Hearne: Bluestem Concept to Rise from Ashes of Trezo Vino

Think of it as Area 51 meets Area Code 913

It won’t be easy, but on the heels of running Leawood eatery Trezo Vino the past eight months, Colby and Megan Garrelts have reportedly lined up backers for a second run at turning around the Park Place eatery at 115th and Nall.

That after the Italian and Mediterranean restaurant bought the farm Saturday.

The Garrelts’ game plan: to reopen a new dining concept with the working title Native 34 in the same space.

The couple famously operates the acclaimed restaurant bluestem in Westport.

And while mum’s the word on the specifics, some diners were disappointed by the turnaround results at Trezo Vino. It’s one thing to run a tiny, in town, upscale operation, another to accomplish the same on a grand scale in the subburbs.

Trezo Vino was thought to be losing as much as $30,000 a month by some sources.

As for what the name "Native 34" might hold…

Best I can tell, there are two possibilities, the Roswell, New Mexico helicopter company Native 34 that serves the alien-happy desert southwest. And then, as pointed out by someone far smarter than me, the fact that Kansas was the 34th state to join the Union.

Naturally, I prefer the former.

Art Bell and Coast to Coast radio devotees no doubt recall the 1947 UFO incident at Roswell in which an extraterrestrial spacecraft complete with aliens aboard allegedly crashed sparking decades of conspiracy theories that live on to this day.

Not surprisingly, Native 34’s Facebook page is titled "The Screaming Alien."

I’m talking about the ‘copter company.

Guess we’ll see.

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 1 Comment

Glazer: Read His Lips; Scribe Says No More Oil Wars

Have you heard what I have?

That this latest oil crisis may cause a war between the United States and the Middle East. With Iran.

Not this again.

Yep, now that the wars with the other countries over there are winding down, here comes the next one.

Why not? Gas is gonna go to five bucks – maybe even six – let’s declare war! Remember when the gas wars in this country were between stations trying to see who could sell for the lowest price?

Look, we have no real serious enemies here.

And nobody – and I mean nobody – wants to tangle with the United States military. We’re the ones who like to push our weight around when it’s to our advantage. No, you say? Wrong. Our government controls our media when it comes to things like this and no nation can match us for military might. Not even close.

Not since Rome has one country dominated like ours and I’m glad we do.

We are a warlike nation and always have been. What did the Indians do to us that we had to destroy them?

THEY GOT IN OUR WAY…that’s all.

Boy, that was a fair fight, huh? How about the Mexican wars…REMEMBER THE ALAMO?

We just wanted Texas and California so we kinda took them. Same for Florida. I know we paid a couple bucks here and there, but we wiped out the locals – usually Indians or Mexicans – no problem.

Now we have three ways to use our weapons and only inflict small death tolls. We do this a lot anymore and some innocent people get killed for, you know, for THE GREATER GOOD.

My favorite line is, "My son died for your freedom in Vietnam."

I’m sad to say, but no he didn’t. He died for our economy and power push, nothing else.

Oh yeah, the North Vietnamese were on the verge of attacking the U.S., just like in North Korea. Please. Nobody wants to attack us anymore, just ask Russia.

It’s as simple as this; the United States rules – totally – we call the ball.

Look, gas is going to be $4.50 or higher at some point this summer. And then in the fall/winter it will go back to $3.25 and you won’t hear about an "oil crisis." Then next year we’ll push $5 a gallon. They’re simply getting us ready for the continued hikes but there is plenty of oil out there.

Hey, cigarettes used to be $3 a pack in 2005, now they’re $7 and up. This kinda stuff just happens.

I know oil prices affect many other prices and it’s a shame we all suffer. Want to end it? Send Israel in for two days, then they can take 20% of the oil and we’ll take 70% and give Russia and China a taste.


But, no…we have to do it our way, long and hard. And in the end it’s great to be the king and the king is America.

I’m glad we’re on the championship team.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 7 Comments

Hearne: Crotch Rockert Alert; Befuddling Biker Blight Besets Plaza

Bikers happen…

You’ve seen them maybe, holding down the curb and "no parking" area in front of Latteland along 47th Street on the Plaza. By the dozens on weekends during warmer weather and in larger numbers during the summer.

Yet while much has been said of the influx of urban youth – and how uncomfortable they make Plaza patrons – little to nothing has been reported about the equally unlikely biker influx and their stark contrast with the usual mix of patricians and upscale Plaza shoppers.

"They are a bunch of rednecks on crotch rockets who think they look cool," observes one 30-something shopper. "But they just stand out like a crowd of irrelevants mismatched for this environment."

Make no mistake, the Plaza biker dudes are neither high falutin Harley-Davidson types like Bernstein Rein’s Bob Bernstein, nor chain swinging Hells Angels.

 As for what motivates them to pick the Plaza, "I have no idea, that’s a really good question," says Walking Company staffer Nikki. "They just chill out there every weekend – I think they do it to pick up chicks."

Raising the question of whether she’s ever see any hot-looking bikers in the bunch?

"I haven’t," Nikki says. "Actually I think they’re dorks for hanging out there."

"Every once in a while there’s a decent-looking one," adds Walking Company staffer Jessica. "During the summer maybe – like one every two weeks, but not very often – I’ll be honest."

What about clogging up the parking and no parking zones out front?

"The cops never bother them," Jessica says. "They bother the musicians more."

"Well remember, a lot of cops drive motorcyles too, says former biker bar owner Craig Glazer. "So when they see bikers, as long as they’re not causing a problem…but they don’t relate to the musicians."

Plaza habitue Nicholas Abnos (of Abdiana Futon and Firestone building fame) has another take:

"The J.C. Nichols company spent a lot of money to put up the Plaza and put such a beautiful project together and here these guys come – it’s just not right – it doesn’t fit."

A check with police garnered a couple chuckles but no hard evidence the crotch crowd is causing any problems outside of maybe polluting the streetscape for Lattelanders.

"I used to work down on the Plaza and those crotch rocket people have been gathering there forever," says KCPD spokesman Steve Young. "And I can’t recall it ever being a problem, but if it is, we’d certainly handle it."

