New Jack City: ‘The Interview’—Not In Your Backyard?

sethrogenjamesfrancopuppy1201If you want to see that raunchy, goofball comedy THE INTERVIEW, it may take a road trip…

Is it a case of freedom of speech with the big movie theater chains?

I don’t think so. I believe it’s a matter of principle, a business decision based on Sony Entertainment’s new road map for distributing the movie.

Here’s my take:

When Sony contacted major theater circuits Wednesday morning advising them of the re-instated December 25th release date for THE INTERVIEW, the studio allegedly let it be known that they were also actively pursuing a day-and-date release of the film on OTHER distribution platforms including Video On Demand and streaming.

And this just in, Sony inked a deal with Google Play and YouTube Movies to make “The Interview” available online at noon Kansas City time –  nearly a day prior to the theatrical release. Continue reading

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Hearne: Star Flubs Telling Readers Where to See ‘The Interview’ Christmas Day

_75827240_koreaMy wife and I will be going to see “The Interview” on Christmas Day…

And although Jack warned me I’d have to stay up for a late, late show if I wanted to see it – and  Tim Engle at the Star choked out two reports yesterday to let folks know where they could catch the controversial movie – at Screenland Armour and a couple other off-the-beaten-path plexes – he missed the boat on giving Star readers news they could use.

Engle forgot to check with Kansas City’s premier “independent” movieplex. Continue reading

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Hearne: Lame Magazine Study Ranks Manhattan Atop Lawrence

K StateEnough with these bogus magazine “Best Of” magazine scams…

What’s the best city to live in, the best go to college in, to raise a family, maintain your girlish figure, to visit, to retire, to start a biz – the options are endless. And each and every year some magazine nobody ever heard of shows up with the “best,” “fattest,” “richest,” you-name-it category and chokes out a list of dozens of”competing” cities for everyone to get bent out of shape about.


I mean seriously, how long does it take for readers to clue into the fact that these are publicity scams intended to get whichever magazine a bunch of free PR from area newspapers, television and radio stations. More publicity means more magazine sales and more magazine sales means more advertising dollars. It’s pretty simple, really.

Trick is for the zines to try come up with the most interesting methodology to spin whoever they say is the best, worst, fattest or fittest. Then the local media chimes in about how accurate or how bogus it all is and…voila…mission accomplished. We media types fall for it every time – some worse than others.

Take the Lawrence Journal World‘s front page story headlined, “Best College Town? Manhattan Tops Lawrence, Study Says.

Talk about pimping locals about something that simply isn’t true. Continue reading

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Hearne: Moderated Comments, Anyone? Smartman, Scribe?


Smartman, Harley & Scribe

A funny thing happened late last week…

Not ha-ha funny, more curious funny. I’d just added a pair of words to the KC Confidential “forbidden words list” – the one I started four years ago to combat that clever rascal smartman.

You remember smartman, right?

He was a gentleman employed in the concert biz that I met in the 1980s when he was more-or-less running the Uptown Theater. Some friends and I hired smartman – Marti Dolinar in real life – to produce Firm Productions first concert at Municipal Auditorium. FYI it was “The Happy Together” tour with The Turtles, Grassroots, Buckinghams and Gary Lewis & The Playboys.

The smartman was a crusty dude, old beyond this years, with a voracious appetite for all things sex, drugs and rock and roll. To describe him as rough hewn would be an understatement because the dude was crass to the 10th power. Which likely comes as little surprise to longtime readers of his many colorful, depraved, bitingly funny and often insightful comments. He was as they say, “a piece of work.” – an unapologetic piece of work that ran off untold numbers of readers, contributors and advertisers.

Frankly, something had to be done.  Continue reading

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Star beams: UPS Drivers Top Alex Smith, Chiefs Put Out Call to Sung Woo Lee & Hillary Alerts

ups1sdfsdChiefs quarterback Alex Smith has what my wife calls the “Kelly Urich Syndrome.”  He has trouble going deep.


