Hearne: Who’s Gonna Play Christmas Music Now That KUDL & Star 102 Are History?

One of Kansas City’s most fleeting, yet wildly profitable radio formats appears to have gone homeless…

For years adult contemporary stations Star 102 and KUDL FM duked it out for the hearts and ears of lovers of 24/7 Christmas music. Star led the way under former main man Jon Zellner. Entercom followed on KUDL, resulting in year after year of Christmas music warfare between the stations.

And while the day after Thanksgiving was good enough to start, competition between the stations resulted in earlier and earlier launch dates for the holiday music format. The idea being that whoever got there first would lock in more listeners.

Four years ago on Halloween day I bade readers both Trick or Treat and Happy Thanksgiving.

"Enjoy those fleeting holiday sentiments while you can, because any second the Christmas Music Elves at KUDL-FM and Star 102 may break out the holiday cheer in the form of 24/7 Santa songs," I warned. "Last year KUDL led off the yule parade the day after Halloween. Star 102 held off for a couple of weeks and paid the price. Both stations fared well, but KUDL was the clear ratings winner."

However, times have changed…

For the first time since the Christmas Music Wars began the warring stations are no more.

Both Star 102 and KUDL are history. Wilks Broadcasting put Star out to pasture last year and ressurected it as an adult alternative station that goes by Alice. Entercom followed, pulling the plug on KUDL this spring, using its FM signal to simulcast NewsRadio KMBZ.

"What’s going to happen to Christmas music," wonders former Entercom head Bob Zuroweste. "Who the hell is gonna do Christmas music?"

Good question. Here are a few of the options…

KUDL’s out, unless Entercom decides to slap Santa suits on Mike Shanin and Scott Parks and have ’em wail away like Captain Kirk. So cross that off the list of possibilities.

Alice could happen, but the station’s still trying to carve out its new identity and a couple of months of Jingle Bell Rock might be a bit much for its theoretically hipper listeners. Unless, of course, Cumulus competitor Jack FM decides to enter the fray. Then they’d both totally make sense.

And clearly there’s a ton of dough on the table for the station that pulls off the Christmas coup.

Another candidate; 94.9 KCMO, the station formerly known as "Oldies."

"Why wouldn’t they do it?" asks one radio insider. "It’s an older demo and they could sell the shit out of it."

Another possibility?

"I’ve heard that KFKF is gonna do it," the insider says.

And of course, there’s always KUDL’s successor, The Point 99.7 FM.

While The Point is looking for younger listeners, it doubtless could benefit from the Christmas music sweet spot of women listeners ages 35 to 54.

So here’s the bottom line, Christmas music lovers:

"There’s a huge listenership for Christmas music," Zuroweste says. "One out of five people in Kansas City listened to Christmas music on the radio last year and here we are today and we don’t even know who’s going to play it. If I was going to to be playing Christmas music, I’d be out selling it right now. We used to start selling it on KUDL in August."

One thing’s for sure; whichever station decides to go Xmas will telegraph its holiday punch once it unleashes its sales staff. Then we’ll find out which if any station follows.

Let the caroling begin…

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New Jack City: Why High School Reunions Totally Suck (Like Mine Just Did)

They say you can’t go back home…

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what I did this past weekend. I went to my millionth high school reunion in Grand Island, Nebraska. And let me just tell you up front, this three-day affair was two days too long.

The nightmare unfolded with a Friday, ‘Let’s Get Reacquainted ‘ cocktail bash and finger food fandango. Followed by a Saturday morning walkthrough of the old high school and either an optional golf game or sipping-of-the-grapes luncheon at a nearby Nebraska winery.

See what I mean?

Then came the big event, a Saturday night sitdown dinner and dance with an obligatory oldies band. And finally – blessedly – a Sunday morning see-you-next-lifetime breakfast.

Overkill? You bet! Like I said, one night would’ve been plenty.

Now allow me to count the many ways these sort of reunion rituals suck so badly.

First off, you tell and hear the same lame stories over-and-over-and-over all day and all evening long. Where do you live? What do you do? How many kids do you have? Then you find that your high school dream girl and/or smoking hot cheerleader looks more like somebody’s grandmother on a really bad hair day. And that the school’s hot shot jock is now bald, has a giant beer belly and works as a Wal-Mart greeter. Yeesh!

Then there are the name tags. A fat guy races up with big, shit-eater smile and outstretched arms. You should know him but you don’t have a clue. So there you are – trying your damnedest to decipher his name tag – without him seeing you looking at it. Which he does.

Then there’s the dude who walks up to you acts like your long lost friend and not only don’t you recognize his face, his name is completely foreign to you. What do you say to that guy without looking like an asshole?

The final depressing ritual was our class "banquet," attended by around 200 people. During which a nauseatingly depressing count of the ‘Gone But Not Forgotten’ classmates was entered into the record. That’s right, the class president read off the list of the dead people who somehow couldn’t make it.

No less than 54 former classmates were either celebrating up by the Pearly Gates or down below in you-know-where.

Speaking of helI, I must admit I still have a warm spot in my heart for many ex (Grand) Islanders.

After all, I came into their school system directly from East Germany unable to speak a word of English. And a number of them took me under their wings and helped me out. Especially the girls at the Catholic school across town.

And I’ll never forget how in junior high, the principal had me moved around to different classes – not by grade level but based on which teacher could speak a little German. So there I was, going from 7th to 9th grade and ending in an 8th grade class—all the same day.

I digress.

Back to the reunion which would’ve been liveable had it been just one day. So what did I do? I pulled the old getaway as mastered by KCFX FM afternoon host Skid Roadie.

I got up from the table, pretended to head for the bathroom and then vamoosed out the door and back to my motel room.

So can you go home again? I suppose so, but it’s far from easy and can be very depressing.

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Today: Businessman Uses Math to Unravel Bogus Kauffman Center Crowd Count

It’s time now for KC’s top crowd counter Gary Evert to weigh in on the Kauffman Center‘s haltingly high attendence figure…

That after people no less illustrious than one of the Star‘s most respected (now laid off) entertainment writers and the tech who helped produce the event scoffed at the notion of 55,000 bouncing in and out of the PAC’s rainy Sunday afternoon public opening.

To be fair, anonymous commenters have supported the PAC guesstimate, suggesting anecdotally that a count might have been made. However that flies in the face of the reported fact that the "estimate of 55,000 was based on the assumption that the building could only accommodate 5,000 at a time. If that number ‘turned over’ 10 times, then total attendance would be 50,000."

In other words, by the PAC’s own accounting of things, it was a guesstimate not an actual count.

Worse yet, the guesstimate was provided to the newspaper in "midafternoon" for an event that only started at 11 a.m. and ended around 6 p.m. And later Kauffman honcho Jane Chu upped her guess by another 5,000.

So the PAC was already claiming 50,000 attendees not much more than halfway into the event. Refuting a suggestion the people might have been counted as they entered The Little K.

