Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Local Cops On Ticket Writing Rampage!

They’re out in force...

Cops looking to give tickets for anything they can think of. You bet. Everyone needs the extra dough these days, even the law enforcement biz.
I’ve had more pullovers the past 12 months than ever in the last few years. I know, driving a fancy sports car doesn’t help. But I’ve been driving sportscars for 20 years, that’s nothing new.

Recently I got pulled over and written up for the tiniest traffic farts -none of them for speeding!

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Glazer: No NFL Season? No Effing Way! Here’s Why.

No Football? No Way!

Read my lips: It can’t happen. In this miserable economy with one of, if not THE biggest escapes for men (and some woman) the NFL is badly needed. It used to be about folks backing their home team. Not now.

It’s the fun,enjoyment and that $100 bet that matters on Sunday, Monday, Thursday and even some Saturdays in the world of today’s NFL. We would all be so damn depressed. I think it’s so important that behind the scenes the White House would get involved. If they haven’t already. Even Obama needs the NFL for relief of stress.

If he wants to get re-elected.

Yes, for 3-9 hours on any given Sunday a guy can leave his problems at the door. Just sit back and get into one to three games. Yes from noon until nearly midnight it’s NFL action on Sunday.

What’s even nicer is you get to come home Monday to Monday Night Football which makes Mondays bearable.

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Glazer: Make Way for the Red-Blooded, Blue-Eyed, Ass-Kicking, All-American Jew!

Every group has its stereotypes…

Mexicans are lazy. Blacks are dangerous (and lazy). Asians can’t drive but they’re really smart. Oh, and Jews are cheap and pushy. Generally speaking, these stereotypes usually have an element of reality to them. Jews got their tag for a simple reason; older Jews who live here – and they’re dying off now – came from Europe where they were being slaughtered en masse for being, uh, Jews.

We all know about Germany…

However, the same things were going on in Russia and Spain (to a lesser extent). Kill the Jew. Why? No good reason, he’s not Christian; he’s different. Even though Jews caused no problems and helped with education and the economy – kill the Jew.

By the way, even Mel Gibson’s version of the Baby Jesus story, has the Jew only telling on the Big Guy.

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Glazer: Kelly’s in Westport Boots Q104 & Jack FM Morning Show Hosts

For decades Kelly‘s in Westport managed to dodge the "bad news" bullets…

Not so of late. Last Thursday Q104 morning host Mike Kennedy brought his radio crew and recording star J. T. Hodges to Kelly’s for a night of KC fun. Hodges is on Toby Keth’s label and Mike wanted to impress the out of towners with a few beers.

He even bought a bunch of memorabilia from Kelly’s – T-shirts and so forth – for the recording folks.

So things started off pleasantly enough…

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Glazer: The Corncob Files, a 420 Day Remembrance

So this is the day, huh, 4/20 right?

For me it’s a time of remembrance. Of the first time I smoked the devil weed. All of us have stories. Like many things, the first time is, well, not always the best time. Sure wasn’t for me.
My best pal, Jeff and I bought a gram of hash.

His older brother, Doug, told us this was the way to go. So Jeff and I went to 7-11 and got a corncob pipe. We put some tin foil over the hole and placed pinches of hash in the bowl. Then we lit the hash.

Just one problem.

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Glazer: The Rise & Fall of Kansas City As We Know It

Seems like just a few years ago there was a line that went forever to see a new movie on the Plaza

It was the EXORCIST. I was so excited to see it I went to the early show. Got the last ticket available, and made my girlfriend see the later show with my brother. Big mistake, I was so shaken by the movie, when I got home alone I put my .38 handgun on the table in front of me. Just waiting for my cat to turn his head all the way around and – bam! – the cat gets it!

He lived.
Yep, back in those days, a guy could walk to Volcker Park, hear a live band, smoke a joint – maybe even drop some acid. Have a nice fun little adventure, you know. Swing by Winstead‘s, get a cheeseburger, fries and a shake. Check out some hot babes in their mom’s convertible. Maybe get a phone number or two. Later that night – maybe after midnight – scoot down to one of those all night hot tea joints. More babes, more numbers, more music, more fun.

