Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Scribe Rips Off Shirt, Comes Clean on Rug, Puffs Out His Lotus, Commands Respect

OK sports fans and Glazer haters here we go…

Let me start by saying these are things I did as Father Time moved in on my ass. YOU DON’T HAVE TO FOLLOW MY ADVICE. It’s simply advice – take it or leave it.

This is not a ME story but a YOU story.

If you are a younger reader, these are things to consider down the road. If you are over 40 these are issues facing you right now. One thing to keep in mind, with modern medicine many of these options will change and become better.

Some of you are happy with the way you are, and that’s fine.

However if you have some vanity and want to battle the clock, HAVE AT IT!

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Glazer: This Just In…Chiefs Are a Clown Act; My Bet Is Safe!

It finally happened…

Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos put the Chiefs out of their misery. It’s over folks. The Chiefs who in – get this – 25 regular season games HAVE PLAYED AND BEATEN NO GOOD TEAMS…WOW. Only the Baltimore Ravens and the Colts, who both beat our CLOWN SHOW, were playoff teams.

The Colts were seeing their window close and Baltimore crushed one of the NFL’s worst teams in the pretend play-off post season last year. Only the failing Chargers took a loss to the lowly Chiefs. This year we lost badly too two rising teams the Bills and the Lions. And neither of those teams are gonna smell a Super Bowl this year.

So yeah, we are a CLOWN SHOW.

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Glazer: Wave Goodbye to the Chiefs Matt Cassel & Todd Haley

MATT ”THE FRANCHISE” Cassel, was benched yesterday…

Chiefs coach Todd Haley came up with the hurt hand story. Matt might need an operation. Right. Matt has a sore hand, maybe a broken finger. Remember when Steve Deberg played with a stick in his finger with two of them busted?

It’s the beginning of the end for Todd and Matt.

Unfortunately for the Chiefs, it took too long in coming. I like Todd, it just didn’t work out. This team has been awful the entire time. They stunk last year too, if you’re being really honest. It’s time to say goodbye.

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Glazer: Penn State Scandal Nothing More Than a Media Circus

It’s the worst scandal in college football history…

Sex with children, he’s being called a monster and football coach Joe Paterno and eventually the entire staff around him has already or likely will be fired – all of them. Remember the KU ticket scandal and Lew Perkins?

Some will be convicted of crimes.

YET JERRY SANDUSKY is free on $100,000 dollar bond.

What? Bonds are given to low level drug dealers, maybe an unarmed bank robber. So why is all of this more about being a media circus than something of genuine public concern? Because that’s all it’s been thus far, a media circus.

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Glazer: Scribe Saddles Up For A Rough Ride On Weekend Football Picks

Some weeks it’s best to not put much out there…

There really are no real clear picks this weekend, the matchups are too close. This is just one of those tricky weeks in both college and the pros. Last week I went down hard in college 2-3, but made a huge comeback in the pros 4-0. So as the nation’s top guy in this area, and the numbers show, I’m here to make some very tough calls. So don’t go crazy.

Yes, I am just under 90% on picks now on well over 100 games for the season. It’s a number that likely will never be reduplicated. I notice by how few haters comment on these pics, that they are left with nothing to say but: AWESOME.  Most of you appreciate this top advice from Kansas City’s most accurate football preview man. There’s no argument.

So I hope you have made a buck or two or won some pools. Maybe it’s just for fun, but here we go for this week’s hopefuls.

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Glazer: Where Was God When Penn State And The Children Needed Him?

When things like the Penn State child sex scandal happen in this world, it only supports my belief that THERE IS NO GOD!

Sorry for that, but once again a pillar of the sports world in America has fallen. Joe Paterno, Penn State’s head coach for like 500 years failed to turn in his longtime employee, a coach named Jerry Sandusky for CHILD RAPE.

By now most of you have heard the tale. Defensive coordinator, Sandusky is caught raping a male child around the age of age 10 in the locker room. The shower area to be exact. A witness, coach Mike McQueary sees it, doesn’t stop it but tells his boss Paterno. Paterno doesn’t call the police he tells his boss the athletic director.

What was done? Not much. Nobody called the COPS. Are you kidding? Nobody.

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Glazer: Scribe Says Goodbye to Smokin Joe Frazier

Smokin Joe Frazier, a man who was a friend and a great champion passed away yesterday…

The Hall Of Fame boxing champ, died at age 67. As many of you may know I produced two feature films starring Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. The movies also starred George Foreman, Larry Holmes and Ken Norton, thus the title, Champions Forever. It’s the biggest selling boxing documentary of all time. We did the original movie in 1990 and the followup last year.

When I did the movie in 1990, the five heavyweight champs had never been together as a group before.

And they never were again. Baseball hall of famer Reggie Jackson was the host. I interviewed Ali on camera and off.

