Valentine: Jimmy Kimmel Screws Up Declaring OK Joe’s KC’s Best BBQ


Original art by Mark Valentine

Jimmy Kimmel called out Kansas City in a good, but almost alien way…

“I would also like to welcome our viewers from KMBC in Kansas City,” Kimmel said Monday night. “We are now on an hour early. They used to have reruns instead, but now we’re on after the news like God intended. Someone send me a Z-man sandwich. You know what I’m talking about there.”

But most Kansas City have no concept of what a  The Z-man sandwich is.

Apparently it’s a sandwich from Oklahoma Joe’s Bar-B-Que.

We take our barbecue seriously around these parts, so  Oklahoma Joe’s could never be recognized as Kansas City’s best  the best barbecue with a name like “Oklahoma Joe’s.” Continue reading

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Hearne: New Lawrence Library Bucks Trend, Battles for Relevancy

read-booksThe Internet giveth, the Internet taketh away…

For every amazing, wondrous benefit the Internet has afforded there’s a downside. Or so it seems.

We get news at lightning fast speed, but newspapers and magazine’s have gone from cash cows to the walking dead. We communicate instantly, but the Post Office and Hallmark Cards are slipping into irrelevancy. We access books and information with a single keystroke on a computer, but libraries are becoming more like museums in terms of foot traffic.

Speaking of which, are libraries becoming obsolete?

Not only is that debate raging on the worldwide web – Google the question – it’s being played out in neighborhoods, cities and small towns across the country.

Forbes contributor Tim Worstall wants us to close public libraries and buy everyone an Amazon Kindle with an unlimited subscription,” begins a story last August in The Week. “‘Why wouldn’t we simply junk the physical libraries and purchase an Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription for the entire country?’ he asks. Worstall points to substantial savings on public funds, arguing that people would have access to a much larger collection of books through a Kindle Unlimited subscription than they could get through any public library and that the government would spend far less on a bulk subscription for all residents than it ever would on funding libraries.” Continue reading

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Hearne: Murderer’s Row Lawrence, Courtesy of Topeka

FullSizeRenderSmall town thinking can be a little small-minded…

Make no mistake, Lawrence, Kansas is definitely a small town in most every sense of the term – complete with good old boy politics and a sleepy citizenry. The small townsters here go crazy when the basketball team wins…or loses. Yet they yawn and rub their eyes when local big shots team up with the university and/or elected officials and pull a fast one.

As was the case with the new $40 million Rock Chalk Park, that local pols tap danced past allowing taxpayers to vote on and a skipped competitive bidding on it’s construction. The project then proceeded despite contractor-ignored warnings by inspectors that its roadwork didn’t meet city standards. The latest concern being concrete cracking in the spanking new facility.

Ah, but not to worry, life goes on – what was that basketball score last night?

There is however quite a fuss being made about the murder rate in Lawrence. Continue reading

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Hearne: News/Talk on FM No Guarantee of Success


Dana Wright

Brace yourselves…

Today’s the big day when news/talk radio station KMBZ splits in two. Its longtime home on 980 AM will be waltzing off with right win geezer pleasers shows like Darla Jaye, Rush, Sean Hannity and  Glenn Beck. Meanwhile the 98.1 FM half of the equation will be concentrating on somewhat younger, chattier local shows like Dana & Parks and E.J. & Ellen.

Here’s what’s at stake:

In its most recent ratings, KMBZ’s combined AM and FM signals are holding down 8th place with a 4.8 share of listeners 12 and older and a cume of 231,800 tuning in. However divvying up its talent and chopping the stations in two is all but a lock  to result in lower ratings for both and probably a lower cume for each signal as well.

We’ll see.

However St. Louis, Missouri‘s FM news/talk station KFTK FM is languishing in 18th place in the market with a relatively puny 2.5 share, so there’s more to escaping the AM band than meets the eye.

The $64 million question: How low far might the two stations drop?  Continue reading

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New Jack City: Sony Entertainment, Now What?

eggyMy final thoughts on THE INTERVIEW debacle…

Bear in mind that I fully supported the nation’s top theater circuits for having taken their tough hands off stand in not showing the movie.

In my opinion it’s got nothing to do with Freedom Of Speech.

And I haven’t yet seen the movie after Sony cancelled the critic’s screening four hours prior to its scheduled showtime, but I hear it’s pretty damn funny for a Seth Rogen, James Franco flick.

