Steele: ‘I’m not running for Missouri Governor in 2016’

Goldman sachs(AP) Rich Steele said Monday the he won’t run for Missouri governor in 2016…

Like U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill who made the same announcement the same day, Steele said of his current KC Confidential gig, “The work is too important, the job is too rewarding and too fulfilling and the trust that Missourians have put in me — giving me this job— I just don’t feel I can turn away from it.”

A tad more honest than McCaskill, Steele added, “Actually, I’m mostly just afraid I’d get my ass kicked.” Continue reading

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Sounds Good: Rebelution @ Liberty Hall, Zola Jesus @ the Granada

After Coachella did their big reveal last week – which included local darlings, Radkey (!)Wakarusa got in on the act.  But Waka didn’t roll out its entire lineup, just a little taste.

The biggest name so far has got to be The Roots, which are listed on Waka’s website as the fourth “biggest” headliner for the whole shebang.  Some of the other included bigger names were pretty predictable.  For example, Sound Tribe Sector 9 (“STS9”) is back this year.  They’ve been on the bill 8 out of the 12 years of the fest’s existence.  Ozamatli is another band that was announced, and another one that seems like a been-there-done-that type thing.  Same with Galactic.

To be fair, only about a third of the bands have been announced so far, so the biggest headliners are yet to come.  Is this the year Waka takes a big swing and somehow gets Phish?  Or would that be too much glitter and organic, hand-woven hammocks for Mulberry Mountain to handle?

In the meantime, get back in the game, get off the couch and go see the bands I tell you to. Continue reading

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Hearne: Glenwood Arts Movieplex Soon to be Homeless

The Metcalfe South of Old

The Metcalf South of Old

largeWas a time Overland Park’s Glenwood Theatre was Kansas City’s grandest movie theater… 

A long time actually, because for or34 years until it’s closing in 2001 the Glenwood was hailed by many as Kansas City’s finest. Originally a one holer with a massive for the time 70 foot wide by 35 foot tall screen, it accommodated  more than 800 patrons in luxurious style with plush seats and a luxurious lobby.

When the Glenwood went away in 2001 local movie mogul Wade Williams bought it’s historic art deco marquee and teamed with the Fine Arts Theatre Group to keep the Glenwood name alive by reopening a shuttered theater as the Glenwood Arts in Metcalf South Shopping Center .

And to this day, the Glenwood Arts – now a three holer – showcases mostly art films and commercial movies with artistic sensibilities. Movies like the ones playing currently, “Big Eyes,” “Wild” and “The Theory of Everything.”

And until recently, operators of the Glenwood Arts had hoped to continue to operate the Glenwood Arts with the hope of fitting into developer Lane4‘s renovation of the now closed mall.

Fat chance. Continue reading

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Steele: Shawnee Shoot-Out Stumps Star


Without a hint of irony, the Star headlined its Sunday coverage of the lethal Shawnee Mission shoot-out, “Shawnee gun shop co-owner is remembered as a gentle giant and a loving husband.”

The editors apparently do not understand that “gentle giant” has become the punch line of a dark, ongoing joke since the media used that label to celebrate the life of aspiring thug Michael Brown, late of Ferguson, Missouri. Continue reading

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Steele: Star Uncovers Plot to Keep Kansas Women Out of Office

alg-elmo-kathleen-sebelius-jpgSome called the fact that no women currently hold statewide office in Kansas a coincidence–Duh!

But the Star’s Dave Helling prefers the more conspiratorial explanation, namely that “a toxic political culture” has driven the weaker sex away. Confirms state rep Stephanie Clayton, “Politics has become nastier. A lot of women tend to want to avoid the slings and arrows that you get in the political world.”

Earth to Stephanie: Politics is no nastier than it has ever been, probably less. Continue reading

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Steele: Nicquan, Hakeem, Londro & De’Anthony Never Had a Chance

she's a pistol storegWhat’s in a name?” asked Romeo’s underaged honey, Juliet…

Unfortunately for the four youthful murderers of Shawnee gun shop-owner, 44-year-old Jon Bieke, a whole lot. The four were all but doomed the moment their mother–or whomever–stuck these concocted, half-assed names on them.

Although the Kansas City Star insists on categorizing them all as “teens”–as though that were their most relevant common variable–their names signify more than their age group. Continue reading

Posted in Rich Steele | 26 Comments

Steele: Star Continues to Fret About Kansas Tax Cuts

worried_manKansas City Star editors seem to think that if they run two-thousand or so articles about a possible budget deficit in Kansas they will be able to convince readers they actually care about the Kansas budget…

Now, they warn us about a “Brownback Effect.”

One that is allegedly scaring other Republican governors away from cutting taxes. It obviously didn’t scare voters either in Kansas or across the fruited plain from giving Republicans control of more state legislative seats and legislative chambers than at any time in anyone’s memory.

But the Star can only hope . . .

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).