For 55,000 to have come, the PAC would have had to turn its capacity 16 times in seven hours (nearly twice an hour)

Evert didn’t make it to the event, but applied logic and his well-documented experience at counting the Plaza Lights crowds and bulbs.

"My thought would be that it was probably overstated," he says of the PAC’s magic number.

The odds of it being correct: "Astronomically small," Evert says. "But I mean, it made a nice number."

Rather than merely dismissing Chu’s estimate, Evert points to the stats.

"That’s nearly 8,000 people an hour," he says. "And given that there was entertainment, etc. if the average length of the stay was 20 minutes – and I think that’s low – you would have to turn that over at a rate of 2,600 people every 20 minutes. So they had to turn their entire capacity over every 40 minutes and that would be like 5th Avenue on New Year’s Eve."

The logistics of such a feat…

"Just the sheer number of people would slow down the efficiency with which they could turn the crowd," Evert explains. "The logistics of handling a crowd of that size in such a complex space seems like a statistical impossibility."

As for why the PAC would embrace such an optimistic figure in the first place, "In my experience no crowd has ever been underestimated," Evert quips.

Photographs courtesy of Reggie Banks, Sr. and Blackberry Castle Photography

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Donnelly: REM Walks Away Like the Wasted Guy Who Passed Out on the Living Room Floor

REM announced a few days ago that it was calling it quits after 31 years. 

"A wise man once said–‘the skill in attending a party is knowing when it’s time to leave,’" wrote singer Michael Stipe in the band’s official statement.  "We built something extraordinary together. We did this thing. And now we’re going to walk away from it."

I understand the sentiment, but by Stipe’s rationale, REM is the wasted guy who spilled his drink thrice, knocked over a plant, and is now drooling on himself half passed out on the living room floor. 

He’s already raided your Doritos stash and taken a few chunks out of your Velveeta with his claws.  You don’t really know him because a friend invited him to tag along, and you don’t want to go to bed with this half stranger in your house. 

Stipe’s classy move would have been better executed after 1996’s New Adventures in Hi-Fi, an album that, though not my favorite, is certainly solid.  If they had just stopped there, no one would have had to listen to Around the Sun.

Bassist Mike Mills issued a similarly upbeat statement to quell any doubts about the band’s motives:

"We have always been a band in the truest sense of the word. Brothers who truly love, and respect, each other. We feel kind of like pioneers in this–there’s no disharmony here, no falling-outs, no lawyers squaring-off. We’ve made this decision together, amicably and with each other’s best interests at heart. The time just feels right."

The announcement triggered deep reflection by us music types who wondered just where the iconic Georgia band belongs in the grand scheme of things.

I won’t pretend that I was ever a hardcore REM fan, but that’s not to say they weren’t influential in my music appreciation evolution.

I think the first REM song I remember hearing is Losing My Religion, probably on MTV back when MTV was kickass. A skinny, sickly looking dude was whining and wearing a funny little hat. But the song was catchy with the little mandolin lead line, and Michael Stipe’s singing was emotional in a way that a lot of the other late ‘80s/early ‘90s bands were not.

The next album, 1992’s Automatic for the People, is the one I really latched onto. It contained songs like Everybody Hurts, Nightswimming, Drive, Man on the Moon, and The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight – for me, REM at its best…

Make no mistake; these guys were/are heavy hitters, at one time signing the richest recording contract in history at $80M. 

And it seems they’re stepping away on their own terms according to the statement released on the band’s website:

I never saw them live, which is a major musical regret of mine.  But from those I’ve spoken with who were lucky enough to catch them several times over the years, the one thing they all said was how great the band’s overall balance and sound was, particularly guitarist Peter Buck‘s tones.  Nothing fancy, nothing particularly odd, just really tasteful, thick tones.

I think the actual quote was, "Peter Buck is a tone god!" 

So, the time just feels right for REM, I guess.  Thirty one years is a long time to do anything, even something you love doing.  

In the aftermath, I do have a few questions though:

1.       Why do bands announce stuff like this? 

Can’t they just stop playing, stop releasing albums, and then in 10 years when they get the urge, put out more material and tour again?  I mean, there will be a reunion tour, right? 

2.       Does this mean I will hear Shiny Happy People more, or less? 

Please say ‘less.’

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Starbeams: Chiefs Bloopers, Plaza Art Fair Mob & Where Not To Recycle Your Christmas Tree

They finally figured out where that space junk fell over the weekend. It crashed right in the middle of the Chiefs‘ playoff hopes. In fact, the only people sill cheering for the Chiefs are the folks who made Marv Albert‘s blooper reel.


We may have wrapped up the most successful Plaza Art Fair ever. Record crowds descended on the Plaza for "art," food, drinking and music. I was there Friday and there were so many people, there wasn’t room to organize a flash mob on Facebook with my homies.


The KCPD will use cameras to catch people who do illegal dumping. Thankfully, I dumped my sofa last week but I will have to get sneaky with the Christmas tree later this year.


Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point, 99.7 FM

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Glazer: Curse of Marty Ball Haunts Nick Wright & Chiefs ‘Suck for Luck’ Campaign

610 Sports host Nick Wright admits he thought the Chiefs could make the playoffs before the season started…

Nick also bought into his pal Todd Haley’s decision to go soft in the preseason in order to be ready for the regular season. Now Nick thinks the Chiefs should lose every game and draft number one to get college superstar Andrew Luck from Stanford.

I agree with Nick, but many don’t.

Yesterday Wright’s top-rated show was flooded with Haters. I know the feeling, Nick.

"What kind of fan are you, Nick? I want the Chiefs to win every game, I don’t care who we draft!" stated one angry caller.

Wright posed this question to several callers:  "It’s game 16 and the Chiefs are 1-14. We’re playing the Raiders. If we lose we get Andrew Luck. What should the Chiefs do?" 

Most of us who went to school, said LOSE, but you’d be surprised how many didn’t agree.


Maybe this explains Kansas City in oh so many ways.

Too God fearing, arrest everyone who isn’t born again or doesn’t have light brown or blonde hair, don’t drive a flashy car or you’re an asshole, dress nice but not too nice. We want to win in sports but don’t bend a rule like the winners do.

We are just so moral in Kansas City.

And look where it got KCMO. Like the Chiefs, in too many ways, in last place. Just look at the school system. I know you are pointing to Kansas. Yes, it’s much, much better but over the top with a right wing, God-fearing attitude.

Of course the most ardent moralists are always the biggest hypocrites, right?

Back to the Chiefs and Nick. I agree with Nick, but of course as you readers know I felt this team was bottom five at the end of last season. This team has now lost 9 straight games, including preseason. And three were horrible blow outs.

The Chiefs are last in everything except rushing and a couple other meaningless statistics. Last in scoring, have given up the most points; last place quarterback in everything on and on. THE CHIEFS ARE OFFICIALLY THE WORST TEAM IN THE NFL, so say all of the power rankings…ALL OF THEM HAVE US LAST.

Like Nick and I have both said, it starts at quarterback.

