Valentine: Why Not Follow ALL the Money?


Original art by Mark Valentine

Count the money and make the money count…

Every American must submit an annual accounting. Every American is susceptible to an audit with the threat of a penalty. That is our system. We talk about how it needs to be changed, but none of the proposed changes do much to alter the basic fact that we are being held accountable.

Every government program should follow the same basic rule, but they do not.

Recently, it was discovered that Washington spent $43 million of taxpayer money to build a gas station in Afghanistan. The most expensive gas station in the world is not even usable. Where was the accounting? The program is closed now. There’s nobody available to answer questions.

To put the cost in perspective, that’s the price tag for the new 300 unit green living apartment development in Kansas City’s River Market.

Can we audit The Federal Reserve? No. Can we audit The IRS? No. Continue reading

Posted in Mark Valentine | 15 Comments

Lefsetz: The Impending Demise of Facebook & Social Media

untitledPeople stopped sharing…

“34% of Facebook users updated their status, and 37% shared their own photos, down from 50% and 59%, respectively, in the same period a year earlier.”

The Wall Street Journal

Or as Michael Wolf put it in his monster WSJ slide show…

“Messaging will blow past social networks as the dominant media activity.”

Turns out throwing your vitals, your hobbies, your irrelevancies, into the ether is ultimately ungratifying. At first you get caught up in the hoopla, but when you realize no one’s reacting, no one really cares, you stop.

We’ve seen it again and again in the internet sphere.

Remember when everybody was gonna have a blog?

And then there was Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat

They’re all fads. People have a fantasy that others care, but they don’t. And once you’re disabused of the notion – that everybody’s waiting for your words and pics of wisdom – you stop playing.

Meaning those enterprises that are built upon the efforts of the crowd, that supply infrastructure and nothing more, are doomed. Continue reading

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Glazer: Scribe Call Royals Celebration KC’s Finest Moment

1503360983147125830I grew up watching the Kansas City A’s and later the Royals, the Chiefs…

However I have never seen anything like Tuesday in Kansas City. Never. It was much more than a parade and a World Series celebration. It was a unique love affair between a great young group of baseball players and their fans – the Royals and the people of Kansas City.

The only other city I know of that seemed to have had something like this was with the Green Bay Packers and their champs years ago. Since then, nobody. These Royals really do care about their fans. They stayed after games didn’t mind doing autographs, photos, or just talking to fans young and old.

You didn’t have to be a hot blonde.

You could be Joe Average and they still cared, smiled and were kind. Throwing Gatorade or water on each days hero or heroes after each and every game. Maybe the Latino blood that runs through many of the Royals rubbed off on our American Players. The warmth, the compassion was all there, every day, every game.

Nobody gets out of line, nobody gets in trouble. 

Years ago I ran with many of the Royals and Chiefs. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 54 Comments

Glazer: Chiefs Just Good Enough to Salvage Reid, Dorsey Jobs…Unfortunately


Welcome to Loserville

Its been all Royals all summer and fall as it should have been…

And I’ve certainly been down on our Chiefs. I talked about a possible play off run after a great preseason and the first win over Houston, but then the team fell apart, losing a close one to Denver killed their souls. That was a game they had won. Now they win two in a row and the question is, are they ready to compete?

Reality check:  both of their wins were against low ranking teams.

They beat Pittsburgh without Big Ben (and still nearly lost). And then the blowout win in England over the NFL’s worst team Detroit. However 3-5 would have us tied with Indy for that division lead! Wow.

Yep, with Houston and Jacksonville chasing, seven wins might win that division.

Now the Chiefs face Denver who is 7-0 at Denver, so not likely a win there. Two games remain with Oakland, a rising good team that might make this year’s playoffs as a wild card. I can see no better than one win against them. San Diego is so-so, but as of now better than KC. So lets say we split. Right there are three more loses, maybe more. So We’d have 8 loses just in that stint.

QB Alex Smith has played better, especially when HE runs the ball.

Maybe losing Jamaal helps because it forces the Chiefs to work harder with other players. I see KC winning at least six games now, maybe even seven. Unfortunately, that’s not enough to make the playoffs. Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: A Proud Day for Kansas City Indeed!

Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.20.00 PMYes, it’s Monday, but not just any Monday…

While Most people are merely stewing around in their offices trying not to act like the zombies they are, it’s a great day to be a Kansas Citian. That’s because it’s also the day KC’s first streetcar was to be delivered. So I decided to make my way to the River Market and cover the event for you.