So why did theaters initially cancel their bookings of THE INTERVIEW? Continue reading

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Leftridge: TV Time: So Many Shows, So Little Time

vintage televisionThere’s a period of time—we’re coming out of it right now, actually—where all of the shows have gone into a merciful Christmas slumber. They’re not done for the season, but they’re also not willing to lose viewership to Frosty’s Still Fucking Here, Kids! or Flip Wilson’s 1977 Christmas Spectacular. So they break.

And if you’re anything like me, you’re grateful for this lull. You get caught up on the 10 episodes of each show you already have DVR’d, you rekindle your love affair with fine literature and you spend an hour or thirty minutes (per week) with your loved ones.

Then it’s January, and you’re all, “holy shit, why do I watch so many shows? Swear to God, one more poor decision involving aliens or Stevie Nicks and I’m through with you, American Horror Story.” But in the end, you realize how miserable your life is void of these weekly escapes and you carry on.

Anyway, here are some things that are coming back to television within the next month. Continue reading

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Glazer: Brace Yourselves, Scribe Unleashes NFL Playoff Picks

Manning2Wake up Chiefs fans it’s NFL playoffs time again….

Many experts feel picking the Super Bowl teams is no big deal: New England vs. Seattle.

I say, not so fast.

Dallas has shown up and until the Steelers lost their running back, they were in the picture. Is Denver a contender? Definitely. They have the most talent on both sides of the ball but Peyton Manning is finally showing his age.

Manning’s  arm is weak and that will likely take them out of the final big game.

Will Manning return next year?

He wants to, and yes, they’d likely win the division again. But I think his Super Bowl days are over. Depending on how this season ends, I believe it’s time for him to retire, enjoy his millions and do some more commercials and maybe ESPN. Continue reading

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Hearne: Round & Round & Round They Go And…

1997-for-richer-or-poorer-poster1Let’s take a few to sift through some tea leaves of the December radio ratings…

Up top at Numero Uno we have – big surprise – classic rocker KCFX The Fox.

Not a big surprise since Baby Boom, Gen X (and some Millenials) have a penchant for classic rock music. My wife’s 16 year-old son, for example, is an AC/DC fan.

Add to that the Kansas City Chiefs broadcasts and it’s easy to see how more than a half million locals might sample the station.

Country music station KFKF FM took second place, in part because for the fourth year in a row it played Christmas Music. But not until after the Thanksgiving holiday had passed, so the Ho, Ho, Ho ratings were only in play for half of the ratings period.

We all know though that country in king.

Because with four stations in the market playing Yee Haw muzak, country accounts for nearly 18 percent of the listening audience, right up there with Rock (and without a helping hand from the Chiefs). Continue reading

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Hearne: The December 2014 Radio Ratings (They Really Do Matter)

radio-mattersNobody listens to the radio anymore, right? Wrong…

Well, nobody halfway young listens to radio anymore, right?

That’s not what a McVay Media study entitled “State of the Media: Audio Today 2014” has to say on the subject.

“No matter where you are in America, the radio is always on,” it begins. “The original mass medium, radio today reaches more than 90 percent of everyone in the United States on a weekly basis. This enormous reach stretches across demographics, ethnicities and geographies as listeners engage every day with stations in their local markets on matters important to them..”

According to the study 242 million people – nearly 92 percent of everyone 12 and older – tune into the radio each and every week. 

There’s more.

That reach is “nearly identical across all major demographic groups, ethnicities and geographies.”

In other words, damn near everybody in the Kansas City and Lawrence area listen to radio, young and old, rich or poor, from redneck crackers to Native Americans – everybody.

Now let’s take a look at which stations they were listening to between November 9 and December 8, 2014,

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Hearne: 610 Sports Nosedives in December Radio Ratings

hi-res-7cb2a5bb7b7f2a3e53a77efc7d5936d2_crop_northEasy come, easy go…

Just like that 610 Sports Cinderella ratings run last fall is in the dumper.

After riding the Kansas City Royals Cinderella-like coattails in October and November’s ratings – with a 4.8 and 5.6 share respectively –  the party’s o-v-e-r.

610 sank like a rock from its fourth place finish with a cume of 482,200 listeners to 17th place and a cume of 168,500, among listeners 12 and older.

And while certainly some fall off was to be expected, the question was how many of those new listeners might stick with the station? The unfortunate answer: damn few. Continue reading

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Glazer: Happy New Year, It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!

hello-kitty-happy-new-yearThanks to the powers that be, looks like to we may all make it to 2015…

Things are just so much better now than last century, right? During that fateful era movies stayed in theaters forever, with all those geezer actors like Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Jane Fonda – even Steve McQueen, the Bullet guy. You know, has-beens.

But now that we’ve got The Rock, Jennifer Lawrence, Paul Rudd and JackAss, things are looking up!

