Glazer: Westport Flexes Its Party Muscles, Claims High Ground on St. Paddy’s

It’s ridiculously official…

Westport’s back and it’s bad. It was so packed yesterday for St. Patrick’s Day you couldn’t get near the place without getting trapped in major traffic jams. As early as 11 AM. I tried to slip into the area and had to duck in and out of the sidestreets to make it into the heart of Westport.

Here’s the honest to god deal, they don’t need the St. Patrick’s Day parade to lure Kansas City to Westport on a Saturday. That’s by far the busiest drinking day and night of the year.

"I hit the beer tent on the Kelly’s lot at 9 A.M. and they never turned my beer tap off ALL DAY until they took a break around 7 PM," said Westport point man Bill Nigro.  "I’ve seen huge crowds down here over my 30 years, but this was the biggest ever."

I checked out the Power & Light District afterwords around 1 PM and there wasn’t even a fraction of the crowd Westport had. I’m sure it got busier later, but some of our staff hit them both and said there was no comparison. 

Westport was 10 times busier than P & L

The word’s out, Westport’s taken the club biz back from all comers, including Power & Light.

Yes, getting rid of hip-hop and rap was a big part of it.

But the district is also CLEANER AND NEATER than it’s been in the recent past. New bars like Gusto and The Union are kicking butt, There’s stronger and younger leadership. The Beaumont Club is bringing in a mix of the top new artists and acts out there.

And on St. Patrick’s Day, Kelly’s lines never stopped until late at night and their outdoor deck was a HIT!

Again, being on a Saturday helped. Not to mention the 78 degree weather and that the riff raff is long gone.

It’s a nice story to see our local little guys crush the corporate raiders downtown.

And Westport’s comeback has only just begun.

Keep an eye on this amazing turnaround and I just might have a little secret to share with you before too long.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 2 Comments

Hearne: MU Blue; Don’t Play it Again, Sam, Kleenex is for Crybabies

Little help?

I don’t know of anybody who’s sung the praises of Star sports columnist Sam Mellinger more than I. From the get go, I saw things in Sam that foretold of a bright future.

Allow me to remind.

When he started the column two years ago, Sam He Am had big shoes to fill.

Amidst third degree belt tightening and rather awkward circumstances, the newspaper had lost its two top sports guns, Joe Posnanski and Jason Whitlock.

And Whitlock on his way out had unleashed a scandal involving the paper’s newly minted main editor with an attractive, highly placed female sports editor who worked under him. Whitlock publically accused the two of having an improper relationship.

It was plenty ugly and mum was the word on the subject at 18th and Grand.

And having worked there until late the previous year, I can tell you Whitlock was far from alone in his belief as to what went on and the bogusness of it. The woman editor in question – fresh off a divorce – skedaddled with little to no explanation as to exactly why and it was a rocky, uncertain time at best.

Enter Mellinger buoyed by youth, local connects and a way with words that positioned him somewhere between the oft overwraughten, prosaic Posnanski and the undisputed king-of-newspaper-reader-pimpers Whitlock.

Sam had the writing chops to play the JoPo card – which Whitlock obviously never had – but he appeared far less likely to deal out race cards and stir up thinly thought out controversies that were Whitlock’s bread and butter.

As many said four years back of President Barack Obama, Sam was a blank slate.

Readers of the Star could look forward to watching him grow and mature as he found his voice as the one, true sports columnist at 18th and Grand.

I liked what I saw then and I continue to like much of what I see today.

But I’d like to see less of the stereotypical, hand wringing columns Posnaski flooded the sport universe with.

I’d like to see Sam take out his crayon sharpener, give it a few deft twists on his you-know-what and put some growl in his game.

Is that too much to ask?

The impetus for my critique is Mellinger’s formulaic column about the NCAA tourney loss by the highly-ranked Missouri Tigers basketball team. To the ever so lowly Norfolk State whatever-they-ares.

