Maybe it’s just me…
But honestly, I don’t see how much longer the Kansas City Star can go on feeding newsprint readers day-old front page national news, while apologizing for being an additional day behind on local news.
You know, like who won the Kansas City Royals game the night before.
Forget trying to sell Royals fans those cheesy-looking Star umbrellas – just the facts, please. Sure Royals games on the West Coast can run late, but last time I checked, we live in the Information Age.
Seriously, how can the Star expect folks to shell out hundreds of dollars a year for the pleasure of holding their news in their grubby, little hands, if darn near half of it was on TV or online the day before and the other half”s a mix of filler, stories other news organizations wrote and two day old “game stories.”
Six months is a long time to pull up short when Royals Mania has this town (and Lawrence) agog and nobody wants to pick up their sports page and read on the front page that if they want to know who won, etc, they need to go online.
If they wanted to go online – or already had – they wouldn’t need to be notified of that fact on a piece of paper.
Nor would they need to turn to Page 4 to read a game story describing how the Royals lost to Seattle two days ago.
Just like they probably didn’t need to gaze at the front page of today’s Star to learn that a judge sentenced a dude from Kyrgyzstan to death over the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.
The bottom line:
It’s 2015, no excuses – make it happen – newspaper readers want all the news that’s fit right there in their driveways, each and every morning.
Say what you will about the worldwide web, print is still where the money is – make it happen.
Git R done!