Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Heartless Chiefs Release Brian Waters, For What? You Watching, Sam?

He was NFL Man of The Year just two years ago…

He’s all that’s left of the last good Kansas City Chiefs team of the early 2000s. He was a pro bowler in last year. He was the locker room leader of the Chiefs. And he was cut yesterday.

Brian Waters, age 34, all-pro guard was released by the Chiefs. As usual with the Chiefs – and too many other teams – not enough kind words came from the top. Nor did they seem to care in the least.

"It was mutual," was the storyline. Sure.

Waters was probably in his last year, playing well and wanted to finish his career here in KC.

Uh, no. Bye.

Since Hank Stram, the Chiefs front office – especially Carl Peterson – has been at best, ice cold.

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Glazer: From Party Time to Slam Time, Tommy Chong Returns to KC @ Stanford’s

Tommy Chong and I were going through tough times back in 1988…

I was working at Stanford’s one night for a headline gig – that’s right – me doing comedy for an hour. I tanked. Sold out show and I blew it. A few nights later Tommy Chong was headlining the club. He also was off his game. Tommy was battling the loss of Cheech Marin, his longtime stage partner and film co star. I was in town for a five day furlough from federal prison.

My pal Seth Jaffe had warned me NOT TO DO MY PRISON bits.

I didn’t listen, because when I did stand up for the entire joint it killed. Well, they get all those jokes, the public, uh, not so much. Had I done my regular stuff, who knows? Maybe I would have become a stand up comic. But I felt so bad about it, that I quit doing stand up.

Dumb ass me. Chong. to his credit kept pushing the ball uphill.

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Glazer: Chiefs Return Needs to be Wakeup Call for Star’s Mellinger

So as I wrote a few months back, the football strike that never really was, would be over soon…

Sorry, I mean the lockout. I doubt nine people could tell you much about it or what really happened and why. It’s like Watergate; we’ve all heard of it and, oh yeah, "Nixon’s a Crook." But can anybody really tell you what happened?

Uh, not so much.

And I’m not sure that Nixon (who I didn’t care for) really was a crook. No more so than the other presidents.


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Glazer: Tom Cruise Rocks TJ Miller with Movie Schmooze @ Stanford’s

My buddy TJ Miller is now closer to being able to say, "Man, I’ve done it all…"

On his way to Stanford’s last week, to help launch the career of his pal, Nick Vatterott, Miller got a call from his agent. Tom Cruise is shooting a big budget film called ROCK OF AGES and had one more part to cast. Tom picks his co-stars and he’d just been watching Miller’s clips and asked TJ to come to Miami Sunday, hang and go over his part.

TJ joked, "Hell, they’re spending more on getting me there and five star hotel and travel than I may even get paid." 

A limo picked TJ up at the Legends hotel he was staying. And last night he was hanging with the Cruiser in Miami.

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Glazer: Keeping the Faith, a Slam Time Flashback


The prison guard aimed his shotgun at my waist…

There was really no need for that. I was shackled from head to toe. Handcuffs, leg irons and a waist chain hooked to the man next to me. I looked up at the towers, just like in the movies, and it was like Alcatraz. It was Terminal Island Federal Prison, around 10 PM, mid-March, 1985.

I was about to start a seven-year hitch in prison. I had taken over a million dollars in an elaborate sting against Colombian Cartel members over a one year period. My crew had posed as Mafia members in Vegas to convince the Cartel we were to be trusted laundering their money. But my crew were all paid actors – like in the movie "The Sting" – and the Cartel was actually the Pacific Strike Force made up of FBI, DEA, IRS, Customs and attached LA police officers.

Yeah, I took them alright. But in the end about the worst thing you can do is "sting" the Feds.

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Glazer: KMBZ’s Shanin & Parks Show Fighting the Good Fight

I’ve been a guest on the Mike Shanin and Scott Parks show on 980 KMBZ many times…

Both been wonderful to me as a guest. Yeah, like Johnny Dare they like to give me a little bit of crap. "Oh now he’s gonna mention his book six times." Or, "Oh yeah, we forgot he’s also a film producer as well." 

Parks can be a bit edgy at times, as can Shanin.

But I have to say this; no other show, including sports talk, has more callers than these guys.

I know they have decent numbers in the new Arbitron ratings system, but like many people, I’m not sure how accurate that system is.