Why is it the Chiefs can’t complete a pass for more than 5 yards, but the UPS guy just threw a perfect spiral from the truck to my front porch?


How can we get Royals super fan Sung Woo Lee to start liking the Chiefs?


The Chiefs playbook was written by Sony.

                                 ******* Continue reading

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Glazer: It’s True, The Chiefs Are Super Bowl Bound

super_kcwolfThe Chiefs stockings Sunday were full of coal…

From coal town, no less – Pittsburgh, Pa.

Yep, the Steelers pretty much ended the Chiefs season. Actually it ended when they couldn’t beat the gawdawful Oakland Raiders a few weeks back.

The team was never the same.

Well, maybe the Chiefs are back to where they were before, that being AVERAGE. And this year that was kind of a good thing, because most of us thought they would win just five or six games. Instead they won eight, with one game to go. So in a small way they over achieved – they went from suck to okay. Continue reading

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Glazer: Scribe Brushes Aside Bah Humbugs, Wishes Readers ‘The Best’

bad-santaIt’s the most happiest time of the year now, right?

You know, Christmas. That’s what the songs say anyway. Sure, for the folks with financial strength and tight families, that well may be the case. HAPPY TIMES. Nice.

However for most of us it’s pressure on the wallet time, pressure on our time, and family arguing. Yep, for all too many of us it’s, Christmas – bah humbug!

You think maybe because I’m Jewish I don’t do Xmas? You’re wrong.

Like many Jewish Americans we look at this holiday as a family time of year. A time to celebrate with those we care most about – our wives, kids and friends. So it’s not really about religion it’s about family and the joy of being an American.

That’s how I see it anyway. Continue reading

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Glazer: Sad Sack Chiefs Hang onto Playoff Hopes & This Week’s Picks

imagesThe Chiefs still have a shot at the post season…

However as I mentioned last week they need to win out both of their last two games to get there. It’s possible they could lose one of the next two and still get in, but not likely.

If the Steelers beat KC and the Ravens win this weekend, that’s the end of the road for the Chiefs. They would both have 10 wins to our 8 and we’d be more than one back so a final win over the Chargers wouldn’t save the Chiefs season.

Kansas City must beat the Steelers on their home field Sunday and that’s something they haven’t done in nearly three decades. Unfortunately, my feeling is they won’t do it Sunday either.

Again, to pretend that having an average NFL quarterback and no receivers outside one back and an above average tight end will get you to the big game or anywhere close is pretty unrealistic.

The Chiefs front office has taken the middle road for sure. With Alex Smith and a team of just OK ability the Chiefs will be an average team for years to come. And no, they will never challenge for a Super Bowl. Their goal is to keep you interested all year and maybe, just maybe back into a wild card game or two.

It’s a business and Chiefs fans are the ATM machine. Continue reading

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Leftridge: Royals Add More Pieces Through Free Agency

1219coverAfter the ho-hum signing of designated hitter Kendrys Morales, the Kansas City Royals unleashed a flurry of punches in the 12th round, signing outfielder Alex Rios as well as starting pitchers Edinson Volquez and Kris Medlen. While two of the jabs were on target but weak—Volquez and Rios—the Medlen deal could end up securing a judges’ decision. (Except it’ll take a long while for the results to arrive; Medlen will be out of commission until June or possibly July.)

In general, it feels like they missed the haymaker.

Unless general manager Dayton Moore pulls a rabbit out of his sleeve and blows our collective minds with some sort of blockbuster deal to land the Baseball Superstar KCC’s Craig Glazer so desperately pines for, this will probably be remembered as the offseason after the long-awaited World Series appearance where they signed a bunch of retreads in a thrifty effort to capture old magic. Continue reading

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Valentine: Judging American History Out of Context


Original art by Mark Valentine

Americans do not approve of torture…

That said, most of us are conflicted about “The Torture Report.

There are some big problems with it. First of all, it didn’t stop any of the torture. The techniques were abandoned years ago. Second, the release of the report made Americans and our allies less safe by opening old wounds and offering propaganda opportunities for our enemies.

