Mermaid: Check Out Restaurant Week in Kansas City, Last Three Days

It’s Restaurant Week everyone and let me be the first to say this is a fantastic way to try out places you haven’t been to yet or maybe frequent a favorite spot. My date and I tried out Starker’s Restaurant last night and had a wonderful meal. Kudo’s to them for hanging in there after the tragic death of owner / chef John McClure last October.

They are doing great!

Here are the logistics- 

It’s $15 for lunch and $30 for dinner and all the restaurants have a prix fixe menu.

A portion of the money goes to Harvesters: The Community Food Network which provides meals to neighbors in need. Last year’s event generated more than $56,000. This year will be even better as it catches on. It’s for a great cause and it’s great for your wallet!

Over 100 restaurants are participating but there are only 3 days left and I recommend you make reservations. 

Here are my top ten picks for Restaurant Week:

1. Starker’s on the Plaza
    201 W 47 St

2. Bluestem
    900 Westport Rd.

3. Gram & Dun
    600 Ward Parkway

4. JJ’s Restaurant
    910 W 48 St

5. Michael Smith
    1900 Main St.

6. Room 39
    1719 W 39 St or 10561 Mission Rd.
     816-753-3939 913-648-7639

7. Seasons 52
    340 Ward Parkway

8. Sullivan’s Steakhouse
    4501 W 119 St

9. The American Restaurant
    200 E. 25 St

10. WestChase Grille
      11942 Roe Ave

Go, support Harvester’s and have a great meal too. The weather is great so get out and have FUN!

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Man On A Ledge’ Spells Diversionary Vertigo

Granted, MAN ON A LEDGE could easily qualify as a so-called ‘high concept film’—meaning its plot can be described in a single paragraph.

However, that’s not fair to this ensemble action-thriller of vertigo proportions.

MAN ON A LEDGE stars Sam Worthington as a disgraced ex-cop who was framed, convicted and imprisoned for the theft of a rare and highly prized diamond. But to clear his name, he’s escaped the big house, checks into a Manhattan hotel and climbs onto the ledge ready to jump 200 feet down to 45th street and certain death.

Now it’s up to tough police negotiator Elizabeth Banks to talk Worthington down.

But does he really want to jump? And who is Worthington secretly communicating with from the window’s ledge on his tiny, hidden two-way? Is this all just a masterful diversion for something much bigger about to go down inside a building just across that street that would prove his innocence?

After all, the bigger the event, the bigger the distraction. And this is a doozie!

Since I don’t deal well with heights I’ll be the first to admit that there were several scenes in this motion picture that made me squirm. And to think that most of the high, out-on-the-ledge scenes were REAL instead of CGI wizardry brought the tension levels even higher for our screening audience.

Actors were decked out with invisible body harnesses.

The thriller’s top notch ensemble cast also includes Ed Burns, Jamie Bell, Billy Elliot and Ed Harris.
But my favorite here is Kyra Sedgwick playing on the spot TV reporter ‘Suzy MoRales’ to the hilt and always pronouncing her name with a rolling R similar to a certain K.C. (TV) street reporter.

Cop or no cop, you can only push an innocent man so far and MAN ON A LEDGE is living proof —make that Hollywood proof— of that old saying.

I’m raising 3-1/2 out of 5 diversionary fingers.

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ Am & Fm / Friday morning’s at 8:20 a.m. on 1660 RADIO BACH / and anytime on Time-Warner Cable’s K.C. ON DEMAND, Channel 411.

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Jack Goes Confidential: Liam Neeson ‘Dances’ with Hungry Wolves

Technically speaking THE GREY is a first class action thriller…

It’s got all the elements of fright, surprise, action and manly survival one could ask for. And its primary setting of the sub-arctic Alaskan wilderness is relentless as duplicated for the film in Canada.

THE GREY stars Liam Neeson as an unlikely hero who, along with a group of oil-rig roughnecks, are the only survivors left and stranded after their plane crashes into this godforsaken icy horrorland.

But if the jet crash and the Alaskan winter wasn’t brutal enough, the survivors now face a new enemy, a vicious packs of rogue wolves.

And they’re hungry.

One by one the men are brutally attacked and torn to pieces by these four-legged demons. Yet as the group shrinks in numbers they continue to forge ahead through the snow and raging blizzards in search of lifesaving humanity. All the while losing their battle of trying to fight off these hounds from hell.

And so it goes for nearly two relentless hours of screen time until it’s down to just Neeson, the elements and the wolves.

Can he and will he finally survive the final showdown between man and beast?

Well, the filmmakers here come dangerously close in showing this horrific one-on-one—that is until the screen suddenly goes dark and the credits begin to roll.

Hint: Try to stay through the entire end-credits for one final brief scene. It may not be the big payoff you were hoping for but it certainly points the conclusion in the right direction.

One final observation.

The plane crash, as staged from the perspective of inside the jet’s cabin, is unlike any I’ve ever witnessed in a movie. Absolutely terrifying. Hats off to the filmmakers and especially the so-called set designers and decorators.

Liam Neeson, Dermot Mulroney, Frank Grillo and James Badge Dale in director Joe Carnahan’s THE GREY, raising 3 out of 5 menacing fingers.

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ Am & Fm / Also Friday’s at 8:20 a.m. on 1660 RADIO BACH / and anytime on Time-Warner Cable’s K.C. ON DEMAND, Channel 411.

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Hearne: Don’t Look Now But Jardine’s Saga May Be Nearing End

That’s right…

Two months into one of the longest – at times silliest – and frankly saddest chapters in modern Kansas City jazz, the dudes who jumped the gun last month by telling the Pitch and Fox 4 they’d bought Jardine’s are poised at to do just that – buy Jardine’s.

Today partners Robert McCain and Joseph Fulgenzi met a drop-dead deadline for a payment owed by Jardine’s owner Beena Raja to the jazz club’s founder, Greg Halstead.

"We have, that is correct," Fulgenzi says. "We still have a couple more hoops to jump through, but it’s getting closer."

McCain and Fulgenzi must now finalize a deal on the lease with American Century, settle whatever taxes and outstanding debts may be owed and complete the aquisition of a new liquor license for the Plaza area jazz club.

The ETA on reopening Jardine’s?

"Within the next two weeks," if everything goes as hoped, Fulgenzi says.

"We’re in the last stages, we only have a couple things to do," Fulgenzi says. "We’ve actually applied for a new liquor license."

The $64 million question: can they dodge the bullet on debts incurred by Jardine’s former owner?

"I wish it were that simple," Fulgenzi says. "There’s still a lot we’re going to have to take care of. It is what it is. And we still have to live up to her lease."

To the tune of a reported $20,000 plus in back rent.

Halstead’s take on the potential new ownership group?

"I’m all for ’em, I really am," he says. "I’ve met both of ’em and they strike me as being pretty good people and I wish them all the luck in the world."

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Hearne: ‘Big Show’ Big Bro Flashes Back, Looks to Monday’s WWE Match at Sprint

To borrow a vintage local expression, Helloooooooo, wrestling fans!

Longtime wrestling afficionados may recognize announcer Bill Kersten‘s pre match incantation. Which brings us to the state of pro wrestling today and this Monday’s big WWE Raw Supershow at the Sprint Center.