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Glazer: Craig’s List, My Plan for KC Confidential World Domination

OK, here it is and this could really happen…

KCCONFIDENTIAL IS NOW MORE READ THAN THE KANSAS CITY STAR. That’s going to take a minute or a few years, but stranger things have happened!

The Star, as we all know and agree, along with all print media, is falling hard and fast. Web sites like this one are growing and there are millions of them. With a quarter million unique visitors a month, kcconfidential.com is fast becoming the most popular outside the Star and closing in on the Pitch.

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Glazer: Legends / Village West on Fast Track w/ Retail, Livestrong, Farm Aid, KanRocksas

We all know the economy is awful…

Everyone’s looking for deals or shopping at places with big discounts and strong value. Even major concerts are on Groupon at 2 for 1 prices. Shopping malls and entertainment districts ONLY see crowds on weekends.

If then.

Well. The Legends at Village West has made its move and it’s working.

"We have a strong increase in almost every area of sales right now, the changes and additions are working well," says Amy Craft, marketing director for the area.

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Glazer: Rising Star T.J. Miller to Join Pal Nick Vatterott in Cameo @ Stanford’s

I’ve been in the entertainment biz long enough to know most people you help on the way up, forget you fast once they make it to the top…

They say nice things, but God help you if you need them for anything. Then there are the rare exceptions, like Lewis Black, who became a top three comedy star in the early 2000’s. Yet he came back to help open our club at the Legends in 2007. Lewis was getting around $100,000 per show, but since we were pals, and he gave us credit for helping jump start his stand up career he came in twice for much, much less money.

Great guy.

A few years back we gave another young comic a shot, T.J. Miller.

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Glazer: Take Off the Training Wheels, It’s Time for The Star’s Sam Mellinger to Grow a Pair!

When Sam Mellinger took Jason Whitlock‘s place on the sports page of the Kansas City Star I  really thought he was going to be outstanding…

Now that he’s had the post for about a year, uh, I don’t see much excitement there.

Maybe the Star has put the brakes on Sam’s ink, but he’s become a total "homer" and kinda boring. Of course our sports world in KC is horrible. We have no good teams, but hey Sam could have gone out of the box.

For example, which Chiefs are using roids? Investigate it, Sam, it’s all out there. Or how about a story about the Royals having No Future? That would be a good one. Or, will this be Matt’s last year here?

Something, anything!

Instead Sam tows the party line way too much.

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Glazer: Humble Scribe Sizzles in the Summer Sun @ Woodside

"Summer lovin had me at last, summer lovin had me a blast"…

Truer words never spoken. I love the summer – even the 100 degree heat. It makes people go to the pools and that’s where the fun really starts. All those hotties!

Woodside has a smokin hot happy hour afternoon on Fridays. Bring a guest day starts at 3 and goes until 7 p.m. And it’s always sold out – like 300 plus adults, mostly 20s and 30s – and oh yeah, me.

Yesterday was no exception.

I ran into an old flame who asked that I not identify her – I think you can guess why. And

Black Barbie

was there and wanted to drive my Porsche. I let her but it turned out she didn’t know how to drive stick, so I had to jump in and put my foot on the brake before she ran into another car.

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Glazer: P&L District Implements Stern Measures to Fend Off Urban Hordes

The shooting of a 16-year-old there last month has propelled Power & Light District into high gear…

The game plan: Eliminate the urban/hip hop crowd from the downtown entertainment district.

The teenager was shot in a P&L parking garage at 1:40 a.m. after the R. Kelly concert. Obviously Kelly, a popular black singer, has had his own issues with the law.

And as we all know, most established concert venues try NOT to book black acts. Other than crossovers like Bill Cosby, Tina Turner and even Snoop Dog. There’s simply too much violence surrounding the younger urban shows. Surprised, huh? Uh, no.

Now P&L has added some new twists: A $10 COVER ON FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS.

And get this…

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Glazer: Time to Erect a Statue of KC’s One & Only Superstar, Tom Watson

Got up early for radio to be at Johnny Dare’s at 6:50 AM…

Glad I turned on my TV at 4:40 AM. It was dialed into the British Open. And I looked up just in time to see Tom Watson take a 4 iron to tee off.

The ball was like a layup right into the hole – a hole in ONE.

I thought to myself, is this older tape? NO. It was live from THE BRITISH OPEN at 10:55 their time, 4:55 our time.


WATSON in his 60’s is without argument people: OUR ONLY CURRENT, WORLDWIDE SUPERSTAR.

