Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: The Sad Reality of Employee Theft in the Nightclub Game & Jardine’s

First off, I know Jardine’s owner Beena through Hearne…

I met her about 10 years back at his home for a Super Bowl Party. It was a Who’s Who of KC. Even the Mayor and Star publisher Art Brisbane were there. Beena was married at the time. But it wasn’t long before she remarried and moved back to India. Hard to run a tight ship when the owner is gone that much.

Beena was kind and generous to me and my friends and family. I didn’t go to her club often, but when I did she was all over the table, Jardine’s guests and seemed to be a very hard worker. Beena loved her Jardine’s. When Hearne got divorced, he dated Beena for a while. So we saw each other fairly often then.

All I can tell you is this, bars, restaurants and nightclubs are a tough ticketmost don’t stay open more than a year or two.

One of the main reasons is people tire of a new place quickly. Another big problem is employee theft.

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Glazer: Uh, Make That Professor Scribe if You Don’t Mind, Son

It was an honor yesterday to be asked to speak to a history class at California State University, Fresno…

Professor Rice contacted me last week and set up the event. It would have been nice to be there in person, but with such short notice and the long distance a speaker phone speech was the best I could manage. It worked out fine.

The professor explained that each semester his class is given a book to read and review. When they are finished he tries to get the author to speak to the class. In this case the book was THE KING OF STING and I was the author. Professor Rice explained that several well known authors had spoken to his classes over the years including Walter Cronkite.

So yes I was honored to follow Cronkite.

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Glazer: It’s The End Of The World As We Know It and We Feel…

Black Friday has gone from a very busy shopping day to THE SUPER BOWL OF SHOPPING DAYS…

Addto that Cyber Monday, where Americans spend close to 20 billion on stuff they mostly don’t need or will ever use. Most of the crap we buy is for gifts, largely for ourselves. Gifts for ME, YEAH THATS GREAT! After all we earned them.

The stock market is back up over 12,000. Unemployment is around 9% most of the time. And we keep hearing things are better, but are they? The fast answer is NO, they’re just different. The world has been rocked by iPhones, iPads, computers and online madness. Everyone is on Facebook and too busy screwing with it daily. Everyone surfs the net for God knows what, and if you shop, go to a movie or restaurant, it seems everyone is sitting around texting about nothing.

My theory is simple: we’re in a modern depression-recession for one reason mostly, THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA…

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Glazer: Scribe Defends, Marvels, Then Worships at the Alter of Tim Tebow

Denver’s Tim Tebow is 6 and 1 and the man has won five straight games since taking over for Kyle Orton

Orton, who threw only one pass for KC at a cost of 2 million bucks, is likely done for the year. Good move KC. Oh yeah, the pass was incomplete.

Meanwhile, Tebow’s now the talk of the league and the sports world. Yesterday he beat the Vikings with his arm, not his legs. Tim threw for more than 300 yards and two touchdowns in the third quarter to beat the Vikes 35-32.  The Denver Broncos are now 7-5 and will likely win the AFC West.

The Chumps are 5-7 and to say we are in it is stupid – we’re the worst team in the division by far.

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Glazer: Tiger Woods; America’s Villain Becomes America’s Hero Again

Just two years ago the morons of America were saying Tiger Woods was done…

Tiger would win no more. Woods had cheated on his pretty, blonde wife many times and she’d chased him with a golf club and he hit a tree with his car. There wasn’t much damage to Tiger, the tree or the car, but there was a ton of damage to Woods’ image. 

The white world was stunned.

"We gave you our skin color and you screwed us!" they ranted. "You cheated on the pretty, white girl."

Tiger was toast. He lost most of his advertising backers and millions of dollars.

But the man hadn’t killed anybody. He wasn’t busted for dealing drugs or dog fighting. He wasn’t the head of the Hip Hop movement. He cheated on his wife, that’s all.

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Glazer: Scribe Drowns His Sorrows in Chiefs’ Win Over Chicago

The stink farm known as the Kansas City Chiefs were smart enough to steal Kyle Orton…

From two teams that wanted him badly – Texas and Chicago – teams that have a real shot at the playoffs while the Chiefs are totally out of the playoffs picture. Then Orton threw a single pass, hurt his hand and is likely out for the season. Great way to blow $2 million.

Orton was meaningless to one of the NFL’s worst teams.

And once again today the Chiefs were gifted a game. From a team with a wounded quarterback, like us. Chiefs QB Tyler Palko is brave and tries very hard, but he’s not a legitimate NFL quarterback, as evidenced by zero touchdowns in three games.