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 32 Comments

Hearne: Leawood’s Trezo Vino Down for the Count Under Bluestem Management

So much for the streets of Leawood being paved with gold…

Sources say, the ghost town known as the Trezo Vino closed quietly Saturday after business.

It’s no secret that the upscale Italian and Mediterranean eatery located in Leawood’s swishy Park Place near Leawood Town Center struggled from the get go.

Vaunted bluestem owners Colby and Megan Garrelts rode to the rescue last summer, but that wasn’t enough to save the troubled eatery.

Had Trezo Vino changed it’s name to better get the word out that two of KC’s top chefs were running the show, that might have helped.

However sans a name change and a cuisine one foodie described as "dumbed down bluestem" and a "morgue" vibe, the die was pretty much cast.

Colby Garrelts confirmed the closing but declined further comment other than to hint that there was more to the story that soon would come out.

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 12 Comments

Glazer: Biggest Comedy Show of the Year to Hit KC Next Week; Jim Jefferies

Geoffery James Nugent was born in Sydney, New Wales, Australia 35 years ago…

He later moved to Manchester, England. Shortly after he and his girlfriend were violently burglarized at their apartment. She was tied up and beaten (attempted rape); he was hit over the head with a machete. The two men were later arrested and got 12 years in prison.

And Jim became a comic…

He changed his name to Jim Jefferies.

And he went on to beome the hottest comic in England. He starred on the BBC, was the smash hit of the Edinburgh Comedy Festival and was discovered there by an agent at Creative Artists, the number one talent agency in the world out of LA.

Today Jeffries is on the verge of becoming the No. 1 hottest and best comic in the world.

He did a No. 1 HBO special last year called, "I SWEAR TO GOD"  He did a Showtime special this year called "ALCOHOLOCAUST" And much more. Jim and partner Eddie Iifft have a top notch and highly rated podcast called "Talkin Shit" out of L.A.

And on March 8-10 you can see this comedy genius at Stanford’s.

Thursday at 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 7:45 and 9:45 p.m.

Jim is not just a star, he’s brilliant.

He’s the next big thing in comedy. It has taken him a little longer because of his tough language and hard line takes on God, America, Women, his use of drugs and sex. Boy, is he honest.


His Saturday shows are almost sold out now, but Friday and Thursday have tickets. I’m serious. I watch all his shows – all of them – when he’s at Stanford’s, he’s that good.

Stanfords has launched more entertainment careers that matter than ALL OF THE OTHER KANSAS CITY venues combined and then some.

There’s Lewis Black, Dan Whitney (Larry the Cable Guy), Jeff Foxworthy (started as a feature in Westport), Bill Hicks, Eddie Griffin (busboy/waiter/ then comic), Rob Riggle (doorman), Ellen DeGeneres(first show was with us), even Roseanne got her first A club show at Stanford’s as a feature with Tom Arnold. The list has dozens more.

Now we are proud to say we have done the first full weeks in America with Jim Jefferies (started in 08) and also T.J. Miller (who now has his own TV show and is a comedy film star)….

We’re proud of them and what we’ve achieved in KC and the entertainment world.

We plan to continue. Jim is a cross between Richard Pryor and George Carlin – with an English accent -sorry Jim, Australian accent.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 32 Comments

Leftridge: Payton Pays for Pain, Football Fans Say, “Okay… and?”

So apparently, former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams was paying his guys to inflict injury upon opposing players throughout his tenure with New Orleans, and quite possibly, before. 

Oh, that’s right, our sick and sadistic tale begins long ago, when Williams was head evil-defensive-guy with the Washington Redskins… that’s right. THOSE Washington Redskins. And obviously, his pay for pain program worked out in DC, right? Right?!

No. Because football is what it is. It’s a bunch of overgrown, testosterone dripping assholes who WANT to knock the ever-loving shit out of one another. They do it without provocation, without incentive; they do it because it’s PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL.

Williams joined the Saints in 2009 and immediately began inflicting ass-bashings to opposing offenses. According to court documents, things came to a head in that year’s NFC playoffs.

In the divisional round, the Saints walloped the Arizona Cardinals, 45-14. A week later, they beat the holding-out-for-a-hero Minnesota Vikings, 31-28 (you remember, the game that changed the way playoff football would be played forever). While this was going on, the Saints defensive players were being paid to injure the opposition, as specifically restricted by the NFLPA’s forbidden “bounty program.”

According to a team source, Saints LB Jonathan Vilma was offering up a cool $10K to any teammate who could knock the Wrangler out of the NFC Championship Game. You know who wasn’t flummoxed by this “horrific” plot? Brett Favre.

After hearing of the allegations, he told SI.com, “I’m not pissed. It’s football. I don’t think anything less of those guys."

You know who else wasn’t perturbed? Mister Christian himself, former Cardinals’ QB Kurt Warner. After a fan tweeted that one of the supposed “take-out” hits was clean, the soon-to-be-Hall of Famer responded like a true non-pussy. “I would have to agree with you!!!"

Why would all of these potential “victims” be acquiescing on the subject of their virtual career-threatening injuries?! Have they gone mad? Are they living in fear of possible gangland-style retaliation?I mean, we’ve all seen enough episodes of “Lockup: Raw” to know that snitches get stitches, right?

Well, maybe, but not here. That’s not the case at all.


That’s right, whether they’re coming over the middle and getting last-rites administered by Chuck Cecil (woops! outdated reference alert!) or getting a knee shot to smithereens by former Chief Bernard Pollard, it’s all a part of the game. And if Gregg Williams is paying his guys to be as aggressive as possible? God fucking bless him! That’s how you incentivize a unit of uncontrollable commandos, how you make casual participants become blood-thirsty mongrels.

A sales team ain’t a sales team without a contest to see who can move the most frozen steaks. We are a nation bursting with entrepreneurial spirit, and a desire to one-up our neighbor… fuck coveting his wife, we want his house, his daughter, and his cheap-ass speed boat dripping oil in the driveway.

And like Malcolm X, we’re willing to make that happen “by any means necessary.”

Football is no different. The nation’s most popular game embodies a microcosm of greater society at large. We are a nation built on unrealistic expectations, unwarranted promises and dreams better left unrealized. So why should we be surprised that some guy who spent a few years in junior college is willing to do anything possible to live the American dream? Simply put, we shouldn’t.

