Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: The Annoying Hassle of Having to Become Rich a Third Time

Something all of us think about, even strive for is….BEING RICH…

What it would be like to not have to worry about all those weekly, monthly payments. To wake up instead to, "Now, what kind of fun will I enjoy today?"

If you’re like me, well, I just have never been that lucky. Like many of you, I’ve had my moments – those times in life when things were pretty darn good – it just never lasted.

FLASH CASH for me came only a couple of times; when I was 19 in Arizona and you could buy a loaded, almost-anything car for six or seven grand. I had a few months of what it felt like to be RICH. But not rich by today’s standards.

More importantly, I had a partner, Don Woodbeck, to hang out with and enjoy the moments. We lived in a huge house, traveled to warm places in the winter (hell we lived in Arizona – it was always kinda warm), had cool cars, cash, girls, almost the whole nine yards – even body guards. But by the end of my 20th year – poof – it was all gone. The government saw to that. I had to be my father’s son again and open a restaurant. I think my starting salary was about $14,000 a year.

I was average again. The pain.

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Glazer: Peyton Manning, the End of an Era the Chiefs Won’t Miss

If you love the NFL or even merely glance at it, the time has come to say goodbye to Peyton Manning.

Many will say he was the best that ever played quarterback in the National Football League. Some will say he fell just short, but nobody will deny his greatness.

This Friday is the date set for his release from the Colts. There is a chance he will accept a smaller paycheck and stay on as a teacher to Andrew Luck, the Colts new quarterback and No. 1 draft pick. That’s the only shot Manning has to stay on with the team. Taking say $10 million instead of $28 million and helping guide young Andrew – even if Manning never sees the field in uniform. Maybe they should name him Assistant General Manager and follow Denver’s move with John Elway.

Then everyone’s happy, the fans, the team, the media – and maybe, just maybe – Payton. Well, a warrior is never happy to leave the field, but it’s often his best option. With three spinal operations Manning would be a fool to step back out there and end up in a wheel chair for life.

The man is 36 years old.

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Glazer: The Price Paid & Damage Done From Being a ‘Lady’s Man’


I was watching the 1978 film, SAME TIME NEXT YEAR, with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn

It  was like 5 AM and I woke up early for radio and turned on the tube. It brought back memories of seeing the hit movie in the theater back in 1978. I watched as the story unfolded about a man and a woman who met at an out of way hotel one evening – both married – and began an affair that night. They continued to meet then for nearly 30 years, one weekend a year, until they were senior citizens. The night they met they were young and in love and it lasted a lifetime. Boy, what a tear jerker.


Yep, all my memories of the important ladies in my life began to flash through my mind…..

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Glazer: Dov Davidoff, Jim Jefferies, Broken Lizards on Way to KC

People often ask, "Who’s the next big name coming to Stanford’s?"

And I say, "Well, I try to book big names every week. It’s just different stokes for different folks." Truth is, just like music or the NFL/NBA these days, the big names change very quickly. There are new stars every year and, sadly, some bigger names fall off the map faster than is fair. But that’s the way it is today.

We have two of the top three comics coming in the next couple months.

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Glazer: No Family Feud Here, Stan Glazer Turns 80, Parties at InterContinental

Well, my dad Stan Glazer turned 80 on New Years Day…

That’s a real milestone in our family because not only is he the oldest living male Glazer, as far as we know, he’s now the oldest ever. Most of our us pass away in our 70’s.

Stan’s wife, Lori Glazer – about half my dad’s age at 42 – threw a big splash at the InterContinental hotel on the Plaza. They used the top floor and bar area which holds several hundred. It was mostly friends and family that attended with just over 200 people.

And get this, the last time I was in that space it was in 2003 for my own wedding reception.

Yep, I got married at what was then the Fairmont – big wedding and dinner – those people at that hotel do it right.

Stan’s bash started at 8 PM and went until nearly midnight. And lots of KC "names" were there. Far too many to mention here, but some you might know include former Chiefs Hall of Famers Bobby Bell and Ed Budde, former KC mayor Richard Berkley, several city councilmen, David Block, The Mermaid, Jack Possiger, former Royals GM Cedric Tallis‘s daughter and Folly Theatre guru Gayle Tallis and on and on.

I took Jessie, the hottie whose picture you’ve seen here several times lately.

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Glazer: Eat My Dust, Scribe Tells Non Believers After Perfect NFL Picks

This is why I make the big bucks!

Your humble scribe picked BOTH NFL playoff winners this past weekend. New England with sexy Tommy, and those hard charging New York Giants. Hey, I picked them both last year too. When you got it, you got it.

My early pick for the winner of this year’s Super Bowl: NEW ENGLAND, currently at -31/2. Yeah, I like the Pats.

