Tag Archives: Craig Glazer

Glazer: How KC Wasted the Last 40 Years Going Nowhere Fast

The Star’s Randy Covitz wrote a nice story about Kansas City being a big sports town back in 1973…

That was the year baseball’s All-Star game last came here. And what a year it was. As Covitz points out, we had FOUR PRO SPORTS TEAMS, hockey, basketball, football and baseball. It was the last time Kansas City played host to the All Star game.

Hard to believe that was 40 years ago, nearly half a century. Damn.


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Glazer: Bogus KU Pot Bust a Sham – Let it Go, People

Lions and Tigers and Bears…oh, my!

Let the insane, stupid witch hunt begin. A weed dealer – lord save the planet and shoot him fast – sold smoke to some KU Student Athletes.

What’s the world coming to? Let’s ruin their lives, their careers – we’ll show ’em.


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Glazer: Scribe Forecasts Four More for Obama with Health Care Win

The Supreme Court upheld The affordable Care Act yesterday, Obama‘s health care reform…

This was considered the President’s big achievement, and it passed five votes to four in a nail biter. But just like in sports, a win is a win.

The question being, did We the People win?

For many the answer is NO.

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Glazer: Scribe Conjures Batman in Weighing Prospects for College Football Playoffs

This reminds me of "Batman Begins"…

In 2014 a four team College Football Championship Series begins. As many of you know, the College Bowl groups and many college presidents and conference commissioners didn’t want this to happen. It makes college football much more like pro football. The Super Bowl, college style.

Hey, I like it.

A committee will decide on the four teams, based on the usual criteria – who they played, their records and pretty much the way it’s done now, save the BCS scoring system. The playing sites will be picked based on neutral locations, attendance and which cities want to pay to play.


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Glazer: The Incredible Lightness of Eric Hosmer and The Kansas City Royals

This was to be Our Year, Our Time…

You know, with the Royals. Well, so far it’s somebody else’s year, not ours. The Royals as of today are still stuck at the bottom of their division. The team has the third worst record in the league. Everyone got a bit excited because we won a few games the last couple weeks, but then reality hit this weekend when the St. Louis Cards swept our butts in three games.

So it’s back to the "we suck" attitude for most fans.

The main reason the Royals have been so bad? No hitting. As of last week, the Royals had the fewest home runs in the American League. And to this point we have no real All-Star with the game here a couple weeks from now.

Maybe it’s time to send faded star Eric Hosmer down to Triple A for a tune up.

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Glazer: St Louis Sparks Nightlife Wilding that Engulfs Westport, Legends, P&L

Maybe it was the fact the Kansas City Royals played host to the St. Louis Cards

That likely brought 15,000 out of town folks in for the weekend and that’s a lot of bodies. Maybe it was the cooler weather Friday and Saturday and people were tired of not getting out on the town.

Whatever it was, man this town rocked these past two nights.

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Glazer: Scribe Says Living Hell Awaits Sandusky in Prison

Say it ain’t so, Jerry….

Well you did it. How’s it working out for you now, Sandusky?

Guilty on 45 of 48 counts of sexual abuse over a 15 year period. What does that mean? Life in prison and trust me, Sandusky will get the max. Look, at age 68 anything over 15 years is basically LIFE. Thats a given.

So he’s a monster, no doubt.

Now the worst is yet to come for Jerry Sandusky. Seeing him come out of the courthouse in cuffs, with that nice, light brown jacket and tie on, his family weeping, the look on his face – yeah, I can see where there’s a twinge of feel sorry for him in some people.

Is it wrong to feel that way about a man who ruined so many young people’s lives? Not really.

The man is clearly INSANE. He really thought he didn’t do anything wrong. All those young men were lying somehow. His own adopted son was going to testify that Jerry molested him.

According to Sandusky’s attorney, Joe Amendola, "Jerry was prepared for this."

WTF? Are you thinking what I’m thinking? WHY DIDN’T HE RUN OR TAKE HIS OWN LIFE!

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Glazer: Lebron & NBA Kings of the World

The man so many love to hate has his ring…

Lebron James has been crowned KING of the NBA. The Miami Heat crushed the Oklahoma City Thunder, 4 games to 1. It’s over. Your favorite guy, Lebron, is MVP and he’s one of just five to have a triple double in a final NBA title game. It goes on and on, he’s the best basketball player on the planet.

Like many of you I was pulling for OKC.

Kevin Durant was a Big 12 guy and I thought he might be the better man. James put an end to that thought. Lebron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh proved they are the best. And they vowed to win more championships for them and Miami.