It’s football, after all, and we shouldn’t be shocked when someone is trying to hurt someone else. We shouldn’t be appalled, either. It’s nature, boiled down to its purest form, removed of modern life’s mercurial trappings, void of pretense and prospect.

The bottom line is, Gregg Williams will likely be fined. He might be suspended (and hark! Where oh where will the Rams be THEN?!!!). But the sad truth is, Gregg Williams isn’t in the wrong here. He was doing nothing more than the stuff his team wanted him to do. He was winning at all costs, living the American (football) dream.

Malcolm X would be proud.

Posted in Sports | Tagged | 4 Comments

Hearne: Lowest Snowfall Ever? Maybe but Stand By for 25 More Inches

Did you happen to catch that snowstorm earlier today?

In Prairie Village I pegged it at zip, but KSHB weather wonk Gary Lezak says the offical count at KCI was .3 inches.

So can we put away the ice scrapers and start searching for the hay fever meds?

"No, there’s still a chance we’ll get some more snow," Lezak cautions. "There’s a chance that something like this will happen again and there’s a chance of another cold rain or snow next week.

"The most amazing thing about the weather this year is all the tornado stuff. Today there was a major, major outbreak. There were five tornadoes today before noon. And while it was snowing here there was a tornado in Southeast Missouri."

I hate to piss off any Republicans, but might it possibly be climate change related?

"I think there’s some pretty big evidence that some of these (weather) events might be a symptom of global climate change," Lezak says. "It is warming up and that’s a fact."

Remember how smoking hot it got last July?

"I think the floods will be worse, the droughts will be worse, tornadoes will be stronger," Lezak says. "And hurricanes will be stronger, heat waves will be hotter. I mean, these kind of things are all happening. It’s a fact."

Incidentally, for the ninth year in a row weatherate.com  has ranked Lezak’s casts highest among local stations.

In the scheme of things, as of today, KC’s "snowfall" stands at 3.4 inches for the season.

The lowest ever being 4.5 inches.

"But we’ve had snow as late as the first half of April," Lezak says. And we’ve even had an accumulation into the first few days of May. In fact, the biggest snowfall ever was March 24th and 25th when we had 25 inches of snow and that was in 1912."

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 10 Comments

New Jack City: Continental or United at KCI–Who’s On First?

Sometimes the ease of KCI’s three separate terminals can be an expensive and operational nightmare…

We saw it after 9/11 when, unlike other airports, KCI had to deal with multiple security check stations. Not only by the terminals but by the gates. These staffed multi-location security checks have since then been combined by the airlines.

But not so fast!

Things could get confusing starting this weekend for UNITED AIRLINES customers as that carrier fully intigrates its system and operations with CONTINENTAL AIRLINES—except here in Kansas City where the two carriers operate out of separate terminals and will continue to do so for the time being. UNITED out of Terminal A and the now ex-CONTINENTAL out of its old Terminal C gates.

Will there be problems?

Not really, but people see and hear  and believe what they want to believe.

Say you booked a CONTINENTAL flight to Newark a couple of months ago and you’re leaving next Wednesday.
Well, that flight is now a UNITED flight with a recoded UNITED flight number.

Except now it doesn’t leave from UNITED’s location in Terminal A.

Check in and departure for the Newark flight will still happen at Terminal C—the old CONTINENTAL location.

But if you mistakenly get off the shuttle bus at Terminal A ready to check in at the UNITED counter, guess what?
You’ll be hauling your bags back out to the curb and have to shuttle two terminals down to # 3.

All this until the combined carrier finally consolidates its K.C. operations into Terminal A this summer.


Here are the basics to remember.

All flights and destinations that were original UNITED AIRLINES flights prior to this weekend will continue to operate out of Terminal A. That includes UNITED flights to Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

Old CONTINENTAL AIRLINES flights beginning this weekend will also operate as UNITED flights but will keep its operations at Terminal C until summer. Those destinations include Newark, Houston and Cleveland.

And finally, going away will be continental.com combined UNITED-CONTINENTAL flights will be listed at united.com.

For up to the minute KCI gate, terminal or flight status questions the best bet is to check flykci.com.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 2 Comments

Glazer: Scribe’s ‘Good Hands Man’ Serves Up a Body Part

Guys like me look for hero’s who do battle in some form or fashion…

They get in gunfights or fistfights and thus risk their lives. But sometimes others risk their lives to save others without the use of violence.

Joe Vohs of Linwood, Kansas is such a man.

The 46 year old Farmers Insurance dude gave up a kidney to save a life. And not his child’s, his wife’s or even a relative’s. He gave it up for someone he doesn’t even know and may never meet.

 On December 29th last year, Vohs gave away part of his body for one reason and one reason only.

To make a difference. Or in his words, "to do what;s right. I’ve been blessed, my life is great. I love my wife, Katy and I’m a happy man. Why not give someone else the gift of life?"

What a HERO this guy is. And for no reason other than to HELP SOMEONE LESS FORTUNATE.

Not with money or a kind word, but giving up part of his own body. That’s brave, really brave.

Joe’s wife, Katy was a dialysis nurse for 10 years. She saw the horror of living with a bad kidney and the tragic death it all too often brought about in the end.

Then Joe saw a TV program one evening that mentioned the National Kidney Registry. And Joe saw how he could help by donating his own kidney. He may never know who got it, it’s up to them to call and thank Joe if they want to.

"I’m OK with it if they don’t ever call, I will always know I did a nice thing for another person in this country," Joe says. "I’ll know I saved a life." 

Joe now knows his kidney went to New York.

Chanel 4 had him on last night and today about his brave act.

"I’m not on TV to brag or boast about what I did. Only to try and encourage others to do something similar. We can all help make this place a better world if we really want to do what’s right."

P.S. Joe is my insurance agent and has been for more than 10 years.

And he was most helpful when my little brother Jack was killed in October.

Great guy. Nice story about a good man.