I know many of you all wanted the Harbaugh Bowl, sorry. By the way, you had to reread the KC Star a few times today to find either Harbaugh name even mentioned, it came up once in four articles, wow.

You saw the missed field goal? We know that feeling here (twice).

The one Jan Stenerud missed against Miami in 1972 was the end of the Chiefs era as an elite team.

They would never again matter.

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Glazer: Scribe Takes a Very Deep Breath and Unleashes Sunday’s NFL Playoff Picks

Tom Brady may be the best-looking athlete / superstar of all time!

He’s in his seventh Championship Game, which is unequaled. And if he wins Sunday, he will, enters his fifth Super Bowl. That’s never been done before either. Brady then – win or lose – becomes the best quarterback of modern times, passing our former QB Joe Montana.


I mean, what can you say bad about Brady? Anything? Oh yeah, besides, "I hate New England, they win all the time." So do the Yankees and that’s what it’s all about.

I know many of you want the Brothers Harbaugh Bowl. Two head coaches with fantastic seasons, Jim and brother John Harbaugh, will face each other in the Super Bowl if their teams win Sunday. San Francisco and Baltimore.

But I say right here and now that both are done.

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Glazer: Watch Out Dudes, Women Today Large and in Charge

"Why can’t a woman be more like a man?" asked Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady...

Well, a century later they are!

Today woman make up 49% of the work force, according to the Bureau of Labor. Men are 20% sole supporters of families with women at just over 10% and climbing. Most job losses in the current depression went to men – 80% of jobs lost were on the man side – with 65% of those men getting other jobs at lower pay. Women were not hit as hard due to their roles in education and healthcare. So women suffered less layoffs, while men with construction and manufacturing jobs took big hits.

Women today want to be more like men, especially when it comes to sex.

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Glazer: Kansas & Bill Self’s ‘Cinderella’ Season Continues to Amaze

Bill Self must be having a ball…

His KU Jayhawks were supposed to be having a down year. They weren’t even picked to win the Big 12 for like the 99Th year in a row. Self and Kansas had accepted playing five top programs early in the season, including Duke, Kentucky and Ohio State – all strong contenders for the Final Four. KU was not taking on the Shawnee Mission Easts of the college world to build a fake record, as most top programs do each season.

In spite of all that, it worked!

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Glazer: Scribe Forecasts Super Bowl Combatants & Ponders Next Year’s Chiefs

All but one big dog has fallen…

Only the New England Patriots and Tom Brady remain of the teams with elite quarterbacks. Moreover, only Brady and his Pats are truly viewed as a "new style, high scoring team of the 2000’s." In other words, tons of points combined with a poor or average defense will take you all the way in today’s NFL.

Not so fast.

Green Bay was almost everyone’s favorite, including mine. But last year they also had a strong defense by season’s end and this year they couldn’t find one. Quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been tabbed as the NEW top gun, ahead of Brady, Drew Brees and Payton Manning. But other than Brady, all are now GONE from the post season.

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Glazer: God Hates Denver and Tim Tebow, Loves Tom Brady and New England

The Lord pissed all over Tim Tebow yesterday…

He let New England and the best quarterback of all-time, Tom Brady, destroy Denver and Tebow. It was ugly and it was fast. Brady had New England in the end zone in two minutes. By the first quarter’s end it was over.

New England had 21 points – game, set match.

Tim did manage to fumble once to set up a New England score early on. Good one. Yep, God surely hates Tim Tebow and his legion of fans. He let them die, in public, on national TV, for all the world to see.


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Glazer: Scribe Straps on His Protective Cup & Plunges Ahead into NFL Playoffs

Vegas seems to have no problem with this year’s NFL playoffs picture, PACKERS ALL THE WAY…

Yep, unlike you and I they see no problems. Green Bay is almost even money – 1 1/2 to 1 to win it all again. But clearly many people now like the Saints and they are 3 1/2 to 1 with New England the second best pick at 2 1/2 to 1.

We all know the Pack and the Pats have very poor defenses and Saints are maybe average.

So why are the Saints not favored?

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Glazer: Scribe Stamps Seal of Approval on New 38 the Spot Hottie Crystle Lampitt

Good news Kansas City…

At long last we have a new, smoking hot babe to replace Holly Starr on 38 THE SPOT. I’ve seen her and I can assure you she’s gonna get some major, citywide play.

Since Holly got married and had a kid, Jack FM personality Nycki Pace has been filling in and doing a great job. Nycki’s been on the air since September, but her job at 38 THE SPOT as spokesmodel ends tomorrow. As many of you already know she’s the wife of Q104 host, Mike Kennedy.

So who’s the new "It Grrrl" in town?

