Hearne: We Interrupt This Pandemic to Bring You….

Sometimes a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do…

In my case, the death of life as we knew it in Kansas City – combined with the daily drip of coronavirus news, the death of sports, entertainment and other most everyday distractions – left me flat.

Kinda like you maybe.

Naturally, the ongoing journalistic erosion at the Kansas City Star continued to provide plenty of angst, but it just didn’t seem to matter much.  So I took a bit of time off to more fully engage in boring, lame behavior.

Sure, it was kinda cool when Westport wild man Bill Nigro contracted the Big C, then managed to survive despite his age and adult diabetes. He spent like three days on the potty – eyeball-to-eyeball with the Grim Reaper – and yet lived to tell the story.

Of course the Star was predictably and tediously biased – as is the case with most mainstream media these days – but how much lame handwringing and boring nitpicking did you guys need from me, give the city and country’s sad state of affairs.

So I did what Paul Wilson would probably call AWOL and went down periscope.

Ah, but that was then. Continue reading

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Hearne: Public Health Honcho Puppet Masters Restaurants, KC Mayor

The man behind KC’s ridiculous 10-10-10 plan…

Quinton Lucas, you say?

Noop, not according to Westport businessman and coronavirus survivor Bill Nigro.

That distinction goes to Kansas City public health director Rex Archer, Nigro says.

“Rex Archer is a total germaphobe,” says Nigro, who’s owned and/or overseen any number of restaurants and bars over the past three decades.  “He’s been a thorn in the side of the restaurant and bar business for years.

“And that’s who Quinton Lucas is listening to – he’s said it several times – that he listens to the health department. And Archer thinks if Quinton opens things up now he’s going to kill dozens of people. But Rex Archer has never owned a business and he doesn’t realize what this is doing to local businesses.”

Nigro says Archer’s behind the mayor’s recently announced, controversial 10-10-10 plan to reopen local businesses.

A plan that limits customers to 10 percent of building occupancy or 10 people, whichever is larger (including staffers) and requires them to record the names, contact information and times when the customers come in and out of the businesses for anyone who comes in for 10 minutes or more.

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Hearne: Alms for the KC Star Update

Wright Thompson

The beat goes on…

A curious attempt by the Kansas City Star to try and raise $200,000 by beseeching readers to contribute moneys so they can afford to pay their writers, is up and running.


In one week’s time, the Star has taken in more than 17 grand in online, “tax free” donations, funneled through a tiny Michigan nonprofit.

The question being, how can a small nonprofit grant tax free status to donations directed to a for profit biz like the Star?  Continue reading

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Hearne: KC Based AMC Theatres Picks a Dangerous Fight

Revenge of the Trolls?

One of Kansas City’s last remaining corporate titans is fighting for its life…

The venerable AMC Theatres – founded by local movie visionary Stan Durwood – is going toe-to-toe with Universal Studios, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished moviemakers.

“The movie theater industry can’t afford the fight AMC just picked,” reads one headline. “Movie theaters need film studios more than the studios need theaters,” reads another.

Unfortunately for the local good guys, both headlines are correct.

The sad reality being that not just AMC – but movie theaters in general – could be one of the biggest permanent victims of the coronavirus pandemic.

The closing of theaters has forced moviemakers to hold back blockbusters like the new James Bond, Fast and Furious and Mulan.

So Universal decided to release its Trolls World Tour as a $19.99 rental, which thus far has grossed nearly $100 million and become the biggest digital movie release ever.

Much to AMC and exhibiters like Regal and Cinemark’s chagrin.

“Trolls was anticipated to be one of the big spring movies,” says KC Confidential movie man Jack Poessiger. “So I think it would have done about the same money at the box office had all the theaters not been closed. But it performed well on pay-per-view – better than might have been expected – and normally movies don’t release their pay-per-view numbers. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever seen it.”

AMC wasn’t about to take it sitting down – especially after the head of Universal said,”As soon as theaters reopen, we expect to release movies on both formats.”

