Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: My Love / Hate Affair With The Long, Hot Summer

I love the summer…

It reminds me of the end of school, the pool, cars with the top down, wind blowing in my face, the sun, the fun and all those dreams. Hey, my business is strong in the winter and slow in summer. There’s too much else going on out there. Still I can’t help but enjoy those summer days and nights.

These past several weeks have been by far the hottest in our city that I can remember.

We must have had more than 20 or 30 days of 100 degrees or higher. All I could hear from people was, "Man, I can’t wait for it too cool off – this is awful – it’s too hot."

Well, in a few weeks you’ll get your wish. And God forbid, in a few months, it’ll be cloudy, there’ll be drizzle, snow – it’ll be hard to drive anywhere. Hard to see at night with snow pounding the windshield. Bitter cold out. Remember? Yep, we all do.

Then we’ll dream of those 100 degree days and wish they were back.

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Glazer: Time for Matt Cassel to Prove Himself or Get The Hell Outta Town!

Location, location, location…

That’s what they say about buying real estate or opening a restaurant. In the NFL its quaterback, quarterback, quarterback!

So lets get right to it Chiefs Nation. Thus far, Matt Cassel,  THE FRANCHISE, ain’t doing so hot.

I’ll admit that I loved it when we traded/bought/ stole Matt from New England.

Hey, tons of teams wanted the Matt Man. After all, he was schooled by one of the best quarterbacks to ever play, Tom Brady. Matt had a huge year in 2008 for the Pats. THE FRANCHISE had a quarterback rating of 89.4, threw for 3,693 yards, 21 touchdowns and just 11 interceptions. He won 11 games. Damn.

Yes, he had a strong team, but he even hit mini bombs in the snow. IN THE SNOW FOR GOD’S SAKE.

I made sure I was Nick Wright’s first guest that day we stole the FRANCHISE.

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Glazer: Crime story kill


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Glazer: Preseason Swoon Preview of Things to Come for This Year’s Chiefs

So Chiefs coach Todd Haley‘s now 1-9 in preseason games with the Chiefs…

Yes, the Chiefs first team played better than it did last week. Matt THE FRANCHISE was 6 of 14 passing for 73 yards. That’s three more yards than when Baltimore beat us with in the playoffs last year.

Chiefs mini receiver/back Dexter McCluster looked good with four catches and D-Bowe had three nice catches for 43 yards. But no big plays for Matt. Our lone score came from backup quarterback, Tyler Palco.

Our field goal kicker is still suspect from outside the 40. Our first team defense was better and kept us in the game until the fourth quarter when Baltimore lit up the Chiefs. The Chiefs led 13-10 but then managed to give up a ton of points and lose 31-13. Similar to that blasting Baltimore gave us in the playoffs a few months back.

What else did we do?

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Glazer: Forget The Plaza, “Black Kanrocksas” Descends on Westport Tonight!


On the heels of last Saturday’s shootings on the Plaza comes tonight’s Young Jeezy festival in Westport….

I didn’t know about it until a friend of mine, Chocolate Becky, of "Little Dick Bitch" fame on Johnny Dare called and told me she’s going to the show. She said it’s the same crowd that would go see Lil Wayne who played Sprint which draws a young, black, hip-hop crowd. And she was surprised Westport was having it given all the problems on the Plaza and Power & Light District.

She wanted me to meet her afterwards at Boulevard Nights on S.W. Blvd. but she’s afraid there’ll be violence there. She was also surprised that this show is at the Beaumont Club. She thinks it should have been at Sprint."

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Glazer: Chiefs Nation Ready to Rumble; Somebody Tell Vegas

So here we go Chiefs Nation

Here’s our chance to get some payback for last year’s playoff loss to the Ravens of Baltimore. Yes, it was ugly – 30-7 Ravens over the Kansas City Chiefs in their only playoff game last season.

Uh, the Chiefs, not the Ravens.

Remember? Joe Flaco had a nice day with 265 yards in the air, two touchdowns and a quarterback rating of 115.4. Outstanding. Our guy Matt the FRANCHISE, uh, 9 of 18 passing, three interceptions, no touchdowns, 70 yards passing and a quarterback rating of 20.4.


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Glazer: Humble Scribe Welcomes Bubba Starling to Loserville; See Ya, Wouldn’t Wanna Be Ya

So the Royals got their man, Bubba Starling...

No. 1 draft pick, big bucks, 19 years-old and a world beater. He may be with our big league team as soon as 2013. So you’d think with Alex Gordon, Billy Butler, Melky Cabrera and now Starling, the Royals could look to 2013 as a year to at least win the division if not more.