I stood next to KC Mayor Sly James as we watched the car inch off a flat bed in one of the slowest dismounts I’ve ever seen. The rear of the car was lowered to the track, and then inch by inch it was winched off the lowboy.

The whole thing came down to the last, most critical inch.

Then with a deliberate and very solid thud you could feel through the ground beneath your feet, the last of the wheels fell off the trailer and onto the track. A track where it will spend the rest of its somewhat suspect life and whatever its future allows.

Whereupon the Mayor turned to me and said, “Paul, it’s a great day for Kansas City! In one 24 hour period, the Royals won the World Series and we were standing beneath royal blue skies watching this historic event.”

And I have to admit, I’m proud to live here too. Continue reading

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Valentine: The Clear & Present Threat of Jack-O-Lanterns

BarakOlanternHere’s a serious warning from the U.S. Department of Energy

Jack-O-Lanterns are contributing to global warming. Sound like a bad Halloween joke? of course it does. And while most of us wonder who sets priorities for this Federal Department, some of the more conspiratorial among us wonder what real issue is being overlooked by floating distractions like this.

That said, here’s the quote: “At landfills, (municipal solid waste) decomposes and eventually turns into methane—a harmful greenhouse gas that plays a part in climate change, with more than 20 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide (CO2),”

Seems like the political left is against everything traditional and fun. Continue reading

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Glazer: We Are The Champions, My Friends

110115-MLB-Champions-MM-PI.vadapt.620.high.70There are so many things that can be said about our Kansas City Royals

However, let’s just say the most important one: KANSAS CITY ROYALS WORLD CHAMPIONS.

No city deserved it more. Kansas City has been starving for a world title for far too long – 30 years. The suffering; the heartbreak; the almosts. Now it just feels great. We’re a city that is so proud. A city that has one thing in common, a belief in itself and its love for our teams.

We believe in many ways that they are US.

Yes, I broke it all down before it happened. Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: Sprint To Toss Employees With Trash Cans

hqdefaultI’ve written more than a few times on this topic and here we go again…

If you recall, I’ve been somewhat suspect as to Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure‘s ability to turn this ship around. Do you recall my reasoning for his likely failure?

For starters, he’s battling a pre-existing culture at Sprint – everything else he’s been successful at he started from scratch.

However, at Sprint, the CULTURE has become the CUSTOMER.

This past week, Claure agreed with me and revealed in a Q&A session; “At Brightstar, it was my company. I basically had to tell people, you’re going to do these things this way, and because I said so. … Here, you have to … spend a lot more time explaining to people the ‘why’ behind your decisions.”

In other words, Claure has finally figured out what your well-coiffed scribe predicted the week he took over.

He went on to tell the Wall Street Journal that he had taken on “one of the most difficult turnarounds, probably, in the world” because he’s baffled that a company with “$35 billion in revenue cannot turn a profit.”

Marcelo, it’s the culture….blow it up and start over. Continue reading

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Glazer: The Unstoppable Kansas City Royals!

TTbzvFSThese Kansas City Royals have delivered on all promises…

We’ve watched these guys grow up to be baseball’s best right in front of our eyes. And seeing the frustration of past years turn into dominance is something dear to behold.

With last night’s destruction of the New York Mets – their best starter and silencing their bats – it’s clear that Kansas City has become a dominant, elite baseball team – a World Champ with no equal. The Royals faced tougher tests from Houston and Toronto. Yes, the Mets are a very good team, but they’re just no match for our never say die Kansas City Royals.

And now it appears highly likely that this series could end in New York with Kansas City getting the two needed victories there to take the crown. They sure have earned  that reward.

Even biased broadcaster Joe Buck was praising the Royals batting lineup as an endless group of tough hitters: “No matter where you are at in this batting order it seems like the middle of their line up.”

Very true, KC has it all. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘TRUTH’—’60 Minutes’ Memogate of Embarrassing Proportions

HS381     George W. Bush in the Texas Air National Guard, 1968 - 1973. Photo Credit:  George Bush Presidential Library

HS381 George W. Bush in the Texas Air National Guard, 1968 – 1973.
Photo Credit: George Bush Presidential Library

If you can look past left-leaning elements of this film you’ll be intrigued by it the way I was…

It’s also a must-see for media junkies!

