Today: Former Jardine’s Owner Saddened by Events, Fox 4’s Tabloid TV Coverage

The past three weeks have been tough for Jardine’s founder Greg Halstead

Halstead opened Jardine’s in 1992 as a restaurant and bar, but within months realized he’d made a mistake. The joint was losing money and Halstead called his pal Ron Schoonover – the former manager of Kansas City’s Playboy Club – to ask advice. Schoonover was running a successful jazz-themed bar and restaurant downtown called The Phoenix. He greenlighted Halstead’s idea of adding jazz to Jardine’s mix and the rest is history.

In 2003 Halstead sold Jardine’s to its longtime manager and current owner Beena Raja.

And as Jardine’s 19th year nears – as turbulant as things have been – it remains Kansas City’s leading jazz club.

What Halstead doesn’t get is why Fox 4 News in particular took such an interest in the story. He ran into Fox 4 reporter Kathy Quinn at a local restaurant recently and discussed the matter with her, he says. Halstead declined to say exactly what was discussed in that conversation.

However, Quinn’s daughter Kaitlin was one of the three servers Raja says she found partying at Jardine’s at 4 a.m. Thanksgiving morning. Raja says the servers were consuming alcohol, illegally after hours and had not paid for their drinks.

Fox 4 did not disclose this potential conflict in the reports about Jardine’s I saw that it aired.

"They just butchered the place," Halstead says of Fox 4. "Channel 4 was the one who was all over it. But like, who gives a (damn)?"

Did Fox 4 go too far?

"Let me put it this way," Halstead says. "I was upset about it. I mean, it’s just a jazz club. This isn’t Jack Dempsey’s in New York."

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Hearne: Buyers Line Up for Chance to Buy Plaza Jazz Club Jardine’s

It may be "all quiet" along the battle lines in the Jardine’s jazz club saga but…

The staff is gone – a couple of them fired, others told that they’d been fired. Many of KC’s top jazz musicians have joined a boycott of Jardine’s. A boycott allegedly spearheaded by Sons of Brasil trumpet player Stan Kessler, whose stepson – now former Jardine’s server – Raja called the cops on minutes before Kessler’s band showed up at the club to play, but then walked out.

No two ways about it, it’s been ugly. Not to mention confusing.

Yet while things have been relatively quiet lately in the media, that doesn’t mean there’s not been a lot going on behind the scenes among interested parties, in places TV cameras are of little use.

And that’s exactly where this story appears headed, with at least three separate buyers indicating an interest in buying the Plaza jazz club from owner Beena Raja.

Raja declined to comment for this story.

However the one-two punch of a staff walkout and musician boycott coupled with a media piling on has taken its toll. Jardine’s reopened last week for the KC Confidential holiday bash and featured acts through Saturday.

Since then its calendar has been blank.

One potential buyer is Paul Wilson of Olathe. But is he a serious buyer?

"It’s absolutely something we’ve been looking at doing since we first became aware that it was an option," Wilson says. "We’d be buying it just for the love of the place and the musicians."

At this point, there’s not much more to say than may the best man (or woman) win.

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New Jack City:The Bottom 10 Films That Made ‘Going To The Movies’–WORK!

Who said that going to the movies is all fun?

Not when you had to suffer through these turkeys like I did. And to think they were all comedies.
Here then is the bottom of the 2011 barrel:
First runner up (# 11):  LARRY CROWNE: At what point did director Tom Hanks realize that directing himself here–along with Julia Roberts—was a huge mistake?
# 10—NEW YEAR’S EVE: Director Garry Mashall’s low rent follow up to VALENTINE’S DAY.
# 9—THE SITTER: This one’s obviously been around a while since Jonah Hill not only still looked porky here but had done much better with MONEYBALL.
# 8—ARTHUR: Was there any reason for Russell Brand to remake this classic? Must’ve looked good on paper but it didn’t translate onto the screen.
# 7—BIG MOMMAS: LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON: FBI agent Martin Lawrence. ‘Nuff said.
# 6—ZOOKEEPER: Kevin James, Mall Cop, funny. Kevin James, Zookeeper-not.
# 5—BAD TEACHER: Cameron Diaz! Come on girl, what were you thinking?
# 4—JACK & JILL: Adam Sandler as Jack and Jill. A little of Sandler goes a long way. Do we really need to see him in two roles?
# 3—THE CHANGE-UP: Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman. Who talked you guys into this turkey?
# 2—MARS NEEDS MOMS: You say it’s not a comedy? Ok, I agree. It’s a tragedy. They should’ve abducted the filmmakers instead.
# 1 WORST MOVIE of 2011: BUCKY LARSON–BORN TO BE A STAR: Nick Swardson as a small town grocery bagger who follows in his parents’ footsteps….as a porn star.
But for everything that soured this reviewer during the past year, there were the good ones. My list of favorites coming soon, right here on KC Confidential.

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Donnelly: Sporting KC Firestarter Graham Zusi Gets Recognition He Deserves

So now it’s official.  Officially official…

It’s a drum I started beating early last season after watching a few Sporting Kansas City games. It was so obvious. And I kept pounding that thing all season.

Graham Zusi is the best player on the team. 

Not only is he the best player, he also happens to occupy the center midfielder position, a spot that can dictate the entire flow of a game and determine the personality of a squad.

As the 2011 MLS regular season neared its end, I cast my media ballot in Zusi’s favor for team MVP, though he ended up losing to Jimmy Nielsen, who had a solid year as well between the pipes.

But now it’s not just us die hard SKC fans that know about Zusi.