The match features two main events – a first for Sprint – including a battle between John Cena and Kane, along with a host of WWE stars ranging from Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, The Divas and Big Show.

Speaking of Big Show, it was former Beaumont Club main man Jon Lunkwicz who helped him during his formative years in Wichita.

"He lived with me for a couple of years," Lunkwicz says. "And I helped him get through the brief years he was at Wichita State and helped him get into wrestling."

He hasn’t seen much of Big Show – his real name is Paul Wight – since Lunkwicz was hospitalized three years back, but he may catch up to him this coming week, time and the good lord permitting.

"You know, his schedule is they work about six days a week," Lunkwicz says. "And unless they get injured, they don’t really have vacations. And (Paul) is trying to develope other career opportunities outside of wrestling. He’s done some movies and he’s very intelligent and has a wife that’s very supportive. And he’s been doing a lot of sponsorships."

Big Show’s paid plenty of dues to get where he is now in the WWE just days ahead of his turning 40.

"Paul was in wrestling for 10 years before he made a dime, because he was stupid and he spent (all) his money," Lunkwicz says. "His standard fee for a supermarket or something was like $10,000. Like he helped open a casino for Donald Trump and he took his money in chips and gambled it away. He got paid a very nice sum of money, but then he gambled it away. And like Bill Gates had a bunch of wrestlers come out to his compound just to show up and shake hands with the guests, and I think Paul got something like $20,000."

But back to Monday’s matches at Sprint…

The thing with Paul is they let him be (world) champion this year for like 15 minutes," Lunkwicz says. "But they don’t like to let big people be champions very long. Usually the champions are average-sized because the American public wants to see David beat Goliath."

In Big Show’s most recent WWE storyline he accidentally ran into and injured WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan‘s girlfriend at ringside, while chasing the champ after taking a chair thumping. When he realized what he’d done, Big Show broke down in tears and cried like a baby while pretend paramedics removed her from the ring apron.

So were Wight’s tears little more than – pardon the expression – a big show?

"I don’t think so, Paul did cry," Lunkwicz says. "Paul knows how to cry. Paul is a great actor. He is an exceptional human being. If he was more like Hulk Hogan’s size he would be a movie star today. He’s articulate, he’s funny and he does great imitations – like he used to come out like Hulk Hogan.

"One time we went to see Terminator 2 and we dressed Paul in my black leather bomber jacket – this was when he weighed only like 330 pounds at Wichita State – and he stood by the life-sized Terminator standee and talked to kids. It was great, it was wonderful."  

Big Show’s current girth came later, Lunkwicz says.

"He actually weighs close to 500 pounds. He can fluctuate 10 to 20 pounds in a day. There was one point when he had lypo, when he was going from WCW to the WWF, and they took 30 to 40 pounds out of each of his legs. They took like a whole human being out of him.

"He was the same size as Shaquille O’Neal in college. All the weight he put on was after he was in wrestling – all the magic juices they fed him. He (actually) had an operation when he was young so he would stop growing. They thought he was going to grow another five or six inches to 7 foot 6 inches."

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Donnelly/ Grogan: AWOLNATION @ The Beaumont in KC, January 22, 2012

If any of you guys were brave enough to make it out to the Beaumont on Sunday, you would have seen KCC photog Katie Grogan elbowing her way through sweaty dudes in the chops to hold her position up near the front.


And you would have seen AWOLNATION, a band that is gaining some real momentum among the alt-rock crowd, with its electronic infused party thrash that’s getting copious airplay on stations like 96.5 the Buzz and the like.


Word is they tore the roof off the Beaumont Club in front of a near sold out crowd.  But don’t take my word for it, I wasn’t there.  Hear’s how Katie put it, and check out a few of her shots of the band after the jump…


"Awolnation’s sold out show at The Beaumont Club Sunday was nothing but pure energy and excitement," Grogan says. "As soon as the guys hit the stage the crowd went insane and it didn’t stop until the show was over. This was my first time seeing Awol and I didn’t expect it to be this energetic.

"You can watch as many videos of them as you want, but you’ll never quite get how intense their live show is until you actually witness it. Towards the end of Awol’s set, when they started their song "Sail," the place exploded. I actually had to relocate myself to the back the crowd got to crazy.

"All the bands that played Sunday were extremely personable and expressed their appreciation to the crowd, which means a lot to me. You can really tell that they’re passionate about what they do and they aren’t just in it for the money or fame."

photography by katie grogan

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Glazer: Dov Davidoff, Jim Jefferies, Broken Lizards on Way to KC

People often ask, "Who’s the next big name coming to Stanford’s?"

And I say, "Well, I try to book big names every week. It’s just different stokes for different folks." Truth is, just like music or the NFL/NBA these days, the big names change very quickly. There are new stars every year and, sadly, some bigger names fall off the map faster than is fair. But that’s the way it is today.

We have two of the top three comics coming in the next couple months.

One name that might suprise you is this week’s star, Dov Davidoff. Dov has blown it up the last two years and many people – me included – rank him in the top five standup comics today, along with names like Lewis Black and Jim Jefferies.

Dov comes from a painful and edgy place in life.

He’s still fairly young, in his mid 30’s, and looking to hit the ball out of the park. He starred in RAINES with Jeff Goldblum and the hit film Invincible with Mark Wahlberg. He’s been on Chelsea, some Showtime specials, a one hour Comedy Central special and on and on.

Davidoff‘s always working, but his comedy has gotten so rich, he’s now one of the most sought out stand-ups.

Dov just shot a new one hour TV special in Amsterdam and he’s at Stanford’s this week.

Other big names coming over the next few weeks include, THE BROKEN LIZARDS. Their first time ever to KC will be next week at Stanford’s. The troupe made its mark in comedy films including Super Trooper, Club Dread, The Dukes of Hazard and Beerfest. Its two main guys, Steve Lemme and will be here February 2-4 and it looks to be a sell out show for audiences under 30.

Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson, stars of THE CRANK YANKERS and HEAVY METAL TV shows will be at Stanford’s the last week of February. Jim made this line famous, ‘I GOT MAIL, I GOT MAIL, I GOT MAIL…YEAH, GREAT!!!!"  Jim and Don also did several DVD’s and CD’s Terrorizing Telemarketers…all still played on 98.9 The Rock with Johnny Dare.

March 8-10 will be a sure sell out weekend with Austrailian superstar and Jim Jefferies. Jim’s HBO special I SWEAR TO GOD, still gets play and made him a big name comic everywhere. It will be Jim’s fourth trip to Stanford’s. He usually does theaters now, but will do at least one more week at the club. He’s a modern day Richard Pryor meets George Carlin.

He steps on too many toes, but somehow gets away with it – maybe it’s the accent. He even made Teresa on Mix 93.3 cry when he explained to her there was no God on the air. They later made up.

There are many more, but these are all stand out shows. If you want to see the new breed of comedy and stars pick one and come on out, see if I’m right.

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Sounds Good: The Lemonheads@Granada, Mountain Sprout@Bottleneck


Step yo game up, KC!

OK, yes, I love Lawrence. So maybe I’m biased. Scratch that, I’m definitely biased.

But lately it seems like LaLa is bringing all the shows right to ME. Just making it too easy, you know?