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Glazer: Jimmie ‘JJ’ Walker’s New Book Has Kansas City Connections

My good pal, Jimmie Walker‘s book: DYN-O-MITE, GOOD TIMES, BAD TIMES, OUR TIMES is out Tuesday…

it’s getting nice reviews and lots of media attention, including the Hollywood Reporter, Washington Post and yes, even the Kansas City Star‘s Lisa Gutierrez did a nice piece on the book. However Lisa, who’s covered Stanford’s and me, missed the local angle. 

The book is written by KING OF STING co author, Sal Manna. It’s on the back cover of the book. More importantly, there’s an interesting story about Kansas City, Fox 4 and Stanford’s in the book by this legendary comedy icon.

The book is a bible on the 1970’s and on the men and women who worked with Jimmie and to a large extent made comedy on TV what it is today. Stories about his staff include Jay Leno, David Letterman and even the late Freddie Prinze.

Believe it or not, Walker started his career on TV with the Tonight Show with Jack Parr.

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Glazer: Scribe Gives His Blessing to Texas Ranch Worker Killing

Sometimes killing a person is fine, just fine…

A Texas rancher did just that, killed a man with his bare hands. He beat a 47 year-old worker named Jesus Mora Flores to death. Why? Flores was raping his 5 year old daughter. The father was never arrested for the killing.

A grand jury decided not to indict the rancher for the killing. His name is being withheld due to the nature of the crime – rape, molesting a child. Flores was seen running off to the woods with the little girl, according to Shinner, Texas police. The father also was in the area and saw what was about to happen. When he reached the rape scene, Flores had his pants down around his ankles, the little girl was undressed and Flores was in the process of raping the child.

The father jumped the child molester and beat him about the head and body. He then called 911 and asked for help. "Come on! This guy is going to die on me!" the father yelled. "I don’t know what to do!" 

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Glazer: The Real, True Hollywood Story of Why the Government Doesn’t Like Roids

Roger Clemens, NOT GUILTY…

Boy, you don’t hear those words often in federal court. They win nearly 95% of their trials. Which doesn’t mean the defendant is guilty, the Feds just have the power to always win. But not this time.

In fact, the government has now wasted millions of dollars and manpower to stage yet another public witch hunt that the public did not want to go along on.

Remember, Barry Bonds also walked.

Bonds was convicted of one minor charge but did no jail time. Clemens was cleared of everything. The government chose not to indict Lance Armstrong.

Did all three of them do steroids? No doubt.

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Glazer: Good Riddance, Rodney King Was a Joke

Forty-seven year-old Rodney King died this weekend…

King drowned in his backyard pool – a pool paid for by a lawsuit from his 1991 beating by LAPD. It was a beating we’ll never forget, caught on video and which led to the LA riots that killed 55 people, injured 2,000 and caused millions of dollars in damages.

King became a "black leader" because of the incident but many white people had a problem with that.

Hey, there’s no doubt King was beaten and no doubt it was wrong. There’s also no doubt the police in LA and everywhere else in this country have no right to behave like animals.

But the problem with the entire mess is Rodney King himself.

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Glazer: Scribe Flashes Back to ‘That’s My Boy’ Star’s Kinky Stanford’s Misadventure

It was the best of times and the worst of times…

Stanford and Sons was probably the comedy spot here in the late 1990s and it seemed like every up and coming comedy star was on our stage at some point back then. The late 90’s launched so many multi-millionaire careers it’s hard to name them all.

One of the most notorious events there went down in 1996 with "That’s My Boy" star Adam Sandler.

A comic named Nick Swardson was doing a feature week at the Westport club. We had no idea his best pal and soon to be partner in many films was the hottest comedy star going, Adam Sandler. In fact Adam was playing a one night stand at Sandstone the same week. 

So Adam and his crew showed up at Stanford’s with no advance warning. Sandler and three of his producing/writing buds had come to a Swardson show on a weeknight I happened to be there and Adam introduced himself. He was very nice and we all sat down and talked about his newest film "Happy Gilmore" and his upcoming show at Sandstone. He told me Nick was his pal and they all had come to watch his shows. In fact, Adam even did a brief set on our stage, singing his hit, THE HANUKKAH SONG.

When word got out Adam was hanging nightly at Stanford’s it got pretty crazy.

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Glazer: Kansas City Puts Worst Foot Forward at KCI Airport

Let’s be blunt, we have the nation’s most boring airport…

It’s all wrong for the most part. The best thing about our KCI dead zone is you can get on and off flights quickly. And that, in and of itself, does matter. Rarely are there lines or waits, even on holidays. However, the main reason for that is quite simple.


We pretend to be a large, major city, but in so many important ways we just are not.

A city’s airport is kinda like a business card. Ours is boring, slow and all but blank. There’s nothing to do or see at our airport. You can’t even see much, if any, of what our city looks like. Not even as you land. The town looks dead coming into our airport – just like KCI.