In other words, at the exact same time – or as they say in the movie biz – “day and date.” Continue reading

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Hearne: Newspaper Launches Questionable Covid-19 ‘Tax Dodge’ to Raise Money

Tax dodge, anyone?

Seems like anything goes at the Kansas City Star these days. And as the saying goes, a drowning man will clutch at a straw. Or as the Cambridge Dictionary defines it, ‘someone who is in a very difficult situation will take any available opportunity to improve it.”

As evidenced by an unsettling news story in Sunday’s Star that ran under the headline, “Subscribe or donate: Help KC Star keep covering coronavirus.”

A deeper dive reveals that unlike most news stories addressing business issues involving the newspaper, this one ran sans a reporter’s byline. Instead the byline reads, “BY THE KANSAS CITY STAR.”

Trust me, very unusual.

In a nutshell, the story beseeches locals to subscribe to the newspaper or “even better, you can suggest friends and neighbors do the same.”

And while that sounds pretty lame, in the words of Bachman Turner Overdrive, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Check it:

“If you’d like to help and you’re a subscriber, you can now make a tax deductible donation to preserve local journalism,” it continues. “We have partnered with the nonprofit Local Media Foundation, which is accepting contributions on our behalf.”

Hold it right there…

What’s a tiny, fishy-sounding non profit in Lake City, Michigan doing laundering money for a for profit biz like the Star?

Good question, says a Kansas City attorney who was dumbfounded by the concept.

“You’re not buying a subscription to the Star, you’re donating to the Local Media Foundation which is a non profit, which takes your donation and siphons it off to the Kansas City Star – which is a for profit company – and you get a tax deduction for it,” the attorney says. “What kind of bullshit is that?

“I mean, how can you use a non profit to give money to a company that is for profit and you get a tax deduction?” Continue reading

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Hearne: Fair + Balanced at KC’s Newspaper of Record?

pre divorce Greitens

Watching the Star pretend to be vital is an exercise the suspension of disbelief…

We do it all the time watching movies. Pretend that the creepy dude on screen the is the real deal, in order to enjoy the movie more.

In other words, we suspend our disbelief in order to be properly terrified or whatever emotion the moviemaker is trying to elicit.

Similarly, to more fully appreciate the news and opinions in the Kansas City Star, we must pretend what we’re reading is fair, balanced and unbiased.

Okay, quick time out.

Does anybody who follows the Star (or New York Times, Washington Post, etc actually believe that’s the case? That objectivity rules?

Other than maybe folks like fellow blogger Jim Fitzpatrick – who after decades of working at the newspaper and swallowing his fair share of the kool-aid–and viewing life through that same political prism.

In other words, news media wise, Jim’s pretty much normal…

Unlike my 16 years at the Star, where I was viewed by most fellow staffers as an outsider.

As such, I can assure you that group think among reporters and editors was way more contagious than the coronavirus – if not nearly as deadly.

That said, I did a pretty good job of blending in and bending to their will and reporting standards. Which was evidenced by my rise to among the highest read and paid writers.

And thus most reporters there recognized that my mission was to provide a departure from the conventional norms via alternative viewpoints.

Which is why Jason Whitlock and I were the highest paid and read columnists.

Unfortunately most of the journalistic guidelines and practices that rendered the newspaper at least partly objective and less noticeably biased, have gone the way of that ill-fated Dodo bird.

The best (and arguably worst) example is the Star’s heavy-handed editorial board.

These people ares so full of themselves that all but the most liberal leaning readers find themselves in the unenviable position of being journalistically “henpecked.” Continue reading

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Hearne: Westport Icon Bill Nigro Gets Corona, Lives to Tell Story

Nigro & The King many, many pounds ago

Anybody out there who doesn’t have the coronavirus blues?

And frankly, I’m not sure which is worse; worrying if you get it that it may be last hurrah time; watching the mainstream media and Kansas City Star turn everything into a politicized news nightmare; or, you know, actually coming down with the disease.