For example, the Greasy Hair Tour is stopping through this weekend with a trio of shows.

The headliner is, of course, Evan Dando of the Lemonheads with perhaps the greasiest hair this world has ever seen.

Then throw in some hillbilly folk and indie rockers who actually try to make their hair like that and, well… no one light a match, OK?

Friday, January 27th

The Lemonheads at the Granada in Lawrence

I’ll be honest here (not like usual), the Lemonheads are one of my all-time favorites.  I discovered their stuff right before the Seattle grunge boom and followed them heavily through the early 2000s.  When I learned how to play a couple guitar chords and was drafted into a garage band, most of my songs ended up sounding like ripped off Lemonheads B-sides.

If you’re not a fan, you probably only know the Lemonheads from their up-tempo cover of Paul Simon’s classic, Mrs. Robinson.  The cover was their biggest hit and garnered plenty of radio airplay in the early to mid 90s.  Though the song was not originally included on their 1992 album, It’s a Shame About Ray, the song’s success prompted a re-release of the album with Mrs. Robinson tacked on at the end.

The band’s current tour features only one original member, the former heart throb and Gen X slacker king, Evan Dando, along with Bad Brains drummer Chuck Treece and former Taking Back Sunday bassist Fred Mascherino. Their shows lately have seen Dando play a few songs solo, then bring the band onstage to play through the whole Ray album before finishing out with a handful of tunes from the Lemonheads’ catalogue.  Sometimes they play Mrs. Robinson, sometimes they don’t, giving credence to the rumor that Dando resented his label’s insistence on re-releasing Ray. 

Time has been kind to Dando and friends, with many critics giving them credit for bridging the gap between the alt bands and the alt-country acts that exploded after the flannel industry bottomed out.    


Friday & Saturday, January 28th

Mountain Sprout at the Bottleneck in Lawrence

If you’re looking for a laid back vibe, maybe an upscale cocktail like they serve at that Manifesto thingy, this is not the place for you.  In fact, if you’re going to attend this show you might want to go ahead and just burn all your clothes afterwards. 

Mountain Sprout hails from weird and wonderful Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and they bring the Ozarks with them wherever they go.  You know, songs about fighting, smoking the reef, whiskey, cousins, beards, missing teeth, you get the idea.  They’ve been blazing a down home trail the last couple years, touring relentlessly and playing big time slots at festicals like Wakarusa

They’ve jammed with Willie, Widespread, and Yonder, and they really tear up their instruments.  Make no mistake – despite the fact that they are probably playing one-eyed they are excellent musicians who take the traditional string band deal and make it their own.  Keep a particular eye on fiddle player Blayne Thiebaud who thoroughly impressed last time I caught these guys.

Mountin Sprout’s playing both Friday and Saturday night at the Bottleneck.

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Hearne: Jardine’s Sudden Death Sale Coming Down to the Wire Wednesday

There have surely been dicier business propositions than the sale of Jardine’s...

Then again, I’ve yet to be privy to one. Let’s review, shall we?

Following a series of flareups with her manager / chef, Jardine’s owner Beena Raja and a hairstylist pal returned to the club by cab in the wee hours Thanksgiving morning to retrieve the stylist’s car. Only to discover a passel of servers drinking and smoking illegally after hours at the club.

On Jardine’s dime, no less, Raja says.

Here’s where it gets a little dicey. Even though the staff was breaking the law – not to mention helping themselves to jazz club’s booze without paying – instead of firing everyone or sending them packing – Raja joined the group and they partied on well into the daylight hours.

Then later, after scolding the chef dude, he resigned, two subordinates were fired and a dishwasher walked, Raja says.

The rest is history.

A number of servers were apparently told they’d been fired and didn’t show up to work – even though they’d not heard directly from Raja. Another longtime server showed up at Jardine’s and tried to convince Raja to get a grip on herself and the business, sources say. However that backfired and ended in an unpleasent exchange with Raja calling the police on him.

Minutes later, the server’s stepfather, local jazz icon Stan Kessler and his band The Sons of Brasil showed up to play that night, learned of his son’s ouster, held an impromptu meeting outside on Main Street and decided not to play.

Oh, and one more thing…

Kessler then allegedly sent a mass email to other KC jazz musicians urging them not to play Jardine’s. Game on. A jazz club killing musician boycott ensued that rendered the club dark for most of the past two months.

The current nightmare / quagmire  is so complex even the most ardent jazz afficionados would be hard pressed to strain through it for the inner truth.

But in a nutshell two parties, a former Sprint exec and a pair of well-intentioned gay dudes have been actively pursuing the purchase of Jardine’s. However, as of today, the club’s future and ownership remain completely up in the air.

Here’s what passes for what’s known…

The ex Sprint dude – Paul Wilson – was unable to carve out anything approaching a deal that made sense or could be accurately delineated. So now, he’s basically out.

"From here, if everyone else defaults or drops out, we’ll buy it," Wilson says. "My grandfather always told me, ‘You don’t wrestle with a pig. You find out in about 30 seconds that you’re dirty and the pig actually likes it. That’s where we are. We’re real dirty at this point."

That leaves hair stylist Robert McCain and partner Joseph Fulgenzi – who famously told the Pitch and Fox 4 last month they’d bought Jardine’s – still in the running.

According to Raja, former Jardine’s co-owner Pat Hanrahan and founder Greg Halstead – who is still owed money on the purchase of the club by Raja – McCain and Fulgenzi are still in negotiations with all parties to buy Jardine’s.

However, a final deal is yet to be struck.

And an important deadline in this complicated mess goes down tomorrow. That being that Raja’s monthly payment to Halstead is due. And if it’s not reciecved Halstead could move on the assets of the club.

The bottom line: If McCain and Fulgenzi make the payment to Halstead, come to terms with landlord American Century and clear up whatever back taxes and liquor expenses are owed, they just might become the actual new owners of Jardine’s.

That’s a pretty big "if" though.

All that said, pretty much everybody in this tired game is hoping they can pull it off.

We’ll see.

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Starbeams: Red Light Cam Mythology, West Edge Boom & Driveway Blues

A new study by KCPD finds red-light cameras do not decrease the number of injury accidents at intersections.  In fact, rear-end wrecks, injury wrecks and overall wrecks increased dramatically.  Police became suspicious when they realized the cameras were made by Maaco.


Construction in the KC area was off 43 percent in 2011.  In fact, there wouldn’t have been any construction work at all if it weren’t for the West-Edge project on the Plaza.


During his State of the Union address, President Obama is expected to announce legislation that would ban the driveway tax in Mission.


Kelly Urich is the morning show host on The Point 99.7 FM

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Glazer: No Family Feud Here, Stan Glazer Turns 80, Parties at InterContinental

Well, my dad Stan Glazer turned 80 on New Years Day…

That’s a real milestone in our family because not only is he the oldest living male Glazer, as far as we know, he’s now the oldest ever. Most of our us pass away in our 70’s.

Stan’s wife, Lori Glazer – about half my dad’s age at 42 – threw a big splash at the InterContinental hotel on the Plaza. They used the top floor and bar area which holds several hundred. It was mostly friends and family that attended with just over 200 people.

