Tag Archives: Brian McTavish
McTavish: Rob Thomas Simmers with Versatility at Sold-Out Midland
For all his modern rock cred, Rob Thomas is really a throwback to another era when singer-songwriters like Kenny Loggins and Neil Diamond in their prime-time heydays knew how to navigate the middle of the pop music road without sounding irrelevant, or worse, like idiots.
The inclusive Top-40 radio world that those versatile hit-makers once inhabited may now be little more than a Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Safe Treats, Caged Ghosts or Halloween Hoofers?
Looking for a spooky but secure trick-or-treat experience for the kiddies? How about the perfect place to scare up a real ghost or two that might make you want to flee the scene? Or are you the more laidback type that prefers to be entertained by flying feet other than your own?
Whatever your frighteningly precise predilection might be this Halloween weekend, allow me to offer a few suggestions here as well as on Continue reading
McTavish: David Sedaris at Midland…ha-ha-huh?
As cult-of-personality get-togethers go, the one spearheaded by hip humor writer David Sedaris on Wednesday night at the Midland by AMC was a sedate affair Continue reading
McTavish: Brother’s Tribute to Johnny Cash More Sincere than Scintillating
It was a tribute concert alright, but Tommy Cash didn Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Scrawny Cheerleaders, Suck Up Announcer, Soccer Vibe & Silence of the Football Lambs Haunt Chiefs Game Day Experience
As a stubbornly long-time season ticket holder to the Kansas City Chiefs, I have witnessed the good and great, the bad and sad and most recently the unremittingly ugly at Arrow-through-the-Head Stadium.
True, this is a go-and-have-fun entertainment column, not one about self-inflicted sports torture. But stick with me, even if I appear to be sticking the pointy end of a muddy football tee into my ribcage and twisting it just to see what kind of face I might make.
McTavish: David Cross Desecrates, Delights & Dumbfounds at Midland
You may want to pray for David Cross. Or you may just want to meet him in Hell.
Either way, the comedian best known for his role as pathologically Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Art, Sex, Comedy, Rock…Go For It!
What do gifted visual artists, gabby vanished virgins, a Bee Gees-obsessed stand-up comic and duty bound 1970s rock Continue reading
Kansas City Repertory Theatre Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Bad Man to Trib Band, ‘Wonderland’ to Weather Man
This weekend is the time to get acquainted with your inner outlaw, sing along to Beatles songs, go down the rabbit hole, behold a skipping pachyderm, appreciate the Land of the Rising Sun and Continue reading
McTavish: Prine Still in His Prime at Midland
On the surface, John Prine on Saturday night at the Midland by AMC might have passed for any older man in a black suit with a guitar around his neck singing a little hoarser and talking a little wiser than he used to.
You might expect that from any serious veteran of words and music. But you might not expect songs so sad they Continue reading
McTavish: Alan Parsons Plays It Safe at Ameristar
A live concert performance shouldn Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Making Picks So You Don’t Have To!
Vintage art rockers! A fabled folk singer! Daring dancers suspended over an outdoor sculpture garden! Silly people who make up seriously funny stuff on the spot! Bet you can Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: From Funnel Cakes and Cleavage to Fright Nights
The ironic thing about Labor Day weekend? It Continue reading
McTavish: Project with a Mission Enables Disabled
I recently met a young woman whose story of perseverance and growing independence as a participant in the parent-run Mission Project inspired me. I hope it inspires you, too.
This piece was originally written for spectrumconnection.org, a bi-state resource for families living with autism.
******* Continue reading
Ameristar’s Chef Tash: More than a Dash of Post-Katrina Humanity
Ameristar Casino Hotel Executive Chef Albert Tash is all about putting together the right ingredients Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Music, Politics, Fishnets, Funny Books
Obviously, the weekend is on its way. Obviously, where you go with it is your call. Obviously, I Continue reading
McTavish Weekend: Woodstock in Westport? Better Late than Never
Hey, weekend watchers, time to get gazing at what there is to go and do. Just don Continue reading