Westport businessman Bill Nigro found out the hard way, speaking of the latter. 

Two weeks back on a Sunday night, what began as something resembling a good, old fashioned, severe flu, turned into a full blown corona storm that made a true believer out of the 60-something Kansas City entertainment and restaurant czar.

After having a drive-in swab jammed up his nose so far he could almost feel his brain, Nigro was diagnosed with the new, big C.

Whereupon he basically went to heck in a hand basket, lived to tell the story and is now waiting out a two week post coronavirus quarantine, and hoping he’s seen the last of it.

“I feel incredibly better and I haven’t had a fever since a week ago Sunday,” Nigro says. “And I’m starting to gain weight again. I went from almost 160 pounds down to 140 pounds in less than a week – that’s a lot of weight to lose.

“Now I’m just down to being being sick in the head,” he quips. “But I was in pretty peak shape and I think that helped me immensely because I have type two diabetes.”

How bad was it?

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Lefsetz: Trump is Winning, the Left is Losing

Do you think it’s safe to go outside?

Many Democrats are now asking themselves this question.

This is tribal warfare, but the more interesting element is groupthink, how you change someone’s opinion.

Bill Maher said to open America, he wants to go to a restaurant.

Today people are strolling on beaches in Florida, why can’t you? After all, you believe you’re Covid-19 free.

Sure, some people are asymptomatic carriers, but obviously you’re not one, and you’re not going to infect anyone, so you should be able to go outside. And if you get near someone else…nothing will happen, because they’re confident they’re healthy too.

Then you’ve got Bethany McLean, a business reporter for Vanity Fair, saying Florida didn’t run out of hospital beds as predicted, so maybe the people are right.

“And yet, the predicted surge that was supposed to overwhelm hospitals due to Floridians’ obvious stupidity hasn’t happened yet. Maybe they know something that the states shutting their parks don’t.”

So now you’re wondering…maybe you’re wrong, maybe you’ve been taking this too seriously, after all, many people you know who’ve been loose with self-quarantining are just fine. You know, the people who had their housekeeper come, albeit wearing a mask, those who’ve seen their grandchildren. And you’re losing money sitting at home.

You did it for over a month, and that’s enough.

So, the self-quarantiners wonder if it’s worth it to stay at home at all, if everybody else is not.

Meanwhile, the other side is just fighting with science.

But science is fungible, haven’t you heard?

As for statistics, they can be manipulated, so you’re best off not believing any of them, just go with your gut.

As for facts… Trump’s not wearing a mask, he’s fine, and he’s around people all the time. Same deal with Congresspeople, sure, some got infected, but maybe they got it elsewhere, otherwise all of Congress would be infected.

And if you’re rich, fine, but I could use the money from going back to work.

And I’m sick and tired of listening to Dr. Fauci – he’s a tool of Trump and he’s lost credibility.

I think I’m gonna go with the flow, it’s time to open America.

It’s time for me to live my life. It’s time to put Covid-19 in the rearview mirror.

After all, nobody I know died. As for the people who did die…people are dying all the time. And that’s another question I have. Are more people dying from this than the flu, and isn’t China to blame?

The right has been on a full court press to make Covid-19 a political issue.

You may not have seen Dr. Fauci on Laura Ingraham’s broadcast, but you should read this and watch the video:

“Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways – Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.”

Just as interesting is this story about Michael Savage, who turns out to have a Ph.D with training as an epidemiologist:

“Why Michael Savage Is Blasting Hannity and the Right-Wing Media on the Virus – Mr. Savage, the conservative radio host, is still loyal to President Trump but says right-wing media got it all wrong by doubting the severity of the coronavirus early on.”

Neither of these stories got any legs, never mind not being featured on Fox or other right wing outlets, which amplify the words of doctors Phil and Oz. And you might dismiss them, but the reason they’re being featured at all is because they’ve got large audiences, primarily those of housewives, who make decisions about the health of their children.

The left does not understand how to play this game.