Matt is a decent, tough guy, but he hasn’t cut it – he didn’t work out. Wright gave us the best reason here: The top 7 quarterbacks are either 3-0 or 2-1. The bad ones, like ours, are all 0-3 or 1-2 – all of them.

An outstanding quarterback can make an average team great…John Elway. How’s Indy without Payton Manning (0-3)? So yes, we should suck for Luck.

The most interesting comment Nick made was so damn true:

"Hey, with Kansas City’s luck we’ll tie for the worst spot and lose a coin flip for the top pick."

  A truer statement was never made. For some reason we just can’t move to the top very often. The curse of Marty.

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Leftridge: Making a Case for the Wizard of Hoz

“…and I’d like to thank my first major league hitting coach, Kevin Seitzer, who not only taught me about the importance of crushing a hanging curve, but also how to love.”

Alright, so I’m not sure why Eric Hosmer will be talking about Seitzer teaching him how to love in his Hall of Fame acceptance speech 25 years from now, but I know for a fact that he’ll be giving a Hall of Fame speech 25 years from now. He can’t not. This city needs him to blossom, to become the greatest thing since sliced Brett. No pressure.

But in a game that’s all about inches, it’s often prudent to move in baby steps. And the first tender footed movement can be made by Hosmer taking his rightful place as the AL’s 2011 Rookie of the Year.

If only my impassioned pleas were enough.

Why He Should be Rookie of the Year:

Hosmer has built his candidacy by looking like a really good major leaguer this year, regardless of tenure. He looks polished at first base and bona fide with a bat in his hands. Numbers are boring, so I won’t assault you with the super-geek stats (and frankly, his Wins Above Replacement figure is average, at best), but it’s hard to ignore .295/19/78, an OBP of .337 with an OPS of .807. Those are the numbers—deemed relatively antiquated by New Order stat fans like Rany Jazayerli—that voters look at. And Hosmer’s numbers look just fine.

How fine? Compared to the Angel’s 1B Mark Trumbo—arguably Hosmer’s biggest offensive competition—he looks like Pete Rose. Trumbo (who’s 4 years older, it’s worth noting) has an impressive 29 homeruns this year, but he’s batting a robust .254 with an OBP of .291. And although he’s got nine more RBI than Hoz, it has taken him 23 more games to do so.

Projected over a full season, Hosmer pans out as a .295/24/100 hitter. There isn’t a team in the league who wouldn’t take that. And again, these are the rookie year numbers of a 21 year old kid. As he matures, and his experience grows, he reckons to be one of the most feared hitters in the game. Trumbo might be something or he might be nothing. To be honest, I detect faint notes of Jack Cust, a journeyman DH with great power numbers unable to keep a lineup spot because of his inability to get on base or hit anything other than a homerun

Why Hosmer Shouldn’t be Rookie of the Year:

The Royals have been down this road before.

In the beginning, God created Lou Piniella. In 1969, Sweet Lou ushered in a new era of Kansas City Baseball for the expansion Royals by taking home Rookie of the Year honors. After a successful major league career, he became an even more successful manager, and blah, blah, blah.

You know the rest.

Next came everyone’s favorite PBR swilling, uncle-cum-ballplayer, Bob Hamelin. In 1994’s strike shortened season, ‘The Hammer’ hit .282 with 24 dingers. Impressive. The cherubic, bespectacled slugger (I had the same eyeglasses in middle school, so I felt a strange kinship) hit seven homeruns the following year, and a measly nine the next. He kicked around with the Tigers and the Brewers for a spell, and quit unexpectedly in the middle of a minor league game. Rumor has it, his spirit still haunts the abandoned ballpark in Toledo. Or he’s a minor league scout for the Blue Jays organization, I’m not sure.

Hamelin begat Carlos Beltran, who, well, you know… he’s Beltran. Though his career hasn’t necessarily been Hall of Fame caliber, he certainly cemented his above-average legacy much more than our next ROY winner, Angel Berroa.

Berroa, who came to KC as a result of the disastrous Johnny Damon trade, took home the honors in 2003, but not without controversy. It was widely argued that Yankees outfielder Hideki Matsui had a better season, but Matsui was far from a traditional rookie, having played several previous seasons in his native Japan. Strangely enough, a similar concern wasn’t expressed for another questionable statistic: Berroa’s genuine age (it’s worth noting that he was actually two years older than initially thought when he was acquired from the Athletics—not really a strange occurrence from a country where birth certificates are about as believable as Marcus Bachmann‘s sexual preferences).

The next few years with Angel were hellish, and KC eventually flipped him for Tony Pena Jr. That’s right, THE Tony Pena Jr.

Oh, and don’t forget about the ‘honorable mentions.’ Mike Aviles came in 4th in 2008’s voting. He’s gone now, playing third for the Red Sox. Brian Bannister and Joakim Soria placed in the top 10 in 2007. At last check, Bannister was fleeing the earthquake in Japan (no joke- he quit his Japanese team after nuclear meltdown fears) and Soria was struggling, but still with the Royals. The same can’t be said for 2004’s top 10 finishers, Zack Greinke (Brewers), John Buck (Marlins) and David DeJesus (A’s).

And I’d be remiss without mentioning the legendary Mark Quinn who finished 3rd in voting in 2000, injured himself Kung Fu fighting with his brother, and disappeared into that weird wasteland where former professional ball players go to die.

So the bottom line is this: statistically, we just don’t have much luck with Rookie of Year winners. The law of averages would say that if Hosmer wins, he’ll either be:

A)        Worthless in less than two and a half years, or

B)        Traded for prospects

Why He Won’t be Rookie of the Year:

Because God hates Kansas City. Because at some point in the past, we were drunk at a party and we hit on God’s girlfriend. But hey, we didn’t know. We were a little wasted. She looked really good from across the room. The D’Angelo was pumping, the lights were a little low… God was in the kitchen doing a keg stand. And dude, it’s not like he was even talking to her all night. If Robbie hadn’t pointed it out to you, you wouldn’t have even known that she came with God. So we fucked everything up that one night years ago, at that house party in Amherst.

And so we’re cursed.

And this means, that in all likelihood, Hosmer won’t win. No, our scrappy little city will be overlooked in favor of the sexy picks from bigger markets—Trumbo in LA or Ivan Nova of the Yankees (16-4, 3.62 ERA).

And we’ll weep. But we won’t be surprised.

Why I WANT Him to Be Rookie of the Year:

Kansas City needs this. After finally getting a modicum of recognition with Greinke’s Cy Young win, we promptly lost it in yet another gut-wrenching trade. The Chiefs are routinely miserable, we can’t land a basketball or hockey team, and the Big 12 is more fragile than a 15 year old Labrador’s hip. As a long-suffering city with terrific sports fans—shut the fuck up, Cleveland, it’s bad here, too—we deserve it. We’ve cried and puked and vomited and laughed (albeit deliriously) for countless years as we watch our teams fail to make even the tiniest ripple, and our best players find success elsewhere.