Zusi was just voted the Breakout Player of the Year by and was picked up by the U.S. Men’s National Team to train for its January camp.

So what makes Graham Zusi so effective?  It’s certainly not his blazing speed nor his athleticism, though he is solid in both categories.  He’s not all that physically imposing, listed generously at 5’10” and 160 pounds.

The first thing most casual observers would probably notice is his lashing right foot.  Zusi is a great ball-striker, both in terms of serving crosses into the box, and long range shooting.  Who can forget the 50 yard bomb he surprised Kevin Hartman with in Dallas?  Even more impressive than that laser was his 35 yard cannon that beat the Portland Timbers at LIVESTRONG.

And Zusi took most of SKC’s corners and set pieces, both of which require, more than anything else, consistency and a refined foot with the ability to curl and bend the ball to a spot on the field the size of a stop sign.   

So yes, Zusi’s right boot is a deadly weapon.  But perhaps his bigger asset lies in his foot skills and awareness on the pitch.

As a center midfielder, Zusi is on the ball maybe more than anyone else.  So you have to have a guy you can trust to make correct decisions, a guy who can push and pull the opposing defenses to create space for other Sporting players to run into.  Sometimes you need this guy to hold the ball a little bit, to dribble it around or hold it up.

These things often go unnoticed by the newer soccer fans, but Zusi does these subtle small-seeming things with an ease and calm that we haven’t seen here in KC in awhile.  He doesn’t try to beat defenders with his speed or muscle- instead, Zusi is smart and shifty, and he rarely gets dispossessed.  I mean, think of KC’s previous mainstay at center mid, Davy Arnaud.  Is there anything calm or subtle about his game?  Not really.

What Davy gives you is high energy hustle, maybe a reckless challenge or two, and OK passing. 

Zusi’s game, on the other hand, is so much more refined, and is in the mold of a true holding midfielder who is comfortable on the ball, who can keep defenders on the back foot, and who can ping accurate long range crosses.

As I’ve said before, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Sporting started their amazing run of good form right about the same time that Arnaud went out to have sports hernia surgery.  Arnaud’s absence on the field, both physically and mentally (he was very influential, and was the captain), allowed Zusi some room to breathe, to do things his way, to really blossom into the type of player that head coach Peter Vermes has always suspected he could be.

"Each year that I’ve been here, I’ve protected [Zusi] when we have expansion drafts,” Vermes told’s Andrew Wiebe.  “With him not playing a lot, that’s kind of unusual. But I protected him because I’d seen the quality he has, and I didn’t want to lose that.”

Props to Vermes for recognizing Zusi’s talents even when he wasn’t playing much.  But now we need to lock Zusi down long term.  Players like him don’t come around very often, and at only 25 years old, he can be part of the team’s foundation for years to come.   

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Glazer: Power & Light District on the Ropes as Plaza Takes Top Spot

Last Friday after afternoon my brother Jeff and I had some business downtown…

As we were leaving the area around 1 p.m. we decided to take a look at what was up in the Power & Light area. To be fair it was daytime, however this is Christmas shopping season and it was about 50 degrees and clear outside. Power and Light boasts that it has 50 stores, shops, restaurants and bars all under (kinda) one roof. A billion dollar entertainment romp.

Yes? No.

There was nobody – and I mean nobody – down there. We stopped at about six major restaurants and found zip. The main, most popular one, McFadden’s had about six people eating and drinking inside. The manager said "Well, its daytime, there’s not much going on. We had some people in earlier, try the weekend nights."

We walked to the 810 Zone next door and they were, uh, closed. Raglan Road nearby was closed and owes back rent of around $400,000. Cordish let them stay without really ever paying rent for more than a year knowing it would be impossible for anyone to make that giant hole work. So why leave it empty?

We traveled inside the ‘mall’ area, which was empty except for about four or five people walking around. Again, it’s 1 p.m. at the height of the Christmas shopping season. On and on it went. The Bristol was the busiest with 30 people inside. A $4 million restaurant on a Friday during Christmas and only 30 people there for lunch. Sure they had maybe another 30 or 40 earlier, but that’s nothing.

Bottom line: In Year Four of the rebuild of downtown’s Power and Light District it has crashed.

The P&L never really flew. Its honeymoon was brief, and now instead of growing it’s dying.

Expansion is zero. There are few retail shops and not even a QUICK TRIP. Yes, I know it’s a bar area busy only on weekends and special events at Sprint Center. But all of that appears to be way down. Sure, New Year’s Eve will be busy, but most weekends have fallen off badly.

Parking is tough, not enough people live near the area, there area crime problems and more importantly, they have nothing to offer that PLAZA, WESTPORT OR MARTINI CORNER don’t already have. Yes, the bars are newer and nicer but that is wearing down as well.

Simply put, it’s been a loser from Day One and it’s getting worse.

I would imagine that few of those places pay much if any rent and haven’t for some time as other places didn’t. All of this money should have been spent in mid-town. The Plaza, Westport, Brookside and Waldo just should have chipped in to clean up downtown and let it go from there. In time though, it still probably wouldn’t have worked.

On the other hand, the Plaza is on the move, baby.

There are new restaurants that work, bar crowds at night have returned. It’s upbeat and the shopping crowds are solid. Just opened and well done places include, Gram & Dun, Seasons 52 and the new KC hot spot for finding your next divorce: Zocalo Mexican Cuisine and Tequila. The latter has girls, girls, girls – mostly on weekends – but weeknights aren’t bad either.

The Plaza is still King.