Never worried about DUI checkpoints – they didn’t exist. Or drive-by shootings. Worst thing you’d see was a fight now and then between long haired dudes over some hippie-looking chick.

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Glazer: Could It Be Magic? Royals Tantalize

Well, it’s finally happening…

The Royals, for the first time since the George Brett Era, look like a good team. This is by far the best team we’ve seen since all the BS about young teams, rebuild teams and on and on started 20 years ago!.

Why? Simple:

Billy Butler and more important, Alex Gordon.

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Glazer: The Manly Art of Trash Talking Your Way to the Best Sex Imaginable

The inside scoop on how to keep several girls happy for a long time?

No, it’s not by giving them money – not for me anyway – although it’s better to have some around. It’s more about providing an escape, a fantasy if you will.

Sure, it always starts out with the hope, on both sides, that it will lead to a serious dating situation. But that doesn’t apply if both of you know in advance that it’s just a fun, sex thing. And after most relationships cool off, what we are left with is this: WE ALL NEED TO RELAX AND ESCAPE.

It’s as simple as that.

So if in the girl’s mind you meet those requirements and she meets yours – bam! – it can last for years.

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Glazer: Mind of Carlos Mencia Coming to KC May 26th

Carlos Mencia kept his word, yep…

About four years ago comedy sensation Mencia was getting ready to play the Midland. A few days out the show was not totally sold out. We spoke. Mencia had played Stanford‘s a ton in the 1990’s while his career was on the way up and we had become friends. So Carlos asked me to do him a favor and add him to my radio spots.

We did and he sold out.

Maybe we helped do that, you never really know. The guy was on fire with his new TV series, Mind Of Mencia. I went to the show, man – I was still married to Connie. She went with me. Great show. We met with Mencia and the guy was so nice. Took tons of photos and he said, "Stanford’s is my favorite club – I don’t do clubs anymore – but I promise I’ll come back and do yours one day, deal."  I said, "of course."
Well that day has come.

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Glazer: This Year’s KC Royals, Deja Pew All Over Again?

Royals manager Ned Yost was on with 610 Sports Nick Wright just before the season started…

And Nick asked Yost, "What should Royals fans expect this year? Should we just look for day to day improvements? Is this a rebuilding year? Again?"  The Royals manager came right to the point. "No, just wait until the All-Star break. Then you’ll see a team on the rise weekly. Mark it down. This is the year we begin the championship march." 


The guy’s saying the Royals will be a winner this season. Maybe – who knows? – Yost knows something.

Then again, we’ve been misled before! What did President Bush say? Fool me once – won’t get fooled again!

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Glazer: Love On The Rocks Meets Love On The Run, Part Two

So there was this movie called "Bad Day at Black Rock"….

Reminds me of the day after My #1 read story the other day. Not pretty. All I could think was how much I wanted to kill Hearne Christopher. See, he has talked to me for months about writing about, "What it’s like dating six or seven girls at once." And I always just let it go. I thought to myself it would only cause pain and suffering for the girls.

So as you loyal readers and good friends know, a couple days back I gave in. A few hours later all hell broke loose.   I didn’t know Hearne was going to post all those photos of some – but not all – of the, uh, "ladies."  To be fair I used no names or descriptions, right? RIGHT?  No matter.

The lady who felt she was the lead girlfriend, the body builder- and she kinda was at the time – went WHACKO.

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Glazer: Life After Multiple Sex Partners…The Seth Jaffe Story


Brutal as yesterday was, today’s a brand new day and believe it or not, I got a brand new girlfriend out of the deal…

Moving on, I was so pleased to see that a dear friend of mine I met in prison, Seth Jaffe, is starring on his own reality show. It’s called Relapse, and Seth is the Sober Counselor on the show. The new season premiered Monday – yeah, up against the NCAA finals – and it still did well. Seth plays himself. He’s easy to recognize; deep voice, New York accent and tough. But he’s also fair and in the first show he dealt with a longtime alcoholic, father of two.

In the end it all worked out.
Seth was one of the most memorable people I met in the joint.

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Glazer: How to Date Six to Seven Women at the Same Time & Live to Tell the Story

So you want to have a ton of girlfriends, eh?