For once—just for once, goddammit—I want to talk to a friend in another city and not have them say, ‘who?’ when I ask if they saw ______’s homerun on Sportscenter. We had that momentarily, but Greinke took it with him when he left. Five years from now, I guarantee that a majority of casual baseball fans outside of the KC area will have no idea that he played here; it’s just what happens when you’re this inconsequential.

Hosmer winning Rookie of the Year is a step in the right direction. His Hall of Fame speech will be a giant leap for all of Kansas City.

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Glazer: Stanford’s Named Top Comedy Club, Hot New Stars on the Way

Out with the old, in with the new…

That’s been the Hollywood battle cry for ages. Comedy undergoes major changes about every 10 years. And that change is now underway. Stanford’s was just named one of the top comedy venues in the country for 2011/12 (along with Caroline’s in New York).

Because both clubs have a great mix of current big name stars, as well as the new superstar comic up-and-comers.

Chelsea Handler is the "NEW" Johnny Carson.

That’s right, she’s way, way more important than Jay Leno and David Letterman to comics. Being on Chelsea’s show five times is better than being on those guy’s shows 20 times. This season she’s had five of her people starring in TV shows. These are people she launched, including Whitney Cummings, Iliza Shlesinger, Mo Mandel, T.J.Miller, Bryan Callen (he was already a star) and of course, on her own new sitcom, "Are You There Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea" with Ali Wong.

Stanford’s has booked Wong, Miller, Callen, Mandel and her new nearly every night guy Chris Franjola. We also plan to have her main man Josh Wolf back. Chelsea is the new feeder for comedy stardom.

Hey even my good pal and comedy superstar Lewis Black didn’t sell out this past Friday in Topeka.

Maybe it’s because it was Topeka, huh? The times are changing. You still have to book the long running big names because lots of your older audiences don’t know the new ones yet. Of course, after they become stars they say ask me, "Hey, are you ever gonna get that Larry The Cable Guy?"

We nearly invented him, he played our clubs at least 15 different weeks – up too and including the Blue Collar Tour.

Sure, we have the big names of the recent past, Jon Reep, Bobcat Goldthwait, Micheal Winslow, Dave Coulier, Bobby Slayton (this week), Jim Florentine, Lynne Koplitz, and many more.

Hey, whats fun is getting the two top rated comics in the world, both of whom are just starting to become well known. And that’s Dov Davidoff (here this winter) and of course No. 1, Jim Jefferies from Down Under. A local gal, Nikki Glaser is burning up the track since being in the film I Am Comic and all over the Web. Plus she’s been on several Tonight Shows and made the finals on Last Comic Standing (she’s from St. Louis but went to KU and started with Stanford’s).

The Broken Lizards (stars of Super Troopers/Beerfest) are coming to Stanford’s this winter as well. I didn’t even know that one, but I’m told it will be a sure sellout.

So come see the ones you’ve heard of and then come and discover the ones you don’t know yet. Because they’re tomorrow’s stars.

And this Tuesday at 8 PM it’s Stanford’s 2011 Comic of The Year Contest in KC. It’s open to the public, so come see the top 25 men and women comics in Kansas City. Some of them are very good.

Hey, that’s where Eddie Griffin and Sinbad came from. Remember those guys?

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Leftridge: Despite What the Internet Told You, Big 12 is Still a Thing

On September 22nd, KU released a statement reading in part:  "Tonight, nine members of the Big 12 Conference affirmed their solidarity and agreed to measures that will ensure the stability of the conference moving forward.

So… this is official? Finally, officially official?

Because to be honest, I tuned out awhile ago. And I know that’s not something that an ‘in-touch‘ sports writer should say, but let’s be honest… this whole situation has been insufferable.

A month or so ago, midwestern collegiate sports fans, radio and television sports reporters and probably even your neighbor’s landscaper’s nephew started the world’s biggest game of ‘telephone‘ that anyone has ever seen.

Oh, you remember ‘telephone,’ right? You take a group of people– usually kids, because this game is meant to teach them the perils of miscommunication– and you give the first kid a sentence with a little bit of length to it.

My father Stephen enjoys eating grapes on Tuesdays with some guys he knows in a KISS cover band.

The first kid tells the second– whispering and giggling into the other kid’s ear, of course– and the second tells the third and so on.

By the time it gets to Johnny at the end of the circle, he’s got something like: “Al Qaeda operatives have taken the port city of Corpus Christi and they’re stealing everyone’s Clint Black cassettes.

And that’s kinda how this whole mess has felt.

At various points throughout talk of the breakup, I’ve heard the following:

  • Missouri was/is heading to the SEC
  • Texas A & M was/is heading to the SEC
  • BYU was/is joining the Big 12
  • TCU was/is joining the Big 12
  • KU, K-State and/or  _____ were headed to the PAC 12
  • Texas is/was begging for ACC acceptance
  • Texas A & M and Texas are going to physically consume Baylor, turn it into one giant Super-School called Taylor A & M, and start their own conference, where their only opponent is… wait for it… Taylor A & M!

With various social media outlets bursting at the seams with millions of crackpots, conspiracy theorists and outright liars, the landscape of media has become a frightening one where anyone with a Mac and $15 to waste on an internet connection can become an expert. What’s even scarier is that all of the misinformation being bandied about wasn’t just from nut-jobs sounding off on message boards. It was being reported as ‘absolute truths’ by local KC sports hacks on Twitter and Facebook. ESPN has even gotten into the act, reporting rumors and ‘maybes.’ The lack of accountability has become epically bad.

But shockingly, in a move that wasn’t a move at all, nothing has happened.

Oh sure, Colorado and Nebraska are still gone (old news), Texas is still greedy (duh) and Dan Beebe is out (and I’m still calling him ‘Don’ in casual conversations, thereby sullying the good name of the 1990’s Buffalo Bills special teams standout).

THIS JUST IN: It appears that A&M maybe/might/could officially join the SEC. Per Kevin Kietzman’s Twitter page (@kkwb) “It will be sooo much better for A M in Southeastern Conference!!! Bye bye.”

This was posted at 11 a.m. on Sunday morning. I hope he’s right. Doesn’t it get old being wrong?

Do yourself a favor– google ‘Texas A&M joins SEC?’ and be prepared for your head to explode. From what I can tell, some message board for Mexican soap operas first posted the news on September 9th. It was picked up as fact and spread around like a particularly nasty case of herpes. By September 13th, ESPN was confirming an invite, but stating that lawsuits from other members of the conference were pumping the brakes on the deal. Now, it appears that maybe/possibly/kind of, the deal is back on.

In the end, it’s truly hard to believe that all is well in Whoville, however, and that this just isn’t something along the lines of last year’s shakeup. It’s not quite  “Band-Aid on a hatchet wound” bad, but I have a hard time believing that I’ll be able to take my son to a Big 12 basketball tournament someday down the road (note to self: make son first). As long as the athletic departments of the Texas’ of the world continue to be these monsters of capital, viciously consuming television contracts and leaving Baylor’s and K-State’s in their wake, nothing feels safe in such a ‘watch-your-back’ kind of conference.