P.S. He was sore for two weeks, no bad pain, is back to normal. He runs and is in a big race on March 10Th…running, canoeing, and biking…damn talk about back to normal. What a guy….maybe its his name a GOOD JOE.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 10 Comments


Every now and then an Obama Administration Official says something completely idiotic and insensitive…

Earlier this week Obama’s Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, when asked whether the goal of the Administration was to lower the price of gas, answered “No.”

How out of touch is this guy?

With his chauffered government vehicles and private planes paid for by “We, the People,” it’s clear that he appears uneffected.

 Now let’s take the time machine back a few years and find out why Mr. Chu is so indifferent to the plight of average Americans. Back in 2008, Mr. Chu ruminated that “the price of gasoline over the long haul should be expected to go up.” And that “somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the "levels of Europe,” which are north of $7.00 a gallon!

Guess we shouldn’t be surprised gas prices are rapidly approaching $4.00 a gallon, should we?         

Why doesn’t Obama care about gas prices and why hasn’t he fired Mr. Chu?

The President has also made his contempt of fossil fuels no secret. He just stopped the Keystone Pipeline, which would have delivered badly needed oil to the domestic supply from Canada. The pipeline would have also created by some estimates as many as 20,000 jobs which this country needs!

The Administration has also invested untold billions into green energy companies, of which some have gone bankrupt or have cut jobs in the last six months, leaving the taxpayers on the hook for the losses. 

I’m not saying that alternative energy sources are not the future- they are.

And the President should be lauded for leading the way on alternatives to oil, but the technology is not there yet and is possibly decades away from replacing oil… not to mention being profitable.      

Gas prices have shot up 30 cents a gallon in February alone and the American People do not have the luxury of waiting for alternative fuel sources to be developed- we need relief at the pump now!

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Hearne: ‘I Think We’ve Seen the Last of Jardine’s,’ Former Owner Says

The ducks are lined up, but nobody’s home…

Just last week Robert McCain and Joseph Fulgenzi appeared poised to take a brief victory lap and step back into the limelight as the saviors of the jazz club known as Jardine’s.

The club has been closed since late last year after a staff and musician revolt against owner Beena Raja.

Then on New Year’s Eve eve the two dudes announced in the pages of the Pitch and on Fox 4 News they’d bought the club from Raja and were the proud new owners.

Just one problem; contrary to that reporting, McCain and Fulgenzi had not purchased Jardine’s.

Ever since though, they’ve been negotiating with Raja, Jardine’s founder Greg Halstead and landlord American Century to make their dream of reopening Jardine’s a reality. The latest being that they’d been approved to take over the lease once they’d settled with Raja and Halstead.

However at this stage of the game, it appears that all bets are now off!

"I don’t know what’s happening," says prospective club manager Pat Hanrahan. "Beena’s ready to sign the deal. The buyers said they wanted some revisions. Beena agreed…"

Then nothing.

Meanwhile, Raja defaulted Monday on the monthly payment owed Halstead re the purchase of the club several years back. McCain and Fulgenzi had made the January payment but opted not to make the February payment.

And both Halstead and Raja don’t understand why the buyers haven’t gone to Raja’s lawyer’s to complete the paperwork necessary to buy the club.

The latest: Halstead says American Century took possession of the club today, March 1st.

As for McCain and Fulgenzi, "What they’re doing is gently fluttering down to another planet," Halstead cracks. "They don’t return calls. They were supposed to close today but they haven’t. American Century has taken it over and changed the locks and it is now the property of American Century."

McCain did not return a call requesting comment or clarification.

And while a deal still might yet be struck, things appear to be getting dicey.

"Robert and Joseph have 20 investors and American Century checked ever fucking investor out," Halstead says, "ran background checks on them . That’s nuts."

In Halstead’s mind, the chances of saving Jardine’s grow slimmer by the day.

"I don’t think it’s fair to the people of Kansas City who love Jardine’s and what came out of that place," he says. "And I’m sad and I’m disappointed and I’m pissed off."

Halstead gives the dudes credit for trying but after more than two months…

"What it sounds like is they don’t have the money," Halstead says. "If it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk, it must be a skunk."

What Halstead thinks might happen?

"At 5:20 p.m. on March the first, what do I think’s gonna happen?" he says. "I don’t think the deal’s gonna get done. I’m a pessimist and I think we’ve seen the last of Jardine’s. It’s disappointing. I’m hoping these guys can get something done, but I’m looking at the dark side…

"What my lawyer has told me is to close the books and go away, you’ve been (screwed)."

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 16 Comments

Starbeams: Occupy KC Monkee Business, New Do for KCMO & Dodging Kelly Bullets

Kansas City has a new logo intended to promote the area as a global tourism destination. It looks sleek and more up-to-date…..until you notice the ruby red slippers.


Davy Jones from the Monkees passed away Wednesday at age 66.  He died of an apparent heart attack.  Little-known fact; David Bowie‘s real name is David Jones and he had to change his name because of the Monkees success.  Same reason I changed my name from Kelly Eckerman.


Some Occupy KC protestors were arrested this week for trespassing.
Their numbers have dwindled in recent weeks but they claim to have accomplished their main goal – outlasting Davy Jones.


A language arts teacher at Kansas City’s Alta Vista Middle School won $25,000 in the TV show "Jeopardy" during the Teachers’ Tournament. He says he was familiar with jeopardy because he walks to work daily.


Kelly Urich is the morning show host of The Point 99.7 FM

Posted in Starbeams | Tagged | 1 Comment

New Jack City: ‘Hunger Games’ On Monster Track

Industry ueber-guru Nikki Finke‘s DEADLINE HOLLYWOOD today reports astounding early tracking (awareness) numbers for THE HUNGER GAMES which is set to open on March 23.

"Numbers every film studio can only dream about," Finke adds.

One study is guestimating that the film – based on Suzanne Collins best selling books – will open north of $70 million—and that’s just for the domestic opening weekend!

If those predictions hold it would make THE HUNGER GAMES bigger than the TWILIGHT debut.

THE HUNGER GAMES, starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson was recently screened for the book’s author.

Now here’s Suzanne Collins take for her millions of fans on the big screen adaptation:

"I’ve just had the opportunity to see the finished film of THE HUNGER GAMES. I’m really happy with how it turned out. I feel like the book and the film are individual yet complementary pieces that enhance one another.
The film opens up the world beyond Katniss’ point of view, allowing the audience access to the happenings of places like the Hunger Games control room and President Snow’s rose garden, thereby adding a new dimension to the story.

