Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Johnson County Evolving Rapidly into Police State

Most readers don’t realize Johnson County is THE biggest money maker in the nation regarding ARRESTS…

Or that Johnson County puts almost all misdemeanor charges on pre trial probation or supervision. No, not for simple parking or speeding tickets, but almost anything and everything else. Examples include, trespassing, destruction of private property, any assault case, even yelling at your girlfriend or wife – you don’t need to hit them – just yelling and someone calling the cops is enough.

And no priors are needed.

Even for driving on a suspended license, or even an outdated one – pretty much anything.

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Glazer: Chiefs Brass Futures Safe But Boring , Fans Pay the Price

Chiefs general manager Scott Pioli has it all figured out…

Make the play-offs here and there – even if you lose in Game One or game Two – and you’ll have a job in Kansas City forever.

Our top pro teams, the Chiefs and Royals, can’t even spell the word "championship," so just makin the post season is totally swell. In fact, with the Royals, winning half their games is something worth considering having a parade over.

Yes sir, we’re Number Two!!!

Pioli and coach Romeo Crennel see it this way: They’ve got nice jobs, why not keep ’em a few years?

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Glazer: The Unfair Pillorying of Royals Star Willie Mays Aikens

He was named after Hall of Famer Willie Mays

The man would become the hitting star of the 1980 World Series for the Kansas City Royals. He would also spend nearly a lifetime in prison for selling a small amount of cocaine.

Willie Mays Aikens – mostly because he was not too bright – ended up getting run over by a truck.

The truck’s name: Federal Law Enforcement, in this case the D.E.A.

Aikens just had a book written about his life titled, SAFE AT HOME. Reviews have been good. Willie was a solid hitter with the Kansas City Royals from 1980-83. He’s best known for the four home runs hit in a losing cause against the Philly’s in the 1980 World Series.

Yes sir, it was quite a year, maybe the best ever in Royals’ history.

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Glazer: What the Chiefs Should (but won’t) Do in Thursday’s NFL Draft

In just two days it’s here…

The NFL Draft starts Thursday at 7 p.m. and it’s something the Chiefs have generally not fared well at over the years. Case in point, we’ve never drafted a franchise or an elite quarterback.

Not since the Chiefs forebears, the Dallas Texans stole Len Dawson from the old NFL have the Chiefs had a great quarterback. And even Dawson wasn’t drafted by the Chiefs.

So we’re 0-fer for more than half a century. Not bad, huh?

This year we can draft a quarterback if GM Scott Pioli wants to roll the dice. Ryan Tannehill of Texas A&M is available, but maybe not at the 11th pick. So if we want him, we might have to trade up and that’s unlikely. If he’s still there at 11 maybe, but even that’s not likely.

Scott still loves Matt Cassel, thick or thin.

So what to do? Here are my thoughts.

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Glazer: This Year’s Royals Season a ‘Crime Scene’ MLB’s ‘Worst Modern Day Franchise’

Future baseball superstar Eric Hosmer better start staying home nights a little more…

That is if he wants to sign a $25-30 million dollar contract from New York, Los Angeles or Texas somewhere down the road.

Hey babe, they ain’t paying that kinda dough for a .180 hitter with 10 hits in 60 at bats.

Wake up Eric! Even though you’re the new Tony Gonzalez of the night scene in this town, you still have to play like a star, ok? And you might want to avoid hitting into TRIPLE PLAYS. Jeez.

Let’s see, where do I begin in critiquing the Royals?

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Glazer: Add Royals’ Alex Gordon Signing to Long List of Failed Efforts by Small Market KC

The Royals Alex Gordon just signed his name to a contract that almost guarantees his post season failure…

For more than a decade the team’s only real star was Mike Sweeney. Yeah, we had Johnny Damon and Carlos Beltran, but they didn’t stick around long.

Sweeney was an excellent hitter – in fact he has the second best season batting average at .340 since Brett’s .390. Mike banged that out in 2002 near the end of his Royals’ career.

Mike has many other Royals records, but the one he doesn’t have is a post season anything.

Not even one game as a Royal.

Even in Kansas City, Sweeney is pretty much forgotten. Why? Nothing he did ended up mattering in the long run.

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Glazer: Dick Clark’s Gone but Kansas City Still Has Johnny Dare, Rock Fest & Me

Dick Clark died yesterday…

He was 82. The ageless one is gone. Forever a teenager on American Bandstand, our DJ Hero Dick Clark has left the studio forever.

Kansas City has its own forever-young idol – his name is Johnny Dare. Dare has no equal in local radio. Nobody has held his popularity in the KC radio biz. Sure there were some great names who were popular here. Names like Mike Murphy and Randy Miller. Even Max Floyd and Tanna Guthrie had their time.

