Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Scribe Deals with Death and Moves On…

It’s hard to measure the value of simply being a good person in life…

Too often we give way too much weight in life for people who have a ton of money, fame or good fortune. This site is proof of that. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m person who wants to leave a mark in history. And that I also want to enjoy an exciting life.

However, I’ve never said this was the only way to go.

Two of the greatest men I know want none of that. They just want to be good husbands and fathers. And that’s not easy. My grandfather by marriage was the kind of man who truly would "give you the shirt off his back" if he cared about you. Ben Studna loved me and my brothers and gave us all he had to give. All that he could.

I was pleased but heartbroken to hold his hand and look into his eyes as the lights went out in his life.

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Glazer: Scribe Braces for Week Six Picks & Midget Invasion of Westport

The football season’s more than a third over…

The top teams are now pretty apparent. No matter, upsets happen all the time. And the point spread makes the road ahead tougher and tougher. If you’ve followed the scribe’s advice, Christmas should be paid for by now. So you you can quit now, while you’re ahead or throw caution to the wind and boldly ride into Week Six.

College  Picks:

Missouri is a pretty good team with pretty bad luck and a pretty bad record at 2-3. But MU’s at home with a decent Iowa State team. In the meantime, Oklahoma State has turned into a bully but is still being overlooked as a finalist for the top spot. Let’s insure our wins as best we can. Texas looks like its fading. Let’s tease these two plus 6 to win. Remember we must win them both to win.

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Glazer: Forget What You Read on Arrowhead Pride, Wright is Right & Pioli is Wrong

So I’m driving home this afternoon, listening to my friend Nick Wright on 610 Sports….

And he’s explaining how a website called Arrowhead Pride interviewed Chiefs GM Scott Pioli about coach Todd Haley. The site had quoted Pioli as saying, "We never discussed firing Todd Haley after a loss to the Colts – never happened." 

Pioli clearly was talking about Nick’s comments earlier this week when he’d said if the Chiefs had lost to the lowly Colts, Haley would have been gone. Inside information.

Well, the Chiefs won two games against horrible teams.  Both games were close and the Chiefs trailed in each. It was a bit odd that they won them, but clearly you don’t fire Haley after he finally wins two in a row. Most players on the team like him and they’re playing their tails off for Todd to save his job and their’s. The team’s still a bottom feeder, but it’s playing with a purpose.

However, the truth is they have very little talent outside D-Bowe and Tamba Hali.

Do I believe Nick? YES!

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Glazer: Scribe Tires of Being an ATM, Ponders Fine Line Between Money, Friendship

It’s a sad but true, but "Neither a borrower nor a lender be…" 

Like many of you good people – I know you’re out there – I’ve suffered from this lifestyle forever. Being the LENDER 99% of the time. I’ve been on the other end a couple times. Both have not been good, except with banks.

Hard to say why I’ve always been such a soft touch, as they say. Maybe I felt, ‘There but for the grace of God go I."  Or, "Gee if I don’t help so and so out, one day nobody will help me when I’m in need."

Or maybe it’s a combination of both.

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Glazer: Westport Claws Its Way Back from the Dead, Just in Time for Halloween

Even I was shoveling dirt on Westport just two years back…

However things have changed. Westport had its best summer in a decade, Bill Nigro tells me. And I believe him because I drive through it every week. I do radio there on Friday mornings and live just over the state line in Kansas, so I’m in and around Westport a lot.

How did Westport pull off the best summer in years in this economy? 

Well, some of it’s hot new spots are doing great. The Union, which replaced Blayney’s is on fire. They play alternative rock nightly and are packed on weekends. And Aaron Confessori’s trendy Westport Cafe has also been busy. That and some oldies but goodies like McCoy’s, along with its new joint across the street, the Beer Kitchen, which is jammed weekend nights.

"Crime is way, way down," Nigro says. "And Kelly’s deck took off huge this summer and fall with the record warm temperatures. Kelly’s third generation granddaughter, barmaid and beauty queen, Colleen Kelly has taken charge. She’s brought the college kids back and does radio spots now for Kelly’s. She is the new star of Westport."

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Glazer: Scribe Salutes Fallen Fellow ‘Bad Boy,’ The Raiders Al Davis

Nobody can argue that Raiders‘ boss Al Davis, along with men like Lamar Hunt, created the modern NFL..

Both men had teams in the first two Super Bowls. Both lost those games. Yet the Chiefs and Raiders would soon follow up those losses with Super Bowl victories. In fact it was the Vikings who fell to both teams just a few years apart.

And it’s no secret that Chiefs fans hated Al Davis who died this past weekend.

Davis wore black and was the head Raider. The Raiders dominated the Chiefs for the most part through the years under both Davis and Hunt. True, in the Marty Schottenheimer era the Chiefs came back and handled a lesser Raider group for nearly a decade.

TheChiefs  were also as the FIRST wild card team and defeated Oakland in 1969, sending KC to its first and only Super Bowl win in 1970. However that’s where our good fortunes mostly ended.

The Raiders have been far better than KC over the long haul.

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Glazer: Scribe Cops to Biggest Blunder in Journalistic History!

This just in…I was wrong!

