Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: Is New Chiefs Quarterback Alex Tanney The One? YouTube it!

Last night during the Carlos Mencia show, a bartender came up to me… 

He showed me a YouTube video of a quarterback hitting goal posts, trash cans, basketball goals, off homes into nets – insane trick throws at 50-plus yards. I thought it was a joke. NO JOKE. They were maybe the most amazing throws EVER.

The quarterback is Alex Tanney, from Division III’s Monmouth College and the Chiefs just signed him.

Yep, he threw 157 touchdowns in college as well.


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Glazer: Mencia at Stanford’s Two Nights Only, Starting Tonight!

Comedy superstar Carlos Mencia is stopping by Stanford’s to do two shows tonight and Wednesday at 8 P.M…

He’s a great guy. I called several big stars to see if they could fill in early summer because we lost two big acts due to movie filming – Bryan Callen (Hangover 3) and T.J. Miller (Rock of Ages). Both Callen and Miller will be back in late summer/fall.

So we had some big shoes to fill.

Mencia was to appear in Chicago this weekend, so he was kind enough to fill in and do a couple weeknights.

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Glazer: Tiger’s Win Time to Let Cheating Incident Go Like We Did With Tom Watson

The most PGA tour golf wins ever is 82 by Sam Snead

And now Tiger Woods is far younger than any of the other golf greats after winning his 73rd tour victory at age 36. Jack Nicklaus was 46 for example when he won his 73rd at the Masters.

Maybe more important, and why I write about Woods, is he got overly jacked over his stepping out on his wife three years ago. Woods was treated like a criminal. Half or more of his fortune was taken away. He lost most of his endorsements and was looked down upon by almost everyone in golf including those who ALL DID THE SAME THING HE DID.

They just didn’t get caught, or weren’t famous enough for it to matter.

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Glazer: Stock Crash & Tough Times Could Cost Obama

Hey sports fans, looks like we’ve got some MORE PROBLEMS with the stock market…

Just what we didn’t need, right? Yeah, we’re looking at a possible CRASH. Oil is down to $83 a barrel, gold is up over $1,600 to $1,622.00 from a low in the $1,500’s just over a week ago. And now the DOW – oh boy – is down more than 1,000 points in just four weeks.

Trouble ahead?

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Glazer: Hot Fun in the Summertime Revisited

Go ahead and get it out of your system…

"Hey, that was yesterday Glazer!"  But I still say it’s the times of our lives that matter most. If not, then what?

I feel kinda sorry for the teenagers of today in a way. I think they’re limited as far as what to do with their nights. Not like their older brothers and sisters, right? Remember?

I know you do. Summer. School’s out, baby.

We were 16 and badass. There was the four year old Mustang I snagged for 600 bucks (today it would be worth ten or twenty times that, but who knew?). It’s Friday night and oh brother, what a night! First we’d pick up our best buds and they’d each pitch in a buck for gas. The guy who put in the most got to ride shotgun. Yeah, we’d fill that puppy up for about $3.25 or close. Enough to do KC!

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Glazer: Big 12 Goes from Near Death to on Top of the World

Just a season back there was great fear that the Big 12 would vanish completely…

It seemed like just about everybody wanted to jump ship. Why? Money of course. Around here the big surprise was Missouri leaving for the SEC. Losing Nebraska was a bit shocking. Nobody much cared about Colorado leaving, but Missouri going was a blow.

There was all the talk that nobody much wanted Kansas because of the small TV market and it’s football didn’t matter.  The fact that Kansas was a great school and had a legendary basketball program didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Nope, it was all about football, TV contracts, money and the power that it brings. Nothing else.

In the past the geographic location of your school seemed to matter.

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Glazer: Scribe Dodges Murder Rap During Puerto Rican Sexcation

"He’s going to murder me and throw me in the ocean!"

That’s what my ex-girlfriend Jessie was yelling when the cops came and got me, on our last last day in Puerto Rico last week.

WTF? How did that happen?

I had known Jess, the girl I took with me on that my one-week, tropical dream vacation for more than a decade. She’s worked at Stanford’s in Westport in the early 2000’s as a cocktail girl. She was maybe 18 then. We dated – or rather saw each other – often those first couple years. She was a very pretty girl with a great body.

Everyone wanted to "date" her, but I was her main guy.

However, she was a little out there even then. Very wild and very high strung. Years later she vanished. We never spent more than a night or two together after that. Then she showed back up around two years ago, this time out as a body building type with an even better body. She was pushing 30 but  was still a smoking hot beauty.

Who wouldn’t want her? Well in time, lots of people.

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Glazer: My Pal Hearne Takes a Bride

Well, all of us who know Hearne Christopher, knew it was coming…

But he fooled us and got married in Mexico. The sneaky devil! I got the text late last night that one of my best friends Hearne had gotten married when he was south. I know his new wife Kimberly Christopher pretty well. Hearne met her while she was working on a corproate event during a visit to Stanford and Sons at Legends more than a year ago, nearly two in fact.