I wrote about Westport a few weeks back. They too are on a big upswing. No more hip-hop, crime is nearly gone, and the big weekend crowds of young white hipsters dancing and drinking have returned.

I’ll do an update on some of the new places mentioned and report back soon. I know it’s tough times out there, but Power & Light should have been better thought out for all the money we threw at the thing. So far it has not worked.

Check all of them out over the holidays and have some fun.

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Starbeams: The Top 5 Things That Happened at the Gates BBQ Fire

Gates BBQ in Leawood suffered fire damage early this morning.
#5. Firefighters arrived and began yelling, "Hi, May I Help You?"
#4. Out of habit, KCPD ran inside the building and placed their trays on the counter.
#3. Spectators got a great deal on some REALLY burnt ends.
#2. An argument broke out over whether or not a fire at Gates was better than a fire at Arthur Bryant’s.
#1.  No one was surprised to find the fire truck ticketed for parking at US TOY.

Kelly Urich is the morning host on The Point 99.7 FM

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Today: Thumbs Up to Joco Leaf Ban, H&M Shopping Report & Star’s New ‘913’

Something for everyone today, even Jardine’s haters and future Jardine’s lovers…

One of my all-time, good-for-the-earth, suburban pet peeves is taking a step towards being eliminated. Starting in January, yard waste will no longer be picked up in Johnson County and dumped in landfills. 

Hats off to the Johnson County Commission for doing the right thing.

 Starting in January, "Yard waste collected curbside will be required to be composted rather than disposed of in a landfill…" the Johnson County Sustainability Program Web site says. "The changes to the Code will require all residential trash haulers operating in Johnson County to provide specified minimum solid waste services to their residential customers to divert more recyclable and compostable materials away from landfills to beneficial reuse."

Why should you care?

Because bagging grass and leaves is pointless and wasteful. Mulching with a lawnmower is not only better for your lawn, but it saves fuel guzzling trash trucks from having to lumber around town to pick everything up and dump it in landfills that are filling up fast.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s what the Grounds Maintenance, a site for "golf and green industry professionals" says: "The easiest and cheapest way to dispose of leaves is to mulch them into the turf. This is not a new idea, but universities have only recently compiled enough data to determine that tree-leaf mulching has no long-term negative effects on the turf. Studies at Michigan State, Cornell, Rutgers and Purdue have concluded that mulching tree leaves is an excellent disposal method that does not harm healthy turf."

The new JOCO ordinance requires trash haulers to offer composting services (for an upcharge) to Johnson Countians who persist in bagging clippings and leaves, which the county (and I) hope will result in more mulching and less needless trash disposal.


H&M on the Plaza

It’s been a while since there was this much advance buzz on a retail store opening…

The countdown and excitement over clothing store H&M was huge. Including my 14 year-old daughters who had the esteemed pleasure of checking out H&M in Tucson last summer. And make no mistake, H&M has been packed since its recent pre-holiday opening.

So down I went, fashion conscious teens in tow to get a first hand read on the place. To my surprise, here’s what I got; disappointment.

"Forever 21 is for younger people," says daughter Savannah. "You can shop at H&M if you’re older. It’s cheaper than Urban Outfitters but it’s not as hip as Urban Outfitters,"

So what’s missing?

"I just don’t like the clothes they have right now. They had more stuff that I liked in Tucson last summer."

The KC Star’s new ‘913’ weekly magazine

Eat your hearts out Missourians…

New Star Wednesday insert 913 is clearly targeted to replace the dearly departed Johnson County Sun.

And so far, so good.

For the past two weeks 913 weighed in at 36 and 32 pages in length. Nearly as large as what’s left of the Pitch.

However, the similarity ends there. There’s not a hip bone in 913’s body with the possible exception of Steve Rose – who finally has a current pic of himself and he’s looking pretty good. No way Rose is used to the type of editorial scrutiny that’s mandated at the Star, but when he wants to get pissy and take somebody or something down, he knows how to play the game. Here’s hoping the Star lets him.

The Star is throwing just about everything but the kitchen sink into the mix and it appears to be a content / news improvement over what was left of the Sun the past few years as it slipped toward oblivion. It’s even got Joyce Smith from the business section. Which could be a good thing if she can come up with enough content apart from her business section columns. She had a bunch of good stuff in the first 913, but today’s column is content light with nothing more than a filler, puff piece on a Leawood nut shop. A Leawood nut shop? Yep.

Anne Brockhoff’s new dining column could be a winner, but the Star is pretty goosey about letting people other than the designated reviewer assign a ratings number. So you have to plow through the column and then guess to what extent she liked it. It’s a great concept, but the newspaper needs to entrust her to make that call, otherwise many readers may find it skipable.

The main feature news content is a little PC for Johnson Countians. And a lot devoid of much news (unlike the Sun).

Week Two’s "Breaking Free, Unshackling from the chains of hyper-parenting," for example.  And then today’s, "We’re Diverse. Really! How a 100 percent increase in our black, Hispanic and Asian residents is reflected in our schools, institutions and neighborhoods."

I’ve been living in Johnson County for more than 20 years now, and I can tell you those are not the must read kind of stories locals are looking for. Let alone thirsting for. The Star needs to figure a way to get some real news into 913 if it wants to be much more than an ad rag.

The $64 million question: Can the Star think outside its "normal" news box enough to truly matter to suburban Johnson Countians who still lump the Plaza in with downtown and consider KC’s crown jewel too dangerous to let their teenage kids roam free?  Even by day?

We’ll see.