Most men do. That’s why they want to be some sort of star or wealthy or both. Oh, we want the dough alright, but mostly because it gives us a longer shot at being in demand with the ladies. Looks certainly help but women love a guy who’s an ‘it’ man – be it local or national.

Now let’s take a gander inside the life of a guy who for years has had a stable or bullpen of girlfriends.


But before the haters unleash themselves, let me say this;

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Glazer: Jason Whitlock Looms Large in HBO Expose of College Sports

Whitlock Shows Up Big!

Yes, yes,yes! Former Star sports columnist Jason Whitlock was one of four guests this week on HBO’s prestigous Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. Great show. About how EVERYONE IN COLLEGE SPORTS (the players) are cheating and getting paid!

All good players and all big schools.

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Glazer: Does Jason Whitlock Have a Real Job? Probably Not.

Former Star sports columnist Jason Whitlock was a force to be reckoned with this week on the panel of HBO’s Real Sports

In fact, he dominated it.

The irony is, everybody else on the panel besides him had their title under their name on the screen. But Whitlock’s just said "sports journalist" – it didn’t say Fox. It was odd, because everybody else was more specific. I don’t know why it didn’t say Fox.


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Glazer: ‘A List’ Comedy / Movie Star TJ Miller Headlines Stanford’s

Who’s the new young gun in comedy movies today?

TJ Miller that’s who. Miller has starred and co starred in NINE STRAIGHT "A" MOVIES. Well, A by today’s standards. He was co lead in CLOVER-FIELD (cameraman and talking through the entire picture), THE GOODS (with Jeremy Piven), GET HIM TO THE GREEK, YOGI BEAR( Park Ranger), GULLIVER’S TRAVELS, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, SHES OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE, UNSTOPPABLE (WITH  DENZEL), and in August he’s co starring with KC’s Paul Rudd in MY IDIOT BROTHER.

There’s more…

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Glazer: Conan’s Grrrl Returns to Shawnee Mission East for Award


Sandhal Bergman is Kansas City’s only female Golden Globe winner…

She’ll be here May 6th to accept a lifetime achievement award from Shawnee Mission East, her high school. Bergman won the Golden Globe for Conan The Barbarian with Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1982. This is the second time Shawnee Mission East has given the award.
Sandhal moved to LA from New York in the late 70’s, after a Broadway career. She was in Pippin with Ben Vereen and All That Jazz. Bergman latter co starred in the film version of All That Jazz.

And Sandhal was one of the first "A List" movie stars to appear, well, naked

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Glazer: Humble Scribe Eats Humble Pie, Calls Out Bill Self as KU Crashes to Earth

So I was wrong, dead wrong…

KU Basketball is becoming the Chiefs of the 90’s. Good teams but early exits from the post season. However what saves Bill Self is the 2008 national title. The problem is KU is getting bounced every year by NOBODIES. Teams lucky to even be in the tournament.

Who the fuck was Bucknell? Who the fuck was Northern Iowa?

This year KU was the No. 1 seed. It had a simple, couldn’t-be-easier path to the Final Four. All they had to do was beat VCU. Who the fuck are they? 

So Bill has to wear the "got beat who-the-fuck" tag now.

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Glazer: Time for Kansas City Sports Fans to Sober Up, Get a Life

What did we learn from yesterday’s KU Elite Eight debacle?

Follow sports for fun or money, not to win titles. Kansas City just isn’t – and never will be – title town. Face it, we live in the Midwest, players think it’s boring here. Our media is weak kneed. And the city is way too conservative – do-gooders to the max.

So we don’t win much and nobody outside of here really much gives a damn.

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Glazer: Down & Out in Beverly Hills; The Jason Whitlock Story


Well, the jury’s in…

Former Kansas City Star sports columnists Jason Whitlock is kinda, sorta employed. But just by a sports website, Fox Sports. This is not the big time spot the once powerful Kansas City Sports Broker once held.

Jason was THE MAN, on the Kansas City sports scene.

No doubt about that. But nearly a year after he left, silence.

You don’t see Whitlock. You don’t hear Whitlock. You don’t really read Whitlock… well, anywhere.

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