Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Ladies & Gentlemen, Meet the Next Quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs

Matt Flynn threw for almost 500 yards, 6 touchdowns and beat favored Detroit 45-41 to send the Packers into the playoffs on a high note…

Flynn is a free agent and WANTS TO GO TO THE AFC. In the meantime Kyle (Mr. Average) Orton, threw for 180 yards, no touchdowns and couldn’t move his team anywhere in three quarters of football against Denver. Shockingly, the Broncos and God Squad’s Tim Tebow were even worse.

An average Chiefs team beat an average Broncos team and Tebow in a wild one, 7 to 3.

Both teams looked pretty pathetic.

Denver at 8-8 still wins the AFC West even though they have lost three in a row. And Tebow has been exposed as not being a top notch NFL quarterback. The guy can’t throw and it’s likely he’s seen his last starting season in the NFL. It was also his first.

God loves both sides Tim.

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Glazer: Scribe Watches NFL Season Grind to and End & This Week’s Picks

The NFL season just goes too fast…

Seems only yesterday teams and fans across America just knew that this was THEIR YEAR! In the end reality sets in and most of the same teams are back in the playoffs. And only four or five of them have a real shot to win the Super Bowl. Very few surprises.

This year the big surprise is the Cincinnati Bengals. The San Francisco 49ers are also a surprise – not for winning the division – but for having one of the NFL’S  best records. The Detroit Lions are a bit of a shocker, but not as much. People like me saw this one coming.

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Glazer: Scribe’s Holiday Flashback to His Daze in the Joint

Nobody wants to go to prison…

However you do meet some great characters at those joints. But it’s kinda like getting stuck too long at the neighborhood bar with only the one chick waitress and tons of guys that won’t shut up. This time of year I think about some of those inmates, either free, dead or back in the ‘crap house.’

Christmas was always a joy in the joint…

One year they came around with a box of gifts, NFL coffee cups. Yeah, I took the Chiefs cup. Must have been in 1986 or 1987.  We saw lots of Chiefs games because the Raiders, Chargers and Broncos were in the Western Division with KC. I spent all my time in West Coast prisons so lucky me. Winter Sundays with the Chiefs. I kept that cup for a few years before a Raider fan stole it from me and used it for rock throwing practice. Damn, I wanted that cup for a memento – oh well.

Oddly I made some great friends in the joint.

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Glazer: Two Backup Pro Bowlers for Chiefs Says it All

Yep, Derrick Johnson will finally go to Honolulu on January 29th…

He sure did earn that trip. And Tamba Hali will return to the Pro Bowl. Both as back-ups. Hali did not play last year so this time he will likely see some action.

Nobody on the Chiefs offense even got a sniff.

Oh, the guy we fired, Brian Waters, he’s going to the Pro Bowl but from New England. You know, the guys who have home field advantage in the playoffs. Brian was sure sad to leave, right. He was past it – uh-huh – pro bowl guy.

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Glazer: Westwood Greenlights Huge, New Woodside Redevelopment Project

A major break-through for Westwood and Johnson County is finally happening…

Woodside Health & Tennis has been trying for years to gain approval from the locals to expand its popular tennis and fitness club into a huge complex for high-end apartment living, shopping, a larger health club, children’s facilities, a new lap indoor pool and  tons more.

This is huge.

The plan was approved this week to move the project forward. Owner Blair Tanner and crew now have the backing of Westwood to make it all happen. Tanner hopes construction will begin very soon, by this summer.

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Glazer: King of Sting Dabs Away a Tear & Sends Out Holiday Best Wishes

With the Lone Ranger it was, "How did you get to be the Lone Ranger?" 

With me its, "How did you become the King of Sting?" Well, it started very early in life for me -very early.

When I could barely speak or walk, my Grandma, Nanny Mary, took me to see the Disney movie OLD YELLER.  Around 1958 or so. The picture starred Fess Parker (of Davy Crockett Fame), Dorothy McGuire, Tommy Kirk (Musketeers) and my favorite kid actor, Kevin Corcoran, a Disney super star at like age 9.

Chuck Connors (of Rifleman fame) had a small part in it. Chuck traded Kevin a puppy for a frog. And while Kevin’s dad, went off to sell cattle the boys stayed home to keep an eye on mom.

While Old Yeller kept an eye on them all.

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Glazer: Scribe Calls Upon Great Santa to Win Bet, Guide This Week’s Picks

Thanks to this site and Johnny Dare, the Craig season bet is on the line for the next 8 days…

The Chiefs play Oakland tomorrow and Denver next weekend. The Bronco’s may not need the game, if they win and the Chargers lose this weekend it’s over, Raiders win the division. So Denver might not play as hard at home next week – I don’t know. So I likely need the RAIDERS, THE HATED RAIDERS to help me…Damn. Who knew?

