Freddie Gray was just hanging out when cops made eye contact with him…
Gray has a lengthy criminal record with over 20 arrests since 2007 for selling drugs, burglary,making drugs, assaults, the list goes on. Clearly he’s a low level thug at age 25, with two arrests just weeks before an incident in March.
Gray ran when cops just looked at him. He had a concealed weapon on him, a knife. And that’s pretty much all we know thus far.
Gray was placed in the back of a police van, cuffed.
And he was reportedly injured in a wreck the week before.
Did police cause the spinal cord issues that lead to Gray’s death, or was it the wreck and ride in the back of the van?
Nobody really knows at this time.
One thing is clear, Gray was not an innocent young man on his way to work or school or anything close to any of that. Did he deserve to die or be killed? Of course not, but what actually happened remains unknown.
The result:. The worst riots seen in Baltimore since Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in 1968. Continue reading