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Glazer: SOS, Save Our Star; Hire Hearne & Jason Back

Enough is enough, sometimes we have to admit we made a mistake and fix it fast…

The Kansas City Star, which I do like overall, needs a shot in the arm bad. Really bad. The fix is not more big ads on page one or hiring more inexpensive young writers with limited talent. No.


Both should have one-off stories on Page One for a bit, then alternate that for a couple days a week.


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Glazer: Naked Monkey Night? Royals, Chiefs Attendance in Freebie Freefall

It’s finally happened…

Fanbases for both the Royals and Chiefs have fallen dramatically the last few years. The Royals attendance numbers are misleading due to their many low dough promotions to get people to come to the games. The Chiefs have done far fewer  giveaways thus far, but those look to be coming as well.

The Royals have been near the bottom in  American League attendance – 12th of 14 teams. They’re in a freefall. And with the team record they deserve to be. 

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Glazer: Vote for J Chris Newberg @ 8 p.m. Tonight on America’s Got Talent!

Calling all J Chris Newberg fans…

Yes, from his Chris Army, the time has come to come to the aid of our countryman. J Chris is on America’s Got Talent tonight on NBC at 8 PM. J Chris is in the semi finals and needs our votes to move forward. As many Stanford and Sons fans already know, J. Chris is a regular at the club in Legends.

And America’s Got Talent, starring Sharon Osborne is the most watched TV show this summer, with 14 million viewers.

So lets pitch in for this young guy and help him move upward and onward tonight.

How do you vote? After 8 p.m. our time, call 1 866 602-4866



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Glazer: Dancing on Carl Peterson’s Grave @ Arrowhead Stadium

It’s been a lifetime since I’ve been welcome at Arrowhead…

Carl Peterson and I were mortal enemies for the last l5 years, so my being invited there was rare to say the least. But now Peterson’s gone and I’m still alive and kicking. So my pal, former Chiefs running back Ted McKnight invited me to the kickoff Alumni Party at Arrowhead Saturday Night. I went. Ted felt it was time to mend fences. I’ve never had any issues with players or coaches, just Carl.

But when you get right down to it, who didn’t have a problem with Carl Peterson?

So I’m glad I went. I took the Mermaid, Debbie – she loves the Chiefs – and she looked great!

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Glazer: The Real Casey Anthony Tragedy Lies Just Ahead

There’s no doubt – none – that the Casey Anthony case was a horrible tragedy…

The death of an innocent little girl – Caylee – because her mother was at best reckless or much worse. But we cannot bring her back, so we must accept the three years Casey Anthony did in county jail (which is a very bad place) as her punishment.

It may not be enough, but that’s it.

The unfair and sad news though is that what comes from these cases is not good for the rest of us.

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Glazer: Johnny Dare Co-Host Carrie Coogan to Leave Top-Rated A.M. Show

Good-bye Norma Jean, though we hardly knew you at all…

You had the grace to hold yourself, while those around you crawled. And I knew I would have loved you, but I was just a kid – the candle burned out long before THE LEGEND EVER DID.

So it is that Kansas City’s No. 1 radio personality Johnny Dare announced this morning that co-host Carrie Coogan is leaving the show on 98.9 FM The Rock.

"Carrie Coogan and I are like brother and sister, we really are," Dare says. "She will always be welcome back if she chooses. Carrie is moving home to Denver to take care of her ill mother as well as be involved in nonprofit organizations back home. She came to Kansas City to be a TV News Show personality (which she was on Fox 4). And she’s been a wonderful addition to the program for six great years. I love her – we all do – and we’ll miss her deeply." 

Dare really is saddened by Coogan’s leaving. But the show must go on.

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Glazer: Life After Lockout; Chiefs Need Backup QB & Wide Receiver

With the lock-out almost certain to end in the week or so, the NFL season will begin…

General managers will be signing draft picks and the Chiefs will be trying to fill two huge needs; a back up quarterback and veteran wide receiver.

We have none at this time.

Yes, we have D-Bowe and THE FRANCHISE, Matt Cassel. But both have issues, especially Bowe. Even though D-Bowe was an All Pro (as I said he would be and as was Matt) both players have not proven themselves to be consistent stars.

Bowe takes too many games off – he’s not there in the big games. And any good cornerback can – and has – shut him down. His final two games last season were horrible. Matt had a good year, is tough and wants to lead. But he still hasn’t shown much if any greatness.

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