Glazer: Final Four NFL Playoff Picks

glazeAfter a season of upsets, injury and bad calls by refs, it comes down to the elite teams…

These teams were the favorites going into the season, with only Denver absent. Many picked Indianapolis over the Broncos to be in the AFC title game, but New England and Seattle were the favorites all along to go to the Super Bowl.

And today they’re still the favorites.

Green Bay has the great Aaron Rodgers, but beating the Seahawks on the road is unlikely given his calf injury. Thus the Pack is a huge eight point underdog. I think Marshawn Lynch will eventually wear down the Packers defense and Rodgers will be unable to repeat his outstanding performance last week against Tony Romo‘s Cowboys.

By the way, that was a catch for a TD by Dallas last week. It wouldn’t have won the game because the Packers still had four minutes left to score. But I like Seattle and don’t think it will be an edge of your seat ending. Continue reading

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Leftridge: Here’s How My New Year’s Resolution Went

New-Year_Resolutions_listFour out of every seven Americans will make a New Year’s Resolution; three of those four will fail within the first three weeks. The remaining one individual will keep that resolution for at least one month, but half of that one person will then also do it longer. (I just made all of this up, but it’s convoluted enough to sound real, so feel free to use it in casual conversation.)

Anyway, we all make resolutions. Some of us want to save more money or stop smoking; others want to watch more pornography or swear less. The most popular resolution by far is to lose unwanted fat. Although I’m typically not one for such frivolity, I decided to give this last one a shot.

See, like 89% of all Americans, I am morbidly obese and one pepperoni-milkshake away from a massive coronary. I keep an emergency cheeseburger on the nightstand in case I wake up in the middle of the night and need beef; I cut up pieces of hot dog and blend them into mayonnaise, and then I dip pizza crust in the mayonnaise. (I’d seriously rather not even tell you what I do with French fries.)

So I vowed to lose some weight. Not a lot, mind you (I mean, we can’t ALL be as hunky and ripped as John Candy, RIP), but enough so that I don’t have to wear a bra anymore and sitting up too fast doesn’t cause sharp, stabbing pains to ripple through my chest.

Here’s how it’s gone so far: Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Fitzpatrick: Guns Do Kill People, Even in Shawnee

Charlton-Heston---Guns-Dont-Kill-PeoI was out of town when the Shawnee gun shop robbery and shootout took place last week, and I didn’t go back and read the news stories about it…

Although from reading Hearne’s and Rich Steele’s pieces on KC Confidential, I see that store owner Jon Bieker’s decision to emerge from a back room during the robbery has come under close scrutiny. I’m sure that many members of the public have put themselves in his position and thought about what they would have done.

Hearne has asked me to weigh in on this, and because I’m like him – a former reporter – I’m willing to offer an opinion on just about anything. (When we were at The Star, reporters had to repress their opinions and approach everything with fairness and even handedness in mind.)

At any rate…I don’t pretend to possess the Wisdom of Solomon on this, but I would put my chips somewhere between Hearne’s position that Bieker should have stayed in the back room and Steele’s assertion that Bieker did the right thing by coming out. Continue reading

Posted in Jim Fitzpatrick | Tagged , , , , , , | 58 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Obsessive ‘Foxcatcher’ Disturbs & Fascinates

foxcatcherTwo amazing motion pictures both opening in KC on the same date!

Coincidence? Not really.

After all it’s Hollywood’s Oscar nominations weekend and both films are taking advantage of the extra buzz and publicity.

The first, of course, is the earlier reviewed AMERICAN SNIPER.

The other is MONEYBALL director Bennett Miller’s fascinating FOXCATCHER which features Steve Carell’s mesmerizing transformation into oddball John DuPont.

It’s a creepy portrayal of the multi-millionaire’s tragic obsession with the sport of wrestling – not pro wrestling, mind you – and his attempts to gain the respect of his peers by coaching a world class American team in the 1988 Olympic games in Seoul, Korea.

The focus here is on his very dark relationship with two champion wrestlers who happen to be brothers. They’re brilliantly played by Mark Ruffalo and Channing Tatum (who delivers the performance of his career).