Last week I sucked on picks, the worst of the year. But overall, the year has been very good. Let’s get back on track, shall we? Ok, lets do it.

All I want for Christmas is one Chiefs loss…Santa, oh Santa…..

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Glazer: Chiefs Lose, Pull Scribe’s Chestnuts Out of The Fire

I know due to all the local attention I got for MY BET, most people wanted me to lose…

I had tons of calls last week during the Packer upset from "concerned" friends. Meaning their real thoughts were…I HOPE YOU CRASH AND BURN. Hey, that’s human nature.

Remember, almost nobody most of you readers know has EVER placed a bet in a sports book in Vegas.

Thus the confusion over the who, what, when, where and why of many of my teaser bets. Most people only bet with friends in pools or not at all. One percent or less have ever made a real bet in Vegas with a sports concern. Sure, they’ve lost at blackjack – so did my grandma.

But only the big boys dare to dare.

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Glazer: Power & Light District on the Ropes as Plaza Takes Top Spot

Last Friday after afternoon my brother Jeff and I had some business downtown…

As we were leaving the area around 1 p.m. we decided to take a look at what was up in the Power & Light area. To be fair it was daytime, however this is Christmas shopping season and it was about 50 degrees and clear outside. Power and Light boasts that it has 50 stores, shops, restaurants and bars all under (kinda) one roof. A billion dollar entertainment romp.

Yes? No.

There was nobody – and I mean nobody – down there. We stopped at about six major restaurants and found zip. The main, most popular one, McFadden’s had about six people eating and drinking inside. The manager said "Well, its daytime, there’s not much going on. We had some people in earlier, try the weekend nights."

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Glazer: God Save The Kansas City Chiefs! Scribe Tortured by Love / Hate Affair

So last night Stanford’s had its holiday party on the Plaza at the hot new Zocalo restaurant and nightspot…

Take it from me it’s THE place to be on weekend nights now. Pretty ladies ages 25 to 45, sharp guys, plus it’s a money place. Nice.

The food is good, too and there’s a large bar area. Anyway, I sat with my brother, Jeff, his girlfriend and my long time pal Joel, a manager at Stanford’s. We grew up together and Joel was explaining how great the NEW CHIEFS are.

"Boy, if we’d had Kyle Orton a few weeks back, we’d be in the playoffs. Beating Green Bay (which may have cost me some nice dough that I’ve waited all year for) was so sweet. The Chiefs proved who was the best team in the NFL."


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Glazer: Scribe Reaches Out, Conjures Up Christmas Spirit

These are tough times for all of us – even me…

Family deaths, film and TV deals getting even tougher now on projects – it’s hard out there for all of us. I help many friends who are in need with their problems paying bills but money is tighter for me too. We should all try and help those in need in any way we can.

And it doesn’t always have to be just about money. It can be warm phone call, a kind email or a card to let people know that you care.

I know things get a little overheated at times on this site.

I also know many of you readers think I am an egomaniac and only care about myself.

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Glazer: Chiefs Threaten Scribe’s Big Bet & Romeo May be Kansas City’s Juliette

Well, it happened…

The Chiefs made some big news for once, for the first time in years. They beat the undefeated Green Bay Packers at Arrowhead. Huge upset. One the Packers may not recover from. Their defense has been poor all season, Aaron Rodgers looked terrible and the Pack looked very beatable.

Reminded me of New England towards the end of their unbeaten run – they were just worn out.

The Chiefs defense showed up big. They had a good running game and quarterback Kyle Orton played mistake free football. They executed the perfect game plan. And Romeo Crennel may have won the Head Coaching job for next season.

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Glazer: Scribe Lays Down This Week’s Picks as Chiefs Prepare for the Worst

Well sports fans, your humble scribe wants to let you know nothing has changed at Arrowhead…

The Packers – like I told you the Jets would do – will dance on the Chiefs Sunday. They will cover the 13 1/2 point spread. And that’s the VEGAS SPREAD (betvegasvic.com), not 14.

I see this as a 38 to 13 game with the Packers winning. That Chiefs Defense only works well on bad teams or wounded teams. The Pack lost one good receiver, other than that, say good night. Packers.

There are some low level college bowl games Saturday and one NFL game.

Oddly and I can’t remember the last time there were no college bowl games on New Year’s Day. Everything’s moved to January 2nd, Monday because of the NFL. Odd, huh?

Pro Football: Here it goes….

