If you’re following airline history, you know it’s a legendarily bad business…
The runway is littered with bankrupted airlines, Pan Am, Braniff, Eastern, TWA…the list is endless.
But now airlines are incredibly profitable, because they’ve figured out YIELD!
The bottom line: Flights fly full.
So I’m inured to the procedure.
The endless wait at security, at the gate. The reason executives (AND DEEJAYS!) fly private is TIME. They’re not making any more of it and if yours is precious the two plus hours you waste before your flight is now productive time.
Then again, the have-nots will keep telling anybody with a life that we have it good, that they were born in a field and crapped in an outhouse and the rest of us are abusing them and therefore Trumpgot elected.
There you have it folks!
The truth is my non-flight experience is everybody’s experience. Our infrastructure has gone to hell, because no one wants to pay anymore. Taxes are bad, you’re entitled to your income without deductions, and the truth is we live in a society and what affects one of us affects us all…when a butterfly flaps his wings in Japan…
So I’m on the plane. Sans upgrade.
Yup, that’s another scam, they tie you to an airline so you have status, so you don’t have to pay for baggage, so maybe you can get an upgrade. And the hoi polloi take their entire belongings with them on the plane, so there’s no luggage space, because they don’t want to pay and nobody wants to wait for their baggage, but…
I can’t travel that light. I’m willing to wait. But for how long?
The girl next to me is skinny, but she’s got B.O. Really? Isn’t this part of the social contract, that you shower before you go into public?
But that depends upon parents. That’s where we learn this stuff. And too many of today’s parents are dingbats. It’s the basics that count, table manners, cleanliness… But these are the same parents who go blast the principal when their kid is sent home with a note.
I grew up in a different era, where your parents weren’t your best friends, you were AFRAID OF THEM!
And sure, my dad hit me with a belt and a brush and I’m probably traumatized forever but I knew if I screwed up in school I wouldn’t get into a good college and my future would be sacrificed… Life is all about delayed gratification, and I’m aiming this at you Baby Boomers, taking social security early.
Do you really want to make that bet? What if you outlive your money? Happened to some friends of mine, they had to get a reverse mortgage to get by, but at least they owned real property. As for me dying before I hit the crossover point, I’m willing to make that bet, the government can have my money. I just don’t want to be without when I need it. As for working in your late 80s… GOOD LUCK! No one wants to hire you, you’re too old, and probably too infirm to boot.
So we sat on the tarmac for three hours.Even though there was bright sunshine outside. The pilot said there was weather somewhere. But at the three hour mark you’ve got to go back to the gate where we sat for another hour before they canceled the flight.
But here’s the kicker: Since they book the flights so full, I CAN’T GET OUT UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT!
That’s right, despite flights on the hour, there are no seats. Continue reading →