Look, anybody who cared either saw or heard the game and/or the highlight clips showing devastated MU players and jubilant Norfolk Staters. And even if they didn’t, it doesn’t take a wordsmith to hammer home the agony of defeat in a game that big or the ecstasy of a once-in-a-lifetime victory.

Tell us something we don’t know.

Or maybe even bring your gun to the knife fight and shock our sports monkeys.

Here’s what we got instead.

"The tears started almost immediately, beaten only by the cussing," Mellinger begins. "Missouri basketball players range from stunned to ticked, staring into the distance or slamming punches into chairs, fresh victims of one the biggest upsets in NCAA Tournament history."

To which I’d like to add, oh the anguish.

"Maybe 30 feet away from them, pandemonium. Norfolk State, 21-point underdogs, sprinting around in circles around midcourt, hamming it up for the TV cameras, making sure everyone watching remembers the fifth team in 28 years to win an NCAA Tournament game as a No. 15 seed."

That’s a surprise. A nobody team wins a huge upset and they’re loving life. Who knew?

Oh but Sam’s not even done milking this tear stained Hallmark Moment.

"Phil Pressey, who took the final shot in Missouri’s 86-84 loss, falls to the court. He doesn’t get up, doesn’t move, hides his head under his jersey until Kyle O’Quinn — now Missouri’s version of Ali Farokhmanesh, with 26 points and 14 rebounds for Norfolk State — offers a hug. ‘He looked like he needed a helping hand,’ O’Quinn later said."

Is it possible Mellinger was actually crying as he wrote those moving words?

So how original was Mellinger’s soft shoe?

Oh I dunno, check out MU beat writer Terez Paylor‘s lead sentence on his game story and you tell me:

"Kim English slumped back in his locker, the bright camera lights illuminating his solemn face. His quad hurt, his dreams dashed."

See what I mean? Who isn’t choking out this kinda sports schlock?

Read more here:

Now here’s my take:

It was only a college basketball game, nobody died in a tornado. Move on.

"This isn’t how it was supposed to happen," Mellinger continues. "This isn’t the way dream seasons end, one of the most successful years in MU basketball history suddenly washed away in disappointment."

You can read the rest of the column if you wish.

But that’s one of the easiest columns a guy as gifted as Sam ever wrote. And frankly not everybody is as gifted as Sam in the writing department. You want me to get Glaze to paraphrase Sam’s column so you can compare?

Hey, it’s not my place to put words into Sam’s mouth, but surely he could come up with something edgier or more imaginative.

Channel a little Whitlock even, for old times sake.

Lemme try:

They blew it…

No two ways about it, faced with the college sports opportunity of a lifetime – in the most important game in the school’s history – the Missouri Tiger basketball team curled up and died.

And in doing so, MU gifted its former friends in the Big 12 with a going away gift they could only dream of.

Instead of triumphantly marching, heads held high, into the SEC, Missouri ended its days in the Big 12 with an embarassment of squandered riches and crawled off like wailing babies. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the enduring, indelible image KU and K-State fans will savor and take to their graves.

They’ll die with smiles on their faces, because instead of having to sulk over MU’s arguably lucky Big 12 tourney win over Baylor following KU’s unlikely collapse the day before, they’ll now be able to jest about K-State’s twin pounding of the Tigers and KU’s winning the team’s final meeting and the Big 12 championship.

So long, Missouri. Don’t let Norfolk State’s goofy Spartan mascot stab you in the butt.

Plus KU won’t have to play MU in football off campus anymore, and that’s a going away gift money can’t buy!


There are a million ways Sam could’ve skinned this cat, but he opted for the schlocky one.

My advice; put away the Kleenex, Sam. Everybody who wanted to cry already got it out of their system long before you choked your sentimental chicken.

If Kleenex need be involved, bust out the entire whole box, wad it up in whichever hand’s the strongest and stuff it into that imaginary, writer’s erotic zone before you start the next column.