(EDIT: As of press time, it appears that Texas A&M HAS officially accepted an offer to join the SEC, effective next July. It finally appears one of the million rumors has come to fruition. Way to go, guys!)

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Glazer: Chiefs Coach Todd Haley Saves His Job…For now

Yes, the Chiefs are still 0-3…

Yes, they are still one of the NFL’S worst teams. Bottom three for sure – maybe the worst. They are officially rated last. However, they put on a better than expected effort against San Diego away. Both teams had a boat load of injuries. And now the Chiefs have lost Brandon Flowers.  Although I’m not sure how bad it is yet.

So now they have just three weapons; Dwayne Bowe, Dexter McCluster and surprising new tight end Leonard Pope.

Together they may have saved coach Todd Haley’s job -at least for now. It’s still likely however that he will be fired before season’s end. However if Todd with his patch work defense and offense can win the next two games against the 0-3 Vikings and soon to be 0-3 Colts, Todd might make it through to the end of the season. But even with a couple of wins, the Chiefs have to fire him. The Chiefs will be in rebuild mode now for years to come.

The game plan today looked to be, RUN THE CLOCK OUT FROM THE FIRST PLAY.

Todd wanted to lose close, but he had no idea the Chargers were going to help him so much. San Diego’s key penalties kept the Chiefs alive. Chargers quarterback Phillip Rivers was shaky and their running game was off somewhat and their defense is only a little bit better than Kansas City’s.

I’m pissed cause they ruined my picks, had they lost by 9 instead of 3 I would have had a nice board.

Instead my pro picks were just OK. My college was great. You just can’t count on the Chiefs to help you, even when they lose.

The good news for me is at 0-3 they are closing in on my most important pick of losing more than 7 1/2 games. That, of course, is a for sure deal now.

The other good news is the Chiefs can use this close loss to put at least 40,000 butts in the stands this coming Sunday. Where a wipe-out may have reduced the crowd to under 30,000.

Which still could happen, there’s really not much to see right now.

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Donnelly: Sporting Out of Sync, Jeferson Benched, In 1-1 Tie With Philly

In yet another game most observers dubbed "the biggest of the season," Sporting Kansas City managed to walk  away with a point after battling to a 1-1 tie with the Philadelphia Union Saturday at The Legends.

It’s true, every game is "the biggest" when the season’s winding down and the top of the Eastern Conference is jammed with five teams that have between 38 and 42 points. 

Houston sits atop for the moment, with 42, then Columbus and KC at 41, Philadelphia at 40, New York at 39, and DC at 38. So as you can see, the last few games of the regular season are absolutely crucial. 

With four games left before the playoffs- two of them at LIVESTRONG – Sporting should settle for nothing less than two wins in order to solidify their playoff chances.  Obviously that all depends on what the other teams do as well, but SKC plays Columbus on Wednesday, New York on October 15th, and DC on October 22nd, so their destiny is firmly planted in their own hands.

At this point, after fighting back into form after a horrendous losing streak to open the season, missing the playoffs would be a disaster.  An absolute disaster. 

Especially since Sporting have been playing some of the best soccer in MLS for the past month or so, scoring a boat-load of goals, and playing an attacking brand of soccer that other teams don’t like to deal with. 

But Saturday night’s contest saw KC looking the most incoherent they’ve been in awhile. 

The game was a back and forth affair, with KC getting beaten in the midfield and failing to create much down the middle of the pitch. Instead they settled far too often for long crosses into the box.  

Relative newcomer, Brazilian designated player and #10 Jeferson, seemed absolutely lost.  Remember, he’s the guy who joined the team about a month and a half ago and was supposed to be the solution at the attacking midfield position, a guy who could pull apart defenses with his penetration and long range shot. 

But that has not really happened.  At all.

If I’m Sporting, at this point, I’m just hoping that the guy can be  productive and not make any big-time mistakes.  

Against Philadelphia he was constantly out of place, stepping on Graham Zusi’s toes, trying to fill the same space, but not contributing a whole lot to the overall effort. 

At one point Zusi threw his hands up and yelled at Jeferson, urging him to get his head in the game.  At halftime, Peter Vermes made the obvious move and subbed him out for Aurelien Collin, sliding Julio Cesar up a bit into the midfield. 

Vermes was blunt when asked about the substitution:

"I just didn’t think it was working so I moved Julio into the middle of the midfield as the one and just inverted the triangle," he said.  "I thought tactically it solved all of the issues we needed."

An obviously frustrated Graham Zusi echoed the sentiment saying in no uncertain terms that Jeferson was the problem the first half.

"First half I thought we were a little unorganized, just in our shape, we had allowed them to play to their strengths, play to their ability, and they got a lot of counterattacks against us and we were recovering a lot of the first half," said Zusi.  "We made a change going into the second half, and I think it helped us quite a bit. It allowed us to get a bit more possession and create some more chances."

At this point in the season it strikes me as a bit concerning that a player -a starter!- could be so far 
away from being on the same page as his team mates. 

But Sporting isn’t dwelling on the lackluster performance, they’re looking ahead and moving on in anticipation of the next "biggest match of the season" Wednesday at LIVESTRONG.

"It’s a big one," said Kei Kamara.  "Just gotta take care of the body and just be ready for it. This is it right here. A win against Columbus definitely puts us on top."

Yep.  And a loss against Columbus turns the pressure up tenfold. 

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Car: 2012 Toyota Prius Gets Geek Chic w/ Body Kit, Sound Effects, ‘Creepy’ Commercial

Not that long ago Toyota’s Prius was a lifestyle statement for nerds…

People who didn’t care much how frumpy and/or dorky they looked when they spruced up for a night on the town. Let alone how ungainly their fuel-sipping ride looked as they lumbered about saving the earth and promoting world peace.

Then came the 2010 model year…

Just like that the pabulumly Prius was transformed into a green machine that not only averaged 50 mpgs, actually looked halfway decent.

  Add some custom wheels and window tinting to the mix and  –voila! – you had a car even Leonardo DiCaprio needn’t apologize for. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, still today’s Prius makes a reasonably respectible fashion statement while retaining enough geeky charm to keep the Earth Shoe set happy.

But there’s something approaching a shakeup where the 2012 Toyota Prius is concerned…

For starters new Priuses come with a "spaceship sound." You heard it right, spaceship. But more George Jetson than Star Wars. The idea being the cars were too quiet when operating in golf cart mode. Dangerously so. Legistlation now requires electric cars and hybrids to add noisemakers so blind and clued out people won’t get run over because they didn’t hear the cars coming.

Kinda like backup beeps on trash trucks.

In trend speak, think of it as virtual noise. To bureaucrats they’re Vehicle Proximity Notification Systems. Call it what you like, greencarreports.com describes the new sound effect as "a cross between a spaceship and a car alarm."

Check it out for yourself on YouTube.

Speaking of youtube, autoblog calls Toyota’s new Prius TV spots "creepy." Green Car Reports labels them "disturbing." But why not? Halloween displays have been in grocery stores nearly a month and the timing is right. The spots combine actors, computer annimation and Kinks music to promote that the Prius has gone "plural" with four different models. Check it here.

