Tag Archives: Bob Lefsetz
Hearne: ‘Bloomberg Think’ Is Ruining This Country
“Why Is Bloomberg’s Long History of Egregious Sexism Getting a Pass?-The surging Democratic presidential candidate has fielded some 40 sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits” GQ Magazine The rich are different from you and me…THEY’RE ENTITLED! Sure, Trump did it, but … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Everybody is a Star…Well, Almost Everybody
That’s right, the hoi polloi, the supposed flyover people, the peanut gallery…WE RULE! And we have contempt for you if you step out of your lane. We may even have contempt for you if you stay in your lane! That’s … Continue reading
Lefsetz: ‘Irishman’ Strikes Out, Take Two
I don’t get it… Film and TV still have not learned the lesson that the customer is in control. The record labels fought the public, and then gave in. It was a tortuous experience that took almost a decade, but … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Handwriting On The Wall For NFL
Is there a connection? In case you’re unaware of today’s JAMA report, 110 of 111 NFL players were found to have CTE, chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Now this is a select group, deceased players whose brains have been donated to Boston … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Time to Put An End to Hate?
Should we blame the Internet or income inequality – the inability to rise above and get ahead? Every damn day people tell me I’m an asshole online. And let me tell you, if I say something negative about you or your … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Sprint’s Jay Z – Tidal Deal a Joke
Why does everybody have to be a businessman? I get that artists have been ripped off from time immemorial, but the acquisition and promotion of Tidal has proven that when it comes to understanding technology, artists are clueless. However they are greedy. … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Ringling Brothers Death Sign of the Times
I went at the old Madison Square Garden twice, maybe three times… The last time I finally put my foot down and told my mother I didn’t actually like ballet and wasn’t going to go anymore. Then my father took … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Lady Gaga Lays an Egg
It’s a stiff… Ignore the sales chart. That’s where hard core fans and kooky-loos go to participate, the store. The action is now in streaming, where we can see right away if anybody is listening. AND THEY’RE NOT! It’s staggering, … Continue reading
Lefsetz: HBO’s Vice News Tonight —Out With the Old!
It’s all about trust… Shane Smith and his roving group of merrypersons are going to take over the news business, they’re gonna hijack it in plain sight, just like MTV became the music juggernaut. But this is different. Because Vice … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Trump Blows Out Hillary
I can’t remember a thing Hillary Clinton said… We’ve seen this movie before, when Arnold Schwarzenegger ran against Gray Davis – the lovable Terminator/Twin against the career politician/policy wonk. It was no contest, Arnold won. And we went on a misadventure … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Material Signifiers Disappear
First they came for your watch… Next they’re coming for your car. Used to be he who died with the most toys won. Now, ownership is passed – everything’s on demand. I first realized this 15 years ago, when I noticed … Continue reading
Lefstez: ‘Bad Company’ Knocks One Out of the Park
This should have been bad… Seventies act far beyond its years playing to a multitude that didn’t care in a faraway land where no discerning eyes are present. But that wasn’t the case, this show was FANTASTIC! INCREDIBLE! ASTOUNDING! THE … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Good Riddance Huffpo, Arianna Huffington
He not busy being born is busy dying… Or, if you prefer your musical references via the UK as opposed to the US, as Dave Edmunds once sang, “Crawling from the wreckage, crawling from the wreckage, INTO A BRAND NEW … Continue reading
Lefsetz: The Cold Reality of ‘Living the Dream’
The first person I saw was Arianna Huffington… On the east coast it’s the Hamptons. On the west it’s Malibu. And if you haven’t been to either, you’ve got no idea that it’s even further over the top than you think … Continue reading
Lefsetz: ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’
Last Saturday I went to the Levitt Pavilion to see Peter Asher, Billy J. Kramer and Denny Laine… However Billy J. had an infection, couldn’t travel and his place was taken by Terry Sylvester, of the Swinging Blue Jeans and Hollies. And … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Will Bernie Sanders Turn Hillary Into Hubert Humphrey?
Is it 1968 all over again? Wherein Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy put such a dent in Hubert Humphrey‘s campaign that despite garnering the nomination, the Minnesotan did not win. Kinda like Al Gore in 2000. Humphrey was tainted by … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Elizabeth Warren, Hillary, Trump & Twitter Wars
It’s all about access… Today people want to reach out and touch you, Facebook has flattened the earth – everyone feels equal – and if you stand above the fray…it’s only a matter of time before you’re taken down. This … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Trump
The more the intelligentsia tells me Donald Trump is unelectable, the more I want to vote for him… Nobody knows anything. Especially the smart and educated. We continually laud the graduates of Ivy League institutions, those with money and fame can … Continue reading
Lefsetz: The Long, Slow, Impending Death of Rolling Stone
Yes, I still subscribe to Rolling Stone… I have since 1969. And I still haven’t gotten over the lack of a fold, never mind moving to New York and ultimately going slick. But this binding issue is the last straw. So … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Say You Want a Revolution
Do you feel left out? Do you feel like you’re working hard but getting nowhere, treading water in the game of life? Do you think the government is telling you how to live while providing little in return? Then you might … Continue reading