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Glazer: Halloween’s Over, Real Chiefs Return to Form; Back to Hoping for a Good Draft Pick

"They are who we thought they were," famous, former NFL coach, Dennis Greene…

The Chiefs are who I thought they were; a pretty poor NFL team. Yes, they have improved from being the worst team in the league at the season’s start. Yes, they play hard. Matt Cassel tries with all his might and we now have a damn good receivers group led by Dwayne Bowe and Johnathan Baldwin. But our defense is still up and down, average at best. Matt is a bottom 10 quarterback and our running game is just OK.

The Chiefs are below average, but again not the worst team in the NFL.

If we got a solid quarterback, we could compete next year with a team that could be dangerous in the play-offs. Short of that NO.

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Glazer: Scribe Calls Upon Clark Hunt to Step It Up For Otis Taylor

Few would argue that without No. 89, Otis Taylor, the Chiefs would have won ZERO Super Bowls.

"I can tell you this, Taylor scared the hell out of every team we played against," former Chiefs quarterback Len Dawson. said at a rally for Taylor a few years back. "More than anyone on this football team’s offense, he deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame."

Taylor and Dawson with a great defense sent Kansas City to Super Bowls One and Four. It was Taylor’s dramatic sideline catch, memorialized forever on NFL films, that broke open Super Bowl Four and sent KC home as World Champions in 1970.

Now it’s time Clark Hunt and the Chiefs organization put the pedal to the metal for Otis Taylor.

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Glazer: Scribe Still a Bit Goosey but Looks Ahead to ‘Game of Century’ & Prays for Chiefs Loss

Well, last week was my worst…

Just over 50%, it was bound to happen.That drags my season down to just under 90%. So I need a comeback week. Lke I said, I never really expected to be picking at this high level in the first place. Over 65% is very good.

However, we made this far and now that the second half of the season is well under way, let’s roll, baby!

There’s game of the century – big – but not the biggest; LSU at Alabama.There’ve been plenty of Oklahoma/Nebraska, Ohio State/Michigan,USC/Notre Dame games, but this is still one of the top games in the past 25 years. Both teams are undefeated, have great defenses and great coaches.

But this game falls short for one big reason, NO BIG NAMES.

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Glazer: Hide the Children, The ‘Cat’ is Back, This Weekend @ Stanford’s

Bobcat Goldthwait‘s starred in everything from "Happily Ever After" (with ex Nikki Cox)" to his memorable role in "BLOW" ("I can’t feel my face")…

He directs Jimmy Kimmel Live (has for years), was on the Chappelle show a ton, set the couch on fire on the Tonight Show (and was arrested) and even did Hollywood Squares and SCROGGED. But Goldthwait will always be best remembered for his four Police Academy films with Michael Winslow and crew.

And now the Bobcat at Stanford’s this Friday and Saturday Night.

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Glazer: Scribe Salutes Chiefs & Eats Some Hat

In one of the biggest turn arounds in modern NFL history, the Kansas City Chiefs saved their season, their coach, their quarterback and gave their fans total joy…

From 0-3 to 4-3 and first place WOW.

Yes, my SURE bet looks to be in big trouble. This team may win more than 8 now. They believe in themselves. When nobody believed, nobody.

Yes, we’re in a weak division. Yes, Phillip Rivers gave the game to KC. What a moron. On the 15 yard line with one minute and change to play, hef umbles! What? Kick it dummy.

This team has more heart then maybe any Chiefs team in years.

They now have two great receivers and a very good one on this squad. This team now has more weapons than any team in our division. Its one issue is still the quarterback.

Matt THE FRANCHISE Cassel is still is below average.

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Glazer: King of Sting Movie Still on the Drawing Board

Many of you have asked for an update on the King of Sting movie..

I’ve been working towards the making of a film on my life since 1981. And if you’ve read my book, KING OF STING, you know the story. However, since most of you haven’t, I’ll fill you in on what’s going on today.

A quick history: In 1981 I wrote a treatment and query letter about my life and sent it to about 20 agents and book companies that I found in library. Good luck, right?

But I got lucky and had about four agents interested, including one from Hollywood. I also managed to get several articles written about me and my partner in crime Don Woodbeck. CBS had a movie division, and they bought our pitch in1982 for several hundred thousand dollars. We were on cloud nine. And Don and I lived on that money until his death in 1983.

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Glazer: Time to Give Credit to the Greatest President in Our Lifetimes

It’s happened…

We’ve lived to see one of the greatest presidents in United States history and his name is Barack Obama. There’s no longer any doubt. Warm up Mount Rushmore.

Why, you ask?

Well, he ended the war in Iraq. On his watch, we killed a monster named Bin Laden and another one named Qaddafi as well. The nation was on the brink of a true depression and this president – under heavy fire – stopped that nightmare and reversed the direction of the economy. We’re still not all of the way back, but as of yesterday the stock market was stable and up over 12,000 again. Yes, and climbing.

This president is brilliant.

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Glazer: The State of the NFL & This Week’s Pro Picks

The football season’s half over…

We see teams – as always in the NFL – that have weakened. And some that have gotten decent. For three reasons; Injuries, defenses getting better and no real dominant teams.