Read more here:
Read more here:
Read more here:
Read more here:
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Whinery: Taking Tony to Task on the True Meaning of Hate Crimes

Over at Tony’s Kansas City, a Mr. Botello has made quite the hullabaloo about Whites being unable to be the victims of Hate Crimes…

The context being an unfortunate occurrence at East High School. Too make a long story short, a young man of 13 – white and 13 years of age – was set on fire by two black youths- WHO WERE ALLEGEDLY CALLING HIM “WHITEY” among other epithets.       

Mr. Botello is of the opinion that this cant be a hate crime because racism is “institutional” and since whites are the “majority” and have the “power.”

In all due respect, sir, what a bunch of crap!

Last time I checked, humans are capable of hate regardless of race, creed or color…

So where am I coming from and what right do I have to this opinion? I’m WHITE, almost six feett tall and a lawyer- which im sure places me into the position of being one of the “Master Race” according to Mr. Botello.

But there’s a catch…

I’m JEWISH – among arguably the most hated and enslaved minorities of all time. Jews were in bondage until 1945! 

All the way back to ancient Egypt my people have been trod upon and discriminated against.       

And what about all the people who think we run the world?

What a joke!

Hollywood and scrap metal, maybe…

And since I blend in so well- I’ve even been privileged to hear anti-semitism to my face.    

So, sorry, Mr. Botello, but what happened to that kid from East High was a Hate Crime.

It only happened because he was white. And all your “Critical Race Theory” does not change that fact. Blacks can hate and discriminate as well as Whites. Not to mention Mexicans and “La Raza,” which means the “Race.”

However since you’re a “minority” I guess that makes it OK.

Jews are one out of 500 people on the Planet. That’s what I call a minority a minority. Hispanics by comparison make up more than 15 percent of the US population.

But instead of pointing fingers and exchanging “Poor Me” stories- maybe we need to just all try and get along…

I love you Tony and the pics of Jordan Carver that adorn your blog, but you’re dead wrong on this one.

Hate is hate…

Posted in News_and_Views | Tagged | 20 Comments

Hearne: KC Export Erich Mancow Muller Defends Rush, Debuts New TV Show



This just in…

Long time no Mancow on local airwaves. But you know, given the slippery slope terrestrial radio personalities face in today’s metered ratings world, it’s lucky anybody besides Johnny Dare actually still has a high-rated show and a paycheck worth crowing about.

Mancow syndicates his show nationally out of Chicago on Talk Radio Network.

The latest?

A former disciple of infamous KC radio bad boy Randy Miller, Mancow’s recorded a pair of one hour specials to air on Fox Television this today and tomorrow – March 17th and 18th – and next Saturday and Sunday, March 24th and 25th.

In a release, Mancow TV Worldwide "promises to throw traditional TV norms out the window with its no-holds-barred, politically incorrect interviews. According to Muller, his show will be the ‘cold shower to sober up an America drunk on political correctness.’ It is a fusion of many things—politics, entertainment, news, etc. One thing it won’t be is conventional."

Like anybody who’s followed Mancow’s career in the slightest would suspect it would.

Mancow’s show doesn’t show up on this weekend’s online programming guide on FOX 4, so it may take a bit of poking around to catch his new act.

YouTube, maybe?

The taping goes down at 12:30 p.m. today and next Saturday at Fox headquarters in New York, Mancow says.

So we’ll see.

Meanwhile, Mancow offered no specifics on what to expect, but he did text share a nice little rant about how the liberal media’s been beating up on fellow Missourian Rush Limbaugh.

"The way the left wing media and the libs are treating Rush is like he is the most evil person on the planet," Mancow says. "Worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot combined. I thought that I should come up with some extreme nonsense to match the libs outrageous claims. There are Jack Bauer and Chuck Norris facts all over the place. So I came up with (some) ‘Rush Limbaugh is so evil’ facts:

Before Satan ruled hell, Rush readied the place for him first.

Rush takes babies from candy.