And get this, the last time I was in that space it was in 2003 for my own wedding reception.

Yep, I got married at what was then the Fairmont – big wedding and dinner – those people at that hotel do it right.

Stan’s bash started at 8 PM and went until nearly midnight. And lots of KC "names" were there. Far too many to mention here, but some you might know include former Chiefs Hall of Famers Bobby Bell and Ed Budde, former KC mayor Richard Berkley, several city councilmen, David Block, The Mermaid, Jack Possiger, former Royals GM Cedric Tallis‘s daughter and Folly Theatre guru Gayle Tallis and on and on.

I took Jessie, the hottie whose picture you’ve seen here several times lately.

Yep, it was food, drink ticket and fun for all. Very upbeat.

Stan and Lori had assembled maybe 150 enlarged photos and articles on Stan’s life, family and career. But true to form, my brother Jeff and I only made it into about two of the shots and none of the articles.

That’s my Dad for ya!

Still, overall, it was well done and sweet.

The highlight of the night – aside from the free drink – was Stan’s speech at about 9 PM.

The guy really missed his calling, Don Rickles has nothing on Stan. He did about 10 plus minutes of standup on his life. Again, all more upbeat not so much a history of ups and downs. One story he told: "I’m a handsome guy for my age right (applause). Hell, I was great looking as a younger man too. But know what? I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother!"

Then Stan thanked everyone for being there – well, almost everyone.  He thanked his wife Lori and her family. He thanked his brother Mort. he thanked his sister Paulette. Like I said, he thanked almost everyone.


That is until Lori leaned in and reminded him. At which point he ended by saying, "Oh damn I almost forgot to thank my sons."

Hey, that’s Stan – that’s my dad!

It’s like this, if I make the King of Sting movie and it gets nominated for best picture and call my dad to tell him, he’d say something like "WELL SON, ITS ABOUT TIME. I MEAN IT’S GOOD YOU GOT THE ONE NOMINATION. Now the trick is can you get another one."

Stan looks great for 80 – but it’s a little unreal thinking of my Dad as an 80 year-old. Good work Dad.

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Hearne: Former Club Concert Kingpin Looks at Life From an 8 by 8 Room

Hank Williams III, Jane’s Addiction, Big & Rich, B.B. King…

Former Beaumont Club main man Jon Lunkwicz has partied with the best. For year’s he was the force behind hundreds of Kansas City’s top club level shows in the popular Westport live music emporium.

No mas.

Three short years ago the 60 year-old Lunkwicz awakened to find himself paralyzed. He’s since retired and now lives in a long term care facility just outside Kansas City.

"My world’s very uncomplicated," Lunkwicz muses. "It’s about an eight by eight space and I suspect the food’s about as good as prison food. And I get to shower about twice a week, that’s pretty exciting."

There’s more.

"Most of the people here are in their 70s and 80s," Lunkwicz says. "One floor’s all Alzheimer’s patients – that’s a treat. The best thing about them is you can run over their toes with a wheelchair and they can’t say anything."

It was on January 26, 2009 that Lunkwicz predicament unfolded.

"I woke up that morning and was paralyzed from the waist down," he says. "I’ve been thinking about writing a book. I was going to write a book about the Beaumont Club that was subtitled, ‘They took the hotdogs but not the buns.’ "


"Somebody broke into my apartment about two months before I became paralyzed," Lunkwicz says. "They took everything. They took my guitar that was autographed by B.B. King. And I went to my refrigerator and they had taken my hotdogs but not the buns."

All things considered, Lunkwicz has retained an upbeat attitude.

"It didn’t kill me but…" he pauses. "I just don’t get mad about stuff, it’s just not worth it. There’s too many moments you can look back on in life that were just so wonderful."

Lunkwicz take on the state of live music in Kansas City today?

"I think it’s wonderful but there’s almost too many venues," he says. "There’s got to be a weeding out."

Lunkwicz was disappointed, but not surprised, at how KanRocksas turned out, for example.

"They couldn’t get some of the smaller acts that would have drawn 2,000 or 3,000 people that would have made it a bigger event," Lunkwicz says. "And I’m sorry – the name KanRocksas – it made me think of somebody kicking Kansas in the ass."

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New Jack City: Few Surprises In Today’s Oscar Nominations

The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences announced today its nominees for the best on film for 2011.

The actual OSCAR awards will be presented Sunday, February 26th on ABC with Billy Crystal hosting.

The scorecard has HUGO in 1st with 11 nominations, followed closely behind by THE ARTIST with 10.
Other big hauls this morning were by MONEYBALL and WAR HORSE, with each scoring six nominations.
THE DESCENDANTS and THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO had five each. And THE HELP and MIDNIGHT IN PARIS both got four Academy Award nominations.

Now here are the Oscar nominations in the major categories as well as my takes on them:

Berence Bejo–THE ARTIST
Jessica Chastain–THE HELP
Melissa McCarthy–BRIDESMAIDS
Octivia Spencer–THE HELP
(Jack’s Take: Great for Melissa McCarthy but why was Emma Stone overlooked for THE HELP?)

Nick Nolte–WARRIOR
Christopher Plummer–BEGINNERS
(Jack’s Take: Great for Jonah Hill. Talk about a career changer for the big guy. No complaints in this category)

Viola Davis–THE HELP
Meryl Streep–THE IRON LADY
Michelle Williams–MY WEEK WITH MARILYN
(Jack’s Take: Wow! Rooney Mara. Never saw that coming. And ALBERT NOBBS opens in K.C. this weekend so you can judge for yourselves)

Demian Bichir–A BETTER LIFE
Jean Dujardin–THE ARTIST
(Jack’s Take: Why was Leonardo DiCaprio overlooked for his great ‘aging’ performance as J. Edgar Hoover?)

Michel Hazanavicius–THE ARTIST
Martin Scorsese–HUGO
Terrence Malick–THE TREE OF LIFE
(Jack’s Take: Is George Clooney an oversight here? He should’ve been nominated for his great directorial effort in THE IDES OF MARCH)

(Note that because of new voting procedures implemented by the Academy, nine films were nominated for the top prize)

(Jack’s Take: THE IDES OF MARCH should’ve been nominated. And why is WAR HORSE in the category when Steven Spielberg failed to be nominated as the film’s best director?)

The bottom line: with a few obvious oversights I’m more or less in agreement with the Academy’s nominations this year.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 3 Comments

Hearne: Nelson-Atkins Museum to Party Arty Patrons; Lay Down Your Arms!

It’s not often patrons at an upscale society shindig have to be warned not to come armed…

But that’s exactly what happened in the case of Saturday’s Party Arty at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. This year’s theme, "All the World’s a Fair," advised attendees to a) "come dressed" and b) "Steampunk flair preferred."

Here’s where it gets a little odd.

"No prop weapons or real weapons will be allowed in the Museum," the invite cautioned. "Security reserves the right to deny entry to guests whose attire and/or behavior compromises the safety of guests."

A high society event that urges partygoers to engage in themed costumary, and in the next breath warns them not to come packing?

You got it.

That’s because "steampunk," for the uninitiated, entails period clothing – from the 1700s and 1800s – and is often accompanied by weapons, such as British army officer William Elliot‘s 1866 Double Barrel Derringer or the seagoing Annihilator MK II blunderbuss rifle. Both are available for purchase on for $53.95 and $129.95 respectively.