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth a little known addition to the Prius option list – a PLUS Performance Package introduced this summer – is going mainstream, albeit in limited quantities. The package includes an aerodynamic ground effects body kit, 17 inch alloy wheels, "track-tuned" lowering springs, a rear sway bar and custom badging.

All for the low, low price of between $2,999 and $3,699 depending on which Prius is selected.

In short, Toyota’s taking the Prius mainstream for buyers with a yen for J-Lo ads and no-apologies-required, responsible automotive sex appeal.

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Hearne: All That Glitters…Jardine’s Hammers Groupon

Longtime KCC readers know I’ve been an admirer and staunch defender of Groupon from the get-go…

When some of you guys zeroed in on the discounting – saying it cheapens the seller’s products – I pointed to the marketing benefits. I quoted local restaurant and nightclub owners that had done well with Groupon and vowed to continue to party with the daily dealmaker.

People like Jardine’s owner Beena Raja (who’s on her third last name in the past year). Jardine’s, like others, turned its back on the local newspaper’s trusty-but-rusty Star Dining Card and found nirvana instead in Groupon’s mass email blasts.

"Let me tell you, Groupon has a solid clentele, they are up to 350,000 people locally now," Raja told me last March. "And these people are no Star Card people – these are people who will spend money and I’ve seen it. They’re younger, hipper, they know how to tip and they make reservations. I have nothing but positive things to say about Groupon."

That was then…

Today Groupon’s email list for KC today is reportedly nearly 700,000 strong but Raja’s washing her hands of it.

"I’ve changed my mind," she says. "I don’t think I’ll do it again."

Here’s why…

"The first Groupon I did was about 1,600 deals and the second one I did was 1,100, I believe," Raja says. "But this last time the type of people we got were not the same as the first time. They didn’t tip the servers. They were always complaining and trying to match their checks to the penny and not spend any more than the Groupon was for. And they were arguing about the policy and telling us we must honor it. We had a lot of complaints."

Part of the problem being restaurants like Jardine’s mostly benefit when customers come in stay and enjoy the jazz.

Unfortunately, that often wasn’t the case.

"They would come in and want their food to go instead of staying, enjoying the music and having a drink," Raja says. "You know, the whole ambiance we’re trying to sell. I think the quality (of Groupon) is gone. It’s more about the quantity now."

Therein lies the problem…

When Groupon first hit KC, early adopters were younger, hipper, Web wise sorts. The kind of clientel smaller boutiques like Jardine’s are totally out to reach. But as it grew from 50,000 to 100,000 to 400,000 and to its now gargantuan proportions, the hipness factor appears to have been dilluted by the cheapskate factor.

"They’re not cool and hip anymore," Raja says. "They used to be cool and hip. Just the whole attitude and the dynamics of the people who buy Groupons has changed. They just came in and yakked away during shows. And a lot of the first Groupon people were my regulars who I didn’t have to discount, so I wasn’t really gaining any new customers.

"The other people who came in didn’t care about jazz or anything. They just wanted the food and if I’d box it up for them, they’d take it with them. They’re not going to come back. Maybe 10 percent will come back. I mean, that’s a lot of money to give away to get just 10 percent back."

The $64 million question: How happy will the KC Symphony be when a buncha yahoos and hoo hahs show up – cellphones blaring away – mostly because they saved 51 percent on tickets to its Christmas Festival?

Raja’s bottom line: "You have to know what works for you and what doesn’t. And right now Groupon definitely doesn’t work for me."

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Glazer: Kansas City’s Worst Sports Era Ever, Except for Sporting KC & Next Year’s Royals

The answer is simple, YES…

I’d been thinking about it, then I heard WHB’s Kevin Kietzman say it. "This is horrible. It’s been since at least 1983 since Kansas City was this bad in sports."

Actually, I was thinking it had been worse. In 1983 the Royals were still a very good ball club nearing the 1985 World Series. Yes, the Chiefs were a clown act then too, but better than today’s team. Our area college teams were no-shows except for KU basketball, which wasn’t exactly hot either.

Today the Chiefs – as your humble scribe told you two months ago – are one of the NFL’s worst teams. The Royals finished near the bottom again. KU and K-State football is lousy. MU is decent but headed towards at best an 8-4 season with a lower level bowl game.

So yeah, it really does affect the spirit of our city.

There’s no doubt that we as a fan base are blue. We’re down and upset. And "Suck for Luck" may sound cute, but it’s not where we want to be, is it?

I get emails and Facebook messages from friends all over the country saying, "Sorry about your teams." Do you? Naturally, I explain how I deal with it as far as the Chiefs are concerned. With the Royals I generally just stay away and watch from a distance.

Until NOW.

BECAUSE LET’S BE HONEST, the Chiefs are our main thing. The NFL rules. It’s by far bigger than baseball and college sports.

However, I pissed on the Royals all year and rightfully so because they stunk. Then this guy Eric Hosmer came along and wow, it was a whole new ballgame. A George Brett turn an OK or bad team into a contender pretty quickly. And Eric has done just that.

He should be rookie of the year and an MVP candidate next season. That’s something only Brett has ever done here. He is finally the "Brett" we’ve been searching for since 1992 when George retired. Eric is fantastic. Even our pitching as of late has been solid. The Royals are baseball’s hottest team.

I know its too little too late. They boast the best win loss record this month. Still they’ll finish next to last, but it looks like they may not lose 90 games for the first time since Grant took Richmond. They have stated they are going after big name pitching for 2012. Hey, I might even start going to Royals games next year.

I know, it’s David Glass. But I have a weird feeling since he’s near the end of his life, he wants to go out a good guy  a sports winner…not a sports joke.

I’m betting that he spends some big money this coming year.

This club could even win the division next season with two real starters.Of course, so could most teams. Everybody needs pitching.

I can’t believe I just said that, WIN THE DIVISION. My God!

The other good news is Sporting KC has been a monster hit at Legends, Village West, KCK and throughout the metro.

The stadium is the talk of everyone. The attendance and a first place spot is a lift for all of us. They are a very good team with great fans. They started out losing a million games then opened the stadium and couldn’t lose. Nice. Every game a near sell out.

Hey, even the Royals draw over 20,000 now in second to last. People here want a winner, badly. Any winner.

KU basketball is suppose to be down a bit, but I wouldn’t count on that with Bill Self coaching. And I know, all eyes are on WILL THERE BE A BIG TWELVE or TEN or EIGHT….looks like, YES THERE WILL BE.

So yes, this has been awful. The Chiefs and Royals, along with KU and K-State are all clown acts to this point. MU football is decent, but that isn’t good enough to save us from the worst sports year ever.

Take heart, it can only get better. Except for our Chiefs. They’ve dug a huge hole and it may take years for them to recover. 


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Edelman: Broadway Hit ‘Red’ Makes Thrilling Splash at Unicorn

"Make something new," the paint-splattered abstract expressionist Mark Rothko commands his assistant Ken in the Tony Award winning play RED...