"Director Gary Ross has created an adaptation that is faithful in both narrative and theme, but he’s also brought a rich and powerful vision of Panem, its brutality and excesses, to the film as well. His world building’s fantastic, whether it be the Seam or the Capitol. It’s amazing to see things that are suggested in the book fully developed and so brilliantly realized through the artistry of the designers.

"And, my God, the actors. The cast, let by the extraordinary Jennifer Lawrence, is absolutyely wonderful across the board. It’s such a pleasure to see how they’ve embodied the characters and brought them to life.

"So I’d like to sincerely thank all the many people who devoted their time and talents to the film, especially producers Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, and the excellent teams of Color Force, Larger Than Life and Lionsgate.

"I hope you enjoy the film!"

Can’t get a better endorsement than that from the story’s creator. And it’s all just three weeks away.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 1 Comment

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Project X’–Sexy, Rude and Crude Game Changer

Director Todd Phillips of HANGOVER and OLD SCHOOL fame turns producer, creating this time a monster….

A monster party, that is.

It’s called PROJECT X and features three high school losers taking advantage of mom and dad being away to make a name for themselves by throwing a birthday party for just a few people.

But nothing could prepare them for the complete chaos of what would ensue during the most epic birthday bash ever. A game changer as word spreads fast and dreams are crushed with now 1,500 party animals turning PROJECT X into the most legendary party battlefield ever experienced by Pasadena, California.

We’re talking S.W.A.T. teams, police helicopters and fire engines all converging on the scene!

Kinda reminds me of the old KY-102 All Night Blowouts.

"This was one hell of an fucking night" is probably the truest line uttered during the film.

The hook here has the leader of the pack making a documentary of the event and conversing with the cameraman throughout most of the movie.

The downside?

Handheld camera action galore. Enough to make your head spin. So if you’re prone to motion sickness…

You’ve been warned.

The M.P.A.A. justifies the film’s hard R-rating by pointing to its, "Crude and sexual content throughout. Nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem."

Yeap, a rude and crude cinematic celebration of bad behavior with plenty of nubile nookie to make this hot 88 minute-long T & A party worth the price of admission.

It’s ANIMAL HOUSE meets SUPERBAD—except this one features an all NO NAME CAST.

PROJECT X waving 2-1/2 out of 5 chaotic fingers.

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. on NewsRadio KMBZ Am & Fm and anytime on Time-Warner Cable’s K.C. ON DEMAND, Channel 411.

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | Tagged | 5 Comments

Hearne: Die and Die Again; the Reincarnation & Last Rites of KXTR

Talk about undignified deaths…

The final rape, pillaging and plundering of classical radio station KXTR will be complete sometime later today when what’s left of the beleaguered "Radio Bach" at 1660 AM goes business.

And while for fans of – not just classical music but the station’s ties to the local arts community – a certain sadness is in the air, there was little doubt this day would one day come. That after the station that signed on in 1953 on 96.5 FM was sold by civic leader Robert P. Ingram to Heritage Broadcasting in 1997.

"Today is our last day on the air," a voice on the station told listeners Wednesday..

And while most locals still think of the station as KXTR, since last spring it’s gone by the handle Radio Bach and the semi-secret call letters KUDL AM.

That’s becauase when parent company Entercom blew up KUDL last spring it needed a place to park KUDL’s legendary call letters so another station couldn’t get its mitts on them and pit them against what is now The Point.

"They knew KUDL’s call letters didn’t really fit with this Radio Bach thing but they didn’t want anybody else to get get them," says one radio insider. "But the funny thing is they have to give the new call letters on the air every hour on the hour, but they hide it. They say, Kansas City’s HD classical station in a normal voice and then they say KUDL really fast, almost in a whisper. They’ve been doing that since they switched over."

By giving away its music library to Kansas Public Radio in Lawrence and directing KXTR listeners to that station, Entercom hopes to deflect any furor over pulling the plug on the voice of Kansas City’s arts community.

For good reason.

The last time the company shafted local arts affcionados there was hell to pay.

Thousands of letters, emails and calls flooded Entercom’s offices, head dude Bob Zuroweste said at time.

Then it got ugly…

"Nobody wished me dead, but they wished me homeless and out on the streets at Christmas," Zuroweste told me then. " ‘And I hope your family suffers.’ It was pretty ugly."

Someone even threatened to egg Zuroweste’s car, he got flipped off at a local restaurant and a car salesman recognized his name and said, "You’re the guy who blew up KXTR!"

As I mentioned earlier, even Z’s wife was pissed.

"My wife finally took the ‘Keep Out’ sign off our bedroom door," he joked.

Zuroweste boasted that despite the AM signal at 1660 AM, when KXTR went HD it would sound even better.

However, Entercom is also blowing up Radio Bach’s HD signal.

One victim of the jettisoning of KC’s lone classical signal is Westport’s Tivoli Theater.

"We advertised a lot on KXTR, Radio Bach or whatever," says Tivoli main man Jerry Harrington who appeared on longtime host Patrick Neas farewell show earlier today. "It was one of the few places we could let people know what we were doing because we not only show movies, we show satellite broadcasts of ballet, opera and theater from around the world. So it’s not only kind of sad, it makes my life harder now."

Speaking of Neas, mum’s the word on his feelings about KXTR’s passing, owing to a severance package that forbids him from speaking out.

"He’s crushed," says a source. "He may get out of the business altogether now. He’s just so very discouraged at the whole industry now, but he took the money so he can’t talk."

The final indignity: On KXTR’s final night it switched over from classical to broadcast the KU Women’s Basketball team’s game against Oklahoma State. Fittingly, KU lost.

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Sounds Good: Dirtfoot@Bottleneck, Blind Pilot@Granada, The Head and The Heart@Granada

BarnYard Beer

Some cool, tasty things happening in Lawrence right now…

Aside from the great shows, that is. 

First off is the Kansas Craft Beer Exposition at Abe & Jake’s Landing this Saturday afternoon.  It features not only Kansas Beers, but also selections from Cali, Missouri, Nebraska, and a bunch of other places.  For a full listing go here: http://kscraftbrewfest.com/brewers/

But alas!  The brewfest is sold out.  So if you want to go you’ll have to sneak in.  I think it can be done.