They’re sold alongside period clothing such as Men’s Victorian Outfits, Ladies Victorian Dresses and Suits, 3-D "Mad Scientist Goggles," pocket watches, "Debonair Mustaches" and the like.

Get the picture?

Aware of such peculiarities, organizers and the museum took preventative measures to ensure no such armaments found their way into the Nelson lest there be any foul play.


Wikipedia describes the eccentricity as a "sub-genre of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history and speculative fiction" evoking "a setting where steam power is still widely used—usually Victorian era Britain or ‘Wild West’-era United States (remember that one?) —that incorporates elements of either science fiction or fantasy…(involving) futuristic innovations as Victorians might have envisioned then, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, art, etc. This technology includes such fictional machines as those found in the works of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne."

So how did it all unfold?

Modestly, says KC Strip honcho Bill Nigro who ferried approximately 300 of the Steampunkers to a late night after bash in Westport.

"Some of the people were dressed like that," Nigro says. "I saw more guys in Victorian outfits than I did girls. I didn’t see too many girls in Victorian clothes, but it was kinda cold out."

No did Nigro see any of said forewarned dudes bearing arms.

"I didn’t see any weaponry," he says. "They probably had ’em under their coats."

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 3 Comments

Donnelly: Danny Pound at the Lawrence Arts Center, January 21, 2012

Saturday night’s Danny Pound Review, featuring Danny, Arthur Dodge, Matt Suggs, and Suzannah Johannes, could have used a tad more music…

After the sold out show – my first ever at the Lawrence Arts Center – I couldn’t help but think back to 2004 when I saw Ryan Adams at the Lied Center in Lawrence.

During Adams’ performance, which as always featured rambling, incoherent stories and unprofessionalism at its best, someone in the audience yelled, “Less talk, more rock!”  For those not familiar, this is the quickest way to piss off a performer.

Adams scanned the audience, and demanded, “Who said that?”  When the guy raised his proud hand, Adams replied with something like, “Shut your fucking face, I’m Ryan Adams and you’re some jerkoff who yells stuff.”

But the culprit Saturday wasn’t a boozed up, prima donna musician. Nope, it was the emcee, Tim, who seemed to sap more stage time than the bands.

The idea was a good one: get four prominent Lawrence singer-songwriters together with one backing band, (Kenny Pingleton on drums, Dave Swenson on keys and guitar, Jeremy Sidener on bass, and Matt Mozier on guitar and lap steel) , and let them showcase their songs. 

Nothing wrong with that, right?

The venue was nice, with a big stage and steep stadium seating.  The sound was clear and balanced, though if you sat all the way down front, vocals were a little muffled. There was a beer booth in the back where Free State varieties were going for three bucks a pop (though they ran out a bit after intermission).  The crowd was a mix of late twenties/early thirties townies and older art patron types.  Overall a nice setup and venue. 

Unfortunately, the format for the night saw each musician come out and play just two songs. Then the zany emcee guy would run back on stage and ramble about things like beer, how great the performers were, and the Lawrence Arts Center among other things. I must admit, at times he was funny.  At times.  For example, as he was introducing and professing his love for Suzannah Johannes he quipped, “She’s gonna make that Danny Pound guy look like crap.”

Hey, I laughed.

But after awhile the night started feeling like a telethon and his act wore thin.  At one point, Arthur Dodge looked at him and said, "Wrap it up," without a single hint of irony.  The audience burst into applause when emcee guy suggested he would shut up and let the musicians do their thing.

Okay, let’s talk about the music now. 

Like I said, the format was each performer would do two songs, then they would rotate.  There were two sets with an intermission in between, so each act played about four songs give or take. I wasn’t a big fan of the format because it was too disjointed. I would have preferred to just have the musicians play all their songs at once, and then move on, instead of the rotating thing. 

But given all that, the musicians were pretty damn solid, delivering heartfelt song after song.   

Danny Pound started the night off as the audience was still settling in. The sound guys seemed to be tweaking things as he went, and by the time Pound played a few songs, the sound was mostly  balanced.

Arthur Dodge came out as grizzled as ever with a female vocalist who was introduced as Mrs. Dodge. The two were nicely in sync with straight forward harmonies and simple songs about failed love and missed chances.  Their second go-around saw Dodge at his best – with just an acoustic guitar and Mrs. Dodge onstage – growling out his lines while his better half delivered solid backing vocals and quietly stole the show. 

Suzannah Johannes took the stage in a sparkly jacket that reminded me of a casino waitress.  She seemed a little nervous and took a song or so to get settled in. The house band seemed a little confused when they were trying to end the first song, but they rebounded nicely on her others.  Suzannah’s unique voice sounded as deep and smoky as ever, and her natural talent provided a nice contrast to some of the other vocalists who are more “craftsmen” than singers.

Matt Suggs started his set with a long, droning, two chord thing that seemed to go on forever.  Not sure if the band wasn’t quite up to speed or what, but his was the least polished of the sets.

After Suggs played a couple, the emcee guy charged back onstage energetically and said, “C’mon, clap!  That’s what your hands are for, Lame-os.” 

See what I mean?

The highlight of the night was provided by none other than Danny Pound, the namesake of this particular endeavor.   After telling the crowd that “one of my fondest ambitions is to write a song where a piano falls on someone’s head,” he launched into a solo acoustic version of “Breathing is a Privilege,” that showcased his lyrical and storytelling abilities – his real strengths as a singer-songwriter.  Dave Swenson appeared midway through the song and added some nice acoustic guitar finger styling to fill out Mr. Pound’s vision.

Another nice touch was Matt Mozier’s slinky lap steel work on several songs.

I hope the Lawrence Arts Center keeps putting on shows like this. They have a nice venue, the attendance was great, and the early 7:30 start time was nice. With a few tweaks, they can make it even better.  I could see them getting some really great bands and filling that baby easily.     

But between the emcee’s antics and the constant shuffling of artists, at times the music seemed to take a backseat.  I actually found myself wishing this collection of Lawrence gems were at the Replay or in the basement of the Tap Room instead.

Posted in Entertainment | Tagged | 3 Comments

New Jack City: Feds Force Airlines to Show Us the Money!

With the frustration over a la carte pricing by airlines these days, the government is fighting back...

Starting this week, the Feds are forcing carriers to become more transparent when it comes to airfare pricing and the online purchasing of tickets.

Since forever airlines have been using low prices as come-ons in their advertising only to ambush frustrated customers with veiled final pricing that includes additional taxes, fees and fuel surcharges.

But now, as of later this week, the airlines must reconfigure their "now you see it now you don’t" selling model in the following manner:

** Advertised fares must include all government taxes and other associated fees such as fuel surcharges which can add 30% to 50% to the final ticket price.

 ** Airlines must be upfront about fees for checking bags when the tickets are purchased and paid for online. In other words, no more surprises at the airport.
** Airlines must give customers 24 hours to change their reservations without having to pay rebooking fees.

Once these rules are implemented, fliers will have a clearer picture in making price comparisons between airlines.