On the surface, it appeared to be California senator Dianne Feinstein inflicting a wound on the CIA to get even with them for looking at her emails. Aside from the decision to put us at risk for such a personal reason, the report made the mistake of passing judgment out of context.  Continue reading

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Hearne: The Flip Side of News-Talk Station KMBZ’s New Split Personality

Unknown-1Once upon a time – not that long ago actually – KMBZ 980 AM was taking down in excess of $6 million a year in billing…

But you know,  times change – listeners get older, advertisers loose interest or boycott – and then whamo – next thing you know you’re KCMO Talk Radio 710. As in, you’ve gone from the penthouse to the outhouse and nobody under 50 even remembers that there was a time when you actually mattered.

which explains in part why the powers that be at Entercom Kansas City opted nearly four years ago to simulcast KMBZ 980 on 98.1 FM instead of making the arguably more obvious choice of moving 610 Sports to the high ground.

At this point however, that’s all water under the bridge. Continue reading

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New Jack City: Exhibitors Were Right to Pull the Plug on ‘The Interview’

UnknownMy take on movie exhibitors pulling THE INTERVIEW from their screens for Christmas?

It was the right thing to do.

Ultimately the circuits dumping the movie led to Sony Entertainment scrapping the picture for good.

Yet as late as early yesterday afternoon,  evening press screening of THE INTERVIEW that night was still on. I didn’t receive word of the that cancellation until around 4:00 p.m.

So why am I taking this pro theater cancellation stand? Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: Reese Witherspoon Captivates In Gritty ‘Wild’

FOX_3558.psdIf you read Cheryl Strayed’s book Wild: From Lost To Found On The Pacific Crest Trail you’ll be happy to hear that the film follows the book quite closely…

You may also be wondering how well WILD translates to the screen.

Rest assured that DALLAS PLAYERS CLUB director Jean-Marc Vallee pulled it off.

Of course a lot of credit has to also go to co-producer and star of the film Reese Witherspoon who gives it her all.

As Cheryl Strayed she brings to life a soul that after years of reckless behavior, sex addition and the destruction of her marriage, searches for a fix to turn her life around.

Witherspoon finds it along the Pacific Crest Trail, an 1,100 mile stretch of powerful terrors, pleasures and maddening physical encounters.

All the while being haunted by memories of her mother played by Laura Dern. Continue reading

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Starbeams: Kathie Lee Fingers Cosby, Sprint-NASCAR Divorce, New AMC Movie Deal

rs_300x300-141216112622-600.-kathie-lee-gifford-hoda-kotb-bill-cosby-2011Kathie Lee Gifford says Bill Cosby once tried to kiss her.  I’m going to defend Bill on this one.  HE must have been drunk.


Sprint will drop its NASCAR sponsorship after the 2016.  “That’s terrible news because I LOVE using my fancy cell phone!” said no NASCAR fan, ever.

                                                           ******* Continue reading

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Hearne: Rumored KMBZ Radio Format Change Could Backfire, Experts Say

homer_simpson_doh_pic-300x204It took nearly four years for Entercom to admit it made a mistake…

To confirm that blowing up adult contemporary powerhouse KUDL (98.1 FM) in order to simulcast News Radio KMBZ (980 AM) on the FM band to try and attract younger listeners was a failure.

That deal went down in March 2011.

However if the word on the street is correct – and Entercom and KMBZ officials aren’t returning calls on this one – and come January KMBZ AM and FM are divided into two different, competing radio formats, it will be an admission by station management that its three and a half year plus “experiment” with simulcasting was a failure.

For several reasons.

For starters, the combined ratings for KMBZ AM and FM actually went down, even though Entercom reportedly raised its ad rates by 20 percent.  Continue reading

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Hearne: Don’t Miss KC Confidential’s Christmas Wilding Wednesday @ Stanford’s

april_macie_l_762c8d14850214d54c1c95b520912533_MvfcNi5.sizedBrace yourselves…

This year’s KC Confidential Christmas Wilding is about to unfold. Better and badder than ever, btw, in part because we’re shedding our in-town ways and holding the shindig in South Johnson County.