The Chiefs are the real deal. Matt Cassel rung up a 90% completion rate against the red hot Colts. Running back Jackie Battle cannot be stopped. D-Bowe made circus catch after circus catch.

These are the Kansas City Chiefs we’ve always wanted and finally we’ve got them.

Great Defense. Hard charging quarterback. Top notch receivers. Well-coached. Guts. Pride. Winners!

My Las Vegas bet is in big trouble.

I know nothing about the NFL or for that matter anything. What a fool I was to think the Chiefs stunk. They are outstanding – I mean the best. Matt had what? Four touchdowns. Biggest Chiefs comeback, EVER! Wow. Now we can hang onto Matt for years and maybe Haley too. Thank God.


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Glazer: Scribe Rocks His 40th @ Shawnee Mission East

Many of you have been having those five and ten year reunions…

I just had mine again. I wasn’t worried about it at all. After all, I was a cool kid in high school. Yeah, I had my share of haters there too, but screw them.

I’m not someone to jack with in person and they never do.

Going in I felt like, "Yeah, I’ve done better than you guys thought I would."  Not a good attitude to have. I work out with Bruce Ecton, the chairman of our reunions. Bruce had told me we’d be doing the Blue Moose in Prairie Village on Friday and Indian Hills Country Club on Saturday for the biggie.

So I asked out one of my girls. Jessie, a 28 year-old hottie. She’s built and a decent gal but looks way too wild. Hey, I wanted to make a statement as usual – that I’m still playing ball. I’d taken my ex, actress Sandhal Bergman to her 40th two years ago. She was the star of that one, but I knew a lot of her friends since I as a sophomore when she was a senior at Shawnee Mission East.

Many of my classmates remembered that I didn’t attend the 30th. I was too busy being indicted by the Feds. Front page news along with a little thing called 9/11 on the exact same day.

So I was surely the talk of that one but not in a good way.

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Glazer: Why Baseball Really Doesn’t Matter Much Anymore & Not Just in Kansas City

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio…?

Joltin’ Joe’s long gone and what was once America’s pastime is now mostly an afterthought.

"Man, I don’t even know who’s playin in the Series," is 95% of the feedback you get today at work or if you speak to ordinary people at bars or in passing. Nobody knows What’s more – and sadly – almost nobody seems to care.

Baseball, like real movies, is fading away.


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Glazer: This Week’s Pics; Humble Scribe Handles Crystal Ball With Extreme Caution

"Alright, let’s not get a big head about being at nearly 90% on your picks, Craig."

For four weeks straight. More than likely the best overall picks from – well, hmmmm – anyone, anywhere. Just sayin. Thats why I remain your humble scribe. or THE GLAZE, as some comments lovers and haters call me.

So as we march forward it’s just gonna get tougher. The better teams will be playing better and there’ll be more "equal" teams. In college ball the good vs. the bad have huge spreads now. So let’s try and be smart and use our friend the "teaser" to add or subtract 6 points or even more often.

Don’t get greedy and go for the one big hit.

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Glazer: The Humble Scribe Ponders His Mortality

When we were really young, our parents used to tell us, "When you grow up things will be great." 

Most of our memories started way back in those golden days. Remember, going outside, playing army, tag, baseball, hiding out and even talking to the neighborhood girls? Yuk! Oh yeah, and the beginning of trying to make a buck or maybe just a few quarters with a lemonade stand. If you’re like me, you lost money on that one. Sure liked drinking the kool-aid though – lots of sugar – don’t tell mom.

And we all dreamed of being big, like our moms and dads. Mostly so we could beat the hell out of the neighborhood bully.

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Glazer: Chiefs Win, Now Kansas City is Out of Luck

Well, it finally happened…

The Chiefs pulled out a win over the 0-3 Vikings at home, 22-17. They played an inspired game. Todd Haley yelled at quarterback Matt Cassel on the sideline after Matt, threw one away. And Matt played much better after being bitch slapped by his coach.

A win is a win, however in this case that may not be a good thing.

There’s no doubt, the Chiefs are a very bad football team.

Even with this win, and maybe one or two more. If they finish 3-13 or 4-12, there will be no No. 1 pick, no Andrew Luck. In other words, Chiefs fans are in for more of the same. And they will continue to stink, with or without a new coach.

We must have a franchise quarterback – it’s not Matt.

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Glazer: Weekend Pics; Humble Scribe Bets the Farm Because He’s That Kinda Guy

Well football fans, I’ve had a nice three week run..

Lets see if I can hold it together. My numbers have been so good, I’ll have trouble keeping them this high, but stick with me, maybe we’ll get lucky.

First let’s see how my season-long picks are going.

My number one pick for the season was Kansas City under 7 1/2 games and the Chiefs are 0-3, so that looks like a lock. Next I picked Detroit at over 7 games and that looks very good – they’re 3-0. Last I have Dallas at 9 with the under and they’re 2-1.  That one’s still up in the air, but I still like the under. They seem to have issues, but they’re in a weak division, and the Eagles look to be in trouble as I predicted with Mr Vick. He will likely be out for the season soon.

In College Football the mighty are just that this year – way better than the rest.