A check of the baggage fees imposed by 10 major airlines flying out of Kansas City shows the following:

American, United-Continental, Delta, AIR CANADA and US Airways have the highest fees, charging $25 for the first checked bag and $35 for the second.

AirTran is next with a $20 charge for the first bag and $25 for the second.
 (Note: AirTran’s baggage fees will disappear later this year when the carrier merges into new owner Southwest Airlines’ business model.)

Frontier Airlines also charges $20 for the first bag and $20 for the second checked piece

Alaska Airlines, scheduled to make its debut at KCI by late Spring, also charges $20 for first and second checked bags.

Finally Southwest Airlines, which may or may not have the lowest ticket price to a particular destination anymore, still waives fees for two checked bags per customer. Which can be a savings of as much as $120 on a roundtrip ticket.

So always consider the baggage charges when doing your price comparisons.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 3 Comments

Glazer: Eat My Dust, Scribe Tells Non Believers After Perfect NFL Picks

This is why I make the big bucks!

Your humble scribe picked BOTH NFL playoff winners this past weekend. New England with sexy Tommy, and those hard charging New York Giants. Hey, I picked them both last year too. When you got it, you got it.

My early pick for the winner of this year’s Super Bowl: NEW ENGLAND, currently at -31/2. Yeah, I like the Pats.

I know many of you all wanted the Harbaugh Bowl, sorry. By the way, you had to reread the KC Star a few times today to find either Harbaugh name even mentioned, it came up once in four articles, wow.

You saw the missed field goal? We know that feeling here (twice).

The one Jan Stenerud missed against Miami in 1972 was the end of the Chiefs era as an elite team.

They would never again matter.

Four decades later we’re still a doormat. Damn. The Giants got their field goal from Lawrence Tynes and boy did he get face time after the game. Three other former Chiefs had to be happy they were not in KC; Chris Wilson, Brian Waters and Bernard Pollard, all playing in title games.

And it was ‘cool’ that the NFL’s all-time best quarterback, Tom Brady, said, "I sucked, but our defense was great and won the game."  For Tom, it was a below average day, but he did score the go ahead touchdown himself.

And wouldn’t you know, Joe Paterno died on a day the NFL might have dedicated the games to him had the scandal not happened.

Both teams gave it everything. Really, without the strange endings, all four teams were about even. Just like I told you.

So get ready, now all the talk will be about Tom Brady. Is he the best of all time? All of that.

The Chiefs will point at San Fran and Baltimore as models of teams with strong defense and average offense, that made it close to a Super Bowl, something KC hasn’t done in a lifetime. The Chiefs are hoping to matter again for once in 40 years.

OK, they did a bit under Marty Schottenheimer with their only name players on offense being Joe Montana and Marcus Allen (Tony G came later, those are the only names people know about in KC in recent history, sorry).

It will be fun Super Bowl.

I got it all right last year, we’ll see what happens this year.

But when, oh when, will those words ever come out…"THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS VS……IN THE SUPER BOWL, NEXT WEEK"

We’ve waited over 40 years and that’s long enough. Go Pats!

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 27 Comments

Leftridge: Tales From the Tweet: Pioli Perverts Privacy & Darvish Does Dallas

Well, it’s been awhile since I cracked open the ol’ Twitter and had a looksie, and because of the absence, I expected a cornucopia of information to come cascading down upon my head as soon as I logged in. Twitter, however, had different plans. Namely: there wasn’t a whole lot of anything going down. Despite being in college basketball conference play, baseball arbitration coming and going, and the NFL playoffs being in full bloom… crickets.

One thing that was being tweeted and re-tweeted, however, was reaction to the recent Kansas City Star expose by Kent Babb about the frighteningly “Russian factory-like” working conditions at One Arrowhead Drive. Since you’ve probably already read the piece—and if you haven’t, you should—I won’t rehash it in painstaking detail. Even if you haven’t read it, you’ve probably heard the key pieces: decoy candy-bar wrappers left on stairs to test employee laziness. Spy-thriller tales of bugged rooms and tapped phones. Constant, paranoia inducing monitoring of all comings and goings. Todd Haley trading in his grimy, sweat-stained ball cap for a tinfoil hat.

So what do local radio people have to say? Well, it depends where you work. If you’re with 810, you said nothing.

@getnickwright (Nick Wright, 610am)
“The #Chiefs have done a decent job of buying off some local media, so this story will be minimized by some… But here’s the thing…
If it’s true, then Pioli is committing a felony. If it’s not true, then former AND current employees believe he is. Either way, huge issue.”

I agree that it’s a big issue. It needed to be told. If nothing else, it paints a very vivid portrait of life behind the scenes with the Kansas City Chiefs. It helps explain why the Chiefs are looked at the way that they are, the reason they can’t land a big coach, the reason free agents are probably a little leery of coming here. Big story. Well, unless you’re Wright’s station-mate, Bob Fescoe.

@bobfescoe (Bob Fescoe, 610am)
“Why do you care, as a fan, what happens behind the doors of arrowhead? #chiefs”

Um, because it directly affects what happens on the field? Wait… was that a real question he just asked? Dear God.

“How do bitter ex employees bitching about their old bosses really give you anything credible to digest? #chiefs”

Um, because there are a bevy of them? This isn’t poor, misunderstood Groundskeeper Russ, in charge of weed-whacking, pissed off because he came in hung-over one too many times and was finally shown the door. This is like, 245 people who left—or were let go—who came forward with tales of shenanigans that would make J. Edgar Hoover blush. Whether it’s felonious or not, I don’t know; most of my knowledge of legal matters begins and ends with punishment pertaining to the possession of bath salts, and the age of consent on a state by state basis (let’s hear it for Mexico, folks, where the age of consent in most states is “12” or “puberty.” Viva la molestacion!)

But is any of this surprising? No, not really. Knowing what we already knew—that the Patriots’ organization—and thereby, the Patty-Lites—build and operate with a crippling amount of secrecy, smoke and mirrors, I found the whole piece was kind of a… yeah? So?

Oh sure, it’s shitty, but a lot of people reading this work a lot of shitty jobs where they have super-shitty bosses who would LEAP at the chance to play secret agent man.

So where does this leave former head coach Todd Haley, aka the Craziest Sane Person in the Room? Well, still out of a job, for starters.

@adamschefter (Adam Schefter, ESPN)
“Former Chiefs HC Todd Haley visiting Jets today. Jets could team Tony Sparano as OC, Haley as asst HC, to repace Brian Schottenheimer.”

Sparano? Haley? Man, God really hates the Jets, doesn’t he? But wait! Haley’s got multiple irons in the fire…

@evansilva (Evan Silva, Rotoworld, NBC Sports writer)
“It’s now considered "doubtful" that the #Cardinals will hire Todd Haley, according to the Arizona Republic.”

Er, scratch that. And the first Tweet was from January 11th, I should point out. So maybe NOBODY wants to give Haley a job. It’s a good thing he (probably) knows how to sell weed, what, with all of those young chirrun at home and whatnot.

But as important as the Chiefs’ saga is, it was blown straight out of the water with this little nugget of insanity that dropped a few days later:

@RobLowe (actor St. Elmo’s Fire, sex-tape with underage girls)
“Hearing my fave, #18 Peyton Manning will not return to #NFL. Wow. #Colts”

That’s it, I quit. I’ll NEVER break as big a story as this, even if I spent all of my time trying to break stories. What a scoop! Rob Lowe: actor, sex symbol, NFL insider.