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Today: Neverending Jardine’s Saga, a Mother Weighs in on Firing Rumors & More

Amidst the back-and-forth tales of Jardine’s firing its entire staff lies a single, glaring contradiction…

The local news media – including this site – bought into and reported that owner Beena Raja had fired the Plaza jazz club’s entire staff. That fifteen people had been unceremoniously turned out on the streets right ahead of the holidays.

Nevermind that none of that had been confirmed with Jardine’s. Or later, when Raja was finally cornered she denied it, saying the general manager/cook had resigned, two staffers had been fired and another walked out.  Not surprisingly a local waiter blogger championed the staff firing story without even attempting to contact Raja.

Worse yet, a local TV news organization that has lead much of the news charge on Jardine’s woes employs a reporter who’s daughter worked at Jardine’s and is alleged to have been among the three servers Raja found drinking for free at 4 a.m. Thanksgiving morning.

None of the stories I’ve seen disclosed that potential conflict to viewers.

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter.

Was the entire staff fired or is it possible, as Raja maintains, that a handful of disgruntled staffers who quit or were fired told the remaining staff not to show up at the club because everybody had been fired?

Enter concerned Raytown mom Deidra Foley Sexton whose son has worked at Jardine’s for the past year and a half, earning his way through college. Against her better judgement – but in the interest of fair play – Sexton agreed to tell the other side of the story.

Did her son get fired by Raja?

"No he did not," Sexton says. "He never got a phone call saying he was fired. His friends from work called him and said everybody was just fired, so he assumed that he was fired."

Sexton says she’s familiar with Raja’s partying rep, but has no knowledge of her alleged outbursts of temper.

"I think she’s shown a lot of kindness until this situation," Sexton says. "My son’s worked there a year and a half and I’ve never heard him say she was a terrible boss.

"I feel so sorry for her. When this first started I didn’t understand what had happened and I was just so angry at Beena, like how could she do that? And now that I understand more about it, I just feel so sorry for her."

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 67 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Tom Cruise Delivers on ‘MISSION’

Paramount’s release pattern for MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE-GHOST PROTOCOL has been confusing at best to the average moviegoer.

Many fans hit their local megaplexes this past weekend only to find out it wasn’t playing there—YET!

It opened only on IMAX screens last Friday.

Regular theaters weren’t scheduled to open the blockbuster until today (12/21). But then with Columbia Pictures’ THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO moved its opening up from today to yesterday (12/20) at 7:00 p.m., so Paramount did one better. They also moved MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE 4’s regular engagements up one day and beat TATTOO’s first performances by 2 hours—starting shows at 5:00 p.m.

So if you were either disappointed last weekend or didn’t want to cough up the steep $15 IMAX ticket price, your wait is over—with change left over for popcorn.

With this 4th edition of the franchise, producers Tom Cruise and J.J. Abrams are giving us the best sequel since it all began on the big screen in 1996.

Some would say that it even tops the original.

M:I-GHOST PROTOCOL is non-stop spy action fueled by incredible stunts with Tom Cruise taking on just about anything and everything.

The centerpiece of the film is a visually mind blowing sequence that features Dubai’s Burj Khalifa Tower.
Cruise treats the tallest building in the world like a playground jungle gym.

This alone is worth the price of admission.

Add the destruction of the Kremlin and it’s no wonder the President disavows IMF operative Ethan Hunt along with the rest of the agency and initiates ‘ghost protocol’.

Also along for the action ride—and it’s a rocky one—Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton and Josh Holloway.

Did I enjoy the picture?

Oh yeah. And I was worn out when it finally all ended some 2 hours and 10 minutes later.

4 out of 5 kick-ass fingers way up for MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE-GHOST PROTOCOL.


JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ Am & Fm and at 8:20 a.m. on 1660 RADIO BACH. Also anytime on Time-Warner Cable’s K.C. ON DEMAND, Channel 411.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 3 Comments

Glazer: God Save The Kansas City Chiefs! Scribe Tortured by Love / Hate Affair

So last night Stanford’s had its holiday party on the Plaza at the hot new Zocalo restaurant and nightspot…

Take it from me it’s THE place to be on weekend nights now. Pretty ladies ages 25 to 45, sharp guys, plus it’s a money place. Nice.

The food is good, too and there’s a large bar area. Anyway, I sat with my brother, Jeff, his girlfriend and my long time pal Joel, a manager at Stanford’s. We grew up together and Joel was explaining how great the NEW CHIEFS are.

"Boy, if we’d had Kyle Orton a few weeks back, we’d be in the playoffs. Beating Green Bay (which may have cost me some nice dough that I’ve waited all year for) was so sweet. The Chiefs proved who was the best team in the NFL."


So we got into it. I explained that I’d been a Chiefs fan since I was a little boy. Around 1963 or 1964. Lenny THE COOL Dawson and Otis Taylor were my childhood heros along with Muhammed Ali. That I lived and died for this team for 40 years – practically my whole life. That I almost never missed a game and bought season tickets when I got back from LA in 1990 – the whole nine yards.

And what did they give me? HEARTACHE.

Sure there was the Super Bowl win in 1970. As I’ve written, I went to the parade for the team and my hero Otis Taylor wouldn’t sign my hat and pushed me away from him on the stage. I was a kid and it hurt.

But that didn’t stop me from loving the Kansas City Chiefs.

In LA I would PAY the bartender to switch to the Chiefs games on cable. We got some games due to the Raiders being in LA back then. Or I would get up at 9 AM Sunday to drive to the sports bar and make sure the 10 AM game was KC . It was a two-hour drive which was tough after those long LA Saturday nights.