We’re talking the docudrama TRUTH which takes us behind the scenes of what turned out to be CBS’ 60 MINUTES lowest period ever during its record network run.

With Robert Redford cast as iconic newscaster Dan Rather the film takes us into the heart of the news magazine’s operations center. It was the development of a special segment probing President George W. Bush’s alleged preferential treatment by officials of the Texas Air National Guard.

Did his stature keep ‘W’ out of Vietnam?

The ’60 Minutes’ piece was assigned to producer Mary Mapes and her crew. She’s portrayed superbly by Cate Blanchett who could very well qualify for a Best Actress nomination here.

It was the summer of 2004 and W’s chances for re-election didn’t look good. This network expose would surely do him in.

The push to get the story to air was great. And while the fact check research went into overdrive, it came down looking like the producers had rushed certain documents through the process without thoroughly authenticating them first.

One of the first competing organizations to question the 60 Minutes accusations was ABC News.

“They’re coming for us.” Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: Welcome to the World Series of Superstitions


The Mad Hungarian

Our Kansas City Royals meet the Mets at The K for the first games of the World Series…

While listening to a friend’s talk show yesterday the topic turned to baseball fans and player superstitions. And once again I was assured that I’m doing the right thing by remaining a sports agnostic. It’s just too big a waste of time for things that don’t really matter in life. With very little research, I found lists and lists of superstitions that are pretty amazing.

First, some player superstitions – 

Not stepping on the foul line – ever.

Former SL right fielder Larry Walker was obsessed with the number 33. He wore it, set his alarm for 33 minutes past the hour each day, took practice swings in sets of three and was married on November 3rd at 3:33 PM.

Disgraced SF slugger Barry Bonds kissed the golden cross on his necklace upon reaching home plate after each home run, then pointed to the sky. The pointing to the sky was likely giving thanks and acknowledgement to his steroids dealer.

“Big Papi” David Ortiz, at each at-bat, would step out of the box, tuck the bat under his arm, spit in his hands and clap.

Retired pitching ace Roger Clemens would visit Monument Park before each game, where he would wipe his forehead and touch the Babe Ruth plaque.

Former Royals hurler Al Hrabosky, when with the Cardinals,  would take a few steps toward second base behind the rubber, between each pitch, roll the ball between his hands, then pound the ball into his glove, turn around and stomp back toward the rubber. He said this helped him focus on pitching, and it drove hitters nuts. Continue reading

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Glazer: Royals in Six But Who Outside of KC Much Cares?

UntitledThis city’s all tied up in knots…

Everyone in KC is focused on the big games that start today. Can we be world champs for the first time in 30 years? Is our team the best? Can our city get the attention and respect from the media we deserve?

Let’s look at that for a moment.

While the Royals playoff games were placed on channel FS1 – in other words a channel that was not mainstream (ch. 75 vs Fox ch. 6 ).

And remember, it was that way everywhere in America and Canada. Yet the games drew well. Up from last year’s playoffs even though they weren’t on CBS or TBS or ESPN. Nice. Viewership was over 4.0 with as many as 6 plus million viewers nationwide.

The bad news is last night’s Monday Night Football Game drew a rating of 8.1 and had over 12 million viewers.

Not even an NFL playoff game, just a regular season game. Baseball is no longer America’s Game – it’s now football. Continue reading

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Glazer: This Year’s Royals Best of the Best!



You could argue it was the biggest win ever in the sports history of our city…

And yes, I’m aware of the 1985 game seven Royals win over the St. Louis Cards but this last one might be even bigger. For the first time in our history we’re going to BACK-TO-BACK WORLD SERIES. Plus the game had everything you could ask for!

For older Royals fans the memories fade, but most would say the George Brett homer that sent us to the first World Series in 1980 was the moment. Finally beating those damn Yankees and pitcher Goose Gossage. Plus the home run was smacked by our only Hall of Famer / Mr. Kansas City, Brett.

There was that call at first base in the 1985 series by umpire Don Deckinger that led to a win and a game seven in KC and a world championship. There was the blowout win in game seven in KC over the Cards and the Championship itself. Yes. But the game Friday was one for the ages. At least for Kansas City folks and the team. Continue reading

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Leftridge: Dispatches from ALCS Game Six

ALCScoverWe are born with two kidneys, and, having been told that we really only need one to live, I decided to sell my surplus to fund my trip to game six of the American League Championship Series. The stakes were high, both in terms of my back alley medical procedure and the ramifications of the sports contest.