Don’t you love it? There are no real restaurants or bars. NONE.

Yes, we have a dump off fast food place here and there…barely. and of course one Starbucks, which is always 500 yards from wherever you might have landed or come in at.

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Glazer: Count Your Blessings, Scribe Says, While He Counts His

Like most of you I think almost daily about how much more I can do and accomplish in my life…

It never seems good enough, does it? All those dream we had as children that faded into life’s reality at age 30 or 40 or 50. Too often we think of what might have been. Trouble is, we don’t take the time to respect and examine what we’ve really done with our lives.

It was only yesterday, it seems, we were hoping to graduate from high school, have a girlfriend, be liked by others and leave our hometown for college and a life adventure.

Well, most of us did just that or something close, right?

I mean, had the Future Fairy told you at age 12 you’d own your own home, have a family, friends, good paying job, trips to exciting cities and enjoy ballgames, theatre – even pick up a few personal awards along the way – let alone just own a smoking hot, brand new car, wow, that would have sounded so COOL.

But that’s never enough, is it?

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Glazer: Sorry Sam, Zack Greinke Ain’t Coming Back and He Shouldn’t

I usually agree with Star sports columnist Sam Mellinger

He’s done a top notch job replacing Jason Whitlock and Joe Posnanski. Today he wrote an article suggesting former Royals star Zack Greinke may one day return here. Sorry Sam, I don’t buy it.

I know you asked him recently and he mentioned he liked the city, the people, the coaches, and still had a place here. All true. However the team has the worst record in the American League and along with the Twins, and is going nowhere fast.

Zack on the other hand is fast becoming one of baseball’s best pitchers.

He’s 23-8 with the division champion Milwaukee Brewers with an ERA of 3.62 during his two year’s there. Sam also mentioned something a tad bit important about the Zack Attack when he was leaving.


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Glazer: Happy Sunday, but Remember, Jews Rule!

In the movie "Inglorious Bastards" a Nazi SS Officer explains to a French farmer why people hate Jews…

"When you see a squirrel running across your yard do you feel you must kill it? No. But if a rat comes close to you or runs across your room. Then what? Hate. You want to destroy it. Right? No real reason, we don’t feel that way about the squirrel. In fact they are basically the same animal less the nice tail. We just hate the rat. This explains the Jew. We don’t know why we hate them, we just do."

He then proceeds to have his goons kill an entire Jewish family save one little girl who escapes.

So it has gone for the Jewish people over hundreds, if not thousands of years.

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Glazer: The Fix is in on Manny Pacquiao / Tim Bradley Title Fight

Was the Manny Pacquiao / Tim Bradley title fight fixed?

You bet. Which is not anything new in boxing, right? Remember Liston/Clay and the Phantom Punch? And the Ali/Spinks (Leon) fixed fight the first time. Ali maybe was not in on it, who knows.


Simple. As the sport gets weaker, they need to fire up the fans and force a new "bad guy" onto the scene and add a couple big money fights. You know, get people talking. All three of these fights did just that – it worked.

With Ali leaving the game in the late 70’s and nobody else truly mattering, they had to prompt him to fight one more time, to buy time to find a new savior. Until they found Larry Holmes and soon after Mike Tyson. So the fix worked.

However, this one is pure genius.

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Glazer: Scribe Picks Up Bus Fare to Pearly Gates

If you listen to Johnny Dare you probably know my girlfriend Chocolate Becky...

Make that, former girlfriend.

Anyway, her "White Devil Weekend," on The Rock is a funny, popular piece. Becky does the five minute rant each week and it’s played several times on Thursdays and Fridays. Of course, she always ends it with taking jabs at yours truly. She got the job because she called me a million times and left mean but very funny messages like, "That’s why I always hate you, you cheap ass little dick bastard. You never leave me any money. You make me drive all the way over there to pick up $10. Burn in hell, you bastard. I’m gonna get a sniper to shoot your ass."

I mean, you can’t write that kinda stuff.

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Glazer: NBA’s Oklahoma Thunder Pave Path for KC’s Pro Sports Teams

Well we haven’t done enough with the N.B.A. on this site, so here we go…

The Oklahoma Thunder have just run through quite a group of powerhouse teams. They took down last year’s NBA Champs, the Dallas Mavericks; they followed that with dropping the LA Lakers. And tonight they knocked out the San Antonio Spurs who had the NBA’s best record this season.

Maybe more impressive those three NBA giants have won 11 of the last 13 Championships. Now Oklahoma will face either the Miami Heat or Boston Celtics. A win there would make it 12 of the last 13 teams to win it all!

The way it looks, OKC will be the world champ in just a few more days.

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