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Glazer: Forget the Death Wish, Time to Put the Pedal to the Metal

Nobody wants to die young…

However today, so many junior senior citizens seem to want to live forever. In their 60’s and 70’s many people talk about going on and on into their 90’s or even 100’s. Don’t get me wrong; stay in shape and have fun as long as you can.

But to aim your daily life at just hanging on forever may be a huge mistake.

There’s a big difference between enjoying life as we age and just putting on the brakes so you can live long enough to make it to the old folks home- the really old folks home.  Trust me living in extended care housing isn’t going to be a very fun time.

Like many of you, I’ve had a parent, grandparent or friend live in these places until they go to Hospice. And none of them were thrilled about it. Who would be?

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Glazer: Curse of Marty Ball Haunts Nick Wright & Chiefs ‘Suck for Luck’ Campaign

610 Sports host Nick Wright admits he thought the Chiefs could make the playoffs before the season started…

Nick also bought into his pal Todd Haley’s decision to go soft in the preseason in order to be ready for the regular season. Now Nick thinks the Chiefs should lose every game and draft number one to get college superstar Andrew Luck from Stanford.

I agree with Nick, but many don’t.

Yesterday Wright’s top-rated show was flooded with Haters. I know the feeling, Nick.

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Glazer: Stanford’s Named Top Comedy Club, Hot New Stars on the Way

Out with the old, in with the new…

That’s been the Hollywood battle cry for ages. Comedy undergoes major changes about every 10 years. And that change is now underway. Stanford’s was just named one of the top comedy venues in the country for 2011/2012 (along with Caroline’s in New York).

Because both clubs have a great mix of current big name stars, as well as the new superstar comic up-and-comers.

Chelsea Handler is the "NEW" Johnny Carson.

That’s right, she’s way, way more important than Jay Leno and David Letterman to comics. Being on Chelsea’s show five times is better than being on those guy’s shows 20 times.

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Glazer: Chiefs Coach Todd Haley Saves His Job…For now

Yes, the Chiefs are still 0-3…

Yes, they are still one of the NFL’S worst teams. Bottom three for sure – maybe the worst. They are officially rated last. However, they put on a better than expected effort against San Diego away. Both teams had a boat load of injuries. And now the Chiefs have lost Brandon Flowers.  Although I’m not sure how bad it is yet.

So now they have just three weapons; Dwayne Bowe, Dexter McCluster and surprising new tight end Leonard Pope.

Together they may have saved coach Todd Haley’s job -at least for now. It’s still likely however that he will be fired before season’s end. However if Todd with his patch work defense and offense can win the next two games against the 0-3 Vikings and soon to be 0-3 Colts, Todd might make it through to the end of the season. But even with a couple of wins, the Chiefs have to fire him. The Chiefs will be in rebuild mode now for years to come.

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Glazer: Kansas City’s Worst Sports Era Ever, Except for Sporting KC & Next Year’s Royals


The answer is simple, YES…

I’d been thinking about it, then I heard WHB’s Kevin Kietzman say it. "This is horrible. It’s been since at least 1983 since Kansas City was this bad in sports."

Actually, I was thinking it had been worse. In 1983 the Royals were still a very good ball club nearing the 1985 World Series. Yes, the Chiefs were a clown act then too, but better than today’s team. Our area college teams were no-shows except for KU basketball, which wasn’t exactly hot either.

Today the Chiefs – as your humble scribe told you two months ago – are one of the NFL’s worst teams. The Royals finished near the bottom again. KU and K-State football is lousy. MU is decent but headed towards at best an 8-4 season with a lower level bowl game.

So yeah, it really does affect the spirit of our city.

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Glazer: Humble Scribe Releases NFL & College Football Get Rich Quick Picks

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for boys and girls, this weeks picks…

The favorites have been doing very well so far. The OVER in the NFL has been outstanding. But things may change. Sometimes when it looks too good to be true it just might be.

This week in the NFL there are four or five games that look scary easy, so beware.

The two that jump out: San Diego by just 15 over Kansas City at the Chargers and the Steelers by 101/2 over the Colts.

These smell like trap games.

So here’s what we do; take both favorites and tease DOWN the numbers for both games. Now the Chargers are  favored by just 9 and the Steelers by just 4 1/2.

I like it.

Here we go for the rest of BEST BETS BY YOUR HUMBLE SCRIBE

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Glazer: War is Hell and Hell is for Heroes

Sgt. Dakota Meyer didn’t smile much when the President of The United States put that Medal of Honor on his chest.

Meyer understood what the medal had cost. And not just on the day of the combat, September 8, 2009, but all that went before.

I watched Meyer on 60 Minutes and he’s an impressive young man. One of the youngest Medal of Honor winners in several decades at 23. He’s also alive and not wounded. He saved 36 lives that day.

Of the men he went back for, four US Marines, were dead when he got to them. They were pinned down and had called for help. And other than Meyer, it never came. How sad and tragic. Meyer said, "He felt he had failed" because they all died. It wasn’t his fault, of course.

He also said the most interesting thing of all. When asked if it was worth it – THE WAR – did it really mean anything, he answered, "No."

I agree.

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