She is a wonderful young lady. Kimberly is very attractive, smart as a whip, has a great career and is a terrific mom. How did he land her? They will make a fantastic couple. I know Hearne is kinda private with his personal life unlike SOME PEOPLE we all know.

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Glazer: The Premature Death of Royals ‘Superstar’ To Be Eric Hosmer

The Royals are beginning to turn away from their "future super star" Eric Hosmer…

Yep, todays Kansas City Star held more proof of the team’s lack of confidence that their guy will ever be much more than maybe the next Alex Gordon. Meaning a solid player – nothing much more than good – not great. Holy Molly!

So the Royals press dogs have now started pushing for Mike Moustakas, the Moose. He was front page news today – the team’s best third baseman since George Brett. The guy leads the team in homers at seven and is batting .300. They even compare him to all the other good third baseman in the league for range.

They‘re desperate we’re desperate.

Clearly with Hosmer out of the All-Star Game, it’s THE MOOSE, who the Royals want to take his place.

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Glazer: Scribes Puerto Rican Wilding Sparks ‘Greatest Hits’ Flashback

If you could capture and hold onto just one moment of your life, what would that be?

I know for most of us there are many not-so-great moments and it’s often hard to hold onto that truly wonderful snapshot. I was on the plane coming home yesterday from Puerto Rico – great place – and looking out the window thinking just that – what moment in time was the greatest, the best?

It’s summer now, so I think for so many of us this is that time of year when things seem a bit uplifting.

And so I thought about the good things. It’s hard to narrow it down to just one, but if I had to? I’ve never fathered a baby so that’s not an option. However seeing my nephews playing tennis and looking so happy, expecting to have a life not nearly as rocky as mine or their dads – that’s a pick.

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Glazer: Scribe says, ‘It’s a Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay World!’

It’s a Gay, Gay, Crazy, Mad World out there today…

With films like THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATOO, playing up lesbian sex with the star as example, you bet it is!  Now comes the not-exactly-a-shocker story on John Travolta. Yes, they are coming out of the woodwork to tell the "He offered me money to have sex" stories.

Are they true? It would seem to be the case.

Hollywood has always had its Gay Mafia.

Many – and likely most – of the men and woman in the arts have had same sex moments. Not me, of course.  But it’s all too common.

So why the buzz on John?

The media came out on him long ago. He even went into hiding in the 90’s for a few years to let the rumors die down. Remember? Then he did a couple family films, "Look Who’s Talking" and followed with "Pulp Fiction," his big comeback movie.

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Glazer: Scribe Gets Out His Baseball Bat and Goes After Hip-Hop & Rap

Are you like me?

Do you blame RAP and HIP HOP for the death of music to a large degree? I sure do. Call it racist – I don’t care – I’m a realist. There’s no talent – OK, almost none – yet we pretend there is when for the larger part THERE ISN’T.
I’m still in Puerto Rico. And after a long day of jet skiing, beach, partying and even dancing (I actually did some pretty decent dirty dancing), my girlfriend Jessie and I went to the room later and watched late night TV with Jimmy Fallen. Or was it, Last Call with the very talented Carson Daly. He’s talented, funny, sharp, my kind of guy.


In truth, it’s a race between him and Fallen for who has the least talent among the white guy, late night hosts. Add in Ryan Seacrest. Man, I wish I had their dough – I guess this gad guy thing only works in KC, huh?
So we’re watching the next big thing in RAP, HIP HOP from Carson right and it’s Jay Rock.

He’s a black, thugged-out rapper with ZERO TALENT. My dog Junior is a better singer. For real. The lyrics? Try bitch, gun, dope, my life sucks – what a genius! I wanted to get a large baseball bat and smash this guy in the face. STOP IT, for Christ Sake.

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Glazer: An All Star Game With No All Stars, the Indignity of it All

So how bad is this Royals season thus far?

We have an All Star game here in about a month and we don’t even have a single All Star on the Royals!!! At least not now. Maybe one will pop up in time for the mid season classic, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Before the season we thought we had about three or four.

Eric Hosmer, for sure, maybe Mike Moustakas, Alex Gordon and possibly even Danny Duffy. It looks like this today: Hosmer is batting under .200 and has all year – there’s even talk of sending him back to the minors. WOW! Mike, I mean Moose, is decent with an average just over .300 and a weak four homers. He’s our best bet as of today. Moose is also an outstanding 3rd baseman. Alex Gordon has been average, batting in the mid .200’s (.258 now) with just 4 home runs and 16 RBI’s – very average.

Now we get to the best – or is it worst – news.

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Glazer: Scribe & Hottie Off to Puerto Rico for a Week

As we reach middle age we often find that we have or take very little time for ourselves…

We’re always saving for our futures – but guess what – if you’re over 45, it’s already here! It’s time to enjoy life and your friends. Most of you have all worked hard and maybe raised a couple kids, now it’s your turn.

However, too many of us bought into the big lie.
One of many, actually.

