Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Time to Kick Some Butt & Clean Up the Middle East

Nobody wants to say it. Ever!

Are you not with me on this? Don’t you think – WTF – enough with these uneducated morons. With Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and all those wonderful people that bring us beheadings, terror, expensive oil and gas, believe in Allah and that Christians and Jews must die, want to drive Israel into the sea and  – oh yeah – suicide bombers.  How much more do we have to take?

Now they are in revolt for NEW DICTATORS. New Lunatics NEEDED IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

Are you afraid to say it? I’m not. It’s time to take them out.

It’s simple really.

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Glazer: Table is Set for Excellence at City Hall Now That The Rascals Have Been Neutered

OK sports fans it’s come down to this…

Looks like your old buddy "The Glaze" is a pretty good picker. To be honest, I felt the KC mayor’s race would come down to Sly James and Mike Burke – and maybe the Funk. I liked what Sly had to say and the way he carries himself. So this will be a close one.

A white man versus a black man.

No matter how you cut it, that’s the case. However Sly is not a black candidate like Emanuel Cleaver or Alvin Brooks.


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Glazer: The Write-In Campaign That Will Never Be


Make no mistake, this will never happen…

But here are the people I feel would get Kansas City back on the map.
My first Pick: Carl Peterson for Mayor. 

Most people are no longer on the "We love Carl" bandwagon. And it’s public knowledge he and I didn’t get along. However Carl is a sharp, smart leader. Peterson made millions for Lamar Hunt. Not just with the Chiefs but with other investments. The man lands of his feet.

Carl has charisma and knows how to run things. He turned the Chiefs around, especially attendance and profits.

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Glazer: Sly James & Deb Hermann for Mayor – Take Your Pick – These Two Are Tops

Well, this year’s mayoral race has been quiet to say the least…

Current mayor Mark Funkhouser is still somewhat of a force. Why? Name recognition that many of the other candidates don’t for one. And with a very small turnout lkely tomorrow, that well could work for the incumbent mayor. Remember, only one seated mayor has lost their second term in the last 100 years. Kay Barnes wasn’t very popular in her second run and barely beat my dad, Stan Glazer. Stan got 42% of the vote. Not bad for a man who had never dabbled been in city politics and who got muckraked by the Star. So Barnes was re-elected and the same thing could happen with Funk, even though he doesn’t appear even a little bit popular.
Two candidates getting some traction are Sly James and Deb Hermann.

And here’s what they had to say when I caught up to them yesterday

First James..

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Glazer: Pretty in Pink, Tracy Ward Offers Breath of Fresh Air in 6th District Council Race

She has pink hair, was a barmaid many years, a waitress and a pizza delivery lady…

Tracy Ward has pretty much done it all when it comes to the service industry in our town. And the Kansas City Council candidate’s pink hair sets her apart renders from others running for city council in the 6th district (at large). But don’t let the pink hair fool you, Ward is a dead serious candidate for the job.

I spoke with this upbeat young woman yesterday to find out why she wants to get involved with Kansas City politics.

And Tracy had many interesting answers to my questions.

It all started when she tried to have a sit down with her council rep, Cathy Jolly. After trying to see Jolly several times with no response, Tracy got a little upset. Thinking, "This lady has no time for her people?"

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Glazer: Life After America’s Pub for Westport

It’s finally going to happen…

At long last, Westport’s last black dance club is poised to bite the dust. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any urban crowds coming into the area, there just won’t be a "home" base for that group to rally around.

The $64 million question: How Much Will This Change Westport?

Unfortunately, in the short term, very little.

The damage has been done. Now Westport must do the little things to move forward and restore its tarnished image. With leadership from both Bill Nigro and the Kellys this could happen. Clearly those two factions must get on the same page. And I think they can. Nigro has been the voice of Westport for nearly a decade since I left the scene in 2003. And make no mistake, he wants only what’s best for the neighborhood. So do the Kellys. They just need to join firces and work together in a better way.

In the long run Westport needs to be redone. 

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Glazer: Never Let Your Dog Get Drunk; It’s Not Just Risky, It’s Costly!

Had a scary moment the other night, Saturday to be exact…

Most people celebrated Valentines Day on Saturday night. I went to work at Stanford‘s because we had two sold out shows. Holli, my new girlfriend, the physical fitness Champ of 2010 (and a nice girl) went to a party at Crown Center with her girlfriend, Dr. Pam. It was a black-tie charity function, so we decided to meet later at my place around 11 PM.