We can see movies mere weeks after they leave the theaters on pay TV. Yep, now we have 1,500 channels plus porn and it’s only $200 a month (it used to be free) but then, we’ve got our Internet connection for another $25 or $50.

And sports are all over the place with football and basketball games on practically every night – NBA and college. Used to only be the big games were on TV – back when baseball mattered and the NFL had those stupid, rival grudge match games we all gathered round to watch with family and friends. You know, like the Chiefs and Raiders.

Speaking of which, look how much better those teams are today. Continue reading

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Hearne: Another Case of Media Crying Wolf?

x5yfsrpfkmu97ci4wdpyRemember a few months ago when the entire country seemed poised to turn into a bad science fiction movie?

Everywhere you turned the topic was Ebola, and this little known, largely misunderstood disease from Africa appeared ready to overrun the country. Why hadn’t the major drug companies come up with a cure after decades of watching it spread in third world countries? Because there wasn’t enough money in it for them then, was the thinking.

Was the entire country about morph into some sort of Twilight Zone episode?

Could this be the long awaited beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse?

Fash forward to the present where the wall-to-wall news coverage on Ebola has now given way to wall-to-wall questioning of the overblown media coverage that sparked the frenzy.

Nobody’s clamoring for an Ebola shot anymore.

Nope, we’re back to our annual flu frenzy.

Take today’s top headline in the Kansas City Star, “Flu pummels Kansas Citians” Continue reading

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Hearne: It’s Time for the Chiefs to Take the High Road

Screen-Shot-2014-09-03-at-12.03.30-PM-650x363What big bucks corporation wouldn’t relish putting one over on the media?

That’s exactly what the Kansas City Chiefs accomplished by pulling the wool over the eyes of the Star’s Mary Sanchez and convincing her that they’d mostly eliminated the misuse of Native American symbolism. And that’s what Sanchez wrote in her column, “KC Chiefs have one clear victory: achieving mutual respect with Native American group.”

Chiefs management had “deftly” met with a Native American group this season in a “right and honorable” attempt to understand and get a handle on “the reasoning behind some of the issues,” Sanchez wrote.

The team had spoken to “television producers” about not zeroing in on goofy fans in indian headresses and war paint and the Chiefs had honored inductees into the American Indian Athletic Hall of Fame on game day.

Just one problem…

The elephant in the room that Sanchez ignored was the team’s insistence on promoting its controversial tomahawk chop by fans which many, if not most Native American groups find demeaning and offensive. Continue reading

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Hearne: Star’s Sanchez Metes Out Bogus Praise for Chiefs

chiefsfanThere she goes again…

It took Kansas City Star columnist Mary Sanchez more than 20 years to revisit the ongoing controversy of using bogus American Indian symbolism to promote the Kansas City Chiefs football club.

In November 1992 Sanchez scolded sports teams for their insensitivity to Native American culture – the wearing of full feathered headdresses and war paint, tacky team names and mascots and, of course, the much maligned tomahawk chop.

Then Sanchez gave the Chiefs a pass.

“In Kansas City, Chiefs officials signed an agreement last week to work with activists to help ensure an incident-free protest,” she wrote.

One day later Sanchez did the home team one better.

After quoting a Chiefs official that the tomahawk chop should be considered by Native Americans as a compliment, the official added, “We have developed a dialogue with them and are going to be involved in some charities. We have invited them and their youth to put on a halftime show next year. That will allow them to demonstrate their rituals in the way they would like.”

Seriously, an American Indian halftime show and just like that, all is forgiven?

Flash forward to last summer when the Washington Redskins controversy was swirling.

“Years ago, our NFL franchise made the decision to stop offending the dignity of those native people, past, present and future,” Sanchez wrote. “The Kansas City Chiefs chose to quit using cartoonish depictions of native people. The team’s management dropped the pretense that it was ‘honoring’ cultures it knew little about with hokey mascots, skits and Indian themed paraphernalia.”

Sanchez must have missed the Chiefs billboard featuring a fan/mascot named Arrowman festooned with indian arrows and feathers.

Hey. don’t blame the Chiefs for boorish behavior by “a few drunken fool” fans, she said. Continue reading

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Glazer: Look for Chiefs to Fade Away & This Week’s Picks

Chase Daniel

Chase Daniel

Last call, anyone?

Game 16 for the Kansas City Chiefs is Sunday at Arrowhead against the Chargers. And even though KC lost its starting quarterback and the Chargers need just this win to make the playoffs, the Chiefs are a one point favorite at home.