Yet nobody has captured this city like our man Johnny Dare. He is forever young.

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Glazer: It’s Wait til Next Year Time Again, Royals Fans

Nearly everyone was on this year’s Royals bandwagon, right? Even me…

 And I’m the guy who for several years has called our two pro teams "no shows." Yep, this was to be THE YEAR THE ROYALS STEPPED UP. Yes sir, a year to remember.
The team had an O.K. start on the road with three wins and three losses. Starting pitching was very good with an ERA of just over 2.00. Hitting was decent, not great. Hell, Eric Hosmer had two homers. Nice start.

Then the Royals came home.

Friday home opener. Luke Hochaver, the Royals Ace gets the start. Sold out stadium. And before the Royals even get to the plate it’s 7-0 Cleveland Indians. Yep, seven runs in half an inning. The fans were stunned.

This is the home opener? This is our year? O.K. we had a bad game. We’ll come back.

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Glazer: They Said It Couldn’t Be Done, but Nick Wright is The Man in Sports Radio

A year ago there were some questions from some of you oldsters about would Nick Wright make or even to be on the air in a year or two?


I wrote several times, not only would he be on the air in KC – that is if ESPN didn’t grab him – he’d be THE MAN, in local sports talk radio. And, guess what?

Step aside, naysayers because, a year later, Nick is THE sports guy in Kansas City, no argument.

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Glazer: America’s Insatiable Appetite for (Sports) Destruction

Are they witch hunts half the time? Of course…

There are so many sports scandals in the news today, you can’t keep up. They’re daily – hourly at times. Arkansas football coach Bobby Petrino got dumped after totally rebuilding the football program. Petrino took his team to a Cotton Bowl win over K-State and a No. 5 ranking last season.

So the guy has a 25 year-old hottie on the back of his bike, crashes, gets cut up, tries to shut up the embarrassment, can’t, gets FIRED. Yes, he was cheating on his wife. Yes, 10 or 20 years ago this would have been swept under the carpet with no press or a watered down version of the story coming out. But today, it’s big News. Why?

Because we’re hungry to see the BIG DOGS FALL.

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Glazer: They Could. Go All. The Way. This Year’s Royals Are the Real Deal!

Royals fans. FINALLY. No more waiting…

This is a post season team RIGHT NOW. The Royals have a ferocious hitting attack,maybe the best in baseball. They will win closer to 90 games than 80. Eric Hosmer is an MVP candidate. He could well hit plus 40 homers. A first for any KC baseball player.

Look for a .320 average plus 120 RBI’s and 42 home runs from baseball’s NEW KING OF SWAT ERIC HOSMER.

More good news: The Royals have at least 5, count them 5, guys who can all hit more than 20 dingers this year. Hosmer, Alex Gordon,Mike Moustakas, Billy Butler and Jeff Francoeur.  Oh yeah. The new guy Lorenzo Cain ain’t no punk…18 homers for him as well. This is a tough, tough batting lineup.

Allow me to be the first to say it; BEST OFFENSE THE ROYALS HAVE EVER HAD.

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Glazer: Scribe Does Vegas, Lives to Tell the Story

Two weeks ago I visited one of my favorite haunts, Las Vegas...

Naturally, I took Black Barbie (Monique) with me and we stayed at the Bellagio. The good news is Vegas was packed – I mean wall to wall. It was Final Four weekend, actually, the Elite Eight. More important it was Spring Break and Arizona State, University of Arizona, UCLA and tons of other school’s hipsters were all over the place.

You had to wait in line for almost everything, even in the coffee shops.

Sure the ‘event’ weekend upped the crowd sizes, but the trusty cab drivers all told me, "Things are on the upswing…big time."  I was told weekdays had even picked up quite a bit. All the major hotels were sold out. The shows were sold out. Hey, I stayed through Monday and even Sunday day and night was packed.

Last time I was there was in Chiefs season on a Sunday, and even with the NFL it was very slow.

Is this a good sign for the U.S. economy? I think it is.

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Glazer: Drag Bar Missie B’s Taking Over America’s Pub Space in Westport

This just in, the rumors are TRUE…

Missie B’s will take over the big corner America’s Pub held for years until this past January on Westport Road…

This sends a clear message. The iconic local gay bar and drag show deluxe club is ONLY coming to Westport because it has solved the hip-hop urban crowd issue with the departure of America’s Pub.

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Glazer: The Important News Today is Just a Reality Show

Who can keep up?

We’re all just waiting for the next horrible murder, the next scandal in Washington, the next kidnapping of a small child in Kansas City, and of course, the next time Charlie Sheen or some other name celebrity gets arrested for D.U.I. And let’s not forget the sports scandals either.

But how many of you have already forgotten the U.S. credit ratings drop last year?