Director Cynthia Levin must have been listening, because in her fine production of John Logan‘s new work (now through October 2 at the Unicorn Theatre, 3828 Main) she’s created a new star on the KC scene: Sam Cordes, the terrific young actor who plays Rothko’s assistant.

If the name Cordes rings a bell, it should. Sam is the off-spring of two of our town’s finest theater artists. Dad Scott Cordes is a versatile actor, as comfortable in Shakespearean threads as he is  cracking wise onstage  between dinner and dessert at the New Theatre Restaurant. Mom Lisa Cordes is a highly-regarded playwright and theater provocateur– her work at the Living Room and other boho spots around town is legendary.

So it should be no surprise that Sam’s got the old theater bug; but where he takes it is another thing entirely. I enjoyed his earlier turn in the Unicorn’s political melodrama FARRAGUT NORTH and was surprised to hear him sing so well in Musical Theatre Heritage’s GYPSY. Good work, to be sure. But in RED, slopping paint around and giving Jim Birdsall‘s Rothko as good as he gets, Sam really makes a (pun intended) splash.

This is a play of big egos and bigger ideas.

Birdsall’s Rothko sucks the air out of the room, by turns menacing, dismissive and pitiable. Mark Rothko was an important artist in mid-career crisis– he and his contemporaries (Newman, Pollack, deKooning)  were losing ground to Pop Artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. As RED opens, Rothko is suffering from "painters block." Into this maelstrom of anxiety wanders Ken/Sam, there to mix paints, stretch canvases and take alot of shit.

One of our finest serious actors, Birdsall lumbers around the stage, inveighing against commerce and public tastes, as he prepares to sell out to those very same elements. It would be easy to get lost on that stage with Birdsall. But Ken turns the tables on Rothko, throwing his hypocrises right back at him. It’s thrilling work to watch, thanks to the skills Birdsall, Cordes and director Levin bring to the effort.

As usual, technical details at the Unicorn are all first rate, though I thought the slides that came on between scenes were either ill-conceived or improperly projected. Though it’s a play about art and ideas, RED offers up some great physical work. The sweaty priming of a seven foot canvas by the two men gets your heart pounding, right along with theirs.

 RED reminds us why we go to the theater- to be intellectually stimulated, politically challenged and happily entertained.

Thanks to seasoned veteran Birdsall and exciting newcomer Cordes, the Unicorn’s latest offering delivers on all three. Now that’s modern art worth taking in.

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Glazer: Humble Scribe Releases NFL & College Football Get Rich Quick Picks

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for boys and girls, this weeks picks…

The favorites have been doing very well so far. The OVER in the NFL has been outstanding. But things may change. Sometimes when it looks too good to be true it just might be.

This week in the NFL there are four or five games that look scary easy, so beware.

The two that jump out: San Diego by just 15 over Kansas City at the Chargers and the Steelers by 101/2 over the Colts.

These smell like trap games.

So here’s what we do; take both favorites and tease DOWN the numbers for both games. Now the Chargers are  favored by just 9 and the Steelers by just 4 1/2.

I like it.

Here we go for the rest of BEST BETS BY YOUR HUMBLE SCRIBE


Not as easy as last week but…

LSU minus 5 1/2 over West Virginia and Alabama minus 11 1/2 over Arkansas  The favs are LSU and Alabama so let’s tease these numbers down by 6. But remember we need to win both games to win, so it becomes:

LSU 1/2 over West Virginia and Alabama -5 over Arkansas.

Texas Tech minus 16 over Nevada

SMU minus 22 1/2 over Memphis (tip from a co star at 610)

ASU minus 3 over USC

Bonus: MU 21 over Oklahoma (make this one a very borderline, small wager)



Again, San Diego minus 9 over KC and Pittsburgh minus 4 1/2 over Colts (Solid. I like the regular betting line too, but just to be safe on a bigger gamble tease it)

Detroit minus 3 1/2 over The Vikings

Carolina minus 3 1/2 over Jags

Arizona minus 3 1/2 over Seattle (This looks very good but to be safe might want to tease this with the Carolina game)

Bonus: Packers minus 3 1/2 over Chicago

Hey, have a fun football weekend, but just remember: You can’t win’em all so don’t bet too many games unless you have to.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 16 Comments

Starbeams: Top 5 Reasons Losing Accereditation Is No Big Thang


#5.  A worthless degree works just fine in this worthless economy.

#4.  Nobody wants to grow up to be a teacher anymore.  Everyone wants to grow up to be Detroit Superintendent.

#3.  None of this really matters because, if you’re like me, you eventually spend all of your time in TRAFFIC school.

#2.  Who needs a degree when we will all be working in factories making things for the Chinese soon?

And the No. 1 reason losing accreditation is no big deal….

#1.  It makes it easier to apply for an un-accredited card.


Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM

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Leftridge: Because You Have No Life, Here’s What You Should be Watching this Weekend

There’s entirely too much for you to watch this weekend. Seriously…

And since you’ll be wildly drunk most of the time, the only decision you should be left with is whether or not to sexually harass the Domino’s driver who barely speaks any English (hint: you shouldn’t… she’s a sweet gal).

To make it easy, I’ve compiled a list of must-see sports, things you’ll wish you could be watching when you’re in a detention facility because you ignored me and showed the poor lady your who-ha.

Check it out!

Jacksonville Jaguars @ Carolina Panthers (Sun., 12 p.m. CDT)

When the Panthers drafted Cam Newton with the first overall pick, I was securely in the ‘skeptic’ camp, I’ll admit. I had him penciled in as Mike Vick-lite (and his penchant for sanctioning kitten death matches did nothing to dispel this illusion).

Turns out, I—along with a billion others—might be wrong. With back-to-back 400 yard passing games, he immediately became one of the most electrifying players in the game. Oh, and Mizzou alum Blaine Gabbert gets the start for the Jags. I was never sold on Gabbert, either. Call it the ‘Prove Me Wrong Bowl.

New England Patriots @ Buffalo Bills (Sun., 12 p.m. CDT)

Face it, there really just aren’t a lot of outwardly compelling NFL match-ups this weekend. One game that does have some potential, though, is NE at Buffalo. The Patriots have been steamrolling so far this year, and Pretty Boy Brady will bust the 1,000 yard mark, likely in his first offensive series.


That’s video game shit. Couple this with the fact that Buffalo’s Ryan Fitzpatrick seems to finally be putting things together, and you’ve got yourself a decent shot at a game. And hey, the Bills proved they can hang with the Pats last September when they narrowly won in Foxborough.  

Sprint Cup Series, Sylvania 300 (Sun., 1 p.m. CDT, ESPN)

Restrictor plates! Checkered flags! Mountain Dew-showers! Who will win this Sunday’s coveted Skoal: Boysenberry 500 in Paducah? Will it be Tug Dribbler? Clay Newton? Bob Gobbler? The only way to know for sure is to tune in to the racecar program this Sunday at 1 p.m. on ESPN. Don’t be the only yokel who can’t confidently discuss the crashes come Monday morning, ya’ll!