Yes, we had a playground TD at the end of the first half. Palko just threw it up and the Chiefs got lucky when it was batted down and into their hands.

Impressive, what talent!

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Glazer: Old Soldiers Like Frank White Never Die, They Go on Nick Wright’s Show

For some reason or another, Nick Wright and I no longer have that warm fuzzy thing going…

He’s got his own posse and is the Johnny Dare of 610 Sports now despite what some of KCC’s geezer readers may think. Who knows why we drifted apart?

However I call them like I see them and Nick did a fantastic job of interviewing Frank White tonight. Huge scoop. Frank was fired from the Royals TV post, as well as everything else. He was on live tonight to say how he felt about, the Royals "going in another direction."

Many of you know Frank White’s Kansas City story.

He’s one of only a couple of born and raised KC guys to make it big in pro sports and play for the home team.

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Glazer: Scribe Steadies Himself & Prepares to Kick NFL & College Butt

There are not many college game weeks left…

Pretty soon the Bowl picture will start to unfold and that’s pretty much it. But it was a fun year. The pro’s have just over a month and then the Playoffs! That should be interesting. And while the Chiefs never really had a season to talk about (in a good way), other decent teams have and it should be a wild finish.

This week in college there are only a few games that I like.

My two favorites are Houston over So. Mississippi and LSU over Georgia. Houston has covered every game – all of them. Wish I had seen that in week three instead of week 10. Oh well, better late than never.  I think Houston, who has a somewhat soft set up, is maybe the number 5 team in the nation. Great offense, decent defense, I like ’em.

The NFL is about to shake out the pretenders for the playoffs. Are the Jets for real? Tim Tebo? The next two weeks should give us those answers.

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Glazer: The Future of Todd Haley & Handicapping the NFL Playoffs

Chiefs coach Todd Haley seems like a decent guy…

He may even be the Chiefs future coach, but somebody needs to tell Todd the Chiefs were out of this race before game one. I tried to tell him that. Remember, I made my bet that the Chiefs wouldn’t win 8 games, before Eric Berry and Jamaal Charles got hurt. Oh yeah and that worthless tight end, Tony Moeaki who’s always hurt.

Local sports talk radio and Haley talk about Kyle Orton as if he mattered this year. Let alone ever.


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Glazer: Tis the Season…of Johnny Dare!

He’s everywhere…

I’m talking about Johnny Dare. Yes, on November 21st, a few days ago, our own Johnny Dare landed a very nice story in USA Today: RADIO HOST USES SHOW TO HELP LISTENERS AT THE HOLIDAYS.

Hope for the Holidays has a 15-year history of generating tears and acts of kindness on behalf of Kansas City people who are in need. Dare has listeners submit requests for assistance, which are then vetted by his team.

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Glazer: Rising Star T.J. Miller Flies in to do Fundraiser for Fallen Glazer Brother

He’s already being compared to Tom Hanks

TJ Miller has done about 17 films back-to-back for the last five years. He either stars or co-stars in almost all of them. And Miller just finished shooting ROCK OF AGES with Tom Cruise. His scenes in the movie are with Cruise.

Miller’s still best known as "Stainer" in She’s Out of Your League but in the past past year you’ve seen him in Yogi Bear (as Park Ranger Jones), Unstoppable with Denzel Washington, Train Your Dragon Two, Get Him to The Greek and more. He’s taking time off from his new film, "MY IDIOT BROTHER" to fly to KC on tonight for one special show at Stanford and Sons.

TJ was a regular on Chelsea Lately but was not well known as a stand-up comic. He wanted to headline clubs to get his comedy groove on and Stanford’s let him headline in what would be his first full week at an A club as the main guy.

And guess what? He killed.

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Glazer: Haley’s Last Stand Insures More Mediocrity, Poor Draft Pick

The clown show paused for a few moments to show off a great defense against a superior team.

Even though the his team lost 13-9, Chiefs coach Todd Haley made another move in the direction of NOT being fired. He did everything he could to keep the Chiefs in the game. By far it was the team’s best game of the year. They have little offense so it’s hard to compete, but Haley found a way to, so he has earned another shot.

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Glazer: KC Comedy Kingpin David Naster Calls it Quits

Without a doubt, David Naster, as much as my family, started big time comedy in Kansas City…

It was David who came to me in late 1979 with idea of doing comedy upstairs in the Tree-House lounge on the weekend nights. So on a Sunday night with Grandpa Bennie and Jeff Glazer it all began.

David Naster was the star. He killed every weekend night.