There’s always so much to take in but so little time to think much about anything.

The "important" news comes at us so fast and so frequently, it’s impossible to even get one issue sorted out before nine more whack us in the kisser.

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Glazer: KU Coach Bill Self Poised to Pass Hank Stram as KC Area’s Top Coach

Consider Bill Self now as the legendary Kansas coach Bill Self…

Self received the Naismith Award yesterday as National Coach of The Year. He also received the Rupp Award as Best Coach. We all know the AP gave it to Missouri coach Frank Haith for getting MU off to its best overall record in history.

Self, in my opinion, deserved the national honor over Haith.

Self’s team was not picked to be even the Big 12 Champ by most, which they were. And they certainly were not expected to play in the national title game that they will tonight.

I found it amusing that Kansas City Star sports columnist Sam Mellinger wrote a front page story today about how KU being our only elite local team. That the Chiefs, Royals, K-State and MU have done almost nothing important for a generation.

Hmmmm….well at least somebody agrees with me.

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Glazer: Kansas City Takes It Up The You-know-What Courtesy of KU

While Jayhawk Nation is jumping up and down over the Final Four, I can assure you not everybody else in Kansas City feels that way…

And I’m not just talking about MU and K-State fans.

Before I lay  down a few facts regarding the Kansas City economy, understand I’m proud of our University of Kansas basketball program.  The Kansas basketball team is our only elite sports team in the area.  And it has been for a generation or three since either the Chiefs or Royals have meant anything. 

Most Kansas Citians who follow our sports teams today have never even seen Len Dawson play.

Len, who?

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Glazer: No Wonder K-State Coach Frank Martin Bailed, He Got Screwed

Don’t look now but The wheels are starting to come off…

ESPN reported K-State’s No. 1 recruit, seven foot tall, Robert Upshaw, has backed out of his agreement to play for the basketball team. He signed a letter of intent with K-State and that commitment is now gone.

As 610 Sports Nick Wright pointed out earlier this week, K-State coach Frank Martin and athletic director John Currie not only didn’t get along, they disliked each other. The straw that broke the back was the decision by Currie and maybe others, to hold out star player Jamar Samuels from the second game of the NCAA tournament game which K-State went on to lose.

I like what Wright had to say about the story Currie fed the media regarding the "money wire found on the floor, or in the waste basket at a grocery." Remember, they pulled Samuels because a couple days before the big game a money wire receipt was turned into the compliance office at K-State.

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Glazer: Going Up? Local Funny Guy AJ Finney’s Career Achieving Liftoff

As much as any KC comic in recent years, A.J. Finney has moved into the "making it" group…

AJ was just signed by Parallel Management in Los Angeles. It’s a top notch management team that reps Larry The Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy and Lisa Lampanelli. It’s a tough agency to get into and they only have a few clients, most of whom are stars in the industry. Lisa for example was at the Uptown last weekend.

And all of the above names have been Stanford’s regulars over the years.

AJ started with Stanford’s doing open mic work in the early 2000’s. He moved up the food chain quickly. He was also the comedy morning guy with Max, Tanna and Moffitt  on KY for a couple years before they were taken off the air.

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Glazer: NFL Makes New Orleans Bounty Program Scapegoat

Seems like only yesterday New Orleans head coach Sean Payton was an American Hero...

Quarterback Drew Brees, and Payton’s Saints had just won the Super Bowl upsetting Peyton Manning and the Colts. More importantly the nearly destroyed city of New Orleans got a much needed shot of hope and pride. Even the President saluted their incredible efforts.

It was the feel good story of the year, but what a difference a year makes.

Today Payton has been destroyed.

He didn’t stop the BOUNTY PATROLS – players who pool money before games to promote INJURING a player on the other team. Money paid to lay out guys and cart them off on stretchers. Yes, the head coach knew about it and didn’t stop it and it went on for years. Other teams participated, but thus far only the Saints have been hit and hit HARD.

Now Payton is OUT FOR THE YEAR with fines up to $7 million just for him.

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Glazer: Scribe Unleashes His Chompers, Drops the Hammer on Plaza Nightlife

The Plaza decided this past year to add some hot new restaurants to the mix…

The hope; to bring in new energy to what had become a way slowed down night life. The powers that be didn’t want any more down and dirty dance clubs like Blonde. Fear of blacks raiding the nearly all white Plaza at night was the obvious reason for that.

In fact one of the restaurants to get the boot, reVerse, was doing quite well.

It was replaced with yet a fourth new concept, Coal Vines. And while the "pizza and wine bar" has done pretty well – even with no bar biz and no early or late night biz, it’s not an energy builder for the ghost town the Plaza has become at night.

In fact on Sunday-Thursday you see almost nobody out walking around the Plaza after 9 PM.

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