Rush doesn’t host Tea Party events. He hosts Kool-Aid events using Jim Jones recipe.

Rush bought the planet Mars. That’s why there are no signs of life there anymore.

Rush was great at playing hide and go seek with kids. They were never seen again.

Rush likes planting things in his backyard. So far the count is over 30 foreign houseboys.

Rush frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Its blood he took from unconscious hobos.

Rush bought the Sahara forest. Look at it today.

Rush sued his secretary for every penny she had in a sexual harassment lawsuit. He claimed she inappropriately touched the palm of his hand with her ass.

Rush was an informant for law enforcement when children were operating illegal lemonade stands.

Rush visited George W Bush in Texas when Bush was Governor there. Rush asked Bush if he could push the button that initiates the lethal injection to death row convicts.

Rush challenged Stevie Wonder to a staring contest. Steven Hawking to a poetry reading contest. And Christopher Reeve to a fist fight.

Rush buys up battered women shelters and rape crisis centers, and then evicts the occupants and turns the places into strip clubs for men."

I think it’s safe to say that Mancow’s playing the tongue-in-cheek card here.

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | Tagged | 4 Comments

Glazer: Chelsea Lately Unleashes PR Schmooze on Scribe & Stanford’s

The hottest comedy show on cable is Chelsea Lately

And Stanford and Sons has been a feeder for her guests the last two years. We’re lucky to be associated with booking agencies like CAA, APA and Gersh. These agencies out of LA and New York represent 90% of her guest comics. 

So when offered the opportunity – realizing she was the next big thing in comedy on TV – I began signing almost all her people. Recently we’ve had Dov Davidoff, Mo Mandel and Ilza Shelsinger to name a few. Now all of them have TV series or movies. Our biggest Chelsea find was clearly TJ Miller who’s as hot as anyone out there today.

You have to give Chelsea credit for being willing to share her stardom with so many young comics.

Nobody else has been as helpful to up and comers since the days of Johnny Carson and the old Tonight Show.

And Thursday Chelsea gave Stanford’s and KC some love.

She said that two of her top stars, Josh Wolf and Chris Franjola will be in Kansas City at Stanford and Sons. What was kinda funny was she also said, "Now Kansas City is in KANSAS." 

Well not all of it – not quite – but we certainly are.

Josh Wolf is now Handler’s lead writer. He also stars with Chelsea on her "After Show" that follows her current talk show. Josh is best known for his regular role on My Name Is Earl and he also co-starred with Larry the Cable Guy on Larry’s last tour, including the KC stop.

Josh was another guy we spotted in 2007. He came in with April Macie as her opening act co star. Now he’s a hot headliner that sells out. You can see him at Stanford’s at the end of April.

Chris Franjola now has kinda taken over for Josh on the Chelsea Lately show. He’s usually on at least weekly and Chris will be at Stanford’s the last week of March.

Naturally we were flattered to get the love from Chelsea since as some of you in the comments section have noted, nobody’s ever heard of me or Stanford’s

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 36 Comments

Glazer: Missouri Chokes, Leaves Once in a Lifetime Season in Ruins

Who knew?

Even President Obama picked Missouri to go to the FINAL FOUR. 

This year’s MU basketball team achieved something the school never had before. Most sports insiders felt Missouri was one of the best teams in the nation. They were  ranked No. 3, the school’s all-time best finish.They drew a No. 2 seed and got to play a total nobody.

No. 2 seeded MU against 15th seeded, unranked Norfolk State. Are you kidding me?

MU was like a 22 point favorite, the biggest number in the BIG DANCE. So what happens?


And you know what? It felt like a whole lot more. It never seemed like MU was really in the game to win it.

They looked lost – which is exactly what they did – LOSE.

So once again, one of our area teams is embarrassed! 

It’s the only truly big upset of the tournament. It’s the talk of the tournament. MU had every chance to win. They seemed to get most of the calls, but Norfolk State just kept burying three’s and Missouri could never slow them down.