 That when you grow up everything will be swell. You’ll be able to drive and own a car and won’t need your mom or the neighbor to give you a ride. You’ll get married, have a great job and kids and everything will be aces. Oh yeah, and you’ll have great and loyal friends – tons of ’em!

What we eventually learn is that life is not too fair.

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Glazer: Scribe Wishes His Mom Happy Mother’s Day

Like many of you, I lost my mother a few years back..

We only have one real mom and one real dad, so when they’re gone it hurts. I think of my mother Rita Trantham every day. Yes, she was once Rita Glazer, but my father and mother divorced long ago. Her second husband John, was a great guy, but he too passed away this year.

On mother’s deathbed she said she was proud of me and we had that long last talk.

It was painful, but I’m glad we did. You readers all know the "Glazer Boys" stories, so clearly we had many issues. My mother had far more sad days with us three kids than good ones. No doubt. I wish my mom would have lived to see King of Sting come out, but she died in 2007 when the book was done but not yet printed. She knew it was being published though. My mother also died just short of the opening of Stanford and Sons at the Legends. She did visit the complex and saw it being built before she was bed ridden.

What I most remember about my mom was how well liked she was in Kansas City.

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Glazer: Add Gay Marriage to Obama Legacy of Ending War, Depression, Offing Bin Laden

In a bold move, President Barack Obama says he’s ALL FOR GAY MARRIAGE…

Some may think this was merely a political move to stay out front of Republican challenger Mitt Romney.  The Republican candidate immediately jumped on it and said, "Marriage is between a man and a woman only!"

And with Obama is only slightly ahead in the polls that matter – far from where he’s been in the past – many think this will be a very close race. Most observers feel the President’s position on gay marriage will not help him much and in fact, may cost him valuable support.

Let’s face it, this much of this nation still leans away from gays getting married. Me, I say live and let live. If two people want to marry that are of the same sex, and it doesn’t hurt anybody else, let it be.

Besides, those divorce cases will be a hoot!

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Glazer: Kansas City Royals Fans are the World’s Biggest Suckers!

Kansas City Royals fans just love their Royals…

And why not? We’re going to games this season in near record numbers. Thats right, last year at this time the Royals had drawn 248,000 fans. This year over the same time period, 329,000 fans. And the way, with the same number of games, 15. So we’re ahead of last year by 80,000 fans or almost two Chiefs games. Wow.

Which tells David Glass this: Go ahead and lose, we got nothing better to do. We will still come in droves to watch one of baseball’s all-time worst franchises.

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Glazer: 610 Sports Nick Wright Escapes Gravitational Pull of the Cowtown

I began backing 610 Sports host Nick Wright two years ago…

Wrote several stories saying he’d be THE GUY in sports radio soon. However many commenters on this site didn’t agree. Some even said Nick’s career would be short lived in Kansas City. Meaning he’d be fired and replaced. Turns out I was right on the money.

Word today is that Nick may be headed to Houston.

That’s not confirmed, but if true, that’s a far bigger market than KC. Years ago Houston was after Johnny Dare. Johnny made a good call and stayed put because he’s from here like Nick and loves the city. Dare feels comfortable in KC.

Dare’s’s also is happy with the plum contract he got with 98.9 The Rock, so all is well with the other big gun at Entercom. But Nick’s a very young man still and undoubtedly wants to go out and spread his wings and find out what more is out there for him. At 28, that makes perfect sense. I think if Nick were older he might stay put.

Remember Wright has only been in his seat two years and is already THE GUY in sports in town.

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Glazer: The Death of Boxing As We Knew It

There was a time, not long ago, that THE title in sports was…HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!

The title was held by the world’s best known men – men like Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali. Today it’s over. Boxing is nearly dead.

Sure, there’s still Floyd Mayweather and Manny Paciauo, but that’s nearly all there is. Not to forget the not very popular Klitschko Brothers who have held the heavyweight belts for more than a decade and are even older than Floyd or Pacuiauo. 

Clearly Floyd and Manny are now far past their prime – both in their mid 30’s. Neither have had much competition so they have slowed down, gotten a bit fat, sloppy and happy. Floyd is headed to jail for three months for beating up a girl…again. And Manny is too busy being a political leader. The two household name fighters have made well over $200 million each as champs…of what we don’t really much know.

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Glazer: Suicide Shocker! Junior Seau Dead at Age 43

He was an NFL idol…

One of the all-time, best football players ever. Players were in awe of the man who dominated defenses for 20 seasons. And now it appears that Junior Seau, age 43 and sure Hall of Fame football star, took his own life.

His girlfriend called the police and they could not help Seau when they arrived. Junior was gone. Shot himself in the chest with his own gun. The gun was in the room by his lifeless body. The man many consider the best linebacker of all time was dead. Only two years after he left the game.

All this today in Oceanside, California not far from where Seau’s 15 year career with the San Diego Chargers went down.

It’s one of the most surprising suicides in modern sports.

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