Here are my observations concerning the game. (The less said about the kidney thing, the better. Question to the readers, though– is it normal that I’m coughing up tiny bits of urine today? Let me know, please.)

Holy hell, what a game. I mean, I’m never going to see another game like this again, right? I was there opening day in 2004 when Mendy Lopez (!) hit a three-run home run in the bottom of the ninth to tie it against the White Sox, and then Carlos Beltran hit a two-run shot to win it. The K exploded that day, unlike anything I’d ever seen.

Until Friday night. Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: News of the Weak — Life After Death

deaddudeonmotorcyclePut the FUN in Funeral: Pose Your Loved One.

What’s the phrase, everything old is new again? Your well coiffed scribe is always in search of news that falls a little off the beaten path, and I sure found it this time! There’s been a new trend in funerals and wakes over the last couple years:

Having your loved one posed doing whatever their favorite activity was in life!

Apparently, this was done with some regularity in the Victorian era as a last family portrait, right after the star of the picture had achieved room temperature.

Add that to my hatred of doilies, gingerbread trim and all things Victorian.

With very little effort, Google gave me Mickey Easterling, a socialite who passed away at the age of 83. Posed on a couch, the flamboyant philanthropist wore a pink feather boa and held a glass of champagne.

Miriam Burbank sat in her living room with a Busch beer, cigarette and a disco ball flashing lights off the walls to make her last party, her funeral, memorable. Burbank’s daughters called it, “the perfect send-off for their vivacious mother.”

All I could hear in my head was Donna Summer’s, “Last Dance.” Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Steve Jobs’—Mesmerizing Study Of A Brilliant Egotist

Unknown-1This STEVE JOBS movie is not a documentary…

Nor is it your typical bio drama.

Instead it plays out very much like a stage production presented in three acts.

To be more specific, behind the scenes of Jobs’ three iconic product launches with the film painting a portrait of a troubled, flawed—yet genius marketeer.

One thing is for sure, director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin unveil a side of—or make that INSIGHT into— Job’s character here that many a viewer of the film will be surprised at. And that’s putting it mildly.

“I am like Caesar—surrounded by enemies.”

Act One is set in 1984 and finds Jobs in a backstage rage when he learns just prior to its public introduction that his Macintosh computer was unable to greet its users with a simple “Hello.”

Fast forward to Act Two set in 1988. The Macintosh is history and Jobs has been fired by Apple. So now it’s on to the launch of ‘NeXT,’ Jobs’ educational computer with the Black Cube design.

Finally Act Three which concludes in 1998 with Jobs’ return to Apple and the successful launch of the iMac with the explosion of the internet just around the corner. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Where It All Went Terribly Wrong

6000000344The switch flipped back in 1980 – maybe the beginning of 1981…

It coincided with the election of Ronald Reagan, but what really happened back then, what started in the late 1970s, was a focus on money.

Baby Boomers didn’t care about money.

They’d grown up with enough of it. And those who hadn’t didn’t know any better. Flyover country was thus, assuming you ever got in an airplane to begin with. Unless you moved to New York or L.A. you were clueless as to how the other half lived. Sure, there were glamour-pusses on television, but you lived in an Archie/Betty world where the metaphor was high school. You graduated and grew up, but everything remained the same. You were tarred with not only your moniker but the impression you made years before, this was you…a bumpkin in the greatest country on earth, where gasoline was cheap, sex was free and happiness reigned.

Until inflation hit double digits and the economy tanked and everybody was wondering what came next. They decided to put their faith in an old man with gravitas but little more behind the facade and then everything truly changed.

1981 was an era of CNN and MTV, cable television ruled. 

We now could see what was going on everywhere else, and sitting at home in the hinterlands we decided we wanted some of that. Suddenly, having a tricked-out Chevy didn’t mean that much – you were now competing against everybody and it didn’t feel good.

And since competition was now the norm, you might as well win. And we know that rules are just meant to be bent, not only by Michael Milken and his troops at Drexel Burnham Lambert – our first exposure to the riches of finance – but everyone, in order to become wealthy, in order to get ahead.

Taxes were lowered, inflation was under control – the bubble known as the Baby Boomers had obligations – they needed to feed and house their progeny and this required cash. The 1960s went out the window instantly. It was no longer love your brother but screw your neighbor and sleep with one eye open, while you’re snorting Colombia’s finest and parading down the boulevard in German iron (which suddenly replaced Cadillac as the symbol of success).