FOX CATCHER is a true story of great wealth gone awry – emotional bankruptcy at its most tragic. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Steele: Do Black Lives Really Matter in Missouri?

hamill26n-11-webThe Kansas City Star reports rather matter-of-factly that for the fourth time in the last five years, Missouri led the nation in the percentage of its black citizens who were victims of homicide…

Quick: name two black people in the last five years who were shot and killed?

One comes easy. Michael Brown. How could we not know Ferguson’s gentle giant?

Brown was not, however, one of those 9 percent of the Missouri total under eighteen years of age. Their names have already been lost to history.

As much attention as has been paid to Brown’s death, almost none has been paid to the hundreds who died more conventionally.

Al Sharpton has marched for none of them.

And CNN has kept its distance from all of them. Continue reading

Posted in Rich Steele, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Sutherland: Camp of the Saints

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 6.49.04 PMForty years ago a French author, Jean Raspail, wrote a powerful polemic against multiculturalism…

Translated into English by Norman Shapiro, a Harvard faculty member, it was roundly condemned at the time as racist, hateful, etc., when it was published here in 1975 by Charles Scribner’s Sons.

The book’s plot is very straight forward.  It’s a nightmarish account of the Western world (Europe and the United States) being overrun by a tidal wave of third world immigrants.

The political and cultural Left in the book insist that it be allowed on humanitarian grounds, with particular emphasis on the plight of children being sent here as the spear head of the demographic invasion.

Their arguments were couched in terms of cultural relativism, but the real aim was to consolidate political power by swamping the opposition. Many liberals and progressives are today unequivocal about this.

Undocumented immigrants, as Jay Leno has noted, is just a euphemism for unregistered Democrats.  Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | Tagged , , , , , , | 35 Comments

Hearne: $6 Million Walnuts ‘Mausoleum’ to be Auctioned


President Reagan & Charles Price

Think of it as wretched excess…

Remember the Beverly Hillbillies television show? Where an unassuming family of hillbillies discovers oil, then drives their run down jalopy to a spiffy, new mansion in Beverly Hills, California.

Dream come true, huh?

Well, right now Kansas City’s Cates Auction Real Estate Company could use some rich hillbillies to ante up for the 9,000 square foot “penthouse it intends to auction “in The Walnuts at 51st and Wornall Road.

Just one problem.

The sellers – who allegedly plowed $6 million into it – have been trying to dump it for $3 million, when according to Zillo it only sold for $419,000 in 2009.

That’s quite a markup – even for a home that once hosted Prince Charles, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, according to Cates’ listing for the January 30th auction.

Not surprisingly it used to belong to former US Ambassador to England Charles Price.

Cates hopes to unload the condo on the highest bidder over $1.5 million.

That could happen, but as old world and prestigious as the penthouse is, there’s something kind of sterile and uninspiring about the multi story abode that Zillow now estimates to be worth only $631,617. Continue reading

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Hearne: Englewood Theatre Tangles with Arrow, Glenwood Sign to Indy, Not Ranch Mart

3739566700_751e92e6d7_zThis just in…

Today we “learned” in the Kansas City Star that movie mogul Wade Williams‘ gigundo, historic Glenwood Arts sign would be moving to 95th and Mission Road after the theater complex at Metcalf South shopping center bites the dust later this month.

Not gonna happen.

No way the Ranch Mart would allow that, Williams says.

Instead, the sign will be heading east to Williams’ Englewood Theatre in Independence.

Speaking of which,…

“I’m trying to decide whether to put two more screens at the Englewood,” Williams says.

Matter of fact, had it not been for a basement flood and another niggling annoyance the Englewood would have reopened last year, Williams says.

At present he’s embroiled in a dispute with the vaunted Arrow Fabricare Services.

“They were working on the curtain for our big screen,” Williams says. “It’s sixty feet wide and weighs probably 200 pounds or more. Now it’s going to cost $15,000 to replace.”