Boston Red Sox @ New York Yankees (Fri., 6 p.m. CDT, MLB Network)

Though it has become somewhat anticlimactic to discuss the Yankees and Red Sox at this time of year (usually, they’re both securely locked into playoff spots), this time there’s something to play for, goddammit. Over the past couple of weeks, the Sawx have pissed away a mighty Wild Card lead to those pesky Tampa Bay Rays AND the resurgent LA Angels of Anaheim, and with only a fistful of games to go, the heat is on. That’s right, I just quoted ‘Big Daddy’ Glenn Frey (and gave him a nickname, I guess).

With a 70 year old Tim Wakefield taking the hill on Saturday, and the awful ghost of John Lackey pitching on Sunday, Jon Lester has to set the tone with a win on Friday if the BoSox want to see the playoffs.

Missouri Tigers @ #1 Oklahoma Sooners (Sat., 7 p.m. CDT, FX)

Like my grandpappy used to say, “Lightning ain’t apt to strike the same dog’s ass twice, I reckon.” Yeah, pops said a lot of crazy, nonsensical things in his later years, but with regard to the MU/OU matchup in Norman on Saturday night, he’s probably got a point. A lot has changed since the two met last year in Columbia. Mizzou probably won’t win this one—call it a hunch—but the experience should be huge for a young Missouri team.

Osmosis Jones (Sun., 7 p.m. CDT, KSMO 62)

“Inside the body of a zookeeper, a white blood cell tries to foil a plot by a deadly invader to kill their host from within while pretending to be a cold virus.”

Oh, shit. How’d this sneak in here? PLEASE do not watch Osmosis Jones.

#2 LSU Tigers @ #16 WVU Mountaineers (Sat., 7 p.m. CDT, ABC)

So LSU is stacked… what’s new? And while they’ve been challenged plenty this season– West Virginia will be their third ranked opponent in a very young campaign– playing the potent offense of the Mountaineers IN Morgantown will be especially taxing. Led by junior QB Geno Smith, WVU boasts the 6th best passing attack in the country. Geno hasn’t yet come across anything like the Tigers seminal d-line, however. Something’s gotta give.

Manchester United @ Stoke City (Sat., 11:30 a.m., FSC)

Nobody can beat Man U. They literally look like the most invincible team ever, kind of like that ladies college basketball team from a year or two ago who went something like 543 and 0. They’re playing insane ‘futbol‘ right now, and it doesn’t seem as though anyone else in the EPL poses a real threat. Enter Stoke City… Okay, so Stoke City is average at best, and they will not win this game. Or probably even come close. I’ll be tuning in to see my favorite player, though, City’s own Peter Crouch. If you’re unfamiliar—and I’m assuming you are—look for the 6’7” guy who looks like what happened when a giant made beautiful love to a skeleton. His specialty is the header and sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll do the robot after a goal.

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Today: Source Says Kauffman Performing Arts Center Crowd 20,000 Not 55,000


Why ruin a totally cool event with fraudulent crowd counts?

Simply said, there’s no effing way the new, 3.400 seat Kauffman Performing Arts Center hosted 55,000 people at its open house Sunday.

I mean, think about it.

That’s nearly double the size of the Plaza Lighting Ceremony. More people than attend sold out Royals games, which have acres of parking and dozens of police and staff to manage and control the traffic and crowds.

All of that said, here’s what the Star’s Robert Truseell reported:

"Nobody can know with certainty how many people actually walked through the center Sunday, but an estimate of 55,000 was based on the assumption that the building could only accommodate 5,000 at a time. If that number ‘turned over’ 10 times, then total attendance would be 50,000, which was the official estimate by midafternoon. Later, (Kauffman CEO Jane Chu) upped the figure to 55,000."

Hold it right there…

A woman with "bachelors and masters degrees in piano performance, music education, and piano pedagogy"  is suddenly a considered expert in crowd counting? A statistician, if you will.

Even though by her own explanation she didn’t even attempt to count the crowd – undoubtedly because she was a little busy helping oversee an extremely large event with several entertainers on multiple stages.

Instead, Chu ventured a guess and the Star "reported" it.

Now here’s how the story gets retold "around the campfire."

Even though Trussell’s reporting on Chu’s estimate was bogus, he did at least attempt to cover his ass somewhat by saying up front in the story that the number was only "thousands," before later laying out Chu’s whacky "estimate."

That unfortunately didn’t prevent St. Louis Dispatch classical music critic Sarah Bryan Miller from re-reporting Chu’s estimate while incorrectly attributing it to Trussell.

"According to an article by Robert Trussell in today’s Kansas City Star, an estimated 55,000 people came downtown to the Kauffman on a rainy day, some waiting as long as 90 minutes to get in," Miller writes.

See how the game is played – how history sometimes get miswritten?

Now I’m going to give you a crowd estimate by someone in the entertainment biz in Kansas City with a ton of experience both working at and producing large events at area venues. An individual who spent the entire day Sunday at the PAC on the payroll helping produce the event:

"It was a very impressive crowd, no doubt. But realistically, I would say the size of the crowd was closer to 20,000 people, not 55,000 – no way. If they really wanted to know the crowd size, why didn’t they just count the people at the door. There were only three entrances, it would have been easy."


I will add, you can bet what’s left of the remaining value of your Chiefs season tix, they’ll be counting people at those turnstiles for the paid events.

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 19 Comments

Today: Love at First Sight? Nah, Just the Watson’s Girl & Ex Star Honcho Mark Zieman

OK Cliffy, you asked for it, now you’re gonna get it…

 I’m not talking Craig Glazer. I’m not gonna punch anybody’s lights out, Just making good on my pledge to publish the pic I took several years back of Watson’s Girl Jennifer Eichler and then Star editor Mark Zieman.

It was taken when the owners of Watson’s (now Family Leisure) strode through town calling on advertisers – the Star being one – and I hijacked the Watson’s Girl for a photo shoot. The Star photographer who got to do the honors still worships at my altar for bestowing on him the savory task.

Far less thrilled was Zieman, who posed uncomfortably (and looking a little pudgy) when I led Jennifer to his office while giving her a tour of the newsroom and asked them to pose. Yes, it was my idea alone. Nothing sinister, mind you. I’d have done the same thing had she been standing by that statue of Superman in Metropolis, Illinois.

I digress…

I’ll tell you this much, Zieman was none too pleased about his 15 minutes of fame with the hot tub / above ground swimming pool hottie. He made a point of dressing me down later, advising me of his distaste for impromtu photo shoots.

Must say, I was a little surprised.

Do you know how many red-bloooded American boys would have dropped to their knees and thanked their lucky stars for a chance to lay hands on the Watson’s Girl back then? Countless. Or in the words of Mastercard, priceless!

Of course, that was long before Jennifer married, had kids, divorced and went slutty with her online podcasts this summer.

Anyway, here it is. Go ahead and nail it to your locker door or whatever – no need to thank me. Except for Cliffy, you owe me, dude.

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