The left does not know how to get people to question their values and beliefs. The left is not organized, it’s busy infighting, coming to consensus, abhorring leaders and being left behind.

What is the promise of Biden’s campaign? A RETURN TO NORMALCY!

We’re not going back to normalcy, just like we’re not going back to dial telephones and vinyl records.

Oh, oops, that’s something the left has been able to sell, a faulty story about the return of vinyl records, when their distribution and revenue is de minimis in the world of music consumption and revenue.

But you’ve got people amplifying these falsehoods. Just like you’ve got the Never Trumpers, does it make any difference? NO! Continue reading

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Hearne: I Interrupt This Pandemic to Bring You…

twin daughters Savannah and Liza at age 22

The $64 billion question…

“Do you have the Virus?,” asks longtime reader Roger Shelton. “You had a few good articles, but then you just stopped.”

Answer: True, but no.

That said, laying low and catching up on personal stuff has been refreshing, as the world flirts with the end of days.

For example, in January I started working at Honda in Lawrence, after four-plus years at BMW VW Topeka. However, having moved back to KC, the daily drive became ridiculously long and tedious.

Anyway, through the end of March, I had my best month with Honda, even as society ground to a near halt.

Since then, I’ve taken some time off to “self quarantine,” and rather than just fumble around like most media wringing their hands and dramatizing things (rather than providing much in the way of perspective), bagging on Trump, focusing on nursing homes deaths and racial statistics.

Face it, with few exceptions, media coverage of the coronavirus has been lame. Continue reading

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Hearne: So Many Multiplexes, So Few Future Movies

The $64 million question:

Is Universal Studios decision to make first-run movies available on pay-per-view the beginning of the end for mainstream movieplexes like of KC’s AMC Theaters?

“I agree, it could be a game changer of the way they release movies,” says KCC movie maven Jack Poessiger. “And since Universal did it, they’ve all jumped on board except Disney.

“The only thing is, some of the big boys have said that the big pictures – the Mulans – the big productions made for the big screen – they would still keep separate. Whereas the little films, they would offer day-and-date, because those smaller movies already have a hard time making it on the big screen.

“But some factions in the industry think that moving movies to streaming or pay-per-view without a theatrical window diminishes the value of the film to the general public.”

Right now, the new movies that have been moved to the small screen  from shuttered theaters have been out for at least a week.

Raising the question of whether movie makers will now push unreleased movies into the future, like the new James Bond – or release them to Amazon and pay channels?

“That depends on what kind of movies you’re talking about – the Bonds or the Marvels,” Poessiger says.

Even if studios hold back the big fish and send the movie minnows to streaming, there’ll be the issue of how to keep a dozen or more movie auditoriums filled with new product. Continue reading

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Hearne: Life After Death…On Facebook

Paul Fredrocks:
Honk if you still think he’s alive!

You got it, you give it up, you still got it…

To the realms of heaven, hell and purgatory, add Facebook.

Because anymore, the fine line between life and death keeps getting finer, as larger than life local personalities such as former KY102 jock Paul Fredrocks and local comedy king Craig Glazer soldier on – well past their expiration dates – on social media.

Sans some sort of change-of-address system or imaginary expiration date, Facebook continues to feature their – and other dead folks – pages, complete with all of the photos, friends, comments etc, that existed prior to their departing this world.

As in, dying.

For some – ostensibly “friends” -it may be comforting to visit their Facebook pages to reconnect or relive the magic.

It’s certainly a heckuva lot easier than trekking out to some cemetery.

Lately however both Fredrocks and Glazer have celebrated social media birthdays.

Leading to a bizarre spate of congratulatory messages by people clued out to the fact that both have long since taken dirt naps.

“Hope you had a happy day,” wrote a dude named Jim Flink on Fredrocks Facebook page.

“Happy birthday celebrate,” added former KCC columnist Mark Valentine, who garnished his comment a smiley face emoji.

Channel 9 weather wonk Bryan Busby breathed a bit of grim reality into the festivities by adding, “Happy Birthday in heaven, Paul.”