Speaking of craft beer, the word in Larryville is that a new micro-brewery is set to open soon that will also double as a live music venue.  The brewers go by the name of Barnyard Beer, and rumor has it that they’ve been operating on a limited sort of soft-opening word of mouth basis and featuring some underground bluegrass jams. 

‘Bout time for some new beer ’round here!  Don’t tell me Lawrence doesn’t have room for Free State, 23rd Street, and BarnyardDo not tell me that. 

That’s about all I know right now, but I do have a call out to the brew masters, and when I hear back, you, loyal KCC readers, will be the first to know.

On to the picks!…

Friday, March 2nd

Dirtfoot at the Bottleneck in Lawrence

Here’s how "Spencer," of synthesis.net described this band:

"Imagine Nick Cave on a bed of rusty nails, the cover of “Gin and Juice” often mis-attributed to Phish (it was actually the Gourds), some old-timey “Dem Bones,” Old Crow Medicine show culture-clash, and that subtle fecal stench of Mr. Bungle skronk sax craziness: Get theses elements, let them stew in an oaken barrel for a number of years and out comes Shreveport, Louisiana’s Dirtfoot."

I know.  Gross. 

Nevertheless this all-acoustic Louisiana band has been making a name for themselves on the festival circuit, performing on Wakarusa’s main stage last year, and bringing their dirty brand of ass shaking, pots and pans banging, cajun gumbo boogie to anyone within earshot.

Friday’s Bottleneck show also features Joplin’s own The Ben Miller Band, a blues/appalachian trio that leans toward the stripped down and features a washtub bass.     


Saturday, March 3rd

Blind Pilot at the Granada in Lawrence

I saw Blind Pilot for the first time in July 2011 at the Bottleneck in Lawrence.  At the time I knew little of the band, but I walked away a fan.  I remember the crowd being one of the most enthusiastic I’ve encountered in a long time.  I must’ve thought it was a pretty cool show, too, because here is what I wrote in my review:

"All the musical subtleties were really effective, especially when matched with the band’s endless smiles and good natured stage banter.  Sometimes it makes a big difference, as an audience member, if you feel like the band is truly appreciative of where they are, what they’re doing, and not jaded by the road and endless bad food."

I just quoted myself.  And it felt kind of good.  Kind of like the mellow, folk-pop-neo hippy vibe that will be swirling around the Granada on Saturday night.  These guys packed out the ‘Neck last time and I expect an even bigger, sweatier crowd for this one.   


Sunday, March 4th

The Head & The Heart at the Granada in Lawrence

For a band that formed in just 2009, this Seattle outfit has certainly already enjoyed a nice taste of big-time critical success.  They’ve opened for (check this shit out) The Decembrists, My Morning Jacket, Vampire Weekend, Dr. Dog, Dave Matthews, Death Cab For Cutie, and Iron & Wine, among others.  If that list of heavyweights doesn’t get your pantaloons into a 7.8 Paste-rating bunch nothing will.  

Plus, they have a cool story.  The band met at an open mic, started jamming together, and self-recorded an album to give out at their live shows.  The album proved pretty hot and sold over ten thousand copies, which is a pretty huge haul for just merch-tabling it.  Sub Pop (remember Nirvana?) picked the band up, remastered the album, and voila!  You have an indie-pop-folk act that everyone seems to love.  I’d like to say these guys are up-and-comers, but I’m about 9 months late on that deal.

They’re playing much, much larger venues than the Granada all across the country and selling out shows months in advance in California, Chicago, and Tennessee.  For example, they’re playing Red Rocks with the Shins, they’re slotted at Coachella, and they’re headlining the Fillmore in San Fran.  

What I’m saying is, I know you’ve never heard of these guys, but you should really come to this show.

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Hearne: Pending Death of Classical Radio Breaks Entercom Founder’s Promise

Consider the imminent killing of legendary classical radio station KXTR aka Radio Bach is a promise broken…

That’s because as former local Entercom boss Bob Zuroweste stated in the past, Entercom founder Joe Field "promised" to keep the classical music format on in Kansas City when he blew up the station on FM and moved it to 1660 AM where it resides today.

On death row.

As the guy at the helm when Entercom first assassinated classical music here, Zuroweste’s take on the company’s plans to drop classical on 1660 and replace it with – zzzzzzzzzzz – business news and Mike Shanin:

"Well, the company assassinated it, not me, " Zuroweste laughs. "I was just the henchman. I’m the one who had to do the act, but I agreed with it because classical music wasn’t appealing to advertisers and the demo that appealed to advertisers and there were not a lot of listeners. And that happened all over the country. So it was a good move to put The Buzz on and it was a success."

Zuroweste declined to revisit the subject, but several sources confirm it was Entercom boss and founder Joe Field – a classical violinist – who was credited at the time with saving classical radio in Kansas city by ordering that KXTR be moved to 1660 AM more than a dozen years ago.

Entercom blew up KXTR in the year 2000 and following months of controversy in when even KCPT Channel 19 considered picking up the format rolled it back out on 1660 AM.

It wasn’t much, but it was something, a promise from a corporate chiefain that classical music would always remain a part of the fabric of Kansas City radio.

"Because we wanted to have some exposure for classical music listeners," Zuroweste says. "It wasn’t because of the controversy, it was because we wanted to give the classical lsiteners something."

As for the pending move from classical to business on 1660, "I think it’s a good move," Zuroweste says. "Because listening to music on AM makes no sense."

Will the controversy arise again now that Entercom is breaking its word and taking classical off the air?

"Yeah, it was a controversy when KXTR had a 2 or 3 share back then," Zuroweste says. "But it’s been less than a share or half share for quite some time now. I mean, they lost 80 percent of their audience when they moved to AM."

And the breaking of Entercom’s promise?

"Shift happens," Zuroweste says. "Nothing is forever, all good things come to an end – that’s life. Besides, I’m not there anymore. At the time I was speaking for the company, but obviously it’s out of my hands now.