It’s the fifth time in NCAA HISTORY a No. 2 got beaten in its first game by a number 15 .


I’ll say it again, 86-84!  And MU did shoot well, they just didn’t defend. NORFOLK shot over 50% from 3 point range. It was the game of those kid’s lives.

Now MU leaves the Big 12 with their heads down and tails between their legs.

And next year MU will not be nearly as good – not even close.

Ricardo Ratliffe, Kim English, Marcus Denmon and Matt Pressey are all seniors and are done. And Missouri ain’t Kansas with a ton of talent coming in next year. This was Missouri’s one and only shot at greatness.

It was MU’s Cinderella Season but the cruel stepmothers froze Missouri out of the big ball

Once again MU seems jinxed.

The truth is, MU has never won anything that mattered nationally – never.

You have to give it though to KU. They have one of the best basketball programs of all time with four National titles, includes the 2008 NATIONAL TITLE.

MU has never even been to a Final Four.

Hey, but it’s a total shocker. I even bet on MU and gave the points (on a tease so I gave 17 1/2 with KU -10 1/2). 

And I like MU – I really enjoy its football teams. I went to Arizona State. Missouri football’s usually pretty decent, even though they’ve never won anything that matters either.

It’s a bummer. NOW GO JAYHAWKS!

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 3 Comments

Glazer: World’s Nicest Guy, KC Export Rob Riggle Plays Bad Guy in 21 Jump Street

Rob Riggle playing a bad guy?

It’s true. The KC export’s new movie, 21 Jump Street has him cast as an evil teacher with a secret. It’s a take off from the old TV series as noted in Jack’s review below.

Rob’s one of several Stanford’s alums who’ve had nice Hollywood careers. Guess what? Not all of these stars were even comics at Stanford’s. At least not at first.

Rob Riggle came to do his first stand-up with us a couple years ago. He was best known for his role on The Daily Show with Live From Baghdad, It’s Rob Riggle

Rob was an officer in the Marine Corps.

It was there, not so much at Stanford’s, where he began doing comedy. When I met Rob at the club he reminded Jeff and I he’d worked the door at Stanford’s in Westport towards the end of his career at KU.

Rob hadn’t done much standup yet, at least not in front of a regular audience like at the club. This was his first time on stage with a one hour act in front of a hometown crowd that included his wife, some family and Jason Sudeikis parents.

And Rob did a nice job.

We did the radio tour, including of course Johnny Dare‘s show, and Riggle told me some stories about his days at Stanford’s 20 years earlier. He was just such a warm, nice person, you had to pull for the guy.

We had a few other future stars who started their careers right in Westport.

Arliss Howard, Full Metal Jacket and Jurassic Park 2. Arliss was a bartender for four or five years. He did some Improv at the club, but no real standup. We worked up a bit about me being a Jew he was converting me to Jesus. He later married Debra Winger.

Eddie Griffin started out as a bus boy/waiter. He later did stand up at Stanford’s, but only on open mic night. He eventually played the club as a comic in the early 2000’s. Louie Anderson was also a Stanford’s guy. David Naster landed him for us to emcee and he went on to Hollywood and never looked back.

Of course there was Sinbad. My dad Stan was his pal, as was Naster. In fact David and Sinbad lived together for a period in KC. Sinbad was a doorman, driver – you name it. Finally he made it as a standup comic at the club, was discovered there by Star Search, won and the rest is history.

Riggle might be the nicest of all the former Stanford’s folks.

He came back a year after his first shot on stage with us at Legends. This time he did five shows, sold out and was on it.  He just has that charm. This past year Rob was shooting 21 Jump Street (yes, Johnny Depp has a cameo) and tried to do a Sunday night at Stanford’s. But he had to cancel because the movie needed him to stay in New Orleans and work.

Rob and crew will be back for their charity and the BIG SLICK POKER Tournament in KC this summer.

Always great to see a nice guy doing so well.

