In journalism – as in most businesses – everybody is is expendable…
In the case of the Kansas City Star, one need only flash back six years to when frontline columnists Joe Posnanski, Jason Whitlock and myself were practically the face of the newspaper locally and paid double or more what most other reporters and writers made. I remember the FYI editor FYI joking that she practically needed a separate line for me in her annual budget proposal.
Anyway, life goes on, right?
That said, in its current state, the Star would have an extemely hard time recuperating from the loss of Sam Mellinger.
That’s right, because even though the sports columnist who stood in for Posnanski and Whitlock didn’t take the world by storm like his predecessors had – Mellinger’s body of work in just a few short years has actually surpassed them in quality.
As evidenced by his column today- “Goodell Fumbles on Abuse Issues” – dissecting how embattled NFL commission Roger Goodell and the league blew their chance to set an example worth following on “domestic abuse.” Continue reading