Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Kansas City’s Enduring (Not Endearing) Contribution to Baseball

The Kansas City A’s and now the Kansas City Royals. In fact you take out the George Brett era team of 76-85 (when the Royals were good), it’s pro sports worst franchise ever.

Example: the 1964 Kansas City A’s won 57 and lost 105.

The current Royals are close, but not quite there yet. Here’s a great one; both teams never had a true power hitter in over half a century!

My God, George Brett was the only real super star the franchise ever had, but really he was just a gamer.

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Glazer: Woodside to Expand with Apartments, Shops Offices – Oh and Hotties!

It’s not just a rumor…

Woodside owner Blair Tanner says the club is an inch away from its dream of becoming the "it" place to live near the Plaza and Johnson County. The city is poised to green light Tanner’s plan to expand the Woodside Health & Tennis Club and surrounding area into a beautiful new mix of apartments, shops, offices and a ‘living life healthy and fun" Mecca.

Tanner’s plan, which I have seen, has spectacular apartments and a new outdoor pool area second to none. It’ll be a tad pricey for some, but well worth it to those who can afford it. Residents will also become a member of Kansas City’s hippest, most popular health, tennis and glam club.

Tanner and local co-owner David Freeland – with general manager Chris Bell – have almost completely redone Woodside the last three years. They just finished its new EARTH BAR, a first in KC.

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Glazer: Never Heard of Today’s Top Comics? Take a Number!

People often come up and ask me, "Hey, got anyone big coming up at the comedy club?"

I always wonder if they even know who is big. Most people can only name a few comics that even do clubs. The really big acts like Lisa Lampanelli went on to theaters and the ones who were just good or so-so have left the business.

Now there’s an entire generation of new comics.

Yes, there are still some oldies but goodies. They still fill the rooms. At the top of this group are names like Ralphie May, Carlos Mencia (when he’s not doing a theater), Pablo Francisco, Kevin Nealon, Lynne Koplitz, Caroline Rhea and a few more. Big names like Tommy Chong have left the club scene as he’s re-teamed with Cheech to make millions again in theaters like The Midland by AMC in KC (sold out, standing room only).

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Glazer: Wake Up, Sam – The Kansas City Royals Totally Suck!

The Star’s Man Sam – Sam Mellinger – says the Royals newest youth movement (No. 9 million) is working.

Sam wrote a long story yesterday about how well it may work out for our soon-to-be division champs. All they need is two more pitchers (starters) and we’ve got the rest.

HUH? What!

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Glazer: To Be or Not to Be; Whether tis Nobler to Save Westport Or…

Like the Lone Ranger, should Stanford & Sons ride to the rescue of Westport?

A cloud of dust then – poof! – Stanford’s returns to Westport. With America’s Pub likely to go when its lease is up at year’s end, Stanford’s could come home.

America’s Pub’s space is almost too big, but we could make it work. When we did Johnny Dare’s we didn’t have a big enough area for comedy. Now there are plenty of empty spots. And the Pub very much makes sense.

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Glazer: The True Meaning of Life & My Upcoming Dirt Nap with the Critters

Einstein said, "Life has no meaning" – we’re just animals racing around the planet until we die…

Kinda hard to argue with that one. We are smarter than most of the other animals, but in the end, most of what we do and accomplish is soon forgotten.

I was spending time this past with actor/comic Bryan Callen. He made an interesting comment as well. "Life is a footnote." 

I like that better.

At least there’s a little room for a speck of interest in what we’ve accomplished, right?

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Glazer: How I Got to be Kansas City’s Baddest Bad Boy

In wrestling they have terms for the good guys and the bad guys – the face and the heel.

But in day-to-day life it’s just, he’s a good guy and he’s a bad guy. Simple, huh? I think most people who are seen as EVIL ONES don’t know it. The hated boss at the office, the guy at school everyone thinks is a dick. And so on.

Then there are the rare, media bad guys.

In KC there is no doubt who that guy might be; ME. Oh, am I the one and only? In day-to-day media, pretty much yes. Sure we always have the disliked jock from the Chiefs or Royals. Or you can throw in an Aggie Stackhaus here or a Funk there (he was getting there).

But to really make this work you have to engage, be funny, have a regular public face, and of course be on the air and/or in print often. Bingo!

That narrows the bad guy vote down to one. Tag, I’m it.

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Glazer: How to Not Get Rich Quick in Hollywood

"Show me the money" – seems that’s the new battle cry in LA these days…

An entertainer/actor can have a ton of credits on hit shows and still not make the huge bucks anymore. When I say huge I mean seven figures a year or more.

I’ll short sheet this.

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Glazer: How Not to Get Rich Quick in Hollywood, Take Deux

I sat down for breatfast yesterday with hot film/tv star on the rise, comic Bryan Callen.

We talked about what we’re both up to. Bryan has about 12 projects he’s working on. He’s the star of the new MTV series DEATH VALLEY and a regular on IN PLAIN SIGHT.

In the 1990’s that would have meant seven figures a year for sure. Today, it’s like, "Hope it gets more seasons."


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Glazer: Return of the Humble Scribe; Handicapping the Chiefs Game by Game

As the NFL strike comes to an end, we can now look closely at the Chiefs’ chances in 2011…

Answer: Not Much.

Why? Unless the team’s draft picks are off the chart – especially at wide receiver – the offense could be worse this season. Quarterback Matt "The Franchise" Cassel has got to be much more effective. And that’s hard to do with just one solid back and maybe one wide out in Dwayne Bowe.

Maybe this will all get better. I do think the Chiefs defense will improve, mostly due to experience.And  PS, we also have a new offensive coordinator, so who knows on that one?