Chargers quarterback Phillip Rivers is banged up but will start. Chiefs quarterback Alex Smith is out injured. Enter former Missouri star Chase Daniel. His only prior start for KC resulted in a loss to the Chargers last year. I expect to see the same outcome tomorrow.

However having Chase in there the Chiefs might create some downfield throws and maybe even a touchdown to a wide out, something the team hasn’t had in nearly two seasons Continue reading

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Leftridge: New Year’s Eve, Craigslist Style

NewYearsEveWell, Christmas is over and our lives are terrible again, but we can get shit back on track by having a festive time next week, too. Wednesday is New Year’s Eve, a magic night when people who don’t drink that often drink way too much and those who drink too much as is spend a weird amount of time ridiculing the once-a-year lushes.

I’m somewhere in the middle and I can’t stand the holiday for one simple reason: the expectation that Something Fun Needs to Happen. See, if you’re not a total jackass, you gussy up real nice-like and go to some swanky hotel shindig where you eat a five-course meal (one of which has to be braised _____ shank in an apricot demiglaze) and then listen to some bad local party band do covers of Prince songs until the ball drops. Then you retire to your comfy hotel bed (this is all part of the inclusive package) and laugh about “how (you) haven’t been up this late since you were ____,” and you then have tired sex where at least one party doesn’t finish.

If you’re not ritzy enough to get down with that, you might end up at a friend’s house with a bunch of other people who are also not very wealthy, and you’ll drink too much there and eventually end up hitting on the host’s wife while your wife sits in the corner angrily playing Candy Crush and pretending like she’s somewhere else. You’ll end up getting pulled over on your way home and there goes your job in the accounting department of Home Depot, because “Home Depot is a family-based business, Mark, and we have no place for drunk drivers.Continue reading

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Hearne: Non-Review Review of ‘The Interview’

The-InterviewI’ll keep this short…

First let me say though that the controversial Seth Rogan, James Franco movie “The Interview” should definitely be high on your list of holiday must-see movies. And go see it at a movie theater, the massive screen and killer audio at the Cinetopia Overland Park 18 are definitely worth the price of admission.

Look, I’m no movie critic – although all to many of these so-called critics are little more than film groupies who know how to write and relish seeing free movies before anybody else in the general public. Trust me, locally speaking, I pretty much know them all.

That isn’t to say every once and a while someone like the Star’s Jon Niccum or Jack Poessiger don’t distinguish themselves as truly exceptional. Unfortunately too many of the rest simply love the sound of their own owns and needless pontificating.

And face it, who wouldn’t like making a living by seeing several movies a week for free, before anyone else and writing about one or two? It’s not like the Star’s Robert Butler would have been a bank exec or trial lawyer had his newspaper gig not presented itself.

On top of which, movie reviews are inherently problematic. Continue reading

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Valentine: The Night Before


Original art by Mark Valentine

‘Twas the night before Christmas…

And all through Crown Center

The Shops were all closed and it felt just like winter

The Mayor’s Tree was all lit in a holiday glow

And the ice rink was empty, but ready to go.

The kid is in bed dreaming of Santa and Elves

And we’re sipping the Single Malts we hide on top shelves. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Imitation Game’—Eccentric Tale Of Code Cracker

THE IMITATION GAMEMuch of the credit for World War II ending in 1945 instead possibly a couple of years later can be attributed to a gentleman named Alan Turing…

Benedict Cumberbatch portrays the brilliant British mathematician and cryptanalyst responsible for breaking the Nazi’s complex Enigma Code that allowed the Germans to communicate strategically and completely undetected by the Allies.

Needless to say, Turing’s discovery saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

Turing, with the support and financing of Winston Churchill, surrounded himself with a think tank of some of Great Britain’s most brilliant minds which ultimately achieved the breakthrough.

And yes, a woman became part of Turing’s inner circle. She’s portrayed by Keira Knightley.

But as Hollywood might have had it, this pairing did not lead into a relationship. You see Alan Turing was gay. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Big Eyes’ Paints Imbalanced Courtroom Showdown

timburton-bigeyes-painting-tsrWhenever Tim Burton’s name is attached to a movie, curiosity drives me to want to check it out…

So it is with Burton’s latest outing, BIG EYES. And yet, but for the fact that it’s a true story I probably would have blown it off.

And a strange story it is…..

Set in the early 1970’s, a divorced woman named Margaret (Amy Adams) and her young daughter have moved to San Francisco in search of a new life. To support herself she paints kids’ portraits—the ones with the big eyes, remember?

That’s when con man Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) enters her life, sweeps her off her feet, marries her and talks her into continuing the big eyes picture painting business.

All the while widely promoting the curious art pieces as his own! Continue reading

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