Her name is Crystle Lampitt and man, oh man, what a beauty! Move over Penelope Cruz. Or as Jim Carey might say, SMOKIN!

38’s endlessly long talent search totally paid off.

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Glazer: New Hollywood Casino at Kansas Speedway Could be a Grand Slam

With the coming opening of Hollywood Casino at Kansas Speedway next to Legends, what are we to think?

Will this be the perfect storm? A Casino that actually brings people to shop and be entertained in the surrounding area? The ones that opened in the early 90’s in Missouri did the exact opposite.

The casinos that opened here in the middle of nowhere took a toll on our entertainment districts, Westport and the Plaza. You don’t hear much about that anymore, but it’s true.

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Glazer: Scribe Screwed by Insurance Company in Brother’s Death

As many of you may know, my younger brother Jack was killed in an car accident in late October…

Jack’s car went off the highway at 9:10 PM on his way home from work. The toxicology report was negative; no drugs or alcohol was found in his system.

Jack had no life insurance, but he did have insurance for health and auto. I know many of you have never experienced this kind of situation, but we all are forced to face a family death at some point. Jack’s insurance companies did have "death benefits and medical payments" in their other policies. That’s something we all should consider, because Jack’s funeral was a bit higher than most because we had to buy a plot and so forth.

We contacted all the insurance companies – none of them called us about any monies due. And as we investigated, we found that three would pay a few thousand each if we sent them several items like a death certificate, a county court clearance saying we were his immediate family and some other items that take weeks to get.

All of which really did little more than delay the payment to the family.

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Glazer: ‘Full House’ Star Dave Coulier back in Town This Week at Stanford’s

Dave Coulier is back at Stanford’s this week…

It occured to me that Dave has been coming to our clubs here for well over a decade now. His long running TV show, Full House, was not only one of the biggest hits ever, but launched huge successes for all involved. The stars were Bob Saget,John Stamos, Coulier, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and Candace Cameron.

All of these actors went on to make millions after the show ended.

That might be a first and only in this biz. Usually it’s, "Hey, whatever happened to what’s-his-name from

Miami Vice

? You know, the black guy."  That kind of thing.

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Glazer: Scribe Lays His Money on the Line for NFL Playoffs

Boy, seems like just a few weeks ago the season started, doesn’t it?

And still no snow. No big suprises really; the top four teams are all there, the Packers, Ravens, Saints and Steelers. I said they’d be and they are. The other teams that we talked about, Houston and Detroit – the new kids on the block – are also there. Baby surprises are the Bengals and Denver. The New York Giants and Atlanta Falcons were expected to land with less force and they did.

I counted out favorites such as the Cowboys and Eagles and sure enough, they both failed. So here we are, and picking the Super Bowl winner will not be so easy.

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Glazer: My Life of Crime & Cool Cats I Met in the Joint

I was surprised at some of the email I got over my prison Christmas story last week…

Including from guys I was in the joint with! Where was my name? they asked. Okay, I did leave out some interesting names and stories about the holidays, so…

On weekend nights, we dressed up like we were free and walked the yard at night. And holiday weekends were even bigger. Why? Because we were morons, but hope was always in the air.

So we’d put on our best pressed uniforms, do our hair up like we were going to the prom and shine our shoes (If you wore tennis shoes you cleaned them with a toothbrush, and no, not the one you brushed with).

Clean, tough, muscled up and ready to rock.

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Glazer: Rest in Peace New Year’s Eve, We’ll Miss Ya

Well, this was to be the turn around New Years Eve in Kansas City…

It fell on a Saturday and it was a balmy 65 degrees outside. Hope was in the air. Unfortunately, things were pretty quiet. I cased the city out and can now tell you that New Years Eve has officially become a secondary holiday.

That’s so damn sad.

And not just here, but across the nation. First the good news.

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Glazer: Scribe Shares Pal’s Along Tongue-in-Cheek Tim Tebow ‘Grip’ Story

I had Christmas brunch with my childhood pals, Joel Weinberg, Jeff Spero and Mike Epstein. Mike later forwarded this piece and photos today.

I’d written about my arguments with Joel about the Chiefs. This was Epstein’s answer to the Tim Tebow question. Hey Tim, is she on God’s Squad? If so, ME TOO….

Check it out:

"Denver Bronocos quarterback Tim Tebow has NEVER fumbled!

In 2007 at Florida Tebow was awarded the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore, the first time ever the award has gone to a second year player. In addition to his amazing passing, running and TD stats he had NEVER fumbled the ball. How is Tebow able to hold on to the football so well?

What grip does he use?

Turns out Tebow’s grip training technique was inspired by his girlfriend of 2 years, Amber."

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