Posted in Rich Steele | 8 Comments

New Jack City: So Much for Airline Service Out of Topeka




Remember when I chuckled at the announcement of United Airlines non-stop service out of T-Town to Chicago about this time last year?

Two small jet round trips a day, to be exact.

I predicted at the time that without a continued hefty subsidy United wouldn’t keep Topeka in their system for a year.

It lasted eight months. Continue reading

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Hearne: Shot Dead ‘She’s A Pistol’ Owner Neither Martyr nor Hero

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 1.13.53 PMLive by the sword, die by the sword…

That’s the sad reality – and as good a way as any – to  describe the death of a small time Shawnee gun shop owner that got killed last week in a wild west style shootout with four robbers.

Remember what I said recently about slow news days? Well, January’s a slow news month.

Hence the local newspaper of record serving up back-to-back front page, top-of-the-fold headline stories about the incident. Not that it’s not a legitimate news story – though it has TV tabloid style news written all over it – but did it really deserve a second front page send off describing what a nice guy the dead dude was?

Lots of people who die senselessly were nice to their customers, liked Star Wars and shared pictures they took on vacations with friends. Was that information anybody wanted or needed to know or have anything whatsoever to do with the shootings?

And what does being a fan of the headbanger band Pantera have to do with anything? Continue reading

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Glazer: Super Bowl Berths at Stake in Today’s Playoffs & NCAA Title Game

bywbqutiuaahbsgIt’s pretty much already forgotten that the Kansas City Chiefs may have beaten both of this season’s  Super Bowl teams…

We beat New England and Seattle, yet didn’t even make playoffs. Go figure. Both those teams now have home field advantage in the playoffs and likely will meet in the Big Dance in a few weeks.

Today’s games will decide who they play for the AFC and NFC titles.

Without the injuries to both Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Manning, Denver and Green Bay would probably be shoo-ins to win today’s games at home. However Rodgers has a torn calf muscle and Manning is simply too banged up with a weakening arm – that and his O-line has also gotten soft with injuries.

So these games today will likely be dogfights. Continue reading

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Leftridge: TV Time: Impractical Jokers is the Funniest Show on Television

IJcover)This may sound weird, but Impractical Jokers is the funniest show on television.

Now this sentence will be read and subsequently responded to in one of two ways:

1) Yeah, no shit!


2) What in the ever loving hell is Impractical Jokers?

Until a few weeks ago, I was in the second camp; I’d never seen, nor heard of this delightful program. But hallelujah, I saw the light.

To be honest, I don’t even remember how it happened. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Entertainment | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Hearne: 610 Sports Spanking WHB in Younger Listener Demos

0Some of you sports radio codgers are not going to be very happy with this column… 

Because in spite of the fact that you may think 20 and 30-something sports talkers like Nick Wright are ridiculously bad, there’s a case to be made that you’re just too old to appreciate them.

That’s not an indictment of oldsters.

However the inescapable fact is that people of different ages have different perceptions.

That’s why Baby Boomers drove their parents crazy blasting Led Zeppelin.

That’s also probably why even many Gen Xers think hip-hop, Ariana Grande and Lana Del Ray (if you even know who she is) totally suck.

It’s not that you’re clueless or don’t listen to and like cutting edge bands on The Buzz 96.5 FM. It’s just the nature of the beasts. If younger people’s tastes never changed and evolved, that goofy Lazlo dude would be playing Modest Mouses’s latest version of “She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain,” instead of”Lampshades on Fire.”

Capiche? Continue reading

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Steele: Shawnee Mission, Just Say No to Drugs & Bonds

UnknownIn Johnson County, school bonds are drugs for the power-Whigs who run the show…

Specifically, the Shawnee Mission School District and its boosters at the Kansas City Star are planning to ask voters for a cool $223 million in capital improvements, the rationale being that more than 60 percent of the district’s buildings are more than 30 years old.

Hell, when I lived in France we had a pissoir on our block older than the original Shawnee Mission, and it worked just fine. No need to tear five schools down and start over. As with the pissoir, all those schools really need is a fresh coat of paint and some gangsta’ air.

Rich Steele is a voice of reason and objectivist thought in an unreasonable world.

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Steele: Finally, a Real Church Without Christ

imagesThose who prefer their church-going with cheese and onions, take note…

On January 22, Wichita’s St. James Episcopal Church will be hosting—no joke–“Chili for Choice,” Planned Parenthood’s way of ringing in the 43rd year of Roe v. Wade.

Sorry for the visual, but doesn’t it just seem a little off-putting to commemorate legalized abortion by eating chili?

In any case, this sounds like the kind of event that would have warmed the heart of Hazel Motes, the wacko hero of Flannery O’Connor‘s dead-on 1952 novel Wise Blood. Continue reading

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Steele: News Media ‘Die-Ins’ Off Target

Par7715960The folks who’ve been dying-in all over the metro of late may want to come back to life…

They’re everywhere, from the Plaza to Crown Center to the KCK Police Department (as if you could possibly disrupt anything in KCK).  It’s not so hard out there after all.