And just a couple days ago, deceased KCC scribe Craig Glazer rose from Facebook’s dead – much to the surprise of some – who weighed in with a host of attaboys and good tidings.

No wonder… Continue reading

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Hearne: Beginning of The End for AMC, Theaters?

It’s kinda like it was with newspapers…

It was the beginning of the end for the Kansas City Star, Newsweek, Automobile Magazine, the Village Voice and, yes, The Pitch.

When Al Gore‘s big, bad Internet roared to life in the late 1990s, the handwriting was on the wall for most print publications. Not that everybody in the game was aware of it. Hence the Star’s sinking hundreds of millions of bucks into its fancy-schmancy new press pavilion in downtown KC.

Don’t ask me how they made the determination, but somehow or another, the newspaper’s best and brightest concluded that they would be able to harness the power of the web and keep choking out newsprint…which was the cash cow of all cash cows.

Within a handful of years their devastating miscalculation was well on its way to becoming a reality. And somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 laid off or otherwise departed staffers later, here we are.

Now let’s apply similar thinking to the latest endangered species, movieplexes.

For years I’ve been pointing out to legendary local movie critic Jack Poessiger how Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube have been taking a similar toll on theaters.

Thanks to inflation, box office grosses have risen, but you’d be hard put not to notice how few truly exceptional movies outside of the superhero genre, James Bond and the like are truly must see when they first come out.

Not only because in 90 or so days, people will be able to watch them in the comfort of their homes on giant screens with incredible pictures and sound for a fraction of the cost and hassle of dragging to a multiplex.

Movie industry giants like KC-based AMC Theatres have staved off the inevitable by morphing crowded, uncomfortable theaters into luxurious, state-of-the art movie palaces with a host of gourmet snacks, halfway decent dining choices, cocktails, beer and wine.

Again, for a price.

The even bigger nail in movie theater’s coffins are the amazing array of quality choices available thru Netflix, cable companies and other sources. Continue reading

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Hearne: Pitch (Kinda) Cleans Up Its Act

Dan Savage

This just in…

After nearly 30 years of hanging by a thread and clinging to its smutty sex ads (1st amendment and all that, you know), KC’s alternative newsweekly of record, The Pitch has done the unthinkable.

It’s pulled the plug on most of its raunchy sex ads.

That as the last of the old guard David Hudnall bailed for the New Times in Phoenix.

Speaking of which, the New Times was practically the godfather of alt-news rauch.

For decades KC’s money-losing tabloid clung to the big bucks the needlessly raunchy sex ads brought in. While ignoring that many of its primo distribution points would not allow the mag on the premises because of those ads.

Worse yet, any number of high-end advertisers – retailers like Tivol – wouldn’t touch the Pitch, lest they be lumped in with the seedy advertising that at one point constituted a pretty fair chunk of the zine’s back pages.

Speaking of which…

For years the back cover of the Pitch was home the the nefarious “Backpage” classified ad section former owner New Times Media launched in 2004 in its 11 alt weeklies. And which evolved over time to include a variety of “adult” ads with sub categories of sex work, ranging from erotic massage to escort services.

The Pitch did away with it after its owner got in trouble in and the federal government seized the site in 2018, busted its CEO, who then agreed to shut it down.

To complement its display sex ads, all the Pitch needed was some sort of halfway legit journalistic garnish.

Enter syndicated sex writer Dan Savage and his cleverly named Savage Love. Continue reading

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Hearne: The (St. Patrick’s) Day The Earth Stood Still

Just last week Westport boss hawg Bill Nigro predicted a decent St. Paddy’s day…

Sure, KC’s infamous parade had been canceled, still Nigro thought it was a reasonable to expect a crowd of, say, 25 percent of the usual starting around 5 p.m. as folks got off work.

After all, for something like ever St. Patrick’s Day has been the party district’s most bankable holiday….the cash cow of all cash cows.

Then today happened and the KC put the kibosh on local bars and nightclubs.