So while the team may improve overall, the Chiefs schedule is a bitch. Uphill to say the least.

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Glazer: Click Your Heels Time, There’s No Place Like Home

Was talking to my on-air buddy Johnny Dare last night…

Had one of our better talks. Hard to believe he’s been on the radio for nearly two decades. And I’ve been a weekly guest nearly the entire time. Yep, he was in his 20’s and me in my 30’s back then. We both agreed we’re lucky to have had the careers we’ve been blessed with.

Sure there are always other mountains to climb, but with Johnny he’s hit all the high marks; top on-air guy in KC, a TV gig and more to come.

We all know my story.

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Glazer: Down & Out in Kansas City. What Else is New?

For a team that showed some promise in April, the Kansas City Royals got completely shot down in May…

Now it’s late June and the Royals are finally where they feel most comfortable – in LAST PLACE.  On a positive note, they are 5-5 in the last 10 games and it’s worth noting that former last place team Minnesota went 9-1 during that same period.

Hey, at least the Royals have tried to compete and gain our interest lately.

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Glazer: To Those of You Who Said Bryan Callen Sucks, Well

Some of you didn’t believe me…

Bryan Callen, who is at Stanford’s next week, is now officially a monster in the entertainment biz. Callen’s landed the lead on this fall’s most talked about new TV series., DEATH VALLEY for MTV.

Bryan plays a sheriff in a town ravaged by crime. However, the bad guys are ALL vampires and zombies. The show is big bucks.

MTV has never spent this much on a series in its history.

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Glazer: Time for KCMO Police to Man UP & Fight Crime, Not Businesses

There is a serious problem in midtown and for once it’s not about crime.

It’s the raids Hearne talked about yesterday by liquor control and vice on the bars they don’t like.

Especially the ones in Westport. Westport is the only area that gets hit with as many as 15 officers weekly to check liquor cards, the business licenses on the walls, to ID minors, etc. It’s nearly a total waste of time and manpower.

We don’t get these sort of hassles at The Legends.

For years this has been a bad habit in Westport and NOWHERE ELSE other than a few black bars in KCMO.

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Glazer: Toeing the Line on KC’s No. 1 Women’s Radio Show @ Mix 93.3 FM

Hey, Johnny Dare rules over men in the mornings (and lots of women as well), but it’s MIX 93.3 that truly has the women listeners.

Case in point…

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Glazer: Hangover Star to Splash Down Next Week at the Legends!

Bryan Callen‘s worked about as much as any actor who’s NOT a household name.

He’s a co star of The Hangover 1 and 2 will be at Stanford’s next week doing stand up. Which is how he started his career. And he’s very sharp doing it, as well.

It’s Callen’s second time at Stanford’s in 10 years. He’s been scheduled several times but had to cancel due to film or TV work. I can’t list even a third of his work but go to IMDB (International movie data base) and check out all his credits.

But it’s his recent work in both Hangovers that’s finally put him at the top of the game.

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Glazer: Miami’s LeBron Needs to Find Something Besides Basketball-Boxing Maybe


So I asked LeBron James if he had change for a dollar and he gave me back 3 quarters..

He looked all around and said to me, "Man, I just don’t have a fourth quarter."  And so he didn’t. In one of the most shocking finals in recent NBA history, the NBA’s biggest, new name was exposed as being way, way overrated.

The numbers tell the story.

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Glazer: Younger Grrrls Keep Rollin’ ‘Cross My Mind


Here’s how it went down…

Comedian Rich Vos and I had just finished doing radio in Westport at 9:30 AM Friday. And we had some time to kill before an appearance on KSHB TV near the Plaza. So I’ve made a habit of taking my out-of-town comics to breakfast at the Classic Cup. I like it and they get to check out the Plaza. Most of the talent we bring in is from LA and I want to show them that our Plaza is nicer than Beverly Hills.

Hey, it is.

So we pull up in front of the Cup – it’s always hard to find a place to park – and as we get out of the car, a black Mercedes pulls in next to us.

"Hey man, do you think my car will fit behind yours?"

It’s two hot girls with dark hair, maybe 25 or so. Sweet. Rich is very married and not interested in meeting girls, but he likes seeing me in action. And I said, "Rich,  was that chick hitting on us?" And he said, "No."

I said, watch the pro, baby.

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Glazer: Nick Wright & I Were Wrong About LeBron. Really Wrong!

My pal, 610 Sports major player voice, Nick Wright and I called it wrong on LeBron

We both felt he was maybe the third or fourth best player to come to the NBA, behind Michael Jordan and Kobe. But the Miami Heat got jacked again in Dallas by the real "new" name of super-super-stars Dirk Nowitzki.

Starting now a household name all over the planet.

Yes, Dirk is nearing the end of his long career. But he’s stopped by to let the world know that it’s Dirk’s, NOT LEBRON’S world right now.

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Glazer: Stop the Presses…Holly Starr is Pregnant!

"It" grrrl Holly Starr is on the cover of this month’s HERLIFE magazine…

Inside Holly announces she and her husband are going to have a baby girl. But she says she’ll still do the sexy 38 The Spot spots as long as she can.

The story says that Holly’s also on Hallmark cards, billboards, in newspaper ads and is doing runway modeling locally and nationally. Her meals get comped, she gets to keep her designer clothes, she has free access to concerts, sporting events and so on. And she has a similar position in Las Vegas for 38 The Spot’s sister station there.

Make no mistake, Holly’s worked hard to get where she is today.

She even went to LA a few years back to try acting and modeling. She landed small roles in movies like DEEP IMPACT and KRIPPENDORF’S TRIBE and TV appearances in  BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and THE PARENT HOOD.

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