"I mean, if somebody wants to listen to classical music in Kansas City they can find it. There are so many other alternative forms, whether it’s on your computer, your phone."

Back when Zuroweste pulled the plug on KXTR FM, he confirmed that his wife was highly irrate about it.

"She didn’t kick me out of bed, she locked me out of the bedroom," he says. "But that was tongue in cheek. Hey, all of my kids learned to play classical piano – every one of them. And my son plays classical guitar. But classical music just isn’t commercially viable anymore."

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Glazer: With Dow at 13,000 Scribe Awakens to Wonderful, Republicanless World

The Dow closed yesterday above 13,000 for the first time since May 19, 2008…

Is this the signal that the economy is finally on the way back? Maybe.

In any case, president in Barack Obama now seems unbeatable to win a second term. The Republicans reality TV shows have been fun with all the goofy debates and crazy candidates. Mitt Romney inched a couple steps closer yesterday to becoming the nominee by defeating Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich in Michigan and Arizona.

And in a way, the Republicans have made politics on TV fun.

But by keeping it close with all of the controversies they’ve damaged their brand and Romney’s ability and credibility to take on Obama. So it appears now at least that the prez is a lock to win in November.

Yes, oil is up near $109 a barrel and gold is closing back in on $1,800 an once, but even housing is starting to improve a bit. So slowly the wheels are turning to the plus side. Very slowly.

Meanwhile back in KC, we had an LA type winter and it’s basically over. Almost no snow.

Did that help the local economy?

As someone in the entertainment business I can answer, just slightly. Weekdays and weeknights were still quiet but weekends were up somewhat around town. Especially in Westport, Legends and out South.

So hey, there’s a reason to smile and have some hope.

More jobs are coming they say, and maybe things really are getting better finally.

At least they’re not getting worse, right?

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 41 Comments

Hearne: Wesport Mulling 420 Day Celebration on April 20th

It’s a brave new world in Westport…

As evidenced by the fact that it’s poised to put Kansas City on the map in the weirdest way imaginable; by officially designating April 20th as a holiday. But not just any holiday, mind you.

For the uninitiated, April 20 is Carmen Electra’s birthday (she’ll be 40), the day Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Rump Parliament, when Louis Pasteur completed his first pasteurization test and was opening day in 1912 for Fenway Park.

But forget about all that, that’s hardly what the party hearty types in Westport had in mind when they ran this baby up the flagpole.

Because in street parlance 420 Day is known as the day (and the time 4:20 p.m.) that a group of California teens agreed to meet to smoke pot. From that humble, if vague, 1971 origin the date has evolved into something of a counterculture holiday that people gather on to “celebrate and consume cannabis.”

By the way, according to ProCon.org “medical marijuana” is legal now in 16 states.

One of which is not Missouri.

Which brings us back to Westport’s tentative holiday.

“It’s not official yet because one of the the landlord’s not sure about it,” says Westport businessman Bill Nigro. “And because it does support an illegal activity.”

Then again, “The whole purpose of the event is to bring up the smoking issues Kansas City has,” Nigro says. “Not just with pot but with cigarettes as well. And as different states realize the economic impact (illegal pot) has on their states it becomes an easier decision to medicinalize marijuana.

“It eliminates black markets and helps keep people out of prison and it’s really no different than prohibition was in the 1920s. I think eventually almost every state will legalize it and tax it and it will pay for roads, education and all of the infrastructure needs cities and states have.”


“What good is it doing as a black market now?” Nigro asks. “And it’s just like alcohol – not everybody drinks alcohol.”

Studies show that while 67 percent of adults drink alcohol, only 20 percent of white males – the highest category – get drunk at least once a month. Since smoking any amount of pot is akin to getting drunk, it stands to reason that relatively few people would smoke pot were it decriminalized, Nigro says.

So pot jokes aside, 420 Day in Westport well could happen, Nigro says. Here’s why.

“It brings out the realities of what’s going on in our world today. We’ve got so many big issues concerning smoking, whether it’s marijuana or tobacco. You know, one’s completely legal but you can’t smoke it inside. And the other is mostly smoked inside because it’s illegal. But it’s so prevalent now that that’s why all the other states have legalized it – so they can control it.

“And as a bar owner, I would much rather babysit a room full of people high than a room full of people drinking. The people that are high are quiet and peaceful and listening to music and talking quietly. Where the people drinking are loud and obnoxious.”

Stay tuned…


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Donnelly: Homegrown Sporting Star Matt Besler Speaks Out

Matt Besler never dreamed the ride he’d take aback the world’s most popular game without even leaving KC…

The Sporting Kansas City defender grew up here and played high school soccer at Blue Valley West where he still holds the record for goals and assists.  For college, Matt attended Notre Dame, and was named an All-American and Academic All-American his senior season before being drafted in the first round of the 2009 MLS SuperDraft by what was then the Kansas City Wizards.

Besler’s first few MLS seasons were rollercoaster affairs. 

The team’s home at that time was a minor league baseball stadium without a proper sized pitch.  Wizards head coach Curt Onalfo was canned midway through Besler’s first season after the team continued to underachieve.  Attendance at home games was spotty at best, with empty seats frequently outnumbering those filled mostly with youth soccer teams and their parents.  

Though Besler saw a fair amount of playing time his rookie season, his sophomore effort was a bit rockier.  Players got swapped in and out of the lineup like Topps baseball cards, especially at Besler’s position, defender.

That was just two years ago, before the club rebranded itself with a Euro-sounding name. 

And before the shiny new stadium went up, in cooperation with a cancer research foundation. Before the sell out crowds and 13,000 plus season tickets were sold.  Before a supporters section of several thousand chanting fans guaranteed a home field advantage unlike many others in the league.

During a come-to-god meeting following his second year as a pro, current head coach Peter Vermes challenged Besler to fulfill his potential.  To get bigger, faster, and more reliable.  Besler took to heart his old school coach’s criticisms, and when LIVESTRONG Sporting Park finally opened in June of 2011, Besler broke out.  He cemented himself as a starting centerback and earned MLS All Star honors.  He scored his first MLS goal and contributed a half dozen or so assists from his newest weapon, the long throw in.

And he did it all in the comfort of his hometown, in front of friends, family, and 20,000 screaming fans. 