As for Nigro’s 25 percent guesstimate…

“There will be no crowd, we’re shiut down,” he says. “Kelly’s isn’t even open, nobody’s open. Westport is shiut down, baby. I didn’t think it was going to be this bad. People have been walking up to the front door of Kelly’s all day and reading the sign that they’re closed.”

The quietest St. Patrick’s in Westport ever?

Ever,” Nigro says. “And it’s always busy here – every year – it’s the top day of the year for everybody.”

The kicker:

“Yet the casinos are open today,” Nigro grouses. “How fair is that? We were ordered to be closed and they’re open. So Westport gets the shaft on the best business day of the year and the casino gets a pass.”

Indeed, a call to KC’s Isle of Capri reveals the casino is open tonight until midnight. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: How to Make it Through the Pandemic

“Nobody on the road
Nobody on the beach”

“The Boys Of Summer”
Don Henley…

Are you bored yet?

There was certainly no one on the road yesterday. The 405 south was a ghost land. However, on the way back up the hill there was traffic, because it’s raining. It hadn’t rained since January 1st, now we’re getting a week of wetness. Which is kind of weird, because the days are getting longer. We equate wetness with winter, darkness.

What did George Harrison say, “Beware of darkness”?

So it started to feel like “Testament.”

You remember that Jane Alexander movie from 1983, don’t you?

The people are slowly dying after a nuclear bomb. It’s grim, but it’s not panicky. You’re just enduring…

I’m convinced I’m gonna get the virus.

Yup, after Angela Merkel said 60-70% of the public would get it. Then there was that U.S. prognosticator who claimed 40-60% yesterday. It seems that we’re self-quarantining as to not overwhelm the health system, but how long is that gonna last?

My text and e-mail feeds yesterday were full of people at loose ends.

Funny how you’re always looking for free time, but when you get it you don’t know what to do with it.

I finished “The Underground Railway” by Colson Whitehead. You know, the book that won the Pulitzer and the National Book Award? The one wherein the underground railroad is really a railroad? I’d started it, but couldn’t finish it. Then I got hooked earlier this week. I’m trying to finish all the books I’ve purchased but haven’t read. But first I might have to read Erik Larson‘s “The Splendid and the Vile,” his book about Churchill during the bombing…

A couple of days ago the story was how the governors usurped Trump’s power, but today…I kind of feel like I want to tune out the news. If something dramatic happens, I’ll hear about it. Like Vail and Alterra closing all their ski resorts, my text feed blew up about that.

As for Trump, there’s a New York Times article about all the lies he’s told in the past few days. But I’m still getting e-mail from his acolytes saying it’s Obama’s fault and there’s not really a problem. Proving, once again, if the Democrats are planning to win by swaying Trumpers, forget about it. Like Bitecofer said, it’s about rousing their base. As for the election itself…it may not happen. Come on, if states can postpone primaries do you really think that Trump can’t postpone the election? Continue reading

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Hearne: Star Cashes in on Coronavirus

Act of goodwill or a blatant attempt to capitalize on a national tragedy?

You make the call:

The Kansas City Star has begun opening it’s “online paywall” for stories pertaining to the coronavirus outbreak.

It appeared to start with the cancellation of the Big 12 and NCAA basketball tournaments.

I mean, who doesn’t stand to benefit in these bizarre times by more fully understanding the whys and wherefores of the collapsed of college hoops?

No biggie – it’s understandable even – that the beleaguered local newspaper of record would try and recoup some online subscription monies for its sports department. And, you know, maybe sell a few $30 a year online sports subscriptions.

Certainly it’s a noble gesture giving locals a free peek at coronavirus news they can use.

That said, is it in good taste for the Star to pat itself on the back for taking the high road on the worst threat to this country since the Spanish Flu pandemic off 1918, by using the occasion to hawk online subscriptions? Continue reading

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Hearne: Did Alamo Drafthouse Fail to Follow Its New Coronavirus Policy?