Things went awry after he sent it to Arrow for cleaning, Williams says. Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ No Ordinary Gun Store


She’s a Pistol

Most of the guns stores I’ve been to were daunting, foreboding places…

Walls with semi automatic weapons of war mounted upon them and stacked along shelves; arrays of handguns in glass display cases; ammo everywhere; legions of gritty looking dudes and tough types circulating the stores and an all encompassing sense of testosterone trumping the scent of cheap cologne.

Macho, militaristic man caves of the highest order – havens for both the strong and the weak in search of strength.

My hunch is, most of you have spent very little if any time in such places – other than maybe the munitions departments at Cabella’s or Dick’s.

Why would you?

Gun ownership’s on a four decade decline.  Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged , , , , , | 18 Comments

Steele: ‘She’s A Pistol’ Owner Did What He Had To Do

28ef42680e4363e428684f5c703d5cda9f1d4958a37af18a2f466fb128f6f139The best testimony we have to date on the actions of gun shop owner Jon Bieker comes from his wife Becky

“I have lost my husband in this senseless murder. Although tragic, he saved my life because he carried a firearm.”

There’s no reason I can think of not to take her at her word.

Occam’s Razor–simplest explanation is the best–suggests Becky was beaten before the shootout. Why–or how—would anyone have hit her after bullets started flying?

Let’s assume Jon was in the back. He hears demands being made and wife crying out for help. Does he remain in the back hoping perps will not kill his wife or does he come out?

A survivor remains in back. A man comes out. Continue reading

Posted in Rich Steele, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Clint Eastwood Brilliantly Directs Bradley Cooper As ‘American Sniper’

american-sniper-shot-for-webYears ago the actor Clint Eastwood uttered his now famous words, “Make My Day.”

Today the phrase could easily be attached to producer-director Eastwood’s latest contribution to the American cinema scene.

With AMERICAN SNIPER the 84 year-old filmmaker flawlessly lays bare the account of an American hero—a patriotic Texan named Chris Kyle.

Following the 9/11 attacks in New York City, Kyle enlisted in the Navy SEAL program determined to fight for his country and stand up to terrorists.

He became the most decorated marksman—make that sniper—in U.S. military history with a reported 150-plus confirmed kills to his name.

Kyle’s actions are credited with saving hundreds of U.S. soldiers’ lives. Continue reading

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Steele: Isn’t “Dismemberment” Just a Wee Bit Intrusive?

fetusI’ve always been a bit squeamish when the subject comes to abortion…

That’s one reason I’ll be avoiding Planned Parenthood‘s upcoming “Chili for Choice” chow down in Wichita. However a new bill being proposed in Kansas makes me more squeamish still.

Then again, that may be its purpose.

The bill by Kansans for Life would prohibit doctors from using a variety of medical instruments to “dismember” an unborn baby.

Language matters here. Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ Owner Should Not Have Engaged Robbers

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 12.47.58 PMShawnee Police and the district attorney are in no hurry to deliver the goods…

At this stage of the game, they’re not releasing virtually any details from last week’s gun battle at She’s a Pistol in downtown Shawnee. Something about not giving the “bad guys” information that could be used against prosecutors in their pending murder trials.

I don’t get it because, seriously, what allegedly happened allegedly happened.

What’s the use in concealing whether or not – for example – the store owner’s wife got smacked in the head before or after her now dead husband burst into the room sparking a Hollywood-esque shootout?

Many of the pro shoot ’em up crowd have jumped to the conclusion that she was hit before, sparking her husband’s unwise decision to test his video game shooting skills on a room full of armed perps.

And what sort of injury did she sustain anyway? Was it the result of her foolishly mouthing off to the robbers or refusing to cooperate with them? Was it a case of the bad guys sending a message? Or was it a sign that more foul play was at hand and something had to be done.

This much is known: Continue reading

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Glazer: Pointless Shawnee Gun Battle Reminds Scribe of Shootouts Past

glazerunfilteredHearne gave us some well thought out insight into the shootout in Shawnee…

The one at the gun store now to be known as the  O.K. Corral.

THE QUESTION BEING, When you have a weapon available and are being robbed at gunpoint, should you shoot at the bad guys?

The answer usually is no.