According to University of Missouri-St. Louis researcher David Klinger – as reported in the Journal of Experimental Criminology – “’When it comes to the issue of race, I’ve never had a single officer tell me, ‘I didn’t shoot a guy because he was white. I’ve had multiple officers tell me, ‘I didn’t shoot a guy because he was black.’ ” Continue reading

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Sutherland: Crime & Punishment on Grand Boulevard

carr-brothersI’ve noticed over the years that local opponents of capital punishment are usually very quiet when some horrific crime occurs here…

In the last few years there have been a number of local murders, in particular, that are so shocking that even the Kansas City Star has been stunned into silence.

In 2009 a 46 year-old woman lawyer from Lawrence was killed one summer night while driving home from a performance at Starlight Theatre.  She was hit by a stray bullet at 59th Street and Bruce Watkins Drive on Kansas City’s east side.  (When she was shot, her car crashed, also injuring her 13 year-old daughter and elderly mother-in-law.)  The alleged assailant said he was shooting at another car, whose driver had “dissed him” (i.e. looked at him in a disrespectful manner). The victims were white, the suspect African-American.

There was no editorial comment or reaction from The Star at the time as I recall.

In October of 2014 (less than three months ago) a 6 year-old girl was killed in a drive by shooting at a convenience store in South Kansas City.  Ten days after that incident, a 10 year old girl was killed in her front yard in Kansas City, Kansas.  Just this weekend, a 6 month-old baby girl was killed at her family’s home in Kansas City, Kansas.

All these victims were African-American.  Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | Tagged , , , , , , | 45 Comments

Starbeams: Mad Bum, Frack ‘Em, Red Light Refund & Shuttlecock Love


Madison Bumgarner

I can’t tell if I’m shaking because of the temperature or the FRACKING EARTHQUAKES.


I can’t verify this, but over the holidays we heard that Joe Buck offered to be Madison Bumgarner‘s Christmas tree so he’d have something to put his balls on.


The 200,000 people who received red-light camera tickets in Kansas City could be getting a refund after a class action lawsuit.  I did some investigating and discovered the lights were made by the Brown & Crouppen Stoplight Company.

                                                              ******* Continue reading

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Hearne: Star’s Mellinger Trips on St. Louis Rams Column

Pittsburgh-Penguins1Journalists love it when people critique their stories by sniping, “Slow news day!”

Meaning of course, the writer must have been truly bored to have choked out something so disinteresting and mundane. Sometimes readers play that card because they disagree with or simply don’t like what they’ve just read. And sometimes it’s legit.

The fact is, when you’re a sportswriter for a small midwestern city and the jig is up for the home teams, things can get a little dicey…a lot dicey even.

Such is the case the past two days in the columns by one of the local newspaper’s brightest sports stars, Sam Mellinger.

Are Kansas City Chiefs fans really so bored they need to relive the 13 worst plays of the past season by quarterback Alex Smith? Maybe.

In a world where “fantasy sports leagues” are now a mainstream proposition, no pursuit seems too trivial for some jock sniffers and sports geeks.

Then again, drumming up sympathy for dreaded rival St. Louis is going too far.

It doesn’t even make sense.

First off, few locals give a damn about what happens to our stuck up neighbors to the east.

Short of North Korea blowing up the arch, there’s little love lost.

And how dastardly can it be for Los Angeles to attempt to reclaim its Rams football team – the very team St. Louis stole from that fair city 20 years earlier?

That’s called payback, friends. Continue reading

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Hearne: KCC Comments Moderation Problem is History

Stump-the-ChumpIn the pantheon of Small Steps for Mankind, this is an infinitesimally small one…

But somehow, some way, something very wicked – not to mention strange – came KC Confidentials way recently. Kinda like that mysterious flu that has people chunking in public while waiting to return their Christmas gifts at Oak Park Mall’s H&M store.

After adding two new words to KCC’s moderated comments section list – joining such stalwarts as the F Word, N Word and P Word – suddenly each and every comment submitted to the site went straight to moderation. Meaning, yours truly had to go online, log in and approve them individually.

Not that I minded doing it, but I do have a life, and readers shouldn’t have to wait to express their angst or admiration or to add some helpful words of wisdom.

Way too tedious. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Selma’ – Powerful Story of Painful American Movement

SELMASome naysayers have blasted SELMA for its supposed inaccuracies…

They say the film distorts the REAL goings-on during those painful days in 1965 when Martin Luther King was well into his campaign for equal rights and passage of the all important voting rights bill.

They say that President Lyndon B. Johnson’s (Tom Wilkinson) actions aren’t being accurately portrayed here. And that some of King’s famous speeches were tweaked in the film due to his family’s ownership controversy over protected transcripts.

Far be it for me to judge who is right and what is wrong here.

SELMA is after all a Hollywood DRAMA—-NOT a documentary! Continue reading

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