When I got home Holli and her friend came up and I offered them both a cocktail, orange juice and vodka screwdrivers. Everything was going good until I went to go to the restroom and left everybody in my living room for a few minutes.

That’s when Holli decided to show the Dr. around my condo, leaving their cocktails unattended on the living room table. Whereupon my little dog Jr., a dachshund, decided he was thirsty. He got up on the table and began to drink and lick the ice cubes from the cocktails. When I came back iand saw him doing it I yelled at him to get down. He did, but not before soaking up about a third of a drink.

He seemed OK at first, but as I continued to watch him the poor little dog became DRUNK.

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Glazer: Still the Greatest; My Time With & Thoughts About Ali

About a year ago Hearne wrote about me doing a second documentary on Muhammad Ali.

In my opinion, Ali is the most famous athlete of all time. Maybe the most famous man in America across the world in the last century. Much of this fame was because he’s about the only person of note known and respected in every nation on this planet.

Alas, the years have not been kind to this boxing hero.

Still there are few who wouldn’t rank Ali as the best fighter of all time. He always thought so, didn’t he?

So as this giant legend’s life grows ever closer to its end, I thought it only fitting to say one more time how much I loved who he was and still is, THE GREATEST.

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Glazer: Forget Local/National Media Spin, The Economy Still Sucks!

Well, Kansas City is your income going UP?

Is your home’s value increasing? Do your friends brag about how great business is? The answer is a loud NO! Then how come CNN and CNBC as well as most news outlets say, "We’re out of the recession and people are spending again!" 

The stock market proves it, right? It’s doubled in three years since the crash.
I do think – or rather believe – that it’s gotten so bad here our government’s begged the media to deliver good news on the economy for a change. TV did this, especially on the financial channels and evening news. Things are better speeches. Invest in restaurant chains, people are eating out, shopping, buying cars, going on trips.

So they say.

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Glazer: Forget the Political Hot Air & PC, Cops Need to Drop the Hammer on Bad Guys Now!

The front page of the Kansas City Star shouts that crime is the top issue in the upcoming KC mayor’s race.

They just now figured that out?

And each Candidate gave a short answer to the problem. Oh brother!

Mike Burke wants to bring back Mayor Cleaver’s "Night Hoops."  Let the kids know it’s OK to snitch and don’t drop out of school and get some cops to the schools to watch them.

My take: Didn’t work the first time, Mike. These folks want to go out and have fun, not shoot baskets. They want to get high and get laid. Simple as that. So not a good answer to the problem.

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In the face of yet another late night shoot out it’s time to bid adieu to the last black dance club in Westport.

That would be America’s Pub, the scene of 24 year-old Brian Euston’s demise last fall. Failed Westport black club Karma closed quietly three weeks back. And speaking of failed nightclubs, neither America’s Pub nor Karma were originally designed to attract black clientel.

They switched to an urban theme after efforts to attract white patrons failed.

The KC Star had a tiny brief on the shootings that went down at 2:30 AM Sunday (really Saturday night). Three were shot and wounded, all blacks, even though the overall violence in Westport is down.

Now Westport must once again try and mount another a PR comeback.

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Glazer: Sunday, Super Sunday, Dancing With The Pack

Well, it’s here at last…

Remember where you were last year for the big one? The year before? For 10 plus years, Hearne has had the big party at his home. This year, now that he’s single, NO PARTY. So we’re all going to the Woodside event. If you don’t have a place to go, join us at Woodside Country and Tennis Club, starts at 5:30.

Are you like me, do you feel that the Super Bowl has become a National Holiday? I do.

It ranks up there with, uh, Christmas,

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Glazer: The Rise & Fall of Kelly’s & the Brian Euston Controversy

For more than half a century Kelly’s Westport Inn ruled the bar scene here…

People even used to refer to Westport as KELLYS-PORT through the early 1990’s. No more. With its business off more than 50% since the late 90’s, a bar that once grossed an incredible $2 million a year when that was major money has fallen well below $1 million annually.

And that’s cost them clout with the city. For decades Kelly’s was the home away from home of the men in uniform – cops, firemen – not so much anymore.

The Kellys were Westport from the late 50’s up until, well. Stanford & Sons came into being in 1975.

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Glazer: The Five Greatest Sports Leaders in Kansas City History!