However it can depend on the situation and YOU. Have you had any training and what do you have inside in the way of intestinal fortitude? You also have to consider the perpetrators situation. The way he or they are acting. Does it seem like they want to kill you even if you cooperate?

At this point, we don’t know the details of the slain gun store owner situation.

When I was younger I lived in a very violent world. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged , , , | 66 Comments

Hearne: Glenwood Arts & Leawood Movie Theaters to Close

Brian and Ben Mossman

Brian and Ben Mossman

This is a little complicated, but you guys can handle it…

On January 25th the Glenwood Arts Theatre – in what’s left of the Metcalf South shopping mall – will go for a dirt nap. While the exact future of the historic, but mostly empty mall has yet to be determined, what is known, is that it will be torn down.

And no way would the Hardy Boys –  I mean Brian and Ben Mossman of the Fine Arts Theatre Group – even consider choking out the kind of dough it takes to lease a brand new movieplex in a brand new mall.

Not gonna happen.

That’s because the Mossman twins have amassed their modest fortunes by rehabbing older, run down theaters on the cheap, mostly with the backing of local movie mogul (financier?) Wade Williams.

At that same time, the five-plex known as The Leawood Theatre in Ranch Mart shopping center at 95th and Mission Road will also buy the farm, but in a far less unseemly manner. Continue reading

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Steele: New Biz Opportunity–Renting Getaway Cars

bank jobThis past Friday the Kansas City area experienced two major crimes…

One was tragic, both were incredibly stupid. What the would-be robbers of  Shawnee gun shop She’s a Pistol and the downtown Commerce Bank had in common was the absence of a get-a-way car.

If our young thugs would only have watched Turner Classic Movies, they’d have known that all good heists culminate with the thieves hopping in a waiting car and speeding off.

They’d also know all such heists end up with the perps dead or in jail. Continue reading

Posted in Rich Steele, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Starbeams: Hallmark’s R-Rated Crayons, Emanuel Cleaver Broke & Peyton’s Retirement

crayolahackA weekend hacking incident involving its Facebook page has Crayola apologizing to upset kids and parents.  Hackers took control of the company’s social media web page and posted dozens of links to R-rated sites along with sexual jokes.  Crayola is a subsidiary of Kansas City based Hallmark.  Carol was able to retake control of the page and posted its apologies for the off-color posts.


Crayola went on to say, we will not bow to terrorists because these colors don’t run!


Congressman Emanuel Cleaver ranks as one of the poorest members in the house with a net worth of NEGATIVE $2.3 million.  This explains why he received an endorsement from The Kansas City Star. Continue reading

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Steele: Star, Why Bother to “talk about race”?

Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 9.14.01 AMWhy Bother to talk if the FYI section series– “After Ferguson, let’s talk about race, Kansas City“–is as skewed and dishonest as the last half century of such articles?

The article opens, “In the months since Michael Brown was killed, some among us have been talking a lot about race.”

Immediately across from the article’s opening in the online edition’s “trending stories” is this headline: “Four suspects in fatal gun store robbery charged with first-degree murder.”

After incidents like this one, you can bet your ass people are talking about race.

And what they are saying is what Jesse Jackson said in one of his rare honest moments, “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Continue reading

Posted in Rich Steele | Tagged , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Steele: First World Problem Alert!

julia_ling_catholic_school_girl_uniform_1_rZrLkU8.sizedWhile students at KC’s Central High are thrilled when they get through another day un-shot, students at Saint Teresa’s Academy are “outraged” because their new student IDs make them look BETTER than they do in real life…

They are sufficiently outraged that they got Fox 4 to do a feature on this looming crisis.

Said STA president Nan Tiehen Bone, “We strive to make our young women feel confident and empowered and a positive body image is so integral to feeling confident.” Continue reading

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Steele: Some kinds of families ARE better than others.

addams-familyHate to be on the wrong side of the barricades during the sexual revolution, but being on the “right” side can be lethal…

Nothing funny about this story, moms.

Beware of your “boyfriends.”

As Fox 4 reports 23 year-old Mirsad Hamidovic, the boyfriend of the mom in question, killed her two year-old son by jumping on him repeatedly and hitting his head against a window sill.  Continue reading

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