Oh yeah, I bought in big.

I remember in Vegas around 1993 or 1994 being proud when guys in the gym saw my Chiefs T-shirt and asked, "Wow, you ever meet Joe Montana or Marcus Allan?" I told them not only had I met them, I  kinda was friends with both of them.

A cab driver out there recited the entire 1969 Chiefs line-up for me and I gave him a $40 tip. Yep, I was hooked…Chiefs forever.

When they lost a big game I got headaches and it really hurt for days. Later I got into a business relationship as President and Chair of the Red Friday rallys here. I was close with the Marty Schottenheimer teams of the 90’s and hung out with the top guys like Neil Smith, Derrick Thomas, Marcus and Joe. Fun times, fun nights.

Still they always let me down come January. Every single time.

Anyway, so Joel got on my ass for dumping on the Chiefs.

"Hey, if you don’t like the Chiefs, why don’t you and Jeff move away," he said.


My brother had changed me on the Chumps in 2003 – the UNDEFEATED SEASON – 13-3. Nevermind that it was supposed to be 16-0. The day before the Colts play-off game Jeff had my younger brother fly to Vegas and bet against KC.

He knew I wouldn’t take our pool money and bet against my team. And I was pissed.

I said, "Now I can’t enjoy the game."  But reality hit, we ARE NOT GREAT. We always lose when it matters. And overall we’re terrible. We are the Cleveland Browns, yesterdays news. It hit me hard. From then on – and Jeff was right the Chiefs got killed – I became a non Chumps fan.

I began to see the truth, that it’s a business. The players only care about each other and themselves.


Oh yeah, the red-haired kid Kerry Reardon who was an average player. The best players on the team are predominantly of color while most fans are white. The two are not usually pals in real life. And most of the big stars always move away the second their careers here end.

KC is just a big locker room to these guys.

Again, there are rare exceptions. Dawson is the biggest, but  if Lenny had $10 million would he have stayed? Remember, he got the top sports TV/Radio gigs here which pay pretty good money. And the few others who stayed didn’t get much from us – Otis Taylor, Neil Smith, Ed Budde, Ted McNight.

Having said all that, boy it sure would be nice to win another Super Bowl. Even in my disgust, deep down, I still have a soft spot for our Kansas City Chiefs. God Help Me.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 18 Comments

Hearne: Mission Improbable, Taking It To The Imax

Let me begin by saying this is not a movie review…

However, I did see the new Tom Cruise movie Mission Impossible last night. In all its Imax glory. Jack had assured me it was top notch – and I won’t argue that – however I’ll pass along a few things worth noting.

Starting with the intense opening scene.

Without getting into the specifics, I will tell you this; the volume at at AMC’s Studio 30 in Olathe was kinda painful. To the point of being annoying. That from a guy who has a lifetime achievement award for blasting movies and music at sound pressure levels that many find offensive.

It wasn’t a quality type of deafening either. Rather it was harsh and heavy with too much emphasis on higher and midrange frequencies.

Something had to be wrong.

So wrong that I actually left the theater to tip off an AMC staffer that he might want to look into it.

"I’ll check it out," he said. "But the Imax is set at a certain level."

And so it went. After a while it sorta seemed normal. Really loud normal. So much that the GF said she felt like she’d just left an incredibly loud rock concert.

So if getting your ears blasted half off is something that sounds less than appealing, you may want to save a few bucks and opt for the standard issue Mission Impossible, which I believe opens today.

As for the Imax experience, only portions of the movie were shot in Imax, Jack says. And you can tell. Some of the panoramic scenes of Dubai are breathtaking. As were a number of the key action sequences. I guess they save a lot of money by not doing the entire movie in Imax, but it’s spectacular enough at times, that if you can weather the sound storm, go for it. Or maybe try the old napkins in the ears trick.

Did you know Tom Cruise turns 50 this coming July?

Knowing that going in I was curious to see how he looked. Cruise still looks pretty young, but nothing like in the original Mission Impossible 15 years ago. Or even five years back in Mission Impossible III.

While Cruise still looks good he’s no Ashton Kutcher.

So when you see the wildly improbable stunts and feats of daring he allegedly accomplishes as a 50 year-old dude, well, seeing is far from believing. In one scene in which Cruise wears a beard, one of the side shots make him look a little like a young Tom Selleck.

I say young because Selleck is 66 now.

However he was only 35 when he first starred in the television series Magnum P.I. and 43 when it ended. And Selleck didn’t fake do 100th of the feats we’re supposed to believe Cruise pulls off with barely a single, minor, fleeting concussion.

So be sure to engage your suspension of disbelief.

Quick aside; the rich dude who tries to bed co-star Paula Patton looks an awful lot like Mancow.

I’d like to not give away the ending, but I can’t stop myself.

Why didn’t they just quit while they were ahead? At well over two hours in length, the movie is already a bit long. Yet instead of going out clean, they tacked on a tres queer, post action, buddy scene and added some nonsense about Cruise relationship with his supposedly dead wife. Why? Who cares at that point?

If time is of the essence, you may want to cut out after all the bad guys are dead and clear the ringing sound from your head.

That is, if you go to the Imax version and that AMC dude was telling me the truth about the sound being pre-set.

Posted in Entertainment | Tagged | 5 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Unsettling ‘GIRL WITH DRAGON TATTOO’ Evokes Intense Experience

For many, THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO is the most highly anticipated film of the holiday season…

Others—especially those who read the book or saw the original, subtitled foreign version—are worried that director David Fincher’s americanization of Stieg Larsson’s powerful thriller won’t translate well in Hollywood’s hands.

Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.

Come to think of it, it’s all good news. Finche’s version of THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO delivers—and then some. And for the record I’ve never seen the original, but friends who’ve seen both Swedish and American versions tell me that Mr. Fincher’s new film has far exceeded their expectations.

Another plus: You’re not bothered with subtitles.

TGWTDT is an extremely intense motion picture and marks the first chapter in Larsson’s mystery thriller millennium trilogy. Here investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) is hired by a wealthy Swedish patriarch to delve into his family’s mysterious past. To find out what happened to his niece who disappeared 40 years ago.

But after digging deep into the family’s secrets, financial records and the personal histories of the players involved, Craig now finds himself in need of assistance.

Enter brilliant recluse Lisbeth Salander, played to perfection by Rooney Mara, who’s already been honored with a Golden Globe BEST ACTRESS nomination for her powerful and eccentric performance as the girl with the dragon tattoo.

No need to go deeper in detail here except to forewarn you that two major scenes in this film are very hard to watch. One is the story’s key rape scene which is probably unlike any you’ve ever experienced in a major motion picture.

Did it HAVE to be that brutal?

Probably, because it sets up an obscenely intense revenge sequence guaranteed to make you squirm.

All that in 2-1/2 hours of Swedish winter settings that only add shivering coldness to the proceedings.

The original, of course, marked the first chapter of the trilogy. Will Fincher and/or Sony’s Columbia Pictures’ green light stories # 2 and # 3?

That’ll probably depend on how well this one performs at boxoffices worldwide. But based on what I experienced at the film’s recent screening, I predict big returns for this masterfully crafted super thriller.

4 out of 5 intense fingers pointing to THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO.

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ Am & Fm and at 8:20 a.m. on 1660-RADIO BACH. Also anytime on time-Warner Cable’s K.C. ON DEMAND, Channel 411.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 3 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Reaches Out, Conjures Up Christmas Spirit

These are tough times for all of us – even me…

Family deaths, film and TV deals getting even tougher now on projects – it’s hard out there for all of us. I help many friends who are in need with their problems paying bills but money is tighter for me too. We should all try and help those in need in any way we can.

And it doesn’t always have to be just about money. It can be warm phone call, a kind email or a card to let people know that you care.

I know things get a little overheated at times on this site.

I also know many of you readers think I am an egomaniac and only care about myself.

But trust me, I do care about other people. I always have. Even when I was an Outlaw I had feelings for others – well, maybe not the guys I took down, but that’s another story. Maybe if they’d they sent me a Christmas card… nah, just kidding.

For real though, if everyone would do just one kind act for another person this holiday season, that would be so excellent. Be kind to someone you haven’t been so nice to over the years. No, not to me, but someone you see and know.

I am not into God, but I love Christmas and think of it as an American Family Holiday.

All the Best!

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 11 Comments

Jack: Anybody Up for a Christmas Goose?

My wished for Christmas present this year probably won’t show up under the tree…

Come to think of it, what tree? Bah, humbug!

Were it to, however, It would come from a kitchen instead of a chimney, accompanied by the most incredibly, wonderful aroma.

I’m wishing, of course, for a great, crisp Christmas Goose dinner complete with potato dumplings, gravy and red cabbage.

OK, so I’m German already.

You may recall that I recently returned from the Mother Country where I’d hoped to top off the trip with that much-missed, beloved holiday tradition, a Christmas Goose Extravaganza. A wish that came really close only to be spoiled by a bad case of food poisoning in my pursuit of other European delicacies. So much for my planned pig out—or goose-out — if you will.

In Germany, Christmas is all about the goose. Just like turkey dominates Thanksgiving in this country.

By the way, unless you’re up for a bit of goosenapping at one of the many suburban ponds and lakes, a first class Christmas goose will set you back a pretty penny. A fresh 10 to 12 pound free-range goose from D’Artagnan in New Jersey will set you back a cool $185.99 plus shipping. The Christmas geese at Whitney Farm in England are sold out. Even a frozen Sassafras Farms eight to nine pound goose goes for $90 and $10 handling.

On the home front, German restaurant Grunauer  in the Freight House District dishes up goose from time to time. Grunauer won’t be open Christmas Day but say they may have it Christmas Eve, based on availability.

Anybody up for a good goose?

Posted in Food_and_Fashion | Tagged | 5 Comments

Urich: My Big, Wet Christmas Gift to Kansas City

For years people have met "under the clock" at Union Station

But we’ve gotten away from that tradition so, I’m proposing a new holiday tradition:  "Kiss Under the Clock."

It will be unveiled Friday morning at Union Station, and if you’re fortunate enough to kiss someone under Union Station hostoric clock, you have to drop a buck in the giant Salvation Army bucket.

It’s simple, fun and another great way to spread germs.  I mentioned it on my radio show on The Point 99.7 FM and it went viral.  TV, radio and other media will be on hand and I hope you will too.  Lord knows, we need more romantic things to do in Kansas City.  Be there for the kickoff and tell your grandchildren about it.

And Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all that from Kelly Urich, Morning host at 99-7 The Point! I’ll be there hanging mistletoe under the clock, so don’t miss it!

Posted in Starbeams | Tagged | 1 Comment

Donnelly: Need a Last Minute Gift Idea? Flip ’em a Bird (or Two)

That is, for people like myself who inevitably wait until the absolute last second. If you’re like me, every year you tell yourself this holiday season will be different. This year you’ll get going early and get the shopping done by Thanksgiving so you can kick back and relax as the days inch closer to Christmas. 