Posted in Craig_Glazer | Tagged | 3 Comments

Starbeams: TIPS Line Goes American Idol & Prez Salutes KC Afrikan Nerds

Jermaine Jones was kicked off American Idol for his criminal background. However, you can still vote for Jermaine by dialing 474-TIPS. 


De Soto High School Band students are in a Pittsburgh hospital recovering from a nasty illness. They were on a spring break trip to New York when several students became nauseous and started vomiting…just like every other kid on spring break.


Local students at Kansas City’s Afrikan Centered Education Collegium Campus  ecently got the attention of President Obama with its robotic invention. Now they’re working with to urge other schools to pitch ideas. The idea being, that no matter how many pocket protectors you’re wearing, chicks dig guys worth a billion dollars.


Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM

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Leftridge: Tournament Kicks Off, Work Production Plummets, Your Wife Doesn’t Get “What the Big Deal is”

Of the 15 college basketball experts on the front page of (Jay Bilas, Doug Gottlieb, Dick Vitale, et al.), nine have Mizzou advancing to the Final Four, five have KU going, and K-State… yeah, so anyway… It’s pretty clear that lofty expectations are being placed upon the Big XII Champeen, the evil dissenter, the little team that could, the Missouri Tigers. Obama’s got them in HIS Final Four as well and you KNOW that’s a big deal because, well, the president is never wrong, right? If I’m not mistaken—and I don’t believe that I am—he has the presidential authority to veto whatever ACTUALLY happens in order to make his bracket accurate.

Congrats in advance, Mizzou!

But if I’m not mistaken, I think they have a few games to play before they can begin cutting any nets and/or punching people at nightclubs (I’m not passing judgment on any particular team with that last statement, simply stating what happens to be a growing national trend with most college athletics participants).

The excitement gets under way on Thursday at 11:40 CT when Manhattan’s finest take on ninth seeded Southern Mississippi in Pittsburgh (PA, not KS).

The eighth seeded Kansas State Wildcats (21-10) benefitted wildly from two decisive victories against Mizzou and winning an extremely tight contest at then-tenth-ranked Baylor. Other than that, KSU has been a mostly mediocre team led by the decent guard-play of junior Rodney McGruder and the adequacy of senior forward Jamar Samuels. Gone are the days of Bill Walker, Michael Beasley, Jacob Pullen or even Denis Clemente (currently throwing the rock with BK Bemaco SPU Nitra of the Slovak Basketball Association, yo).

With that said, it’s worth noting that the Golden Eagles of Southern Miss.—making their triumphant 3rd tournament appearance in school history (to be fair, they’ve only been around since 1910)—didn’t play a ranked team all season. Oops! I think K-State’s bacon gets saved by default in this one… nothing personal, Golden Eagles. You’re a fine Chinese restaurant, but a less-than-frightening tournament threat.

Next on the docket, we’ve got the Missouri Tigers taking on the Spartans of Norfolk State, 3:40 PM on Friday in Omaha (you know, because nothing says “tournament basketball” like that zoo everyone seems to love and brooding indie-rocker Conor Oberst). But I digress…

The Tigers probably should have been a one-seed. There, I said it.

They lost four games all year (including the two anomalies to K-State) and rolled through the Big XII Tournament like Paula Deen mowing down shoppers at a two-for-one ham sale.


They had a super-spectacular season that virtually nobody saw coming, and for that, they should be commended. But—BUT—now the bar has been set. They’re no longer the bitch-kids getting laughed at, moping around the playground, waiting for the big kids to show up and kick them off the court. They ARE the big kids.


But that’s precisely the attitude that gets good teams bounced early; they let their guard down, put it in cruise control and do all kinds of other clichéd things that sportswriters vomit words about. I’m fairly confident that this won’t happen to the Tigers, though. Frank Haith has built a remarkably strong bond with these kids in a short period of time; they play hard for him and remain cool/calm/collected under the most virulent circumstance. And though Norfolk State won’t be a cakewalk—they won the MEAC, after all!!!—I wouldn’t expect any big surprises here. The Spartans played a ranked opponent twice all year (Marquette—more Golden Eagles??? Are we officially out of team names now?) and lost both contests.