In fact, because of how good the shows were Stanford’s became the focus of the then popular PM Magazine television show. David brought in his pals to co-star including Jeff Tamblin, Elliot Threat, Tom Burgeon and many more who started with Stanford’s because of David. In fact it was David who brought in Sinbad and Louie Anderson. Those two went on to huge TV and film stardom and to this day they are household names.

Last night David ended his final show on Saturday Night around midnight.

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Glazer: The Fall and Rise of Westport & the Impending Demise of the P&L

You heard it right, Westport is on baby, back on big time…

Hey, I’ve even pissed on them the last few years. NO WAY, NO HOW. But now Nigro and company are winning big time. For the following reasons.

First of all the crime is way, way down. Westport security is doing an outstanding job. KC Police have helped but with the ending of hip-hop in Westport and nationwide, its crowds are growing again.

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Glazer: Scribe Readies for Rip Snorting Weekend of Pigskin Debauchery

Last week I had a nice pro day but a poor college day…

Let’s see if I can even that up this week. My numbers for the season have gone down a bit to 81% but are still very good. So let’s get on with it, shall we?
Another game of the year, already is LSU  at home vs. Arkansas. No.1 against No. 3. If it were at Arkansas I would still like LSU. They have a pro set defense as they proved in Alabama. As for MU/KU….lots of points for MU but I still kinda like them over KU even with the points. Houston is the new hot dog out there – they are on the road at Tulsa – but I still like Houston.
In the pros, slim pickens. Steelers should shut down KC, with or without Kyle Schmo Dog. I agree with Brandon, all this can do is add a win or two to KC’s horrible year and take us out of the running for a franchise college  quarterback. I think we still end up 4-12 or 5-11. And we all want to see Ricky at least once! Why not?

Now on to this week’s pics

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Glazer: Fire Todd Haley? No Way! The Alternatives Are Far Worse

Yep, I am reversing my position…

Chiefs coach Todd Haley should not be fired. He’s a rebel. He has the right idea. Todd is a tough sunnavabitch. Especially for a guy who once played too much golf. I think players respond to Todd.

The problem is Scot Piolli not Todd Haley.

I know I said Haley would be fired, and likely he will be mostly cause Scott hates his ass. Remember, I reported that before anyone else? Some comment folks even said I could be sued for saying that….right. Look, don’t question the scribe.

Now its common knowledge that the two boys are on opposite sides of the room. Todd is hip (or at least tries to be) Scott is withdrawn and Carl Peterson-ish. Whatever you do, don’t get on Scott’s hate list. But Todd is on it.

Maybe that’s why he and his wife quit Woodside together and the Piolli’s didn’t.

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Glazer: Woe is Us, Bring Back Brodie or Let There be Ricky

The Kansas City Clown Show hit New England…

Quaterback Tyler Palko, just as he did in preseason, stunk. He can’t make the crossing throws 15 or 20 yards down field. Thus he got intercepted 400 times. As in the preseason he can move KC from the 20 to the other sides 40 or 30 but that’s about it. He has no pro ability.

Time to try Ricky baby…remember, "Oh Ricky your so fine, your so fine, Hey Ricky!"

And why not?

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Glazer: Scribe Mellows, Promises No More Threatening Comments

Well I spoke to KC Confidential publisher, and editor Hearne…

And he’s asked me not to respond with threatening intentions to some of the crazy and over-the-top comments from nut cases anymore. My friend Johnny Dare told me the same thing months ago.

"They’re mad little nobodies attacking you because it makes them feel better, so just don’t respond," Dare said. 

I didn’t listen to Dare and others and tried to respond to each attack.

But there’s no winning.

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Glazer: Get Ready for the Witch Hunts; Guilty Until Proven Innocent?

Now we’re into the children and sex scandal witch hunts era…

Trust me, there’ll be more – this is a great news grabber. Yes, the Penn State story with Jerry Sandusky seems to be tragically real. And it makes all of us sick. However, beware of the "burn’em at the stake" mentality that usually accompanies from these horrible events.

Yesterday came part two. Not to be upstaged, Bobby Davis has accused Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine of molesting him over a 15 year period beginning when he was 12 or 13  (he’s 39 now). This was backed up by his half brother who was abused years ago as well.

But unlike Penn State’s Joe Paterno, Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim came out immediately and said it was bullshit.That Davis had lied before and was just in it for the money.

Know what, I tend to believe Boeheim.

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Glazer: Scribe Scratches His Hairy Mop & Hatches Another Slate of Gimmies


What now is clearly another wasted three years for the Chiefs now needs fixing…

The Chiefs haven’t really had anything since Marty Ball but let’s skip the crying towel actio and get on with this week’s. They look nice and juicy, so lets see…



WISCONSIN -8 (tease) over Illinois

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