Right? Wrong.

At first glance, the Royals look decent on paper. They actually do. They’ve got four starters who will likely hit more than 20 homers for the first time since Pete Rose played (OK, maybe that’s a bit too far back). Their best weapon, Melky Cabrera, gets nearly no ink or buzz. I don’t get it. THIS GUY IS TRADE BAIT? WHY?

Melky is hitting .311, has 16 homers and 73 RBI"s.  All team bests. HE IS THEIR BEST PLAYER right now, not Hosmer or Gordon. He’s still young.

I say, keep this guy if we can afford him.

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Glazer: KC Mayor Sly James to Adopt Glazer Plan for Plaza

Kansas City Mayor Sly James is a KC Confidential reader for certain…

I wrote several stories about him when he ran for mayor – all backing him. I interviewed Sly twice and wrote both stories on kcconfidential.com. Now the mayor’s going with my plan to save the Plaza. As written here a couple days back. The plan to rid the Plaza of the large groups of unruly black youth on Saturday nights.

OK, maybe James thought it up on his own. But it’s exactly what I suggested here a few days back.

CURFEW OPTION HAS KC’S INTEREST is the Star‘s headline today. The Mayor said a new city-wide curfew would be in effect this weekend. Starting at 9 P.M.

Sound familiar?

The details are still in the works, but it will be an under 21 and you’re OUT curfew.

Westport tried this in the 90’s, but it kinda failed due to lack of police enforcement.

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Glazer: Tears Shed as Iconic Comic Tommy Chong Leaves Deep Impression on KC


It was nice having the Chong’s back one more time…

You know, Tommy Chong – of Cheech and Chong – and his wife Shelby, who played Stanford’s this past weekend. We had a nice time. It was a reminder of how things used to be and in many ways no longer are. The crowds were very respectful of him and his wife. Everyone was smiling and in good spirits. And it was cool because there was so much going on, a Chiefs home game, Farm Aid nearby, the stock market mini crash, school starting, Plaza riots – about anything you could dream up.

Yet they packed the club up as always.

The Chongs did a meet and greet for everyone who wanted to see them after each show. Tommy signed everything put in front of him. He’s a national treasure. There are no comedy duos like Cheech and Chong today. Maybe Penn and Teller, but it’s just not the same. No big movies like there were in the Cheech and Chong days.

Tommy stands for the past, legalizing weed, being a free spirit, making our nation’s leaders listen to the people

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Glazer: Why Blacks & Whites Don’t Get Along and How to Solve The Plaza Problem

How to solve the Plaza problem?

Simple. Kansas City should institute a new policy: AFTER 9 PM YOU MUST BE OVER 21 TO BE ON THE PLAZA. Weekends only. UNLESS YOU ARE WITH PARENTS.

That, for the most part, will end this issue. Much of the Plaza’s problems have to do with teenage blacks and the Cinemark Palace on the Plaza movie theater. Unfortunately, Cinemark must now avoid playing movies that attract that crowd. Which means it would miss out on some of the highest grossing films.

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Glazer: The NFL Starts Tonight, My Picks to Win it All

Tonight’s the night so many of us have been waiting for THE NFL BEGINS

Kinda like "Batman Begins." Or maybe not. This is preseason and doesn’t count, but we love football so much we just want to see the players play. Even the lowly Chiefs will likely have a decent crowd at Arrowhead tomorrow. Maybe even 45,000. That would be a great start for them. Past years preseason games have drawn 30-40 thousand tops. They haven’t had any sellouts in years during the regular season. Aside from some phony numbers in the paper. But those include season ticket holders who aren’t at the game. And then some.

So who are THE teams this season?


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Glazer: All That Glitters is Not Golden When it Comes to Trading Gold

There’s Gold in them there hills, was the battle cry in the mid 1800’s for people to go to California, pick up some nuggets, get rich and end all of their problems…

At that time gold was under 20 bucks an ounce, now its $1,700 an ounce.

And with what looks like stock market crash number three of the decade – and who knows how bad this one gets? – once again, it’s all about gold.


I didn’t listen.

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Glazer: How the Comedy Club Biz Works & Why The Comics Hate Me

It’s been clear to me for years the young comics you promote at your local club will end up hating your guts.

Not always, but usually.

We started doing comedy at Stanford’s in 1980. Stanfords in Westport opened in 1975, but my brother Jeff and I didn’t start doing comedy until later. David Naster came to us with an idea of doing it on a regular basis. I’d been to LA and at the Comedy Store. Originally I thought my father Stan and I would perform as well.