Be prepared for lots of MIZ! Facebook status updates, everyone.

On Friday, at 8:57 in the evening, second-seeded Kansas takes on the Titans of Detroit.

See, this is the part where I’m supposed to predict a terrific upset of the great Kansas University. All of the cool kids are doing it. Though I have no numbers to back it up, I’d be willing to bet this is one of the more oft-predicted early bracket busters in this year’s tournament. And though there’s certainly a precedent for this sort of thing in the first two rounds (Bradley! Bucknell! Northern Iowa!), this feels different. Why is that? Because the Detroit Titans are better than all three of those unheralded terrors.

I know, I know, this pisses in the face of reason, so allow me to explain (it’s actually pretty simple, really, and you probably already know what I’m going to say): KU took Bradleybucknellnortherniowa lightly. And why shouldn’t they have? They were top-of-the-charts, king-hell-bastards-of-basketball in the years that saw their early dismissal. This year, they’ve got a bit of a chip due to seeding issues (warranted, or not), and they KNOW that Detroit is a formidable opponent. They WON’T go in, expecting to steamroll. They’ll go in anticipating a well-played, hard-fought battle, and they’ll get it. And from this humility and respect (bite your tongues, Tigers’ fans) they shall OVERCOME, brothers and sisters. Hallelujah, Amen, free at last free at last, yadda yadda yadda, free at last.

 Probably. Or they could TOTALLY lose to Detroit in spectacular fashion… I can see that as well.

All games will air on CBS and the Turner family of networks– TBS, TNT and truTV. Check your cable guide for more specific listings, or, be like everyone else and watch streaming video from Israeli internet feeds while you sit in your cubicle, pretending to work.

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Sounds Good: Galactic@Liberty Hall, Jane’s Addiction@Uptown, Kepi@Replay, Elders@Uptown St. Pats, We Were Promised Jetpacks@Riot Room

It’s jam packed with great shows to go to along with a disturbingly nice basketball tournament. Could it set up any better for a Lawrence chap?

We’ve got KU on Friday along with Kepi at the Replay, St. Patty’s/barf at LIVESTRONG Saturday Night, more KU Sunday, then we all get jetpacks!  Like we were promised. 

 Who’s with me?…


Thursday, March 15th

Galactic at Liberty Hall in Lawrence

Alongside The Meters and Dr. John, Galactic is probably New Orleans’ best known funk/soul band.  But they’re not really just a funk/soul act anymore, as they’ve constantly evolved since forming in the mid 90s to encompass electronic, rock, jazz, hip hop, and jam elements.  Over the years they’ve played with tons of guest musicians, from Widespread Panic to The Neville Brothers to Jurassic 5

Thursday’s show at Liberty Hall also features some special guests.  One of them is none other than Corey Glover of Living Colour fame.  An additional Corey  – Corey Henry, a virtuoso trombone player who is a member of another New Orleans institution, the Rebirth Brass Band – is also appearing.

Opening up for Galactic is Orgone, an LA band that cut their teeth as studio pros and festival regulars.  These guys are a prototypical “party band” that brings high energy funk and nasty beats to everything they do, which in the past has included opening stints for The Roots, Al Green, Thievery Corporation, and Snoop Dogg among others.     

Friday, March 16th

Jane’s Addiction at the Uptown Theater in KC

This surprisingly un-hyped show will probably be a good one, especially since Jane’s performance last summer at the Buzz Beach Ball was somewhat panned as lacking in muscle and passion.  No doubt, Perry wants to redeem himself. 

Their most recent album, 2011’s The Great Escape Artist, has received mostly mixed reviews since its release in October.  The band stepped outside of their comfort zone to embrace some of the current trends that have emerged since they last put out a record. 