No jam-packed checkout aisles, no fighting for parking at the Legends, no swearing at soccer moms in minivans as you cut them off and slide into the space they’ve been waiting for with their blinker on for 5 minutes. 

Sounds like a plan, right?

Well, having a plan is one thing, but executing it is far more difficult.  Especially when you’re as lazy as I am. 
But don’t worry, people.  I’m here to help with the perfect last second gift.  The kind that will fill up your belly and get you drunk – two of the most important aspects of Baby Jesus’ birthday. Plus, it’s all KC, all the way. 

That’s right: smoked meats and beer, a gift that no one can be disappointed with. 

For those of you who own a smoker and know how to work it (of course you do, you live in KC), it’s simple.  Get a couple whole chickens for about $4.50 a pop, throw a dirty rub on them consisting of virtually anything in your spice cabinet, and put them in the smoker.  I prefer cherry wood, but whatever you have will do just fine.

Then make a beer run while those birds are turning golden brown.  Grab a few six packs of Boulevard’s seasonal Nutcracker Ale, a hearty, deep amber ale with a little extra alcohol at 5.8%.  It finishes hoppy and smooth, without the prominent alcohol taste that some of the more potent seasonal brews tend to have.

Come to think of it, better grab a sixer for yourself, too. There’s still meat to be smoked after all. 

Once you down a couple brews, check those chickens.  When they’re perfectly cooked let them cool for a bit then wrap those suckers in plastic wrap.  Throw a bow on top and voila!  You’re done.  Pound another Nutcracker to congratulate yourself on a job well done.

Plus, you now have a perfect gauge with which to judge your giftee — anyone who’s not excited to receive some backyard KC ‘cue and local beer should not be on your gift list anyway.

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Edelman: Time for Disgruntled Musicians to Lay Down Arms & Return to Jardine’s

Remember when you were embarrassed to ask for something from, say, your old and sickly grandmother who barely had the energy to raise her hand and pat you on the head?

"I wish for world peace, Grammy," you’d respond, and leave it at that. I mean, the old gal couldn’t afford to get you a present. She was buying more drugs than Amy Winehouse on a tour of the Balkans.

Hanging out at Jardine’s Saturday night, I thought how nice a slice of that peace would be– peace between jazz musicians and club owners. It seems somebody told somebody something, and the next thing we jazz fans knew, part of the band at Jardine’s didn’t show up. The guys who did play worked their hands off; and Beena put a brave face on it.

But this was Saturday night at the best jazz club in town. We all deserved better (even without a cover).

This boycott Beena business is a dead end.

Musicians playing in their living rooms is the bop version of trees falling in the forest; who cares? Audiences need players; players need a place to play; and somebody’s got to do the not always pleasant job of staying up til 3am, making sure the place is clean, liquor is put away and the front door locked.

I don’t want to do it; does anyone know somebody who does?

Sure, you don’t always get the perfect person in the job (remember George W Bush)? But Jardine’s has been a great place to listen and be heard for too long to just turn your back on it now.

SO– you musicians who won’t play there. How about a little slice of peace?

Bury the hatchet, recognize that a somewhat wild and crazy club owner is better than a club owner who doesn’t care, and get back to what you love doing and we love hearing you do. Come on, people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together, try to at least work with one another right now.

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Leftridge: Gift Giving Ideas for Just About Anyone

With Christmas only a stone’s throw away, I’ve decided to take the guess work out of gift-giving.

Nobody really knows what Grandpa wants and Dad has enough "executive" golf-themed items for his desk (exceptionally funny because Dad doesn’t work at a desk– he’s a ‘slicer’ on the hog-slaughtering assembly line… Get real).

Surprise them with a gift for the ages!

Have them talking for weeks afterwords! Whatever… Just buy one of these goddamned things and call it a day.

– A real OPOSSUM!

– Unrated director’s cut of ‘Dodgeball’.

– Gift certificate, K-Mart.

– 1st season of ‘Mr. Belvedere,’ Blu-Ray.

– Porter’s brand Macaroni and Cheese.

– New eyeglasses

– Herpes medication (unopened!)

-Strawberry Flavor-Ade

-Turquoise Jewelry

– Turquoise Condoms

– Orange Juice

– Orange Juicer Machine

– Those socks with the fuzzy balls on the heel

– New teeth

– Tibetan Mastiff

– 2 lbs. Black licorice

– Hot glue gun

– Gift Certificate, Yankee Candle

Now there, doesn’t that feel better to have some ideas to work with? You’re WELCOME.

Have a safe and Happy Holiday, and oh yes, look out for Harley— it sounds like he’s trying to poison (or urinate/defecate in?) Hearne‘s food. You could be next!

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Glazer: Chiefs Threaten Scribe’s Big Bet & Romeo May be Kansas City’s Juliette

Well, it happened…

The Chiefs made some big news for once, for the first time in years. They beat the undefeated Green Bay Packers at Arrowhead. Huge upset. One the Packers may not recover from. Their defense has been poor all season, Aaron Rodgers looked terrible and the Pack looked very beatable.

Reminded me of New England towards the end of their unbeaten run – they were just worn out.

The Chiefs defense showed up big. They had a good running game and quarterback Kyle Orton played mistake free football. They executed the perfect game plan. And Romeo Crennel may have won the Head Coaching job for next season.

It was a nightmare for your humble scribe, as I need one more loss to win my season bet and was sure this would be it. How could it not be? But it wasn’t. Now I need God’s Squad and Tim Tebow next week at Denver to win it for me. Christ!