Kansas City sees itself as a big time sports city…

And face it, that’s really all that matters. Because deep down, we know that overall as fans we’ve been screwed. We haven’t had much national attention the last 70 years. But we’ve had our  moments. So here are the top five coach’s/managers/leaders of our area’s big name pro and college teams. Since we’ve only got a handful of national titles the list is just five. Here they are.

1) Without argument that title goes to Chiefs all-time best Hank Stram.  Now a Hall of Famer. Hank led the Chiefs to TWO World Championship games. The Super Bowl. In a way our greatest moment may have been been being the first AFL team to go to the big game in the 1966 season. We lost to Green Bay, but just going was huge. Stram Coached the Kansas City Chiefs from 1963-1974. The Chiefs greatness ended in 1972 at home to the Miami Dolphins in what was then the longest game in NFL history.

Of course we lost.

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Glazer: USA, Land of Internet Fueled Depression, Fading Greatness & Global Paranoia

President Barack Obama proved to America again last night that he’s every bit the speaker we had in Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

Without a doubt, the dude has charisma.

And the idea of having Democrats and Republicans seated next to each other was interesting. It kinda worked.
Obama went into "investments" in research, clean energy, and of course, technology. The president talked about a five-year domestic spending freeze. A simplified tax code. He spent little time on the Middle East – as if the war was over or about to be. Not much on terror either. It was a feel good speech. America is doing much better, the economy is moving forward. The stock market has doubled since he came into office. He also hit hard on education and the needs to improve it.

Agreed on that one.

The president spent time early on letting us know that it is technology that in a way has brought us down – the Internet and online world.

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Glazer: Playoffs, Playoffs, Playoffs!

So it’s here at last, the AFC and NFC Championship games. Are you ready?

With all the talk about teams that don’t have enough offense, the four teams remaining are in the top ten in defense…something our Chiefs need to pay close attention to.

Do you feel we belonged in this group after watching them play and our Chiefs play?

I don’t.

The games seem to be on a completely different level – one we’re not in yet.  Our defense seems far away from where they need to be, don’t they?

I have to be honest, after those last two losses (Oakland and the Ravens) it was like letting the air out of all of us. We all say how cool it was to win the division and be in the playoffs, but it sure didn’t feel hopeful.

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Glazer: Kansas City Held Hostage by Star’s Smokescreen

According to Westport leader and merchant Bill Nigro, the KC Star is not telling you the entire story when it comes to the smoking ban in Kansas City.


"They are not telling you the truth," said Nigro, following his meeting with The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Nigro felt that after reading the Star‘s Saturday front page story, they left out most of what he explained at the event.

The Star story indicated that the no smoking law had NO economic impact on business.

Nigro said in front of the media, "It’s affected many jobs, people are now out of work because of the it. More important, the city allows people to smoke at the Power and Light District, which it owns. Worse yet, they ALLOW SMOKING IN ALL CASINOS.

Guess they don’t care about your health there, huh?



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Glazer: The Amazing Truth Behind Overused Words Exposed!

Is it me or are you sick to death of all those words and phrases that we hear over and over and over again on a daily and hourly bases?

My favorite word to never use again, has to be AMAZING.

It really hit home during last year’s Academy Awards. Seemed every actor or celebrity interviewed got excited and used the word AMAZING 100 times. "Working with Jeff Bridges – he’s amazing. The movie he did was amazing. His talent is amazing. Everyone is amazing." 

So how do you feel about this great event?

"Wow, it’s simply amazing!" 

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Glazer: How to Strike it Rich on the Super Bowl & Why Not to

One often hears that the bookies lost a bundle on an upset game… 

Not true

60 Minutes

interviewed a heavy duty gambler this past week, the the show explained that the sports books in Vegas or Atlantic City never lose. I’ll explain how it works.

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Glazer: WTF! MLK but not JFK?

I was watching a special about black athletes this past weekend…

About how far they’d come since Martin Luther King Jr was killed. The answer was odd.

"Do you know that there are more black males in prison, than in college today," Spike Lee said. Nearly 70% of all male inmates are black with nearly 5 million men in prison today.

While black athletes are well paid – averaging well over $1 million a year in the NBA and NFL – most are bankrupt or broke two to five years after their careers end. That’s 80% in NFL and 65% in the NBA.

Not good.

This made me think, "What did King really accomplish for black people?" 

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