Talk about best laid plans…

A funny thing happened last night when I went to the Alamo Drafthouse movie plex in downtown Kansas City for the opening night screening of The Hunt.

Because just the day before on March 11th, Alamo sent me an email outlining a seven point coronavirus strategy to ensure the safety of moviegoers.

Yet, one of the key bulletpoints was not being observed…by anybody.

“Gloves are being worn by all staff during theater cleanings and when bussing tables.”

Based on my experience last night, nobody was wearing gloves.

Seems like in the wake of all the public precautions, events being canceled and people avoiding – wait for it – movie theaters,  Alamo management would do a better job of making certain its theaters comply with its new rules.\

But wait!

“The theaters are (being) cleaned,” says local Alamo staffer Gabe. “I don’t think the servers are required to wear gloves.”

The critical detail, the definition of “bussing.” Continue reading

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Hearne: Lawrence, KC Newspapers in Sports Free Fall

Let’s be real, it’s hard to imagine things being much worse for local newspapers…

Then again, there’s always the death by a thousand cuts concept…and we’re at least 900 plus cuts into that scenario.

Which brings us to current state of college and pro sports.

Bad as things are and have been, canceling of the Big 12 and NCAA mens basketball tourneys – not to mention the NBA and NHL seasons, Major league Baseball, Major League Soccer and with pretty much all-things-sports – is the equivalent of a giant cup of  print journalism hemlock.

A prominent Lawrence lawyer who subscribes to both the physical Kansas City Star and Lawrence Journal World, made one thing clear to me earlier today.

“Most people I know that still take the Journal World do so its KU sports coverage,” he says. “This is really going to hurt them.”

Ditto for the Star but perhaps less obviously,

Case in point, look how the Star and Journal World handled yesterday’s NCAA news:

The Journal World front page was an exercise in sky-is-falling journalism.

The Star’s was more preoccupied with restaurants, bars and toilet paper.

Which didn’t stop the Star from using the death of the NCAA tourney to hawk its $30 online sports package. Continue reading

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Hearne: Newspapers Must Die for Others to Live

The beginning of the end?

Word that Kansas City Star parent McClatchy declared bankruptcy didn’t exactly come as a surprise. It was almost more of a surprise that it took this long.

Which in some ways is sad.

Does it mean the end of local news as predicted by New York Times editor Dean Baquet?

No way.

Long as there’s a demand for news, information and opinion, someone will find a way to make money providing it.

That said, the last thing that needs to happen is for taxpayers to rescue news organizations like McClatchy and the Star – companies that have demonstrated for a dozen years they’re incapable of running a sustainable business.

At some point, failed businesses like the Star need to be allowed to die, to make way for a new generation of news gatherers.

That’s the law of the jungle, guys.

Which is what the most successful businessman in America – Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet – determined when he threw in the towel recently on 31 newspapers and more than 49 weeklies, including his beloved hometown paper, the Omaha World Herald.

Not a good sign for the biz and yet…

In some ways it may be a beacon of better news days ahead. Continue reading

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Hearne: KC Columnist Catches Chiefs ‘Coronation’ Virus

Strange things can happen when one takes up “jock sniffing” as a profession…

Kansas City Star sports writer Vahe Gregorian, for instance.

In a recent chant, Gregorian claimed, “It’s time for a monument to honor heroic Joe Delaney.”

Hold it right there…

At this stage of the game, the concept of a monument to a Chiefs star from 40 years back, is well past its sell-by date.

Or as Barack Obama might say, “The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”

Because the cold, hard truth is, in Delaney’s brief stint with the Chiefs he netted one 1,000-plus yard rushing season with three touchdowns and a second season with 380 yards rushing and no touchdowns.

Not exactly the stuff NFL legends are made of.

That said, by all accounts, Delaney was a really nice guy who couldn’t swim and drowned in six foot deep water trying in vain to save two kids who also died.

Now, 40 years after-the-fact – the 1981 and 1982 seasons – Gregorian wants to lionize him?

Trouble is, Delaney has already been sufficiently honored. Continue reading

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