What does Nick Wright think about breaking stories?

“Here’s a tip for the other sports station in town… Don’t try to "break news", even minor news about TV appearances, it’s not your thing.
Trivia, laughing at bad jokes, inane debates with flattopped TV guys, barbecue tips, racing, etc. that’s more your speed. Stick with it.”

Um, yeah dude… you missed the biggest scoop of the year. YOU WERE USURPED BY ROB LOWE. How freaking embarrassing.

With all of the ridiculousness surrounding off the field football happenings, I’ve almost forgotten that there are actual games going on this weekend… actual IMPORTANT games, you know, the kind that decide who’s going to the Super Bowl or whatever. So how are the participants gearing up? What kind of insight can be gleaned from checking their feeds?

@PatrickWillis52 (SF 49ers, LB)
“Just relaxing with the lil sis n bro watching lion king with them. We Waiting on mom to finish cooking. We hungry lol”

@JustinTuckNYG91 (NY Giants, DE)
“11 guys playing as 1 are HARD to beat”

@RayRice27 (Baltimore Ravens, RB)

“Just picked up a box of @TakeaSheet @RiteAid and got one free – #BOGO offer ends Jan 31st #GetYourSheetTogether”

@AaronHernandez (NE Patriots, TE)
“Life isn’t measured by the amount of breathes we take…it’s the moments that take our breathe away!!”

Uh, yeah… thanks, guys. I suppose I’M the idiot for actually expecting any of them to have anything perceptive to say. Just "breath", Lefty… you cannot control the Twitters, you cannot control the Twitters.

And finally, because I had no way of squeezing these in with any particular relevancy, I present the two best football-related Tweets of the past month:

@rainnwilson (actor, The Office)
“Kyle Orton looks like Bob Dylan.”

Disagree. I think he’s a little more Dave Grohl than Robert Zimmerman.

@Englishscope24 (Kim English, Mizzou basketball)

“HD tv does not help Norv Turner’s neck!”

Couldn’t agree more. The best college athlete on Twitter strikes again.

With all of this crazy football talk—you know, stuff about the Lion King, candy wrappers and burned, leather-necks—I almost forgot that baseball’s hot stove was chugging right along. The Royals set free-agency on its ear when, late last month, it announced a big-name, earth-shattering signing that took everyone’s collective breath away.

@goldbergkc (Joel Goldberg, FSN’s Royals Live)
“Royals sign Yuniesky Betancourt to one year deal. Dayton Moore says he will serve as a utility infielder who can play SS, 3B, and 2B”

@Buster_ESPN (Buster Olney)
“Trashing Yuniesky has become internet sport–not that far removed, at this point, from making fun of the kid with glasses in the lunch room.”

Yeah, what Buster said. Look, Yuniesky Betancourt isn’t going to make or break this team. Oh sure, he’s not the ideal starting shortstop on a World Series contender, but he’s not GOING to be our starting shortstop and, deep “breathes” here folks, the Royals probably aren’t going to the World Series this year. Yuni is nothing more than a bench warming backup who can spell our starters a couple of times a week. I have no problem with this signing at all.


The big news in baseball signings, however—the ACTUAL big news—was the Texas Rangers’ signing of one Yu Darvish, the Japanese pitcher who launched a thousand pun-filled headlines.

Yu Better Believe It! Proclaimed the Dallasville Yokel.
Yu Betcha! Said the Texas Reader.

Eh, you get it. What I DON’T get, however, is the insane contract he received, or for that matter, the insane contract ANY Japanese player receives. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the only Asian-born player who has remotely lived up to their hype is Ichiro. And for every Ichiro, there are a thousand Dice-K’s, Kuroda’s and Wang’s.

@jazayerli (Rany Jazayerli, dermatologist, baseball writer)
“Very excited for Yu Darvish. He’s half-Iranian (not Arab) and I don’t know if he even identifies as a Muslim, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

Wow, so Yu is half Iranian? That sounds like a really dead-end version of the old Abbott and Costello routine.

“So Yu is half Iranian?”

“No, I’m actually half Egyptian, though.”

“Oh. I see. Very well, then.”

Speaking of baseball in foreign lands, the other big news that broke last week was filled with betrayal, deceit and confusion. That’s right, I’m talking about the Toronto Blue Jays releasing veteran third-baseman Mark Teahen.

Okay, I’m yanking your snow-blower cord there, eh? Though they DID release Teahen—and I hope he catches on somewhere—the real news of which I speak concerns one Roberto Hernandez Heredia, better known stateside as Fausto Carmona, (probably former) starting pitcher for the Cleveland Indians.

@JeffPassan (Baseball writer, Yahoo!)
“Fausto Carmona/Roberto Hernandez Heredia has come from the DR to the US for 10 straight years with a fake identity. That’s staggering.”

Yeah, and if I rooted for the Indians—God help me—I’d be pissed. Carmona Heredia is actually 31, not the 28 he was purported to be. Statisticians will typically tell you that 28-to-29 is the sweet spot for a major league pitcher. For the vast majority, and with few exceptions, it’s downhill after that.

You know, unless you’re Jamie Fucking Moyer.

@jcrasnick (Jerry Crasnick, ESPN)
“#Rockies sign Jamie Moyer and #Mariners ink Oliver Perez. Who’s next — Floyd Bannister?”

Jesus-shit-the-bed, Jamie Moyer is older than dirt. He’s so old, his birth certificate is in Roman Numerals. I mean, he’s so old, he used to pitch to Jesus in Pony League. He’s SO OLD, he’s like… 49. Wow.

(By the way, those last jokes were stolen from Sinbad, the greatest comedian ever, so if you didn’t like them, please email him at and voice your disapproval. Thank you)

And finally in Hot Stove news, the Red Sox took the biggest shit in the pool by doing the following:

@DKnobler (Baseball writer, CBS)
“Bob McClure will indeed be the Red Sox pitching coach, as @JimBowdenESPNxm reported.”

Uh, yeah. So have fun with that one, Beantown.

And we close it out with some classics. First, one of Bulldog’s terribly unfunny “no truth to the rumor" jokes, this one from late last month:

“There is NO truth to the rumor that Haley’s agent is calling the national media claiming Todd is responsible for Orton’s success on Sunday”

Never gets old, Bobby. Never. Gets. Old.

Some tweets from Anthony Bourdain and his crazy Russian friend Zamir during  their December visit to KC:

“Consumerism is not such a bad idea if you can have amazing KC Topic hamburger with fried onion and pickled cucumbers at midnigth …”

Let’s hear it for Town Topic, everybody!

“very honoured to inspire the Chiefs to show fantastic game-Hali was the best and I feel the Red is my real colour now! Only upwards ,KC!”

I love his passion. When you’ve got the weight of a crazy, drunk Russian behind you, anything is possible.

And finally:

@NoReservations (Anthony Bourdain)
“WTF!? FM radio in Kansas City is actually good!”