Thinking about his journey from 2009 to now still kind of blows Besler’s mind at times.

"It’s just so exciting," he says when asked about Sporting KC exploding onto the scene over the past year.  "I’m honored to be a part of it right now.  It’s just crazy what happened last year, it all just kind of blew up.  You just go around the city and see so many Sporting KC car stickers and hats and sweatshirts, and it’s just a great time to be playing for Kansas City."

I had the chance to catch up with Matt recently in between preseason games in Orlando to talk about the team, being snubbed by U.S. Mens National Team coach Jurgen Klinsmann, whether fellow defender Aurelien Collin is certifiable, and of course, racquetball…       

Before the 2011 season you and I spoke about a meeting you had with Peter Vermes where he basically called you out and challenged you to become a solid member of this team.  Apparently that tactic worked because you went on to have the most successful season of your career and even made the all star team.  How much have you grown as a player since that meeting?

I think I’m far, far away from that.  I’ve made a lot of big strides but also you’re always looking to improve.  And just because I had a good season last year doesn’t mean I’m happy.  I still want to go out there and prove all the doubters wrong and show I’m one of the better centerbacks in the league.  That’s kind of what my goal is for this season.

Did you have a similar conversation with Peter prior to the start of this season?

Yeah, we had another conversation in the offseason and he challenged me again.  He likes challenging me and he said that it’s still not good enough, you still haven’t reached your potential.  And he challenged me this offseason to make even a bigger step.  And another thing we talked about was taking more responsibility now that I’ve established myself in center defense, taking more of a leadership role back there.

Could that include possibly wearing the captain’s armband in 2012?

I don’t know.  We haven’t talked about that too much at all.  We’ve talked in general about really becoming a leader and demanding more of the guys.  We haven’t talked much about wearing the armband.  If he asks me to I definitely want to, and I will.  I’m still young but I think I’d be ready for it.  But at the same time, whoever wears it in any game, there’s going to be about three or four different leaders on the field.

Is leadership an area you guys have emphasized, especially with the departures of veterans like Davy Arnaud and Omar Bravo?

Yeah, absolutely.  I think that’s one of the biggest questions we have is filling those leadership roles left by Davy and Omar and we definitely have the guys to do it.

Without Davy and Omar you guys are one of the youngest teams in the league.  Is there a different vibe with the team now with those guys are gone?

I don’t know if there’s a different feel, but for guys like me and Graham (Zusi) and Chance (Myers) and Roger (Espinoza), we take a look around the locker room and we’re the guys who have been on the team the longest.  It’s a little different feel now.

What are the biggest differences with the squad right now versus one year ago at this time?

I think it’s just different because are farther along (than last year) and we’ve already established ourselves with our style of play.  We already know what we want to do and how our team can succeed, so we already have that base.  So now we’re just building off that.

Will guys play the same high press attacking style, or has Peter tweaked things based on the new personnel?

I think we’ll stick with it. I think that it fits our team the best.  I think we’ve adapted to that style of play and the formation really well.  In the offseason we went out and got guys that would fit that system.

After several years where players were shuffled in and out, how much does it help to have the entire starting back line from last year back?

It’s huge.  I’m obviously a little biased, but I think the back four is the most important part of the team.  I’m excited for us to start working and start playing in real games.  I think we have a really good back line.  There’s no reason we can’t have one of the best back lines in the game, and that’s honestly one of my goals.

Is Aurelien Collin actually insane?

Pretty much, yeah.

Like full-on, or just a little insane?

A little bit – he’s just so free spirited.  I’ve never met anyone like him.  He really doesn’t care what anyone else thinks and he loves just expressing himself the way he wants to.  And that’s refreshing to see.

With him playing the crazy guy does that mean you are his foil, the down-to-earth, dependable guy?

That’s kind of how it comes across.  I just think naturally, whether or not I am or not, I think it appears that way because he has such a big personality and he wears it on the field.

You’re a KC native, so you were around for the early days of the Wiz at Arrowhead and all that.  Now you have your own stadium, the team has sold over 12,000 season tickets, and the home opener is one of the most anticipated events in the near future.  Does it blow your mind thinking about how far Sporting has come in the few years since you were drafted?

A little bit, yeah.

Do you get recognized around town?

Not a ton, but it’s definitely more than I’ve experienced in the past few years.

Does anywhere else in the league come close to providing the type of atmosphere you guys have at LIVESTRONG?

You can argue a few places.  Everyone talks about Seattle and how loud it is.  But in overall stadium experience – LIVESTRONG for me is number one.

Your long throw ins were deadly last year.  Have you guys worked at all on set pieces off your throw ins this preseason?

We haven’t.  That’s something that will come together maybe towards the end of this last week.  That’s something we’ll build off of from last year.

For your throws do you basically run the same setup as you do for corners?

It’s not that much different (from a corner).  And I think that’s why it’s so effective.  You think throw in and you can’t get as much zip on it as a corner but we’re running it right now and it’s as dangerous as a corner.

A couple of your teammates recently got called up to the USMNT.  You arguably had the best season out of all of them.  Is there a little chip on your shoulder going forward, trying to prove that maybe you deserve a call from Klinsmann too?

Yeah, that’s one of my motivations.  When I found out I wasn’t named, didn’t get called, I was a little upset.  It just motivated me to work a little harder.  That’s one of my ultimate goals is to play for the national team.  But I’m not too worried about it right now, not too consumed by that.  I’m just going to worry about Sporting KC and if the timing is right and I keep playing well it will take care of itself.

Who’s better at racquetball, you, Zusi, or Chance?

(Laughs)  Where did you hear we played racquetball?

Zusi mentioned it the other day.

We– for some reason we got into racquetball in the offseason.  It’s a great sport, different from anything we’ve played.  It helps with our quickness to be honest.  And obviously it’s really competitive and you sweat a lot.  It was even.  There were days when Zeuss would be the champ.  We’d always bet lunch on it.  I’d say we paid each other about half and half.

*******       *******       *******

Remember folks, the biggest St. Patty’s Day party in KC this year is Sporting’s home opener at LIVESTRONG. 

At last check there were still a few hundred tickets left. 

Check it out here.

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