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Glazer: A Black Eye for the NFL & Black NFL Players / The Drug Bust

NFL players – and especially NFL players of color – took a knockout blow yesterday…

On Wednesday, Chicago Bears wide out Sam Hurd was busted by the DEA for buying one kilogram( 2.2 pounds) of cocaine. On top of that, Hurd had ordered 1,000 pounds of weed and up to 10 KIlograms of coke per week. That’s a wholesale value of just under a million bucks a week. Meaning this guy is a major supplier to dealers. Many of the dealers we are told are current and past NFL players.

In the double digits according to the Feds.

I heard about it first on 610 Sports with Nick Wright (and by the way, we made up). Nick made two important comments. ONE: a guy buying this much ain’t selling a bag of weed to his pals. This is serious weight – Scar Face weight. SECOND: many other players will be named, this could be the worst criminal event ever for the NFL – way worse than the Michael Vick scandal.


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Glazer: Nepotism, The NFl, Carl Peterson; Down & Out in Kansas City

It’s called nepotism…

You move up the ladder because a family member or good pal says so. Simple as that. Sure, some people have genuine talent, like Clint Eastwood and they slowly move up. But most Hollywood executives move up because of Uncle Bill or Aunt Jane. Same thing in the NFL.

"My son will make a great offensive coordinator." 

"Sure thing, Marty."

Hey, sometimes it works, but usually it doesn’t.

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Glazer: The Rise & Fall of Todd Haley and The Long, Sad Road Ahead

Well, by now you have all heard Chiefs coach Todd Haley is toast in KC…

Maybe that’s a good thing for Mr. Haley. Change was needed. There’s no need to dwell on the why, other than a couple points. Losing, hatred (which I told you back in September) between Todd and general manager Scott Pioli and no overall success.

One thing I have written about and talked about on radio is this: last year was not really much of a success. By year’s end the Chiefs were a bottom tier team – bottom 7 or  8 for sure. They had nothing other than a scat back named Jamaal Charles and a couple good-but-not great defenders in Tamba Hali and Derrick Johnson. Oh yeah, and D-Bowe. Not enough to build a winner with.

No quarterback, no titles.

We all know Pioli deserves the same fate. He’s been pretty terrible. Just a few good picks and almost no good trades. You need talent to win and we have very little. I don’t think any coach could have done that much with this mess.

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Glazer: Scribe Goes Undefeated in NFL Picks, Mourns This Year & Next Year’s Chiefs

First off, what a comeback by your humble scribe…

Perfect after Tim Tebow‘s comeback. Five for five so far in pros. What a year. Maybe more important with the Chiefs crushing loss to the Jets, your man is one game short of the Magic Number, 9 losses by KC to end the bet I made in September.

If you recall I flew to Las Vegas and put my money where my mouth is. I bet the Chiefs to have under 7 1/2 wins for the season. With 16 games, that means they have to lose at least 9. They are at 8 with three to go and Green Bay next week.

Bye, Bye, Stink Farm.

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Glazer: Hats Off to KC Comic Mike Baldwin for Huge Comedy Competition Win

I was pleased to see my friend, Mike Baldwin‘s picture on the front page of the Kansas City Star today…

It was a preview to a front page FYI story about Baldwin winning the Seattle International Comedy Competition. One of the three biggest in America. Baldwin had also done well in the San Francisco contest. Besides winning five grand and some commercial dough, Baldwin is now an official big-time headliner. The story quotes Mike as having started with Stanford and Sons. Later it quotes me on a few issues as well.

Always cool to see your guys do well.

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Glazer: 610 Sports Nick Wright Call New KU Football Coach a “Big Prick”

He said he had to move to Florida for family reasons…

Last season Charlie Weiss quit the Kansas City Chiefs because his daughter had special needs and his son was going to play college ball at Florida (wanting to be a coach-like dad), so he moved to take over the offensive coordinators job at Florida. They stunk.

Now Weis is being rewarded by being named head coach at KU.

Once again, I love Nick Wright. He may not love me – that’s OK – his show has a national ring to it that 810 and tired-sounding Soren Petro doesn’t have. And Nick crushed it yesterday.

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Glazer: Scribe Licks His Wounds & Bounces Back With NFL Picks

Had my first losing week last week…

I was under .500 first time this year on a week so I need to bounce back. There is no college ball this week, then there are line nine million bowl games. Joy.

The NFL is winding down. Will the Chiefs win another game and drop their draft pick further down? Uh, maybe one more, against Oakland, but I doubt it. Let’s see just how good the Chiefs defense really is this week. I say the Jets are a lock to beat KC, but might not cover. This is a real team that is not wounded and on the road.

A loss gets your humble scribe’s magic number to ONE!!!!!


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