Only Green Bay is a monster because of Aaron Rodgers. Green Bay’s D is still below average and needs to improve if they want to win it all. The Steelers are tough, but beatable by average or above average teams. The Saints have the offense but little defense thus far. New England is all Tom Brady and has no defense either.

Detroit‘s "lucky charms" have given out. They’re good, not great – a 10-6 team. The Eagles are getting better, but are still shaky. Dallas is better but still losing too much. The Giants are a potential wild card.The Chargers can lock up the west with a win at KC Monday, Oakland is too wounded. Denver is better than you think but not good enough.

The Chiefs have come back, but against horrible teams so we still don’t know if they are decent or poor.

In other words, it’s the up for grabs league.

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Glazer: Forget The NFL, College Football is Where the Action’s At This Weekend


College football is a different tale than the pros….

It’s a far safer play. The good get better, while the semi strong fall. It’s clear that LSU and Alabama are BY FAR the best two teams in college football. No argument.

The real National Championship Game is November 5th between these two great, great college football teams.

Stanford is likely 3rd best. Oklahoma got exposed as good, not great. Same with Wisconsin. K-State can get legit with a win over OU this Saturday. And Oklahoma State is likely the 4th best team in the country and the overall champion of the Big 12.

So with all this in mind, college is the money play this week – not pro – pro football is too tough, too even.

Now the pics…

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Glazer: Scribe Does a Little Nail Biting While Handicapping Remainder of Chiefs’ Season

It was your humble scribe who first noticed just how horrible the Kansas City Chiefs looked to end up…

With the close of last season, it was clear to me that this was a very bad team. They had no quarterback, true running game (one that could drive the field and score, sorry), the defense was poor, the coaching lame and the general manager seemed to be a bust as well.

All bad, very bad.

I watched the preseason unfold and it was even worse. The Chiefs were a team trying to win just one game and they couldn’t. I had no doubt that they were one of the two or three worst teams in football.

Unfortunately, now it looks like I should have made that bet on the under when it was 8 1/2 instead of 7 games.

Now what looked like a sure thing – and nothing is these days – might become a nightmare for your poor scribe. A team that everyone else figured out way after me, that looked to be the NFL’S WORST, is now playing for FIRST PLACE MONDAY NIGHT AT HOME.

Lordy, lordy, lordy – shocker!

OK, now let’s get a little more real.

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Glazer: Scribe Shivers, Then Waxes Humbler as Pro Pics Get Tougher

Week seven, ALREADY….

As America’s top game picker with just over a 90% correct pick rate, let’s delve into who’s best right now.

As always, college first.

Again, college has been a tad easier than pro ball this season. And usually that’s the case. It looks like the top teams will scream PLAYOFFS by season’s end with as many as five undefeated football teams repeating in unison, "We got jacked!" 

Everyone wants to play in that championship game, but only two will get to. So points really matter in college, less so pro.

Style points, that is..

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Glazer: Scribe Drops $300 on Lobster, Steak @ Capital Grille, Narrowly Misses Threesome

So here’s how it went down…

A few weeks back an ex-girlfriend was celebrating a birthday. She came over to my condo with three very hot looking young ladies. They’d been drinking before they came by, so all of them were a bit loose. One of the girls, half American Indian and half African (mother from there) had a crazy, great body. Big ones, ripped abs and smooth – she was 26.

For the sake of my dating life, let’s call her Amy (not her real name). We got along great and had a date a few nights later. Everything went well but there was no happy ending. Yet.

Onour  second date last week, she came by my condo at about 8 PM. She seemed pretty clean cut, well-educated and lived in a nice part of OP. She drove a Range Rover, so she seemed normal.

Then she says, "I’m hungry let’s go to a restaurant in the area."  Cool, I said and told her I’d already eaten, but that she could eat. So we drove down to the Plaza, went by a couple places, and she said she’d never been to The Capitol Grille. I was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes – not exactly the ideal dress code for the Grille – but I told her we could get something in the bar.

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Glazer: Scribe Worries Chiefs May Play Themselves Out of Badly Needed Draft Pick

The Chiefs have had the worst good luck!

First they lose two of their best players to injury, then get smashed in the entire preseason and first three regular season games. They were ranked as the worst team in the NFL. Two games later, they beat a pair of 0-3 teams, now everyone thinks all is well.

"Boy, if we can beat Oakland and maybe upset San Diego on Monday Night, beat Miami and Denver – win one more – yeah we are 6-10.

Oh, JOY!

Unfortunately, with all the injuries in the league, the Chiefs have now become almost average compared to many teams. They’ve gone from an F team to maybe a D plus or C-. And suddenly fans are saying stuff like, ‘We need to see more from Jackie Battle, D-Bowe, and THE FRANCHISE, Matt Cassel.’ And with no really strong defenses in the league- save maybe Baltimore – the Chiefs could be O.K.

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