Wait—WTF station were you listening to, Tony?  I’m being serious here. Radio EVERYWHERE is a vapid wasteland of non-stop advertising and nauseating shuffling of the same 50 songs, no matter WHAT station you listen to. Somebody must have been using an iPod and messing with him. That’s the only logical explanation.

Oh wait, before we go—Javier, what’s on tap for the evening?

@JavierArenas21 (Chiefs CB)
“Flamin hot cheetos and free willy”

From his mouth, to your ears.

Thanks for stopping by, everybody. Come back next week at a later date, when I unleash the power of the Iron Sheik upon you. That’s right—THAT Iron Sheik. Like his Twitter bio says: “Greatest Iranian Entertainer of all time. I fuck your ass and make you humble.” You don’t wanna miss it!

Posted in Sports | Tagged | 10 Comments

Donnelly: A Quick Chat With Sporting KC Second Round Pick, Cyprian Hedrick

With the home opener less than two months away, Sporting KC is gearing up for the 2012 season…

Friday, the team endured the legendary "beep test," which is a running exercise used to measure the team’s overall fitness levels at the beginning of preseason.

It’s dreaded by SKC players, but is a necessary evil for coach Peter Vermes’ preferred style of play, which involves a lot of running and pressure all over the field. Word is that overall, the team showed up in even better shape than at this point last year, so that’s a good sign players are really buying into the system.

Prior to the "beep test" I had the chance to catch up with one of Sporting KC’s newest additions, defender Cyprian Hedrick (Sip-REE-an HE-drick), who was taken in the second round of the MLS SuperDraft out of Coastal Carolina. He was the 2011 Big South Defensive Player of the Year, and a decent sized, athletic player with the physical tools to play in the league right away if needed.

Most likely, though, he’ll come off the bench, at least at first, and provide some defensive depth on the squad.

Hedrick’s best chance to crack the starting lineup would be to beat out Seth Sinovic, who started at left back almost all of last year, and who recently signed a new deal with Sporting.  Sinovic is a smart and gritty player, who can go forward and serve a decent ball into the box.  But he was exposed on the flanks at times last year by wingers with above average pace. 

His next best chance would be to take Julio Cesar’s defensive center mid spot.  No doubt Cyprian can best Cesar in the athleticism department, but that position also requires some keen decision making, and the veteran proved in the second half of last season that he can still play that crucial linking ball to spring the offense.    

I talked to Cyprian about his time so far in Kansas City, his expectations for the 2012 season, and what it’s like being a rookie on a team with the merry prankster, Kei Kamara…

When did you arrive in KC?

Just a few days ago, I got in on Tuesday.

What have you been up to since you arrived?

I’ve been meeting the guys and we’ve been training a little bit.  So I’m just trying to get accustomed to everything, the weather and everything.  It’s a little different coming from Texas where it’s always sunny and whatnot.  So I’m just trying to adapt to everything.

G12445QPR.3Staff Photographer        Have any of the guys shown you around town at all yet?

Not so much because we have a lot of things to get done.  But I’m sure as soon as we get settled in a little more they will. 

Had you ever been to KC before this week?

No, this is my very first time in Kansas.

What do you think of KC so far?

Yeah, it seems like a really nice area.  I obviously am not really the kind of guy who is really fond of the cold weather.  But it seems really nice, like over around the Plaza, that’s a really nice area.  I don’t know too much, but I want to find out more, get out more, and give it some time. 

Have you made it out to the stadium yet?

No, not yet, but I want to do that.

Has Peter Vermes spoken to you about his expectations for you heading into the season?

No, not yet.  Right now we’re just trying to get back in the flow of everything, but I’m sure that’s a talk we will have.  Hopefully that’s something that we’ll get around to talking about. 

You played mostly central defender in college, but there might be more opportunity on this team for you as an outside defender.  How would you feel about that?
I’ll play anywhere the team needs me.  If I need to help at central defender that’s great.  If I need to step in at holding midfield I’m willing to do whatever personally to help my team.  There’s a lot of great players who have been here playing both those positions very well that I want to learn a lot from, and I’ve been spending a lot of time with these guys, so I’m really excited to learn a few things.  Whatever my team requires of me is what I’m willing to do. 

Can you swing out wide, and if so are you comfortable going forward a lot like Sporting likes to do with its wings?

I have played outside a little bit, not as much as holding mid or center back.  But it’s just one of those things, I have to get used to everything in the system.  But I do feel comfortable going forward.  It’s learning, and I’d really study the position and really learn it.  It’s not something I’ve done a lot, of but I have a few times.  So it’ll have to be something that I’ll get done and learn how Sporting plays and how they attack and everything.  It’d be difficult, but it’s something that I could definitely do. 

You were a sports management major in college, right?

Yeah, but I actually changed it to marketing. 

What’s your impression so far of the ownership group?

The staff and everybody seem like really great people, really friendly.  They are looking always to kind of push you and get the maximum performance out of you.  So, so far my impression is that all the staff are really good, and I really like everyone so far. 

Have you been subjected to any rookie duties yet?

(Laughs)  Yeah, we had to bring in some breakfast for the older guys.  It was fun, we just had to wake up a little earlier than we wanted to.  But we got our rookie duty #1 done.  And we were rewarded with a little lunch by Kei, he took us out to Chipotle and we enjoyed a little lunch.  So it’s good to get after the rookie duties.

Did you know anyone on the team prior to being drafted by KC?

No, I didn’t at all.  I’d seen them play a lot, and being from Texas seeing a lot of Dynamo games, I’ve seen Kei play a lot when he played in Houston.  So I didn’t know anyone per se but I’ve seen them play a lot.  And it’s nice to be around this environment with all these guys that I’ve been watching.

Who are you most excited about playing with?

Everyone really.  And Kei because I’ve seen him play a lot.  I was excited to be around Besler – all these guys are really nice.  I’m just excited to be in the organization and all the guys have been really great. 

Welcome to KC, Cyprian.

Follow Cyprian on Twitter: @cyp_on_it 

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Hearne: Broadway Stars Pay Tribute to KU, Pull Tiger Tails at Kauffman Center

Who would have thunk it?

That a packed house at the opening night show of Broadway stars Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin would devolve into a KU Schmaltz Fest.

That’s right, schmaltz fest.

"Mandy went to KU," explains promoter Mark Edelman. "So in the middle of the show he started talking about KU and everybody in the audience started yelling that he should do the cheer, so he started doing the KU cheer."

As in the famous Rock Chalk Chant that evolved from a cheer former KU chemistry professor, E.H.S. Bailey created for the KU Science Club in 1886. An incantation that former president Teddy Roosevelt reportedly called the greatest college chant he’d ever heard.

You know the drill; "Rock Chalk…Jay-Hawk…KU"

"So he did that on stage and then Patti said, ‘Isn’t there anymore?’ And he said, ‘No.’ So she said, ‘Do it again.’ And the whole crowd did it with him. It was funny."

Think of it as a christening of sorts.

How about the MU fans, did any of them speak up against the the defiling of the Kauffman Center?

"If they were there, they didn’t say anything," Edelman says. "Of course I did it too since I got a master’s degree from KU – I’m a Jayhawk – it took me seven years, but I got the degree."

The show, which features performances of the great Broadway showtunes by two of Broadway’s biggest stars, continues tonight and Sunday.

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