And we now know that ultimately we all prayed at the altar of Apple, except those needing to maintain a renegade identity, seen mostly as a rearguard identity. But it was in the 1980s that the populace became stratified, that winners pulled away from the losers, and kicked dust in their eyes while they were at it.

And there was a war, but no draft, and the end result was a Baby Boomer President who reigned over a prosperity so glorious, we all felt entitled. The deficit got wiped out, Wall Street was burgeoning, and then it all went to hell. Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: When the Media Gets it Wrong – Intentionally

church door fireThe headline on the popular web site, U.S. Uncut, reads, “Racists in Ferguson Burn Down 5 Black Churches in 9 Days.”

Uncut describes itself as “a decentralized direct action group in the United States established in February 2011 to combat corporate tax avoidance and highlight cuts to social spending and public sector jobs.”

But they seem to have at least partially left that mission behind in an effort to fan smoldering racial embers.

Accompanying this inflammatory headline is a picture of a church, fully engulfed in flames.

The first anomaly you notice is when you click on the lede, the actual story pops up as – “5 Black Churches in the Ferguson Area Have Burned Since Last Week, Media Shrugs.” So immediately you are moved away from the National Enquirer style lede to a more subdued story line.

No longer are there “racists” in Ferguson doing the damage or idea that all the fires are in Ferguson.

The story says major media have been silent about this “latest wave of racist violence.”

It is true that five churches have had fires in the last 10 days. Actually, a sixth was added to the list on Sunday. It’s also true that, for the most part, these have been fires set at the front doors of the churches where there was minor damage.

And, they are indeed intentional, as St. Louis Fire Capt Garon Mosby said,  “It is arson,”  “These are being intentionally set.” Continue reading

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Glazer: Scribe Counts Kansas City’s Chickens

0The Kansas City Royals are on the verge of a second trip to the World Series… 

This has never happened in the history of this town.

The Chiefs were in two Super Bowls in 1970 and again (winning a title) in Super Bowl IV three years later – but never two title games in a row. Never a dynasty.

Same with the George Brett Royals.

In 1980 they got to the Series and in 1985 they won. But here we are on the verge of two championships and World Series appearances in a row. Back to back. I know we lost the first one, but we were in it until the end.

And as history shows, this may be a once in a lifetime situation for all of us here in KC. Even people who aren’t really fans are wearing the Royals hats, t-shirts and sweats. The entire city and area is under their spell. Glory. We matter.

Who can blame us?

I was in Bill Nigro‘s Westport Saloon yesterday watching the game with him. Eating a bowl of chili, I looked across the bar and saw what it’s really all about. Twenty or so guys and a few women watching the game on one of the TVs. Their eyes were glued to every pitch. All their troubles – and we all have some – were set aside by the joy of winning.

Some people may be are having trouble with a light bill, their rent, maybe they just lost their job or the old lady left and took the kids. Some are just wishing for better days. Who knows?

However, winning this series and seeing Kansas City on the national stage being talked about as a great team and a great city – that’s what really matters.

Sure there are plenty of season ticket holders who don’t have those problems. People who have followed this team for decades and are just as excited in their own way. It all matters.

Because right now the Royals are the heartbeat of this city. Continue reading

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Glazer: Get Ready for a World Championship!

20081342In mere weeks KC will feel the joy and pride of having a World Championship team…

The Royals seem nearly unbeatable right now. In fact, I don’t think there will be another game in the American League Championship series in Kansas City. My guess is it will end in Toronto. The Royals will likely win two there and end it.

We’ve seen all the teams out there in the national league and they’re damn good, but none match the Royals across the board. KC has the better hitting attack, relief pitching that’s baseball’s best, defense and an attitude that they can’t be beaten – and it works. For most cities a world title is rare and comes along maybe a couple times in a lifetime. So enjoy this one. It’s been 30 years since we had the last one in 1985.

As for our Chiefs, their season ended at Arrowhead when they blew the Denver game.

Since then they have evolved into one of the NFL’s worst teams.

At 1-5 and losing to lower level squads like Chicago and Minnesota, the Chiefs season is all but over. Coach Andy Reid and his crew have gotten worse each year he’s been here. Now they’re terrible. The Chiefs are just playing out the season, looking for a great draft pick.

And once again there is no clear super star quarterback out there to draft. Continue reading

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