Chargers. Kinda like you planned the entire evening so you could have sex with this hot chick. You got the right clothes, you cleaned up your apartment, you even put towels in the bathrooms. You had your mom cook the meal and put it in the oven to stay warm and pretended you made it yourself. 

She comes over, dressed to thrill, loves the food and the pad. She goes to the restroom, while she is in there doing her girl stuff, you’re thinking, ‘OK, we go to the club, she gets loaded, I bring her to the Hyatt and VOILA.’ Sex city baby!

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Glazer: Scribe Climbs Cloud 9 on Chiefs Win, Flips Off Naysayers Below


It happened…

The Kansas City Chiefs beat – badly beat – Tennessee and shockingly San Diego has been upset by the Cincinnati Bengals and it-is-over. The Chiefs are the Western Division champions. First time since 2003 (and first potential playoff win since) Joe Montana.

Chiefs & Chopper! Chiefs & Chopper! Chiefs & Chopper!

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Glazer: Scribe Spins Bike Bummer into Hollywood Gold

Promises, promises…

My father Stan Glazer, promised me that if I made a B average, was a starter on the football team and stayed out of trouble, he’d make sure I got a RUPP MINI BIKE FOR CHRISTMAS. Man was I excited late that summer. I was about to turn 15. And all the cool kids had mini bikes.


They looked like small motorcycles and could get up to around 55 miles per hour on the street. No more pedaling my ten-speed up all those hills to go to school and football practice. Yeah, this was gonna be great. No more asking mom for rides.

The girls would be all over it.

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Glazer: Scribe Celebrates, Ponders Chiefs Win


Well sir, the Chiefs did it…

The defense showed up – and yes, that includes Derrick Johnson – to join THE FRANCHISE, Matt Cassel to win the Chiefs biggest game in years.  Thank you, Matt. For being a tough son of a bitch. You proved that you are MVP of this team and an all-league quarterback. Cassel will likely join Tom Brady and Peyton Manning on that squad. 

And thank you, Chiefs defense, for stopping by. We need you to win out.

If KC wins out, they would be 11-5. Odd that’s the same record they had when last they won some play off games in 1993/4 with Joe Montana. They also won the division that season for the first time in two decades.

The next two games at home depend, not on Matt, but on the defense.

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Glazer: Will Mark Cuban Please Buy Royals & Put Us Out Of Our Misery

This Glass Family thing has to end – and soon.

It’s painfully clear that with David Glass and his family at the helm, the Royals will continue to be little more than a FARM TEAM, TRIPLE A, or a FEEDER for other big league ball clubs.

Go ahead and reread that last sentence, why don’t you?

Meanwhile,Texas millionaire Mark Cuban tried to buy the Chicago Cubs and failed.  He has the money and the smarts. He owns the Dallas Mavericks and has turned them into a strong NBA team. The fans there love him. So what if he’s loud and a bit odd, that just makes him more fun to watch.

How much fun is the Glass Family? Do they even exist?

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Glazer: Finally, a Mega Star…Josh Selby at KU


You’ve heard about him but unlike the other near do well names, such as last years "nah," Xavier Henry, this kid JOSH SELBY IS A MEGA STAR. Simple as that…

Look out NCAA, this kid can, shoot threes at the buzzer and defend, and oh yeah that was his first game as a college kid in the big leagues.  Oh yeah, he had the game winner a 3 with just over a minute on the clock, and KU trailing by 2. Yeah, they aren’t used to him, yeah the Morris twins would lead a very good KU team to the sweet sixteen, maybe elite 8.

But with MEGA STAR Josh Selby…can you say Kobe Bryant?

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Glazer: Does Anyone Really Believe the Chiefs Deserve the Post Season?

Those were the days…

When Len Dawson and Otis Taylor along with Bobby Bell and his outstanding defensive teammates took the field in the late 60’s / early 70’s, you expected a WIN. When the Marty Schottenheimer’s Chiefs teams of the mid to late ’90’s took the field you usually felt there would be victory. Right? 

Since then, not so much.

Yes, I am aware of the phony 2003 team put together by nice guy Dick Vermeil, but by seasons end they were kind of a joke. Any team could score on them just by breathing and showing up.

Today nobody – and I mean nobody – feels a win coming when this current team takes the field. Not now.

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Glazer: Cops at the Stops End of Days for Crime

I’ve had some interesting response to the article I wrote a couple days ago regarding slowing down the violence in our top entertainment and shopping districts of KCMO.

I wanted to add a couple of concepts to that end.

First off, this is not about race. Its about behavior. If the show fits?

You know the rest. No my solutions will not end the violence, it will keep it away from areas that need to grow and continue to survive for the good of the City. That doesn’t mean we disregard "the hood."  It doesn’t mean we don’t pay any attention to the east side of KCMO either. I’m neither a democrat or republican. I’m a realist. 

We all should be.

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Glazer: Murder in Kansas City’s Party Zones, It’s Killing Us!


Just like you, I read about the homicides each week in mid-town KCMO.

I believe these can be slowed way down with Kansas City Police in their cars and on the street in these hot spots.

As I mentioned in a story about a month ago, I’m friendly with Kansas City Missouri Police Chief, James Corwin. He and I discussed this matter and the Westport problems at length a few years ago when I was still involved with Westport.

As much as I like Jim, there need to be some changes to drop these murder rates down.

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Glazer: Scribe Reclaims Moral High Ground on Chiefs

How does that poem go?

"Somewhere birds are chirpping, somewhere people are laughing,somewhere kids are playing…but there is NO Joy IN MUDVILLE. MIGHTY CASEY HAS STRUCK OUT." 

Well something like that, huh?

Yes, it was a fast death.

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