So we started it on Sunday nights in our waiting area bar called THE TREE HOUSE.

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Glazer: The King of Sting Flashes Back

My partner, Don Woodbeck, drove up to the campus at Arizona State in Tempe…

I remember it as being damn hot out, fall and I was not yet 20 years-old. It was the early 70’s. I had just cut my hair kinda short. Remember, those were the days of long hair. I did that to look older, more like a cop. Woodbeck said to me, "Are you ready kid?" 

Don wanted me to fly to Chicago with him the next day, to set up our first STING.

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Glazer: Kansas Speedway Comes Up Short at Boiling Hot, Lightly Attended Kanrocksas

First off the Star, as usual, lied about the numbers or just don’t know…

Thirty-five thousand people? Give me a break.

I got there to see Eminem about 10:55, the star of the show and many people were already leaving. Some happy, some not so much. Too hot. Too far to walk to anything. Not the right venue for this event. Crowd size was maybe low twenty thousands at best.

And I’m being generous.

Almost nobody was in the (unlighted) stands. And maybe the infield was, at best, a third full. So there could have been 20,000 people. It looked like a slightly bigger Red Friday when we had Joe Montana in Westport back in ’94.

The good news; Eminem was great! 

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Glazer: My Forecast for the 2011 Chiefs; Fair to Partly Sucky

I’ve been looking around a buncha sites…

Like walterfootball.com, a good one. As well as other inside the NFL predicitons sites. And all of them say this: The Chiefs had a gifted season last year, because they played ALL LOSERS. The three playoff teams they played beat them except Seattle.

Free Agents: Signing Tamba Hali was great. He’s now a star. He got $60 million for five years with $35 million guaranteed. The signing of Steve Breaston, a slot receiver from Arizona, was a joke. He got a five-year $25 million dollar contract with – get this – $9.5 million guaranteed. Wow. Arizona said, "We didn’t even try to keep him; his knees are shot, he’s done."

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Glazer: Hasta La Vista, Bubba. You Will Be Missed!

He was a mountain of a man…

All-Pro star of the Baltimore Colts, Bubba Smith is dead at age 66. They found him in his LA home. Officials say he died of natural causes. At one time he was a close friend of mine when I lived in LA. Bubba and I, along with Aaron Binder (who also passed) worked out together at 24-Hour Fitness near Barrington just inside Santa Monica. I used to live about two miles from the club. Next to the gym is the Santa Monica Airport.

I met Bubba through Sonny Landham shortly after my release from prison. Both were big guys. It was stranger still when I later met and worked with Bubba’s co-star in the Police Academy movies, Michael Winslow (the voice guy).

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Glazer: Historic Bridger Building, Birthplace of Stanford’s Goes on the Blocks

The year was 1974 and Stanford Glazer looked around the old print shop, owned by Walter Langdon

The Langsdon’s wanted $125,000 for the old building – the former Jim Bridger building – the oldest standing building in Kansas City. Instead Stan decided to lease the place for around $4,000 a month. He beat out Victor Fontana and it opened as Stanford and Sons in April 1975.

To say it was a smash hit, would be an understatement.

Stan had a few partners; me, Jerry Mays (former Chiefs great), his cousin Lenard Glazer, as well as the law firm that housed the Craig brothers and Steamer brothers. Nice group. Within two years Stan bought out his partners, except me.

Stanford and Sons with its "flower pot bread" and fun menu would rival Houlihan’s on the Plaza for the ONE fun spot in KC to see and be seen.

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Glazer: Star’s Mellinger Hops on Glazer Train, Calls Out Chiefs

It’s clear from Sam Mellinger‘s column Sunday about the Chiefs that he’s been reading me…

Sam jumped on the Chiefs and called them out, agreeing pretty much with all of my positions. Because they’re correct.

Mellinger made it clear that last year’s team was average at best. And by seasons end. below average.

The Chiefs went 2-5  to end the year. At times they had a decent defense, but they had no passing game and a spotty running game with Jamaal Charles making some big runs. But since our offense is not on the field very long it wears down our defense.

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Glazer: How I Became an Outlaw & Learned to Pull the Trigger on My Fellow Man

"He stood six foot two, weighed 195, was kinda broad at the shoulders, narrow at the hips, and everyone knew you didn’t give no lip to Don Woodbeck"

Play that back in your mind to the tune of the Jimmy Dean song, Big Bad John.

I had approached Woodbeck to be my partner and go after the prairie pirates that robbed me and years earlier tried to murder Don and his partner Jim Woyt.  They got away, but their two friends weren’t fast enough and were shot dead.

That was the Arizona I knew in the early 1970s.

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