That’s right, in the land of milk and honey where propped up two-income families glide about their business in late model Lexus, Mercedes and Jaguar automobiles. Where the politics are (allegedly) clean and the mega churches packed on Sundays…and in the lair of the Scribe otherwise known as “King of Sting” Craig Glazer.

The blessed event goes down at 5 p.m. this Wednesday at the spanking new Stanford & Sons comedy club in Rosana Square at 119th and Metcalf. Continue reading

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Glazer: Reveling in Mediocrity, Chiefs Win, Remain in Hunt

XU264592_2__2716957bYesterday’s Kansas City Chiefs looked looked like the team of November…

And they played very much like the team that was 7-3 before the fall to 7-6. Oakland looked helpless. All the Chiefs name players had good games. Alex Smith passed for just under 300 yards. We haven’t had a 300 yard passing game in two years. Still no wide out caught a TD pass, but the Chiefs dominated Oakland in every department.

De’Anthony Thomas had a nice return run for a TD. Travis Kelce led the Chiefs in receiving and caught a touchdown pass. Dwayne Bowe showed up and had a solid game. Tamba Hali and Justin Houston each had a sack.

So in short,  everyone got well.

Now the Chiefs have two real tests ahead of them.

A road game with a good Steeler team coming up. It’s likely the Chiefs will need to win  their two remaining games – the Steelers there and Chargers here. If they want to get into the playoffs, that is.

So there is still a chance.

In fact a 9-7 record could get in if all the also-runs keep losing. Continue reading

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Valentine: Celebrating Hate & Craig Glazer


Original art by Mark Valentine

I was driving by the new Stanford & Sons comedy club on 119th Street the other day…

And it made me appreciate that Stanford’s owner Craig Glazer is an entertaining sports writer. Every week he makes us ride his own personal emotional roller coaster as he alternately loves then hates the Kansas City Chiefs, the team’s coaches, its fans and sometimes the city itself.

As the football season wound its way down, Craig would modify his rants and appear on his own comedy club stage.

This one’s for you:

The Chiefs can technically still make the playoffs…

“Technically” is what Craig says when asked if he’s still a Chiefs fan.

Craig got an invitation to a big wedding. One of The Chiefs is getting married next month…

So Craig is pleased that at least one Chief will get a ring this year.

Timing is everything.  It is what puts the “eek’ in losing streak Continue reading

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New Jack City: “Birdman’ Tops 48th Annual KC Critics Awards

001_BM_SG_00665.JPGThe 24 members of Kansas City’s Film Critics Circle have spoken…

Representing local and regional radio, television, newspaper and on-line media outlets— they  voted Sunday for The Best On Film for 2014.

And the KC’s Critics Circle’s top pick this year was “BIRDMAN” for BEST PICTURE,

BEST ACTOR: Micheal Keaton


BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: The groundbreaking film “BOYHOOD,” for which Richard Linklater was named BEST DIRECTOR while Patricia Arquette won BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS honors.

Continue reading

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Glazer: Lawrence Strip Club Cop Stop & This Weeks Picks

Screen Shot 2014-12-13 at 1.09.56 PMLawrence strip club Allstars sent a limo to take me and comic Trevor Moore and his Whitest Kids U Know crew to Lawrence last night…

Stanford’s had featured the playmate appearing at Allstars on our pod cast Wednesday so they invited us to come to their Christmas party.

We got there a bit after midnight – I’d been there once before – but both times got yanked over by cops checking for DUI”s.

It’s the big thing these days – the big money play – and boy are they out there.

Hey, we were even in a limo and still got pulled over.

Nobody was drinking – although we could have been. Finally the cop let us go after questioning us about what we planned to do and needling us for no reason. But I mean seriously, a limo pullover?

Aren’t you supposed to have a professional driver if your group is drinking?

Oh, well. Continue reading

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