I give credit to a Chiefs team that is building a good defense.

With a good quarterback this core unit could challenge next year. Drew Brees would be nice at $60 million for three years, if he would come here. He’s a free agent, but everyone will make a run at Drew. Most likely it will be hot and then cold with Kyle Orton.

Today he was good, but history shows he is only a notch above Matt Cassel.

So he’s likely not the answer.

We’ll see.Meanwhile, let’s give credit where credit is due; the Chiefs won and got some respect today.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 8 Comments

Leftridge: TV Time — The Walking Dead —

The first thing you need to know about The Walking Dead is that it’s a show about love.

We’ll let that sink in for a moment.

Are you adequately recovered from my claim? Good.

So yeah, it’s a show about love, first and foremost. It’s about love, and human nature, and the evil that men do, and familial relationships and sociological interactions.  It’s basically a primetime soap opera about a group of people, and the way they treat life, and the way life treats them. It’s a soap opera about people thrust together unwittingly into less than desirable circumstances.  And zombies.

Yes, zombies.

And to many, that’s what this show is, or what it means. It’s a tale of a bunch of people banded together by fate, shooting the shit out of zombies in order to procure themselves a better tomorrow.

And though the zombie brains may splatter, and their rotten faces be exploded under the cool blast of a 12 gauge, this show is still about the humans behind the gun, a poetic testament to those forced into a life of murderous indifference.

In case you missed the first season—and how dare you—we learned the following:

-Primary protagonist Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) was a southern sheriff who was in a coma when the madness started.

– Deputy Shane Walsh (Jon Bernthal), Rick’s BFF, thought Rick was all but dead when he fucked Rick’s wife in a moment of desperation and lust… maybe a few times.

Lori, the not-so-dead-sheriff’s wife fucked Shane, but only because she was under the working-impression that Rick was fast dead.

Carl, the small child of the not-dead sheriff and the not-whorish mother, took a shine to deputy Shane, the mother-fucker (literally). Early in season 2, Carl got shot while peacefully observing a doe, under the watchful gaze of the not-dead Rick and his probably-crazy buddy Shane.

The rest, they say, is in the notes.

Season one was slow-building, introducing us to the resourceful Asian, the wise old man, the gritty grease ball who lives off of the land, the suicidal blonde who lost her sister, the victimized mother and her daughter, and the non-descript black man.

By the end of the first part of the second season (yeah, they’re apparently splitting their second season into two parts, the second half of which is set to resume in February), Mrs. Grimes was pregnant (but whose baby?!), the blonde had slept with the crazy deputy, the crazy deputy and the wise old owl had almost murdered one another, and the resourceful Asian had fallen in love with the farmer’s daughter, after the group had assumed asylum on a well-protected farm.


Are you keeping up? Because I barely am.

But I’m giving it my best because really, it’s a good show. Still. Despite what the critics would have you believe.

It started from a graphic novel, and perhaps that’s the problem. A comic book can only go on for so long; at some point, the superheroes within have to start making bacon and eggs in the morning. They have to take their tights to the cleaner and have Sung-Lee scrub the blood and sweat stains from their socks. They have to go to the post office and call their cell phone provider to discuss their plan. They have to hit up the drive-thru at KFC and be angry when their box was provided without a biscuit.

They are human, is the point, and humans would do a lot when confronted with a field full of zombies. They’d scream and shit and, if given the opportunity, shoot the fucking heads off of said zombies. And after, they’d sit around a campfire and discuss what happened, and what might be done to prevent such attacks in the future, and how, if future-zombie attacks occurred, how they’d best be suited to defend.

And that last part—the part where they sit around and talk—that’s fucking boring. But it’s real. And I think that’s what fans (and some critics) have a problem with in the second season… it’s too boring! they cry, their fists clinched with popcorn, their fingers poised above the keyboard (a modern-day calling card of futility and aggressive comparativeness). They don’t get it.


Because some assholes only want to see zombies get their brains blown out. Some people are only satisfied when spoiled intestines are being splashed across the screen in an orgy of disgustingness.

Thankfully, there is a small group of people– learned, intelligent people who realize that without humans there’d be no zombies, and without zombies, there’d be no  Walking Dead.

But the story isn’t without it’s flaws, let’s make no mistake.

The crazy deputy grew a little too crazy, a little too quickly for my taste.

The suicidal blonde has grown into a tiresome, undesirable character.

The black guy has become wholly unimportant. He sliced his wrist by accident a few episodes a few weeks ago, and I took a drink of my Heineken and thought “huh… so this is it for him, right?

Similarly, the love-story between the Asian—who I really like—and the sexy farmer’s daughter is pointless and time-consuming… mainly because I keep picturing the Asian’s pubic hair anytime they start to get it on.

But hey, that’s on me, right?

Pubic hair and disparity aside, I have no regrets for how this half of the season ended.

After discovering a barn full of “walkers” on the farm that they’d made their home, crazy deputy Shane pulled the doors open and, as the gang of walkers sauntered out—friends, family and acquaintances of the farm owner (who believed he could save them)—the gang of “heroes” opened fire in painful slow-motion, obliterating the undead before them, including the abused mother’s daughter (missing gal who’d become a major plot-point over the past few episodes).


And it’s likely to only get heavier.

I mean, after all, a total-pandemic is pretty heavy shit.

Let’s hope we never end up there… and if we do? Be careful about who you shoot. Though Charlie Weis may walk like a zombie, that might just be regular ol’ Charlie Weis.

Are you comfortable killing KU’s new head football coach? Me too.

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