"We have options now to make music through technology and we’re taking advantage of it; we’re not afraid of it,” Farrell told Spin Magazine.  “We’ll write some tracks and send them back and forth, and we’ll deconstruct a demo. Everybody’s ears need to be excited with fresh sounds, interesting chord structures, arrangements, and compositions. And it’s not easy to come up with something original and fresh. What can help you are electronics." 

Kevin Seconds & Kepi Ghoulie at the Replay in Lawrence

Kevin Seconds is the former front man of punk band 7 Seconds who now plays solo in a mostly acoustic, stripped down, post-punk, Americana style.  Nothing like an ageing dad rocker, huh?  Hey, not so fast Pat Sajak.  OK, maybe.  Here’s what Stephen Bradley of the Washington Times recently wrote: 

“For someone who was never the most hard line punk to begin with, this seems like the perfect place for him to be at this point in his career. He’s content to play his set of heartfelt songs for a handful of people and have a good time.”

Kepi Ghoulie is the former frontman of Cali pop-punk band the Groovie Ghoulies, who disbanded in 2007 after the divorce of Kepi and his wife Roach, who was also the band’s bassist.  Now, like Mr. Seconds, Kepi is doing the solo acoustic thing as well, digging deep through his discography and B-sides to offer a mellowed out, punk-ish time for you and your friends.   

Saturday, March 17th

The Elders 10th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Hoolie at the Uptown Theater in KC

It’s the Elders.  On St. Patty’s Day.  At the Uptown.  What else do I really need to say?  Hmmm… there will be green beer!  OK, I actually have no idea if the beer will be green or its normal color.  If it was me, I’d just prefer the non-green stuff, personally. 

Along with the band’s second to none Celtic-rock, there will also be Irish folk dancers.  And the band is recording the whole deal for a DVD that will be put out later.

Bring your shillelaghs.  

Tuesday, March 20th

We Were Promised Jetpacks at the Riot Room in KC

These four boys from Scotland are hitting KC on their way back from… wait for it… SXSW where they’re playing the Paste Magazine Showcase and The Rolling Stone Showcase.

I’ve heard that they’re cool.

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Hearne: Vivien Jennings & Rainy Day Books Battle to Save Local Bookstores

Are the days of local bookstores numbered?

With mom and pop book shops few and far between, the death last year of book behemoth Borders and word that Barnes & Noble is hanging on by the skin of its teeth, it’s easy to make that case.

It’s already painfully obvious that music CDs and DVD movies are not long for this world. Chances are if you’re still buying those, you’re mulling over things like AARP memberships and Jack’s erectile disfunction ads.

Face it, what local businesses really are "safe" anymore outside of clothing, drugstores, groceries and necessities people need to purchase in person?

But back to books…

“I don’t think that books are going away,” says Vivien Jennings of Rainy Day Books in Fairway, the leading purveyor of big name author events in Kansas City. “A lot of people still like the organic book because it’s just you and the book. So I think the organic book is here for at least my lifetime.”

What about libraries? Who really needs them anymore with Google and the Internet just clicks away?

“I think libraries are doing okay,” Jennings says. “And studies have shown that people’s brains – particularly young people – that if they only use computers, where the computer does the thinking and seeking – they won’t be able to remember and think as well. So kids should not just let the computer do everything for them.”

Like newspapers, greeting cards and many businesses, survival in the Internet Age is the name of today’s game.

Faced with competition from huge chain bookstores in the 1990s Rainy Day embarked on a course of promoting its small store by bringing in authors for book signings and talks at area venues. That after watching the majority of its rival, small booksellers bite the dust. First it was the big box stores, then Amazon, Ebay and now electronic books.

“They were going to put a Borders up the street with taxpayer dollars and we were against it,” Jennings says. “Because for us to be able to do what we do we have to have community support. And it would not only have hurt our business, it would have hurt what we were trying to do for the community.”

Yet while it would be unthinkable even a few years back, Jennings and her fellow small, independent bookstore peers are actually feeling sorry these days for mega players like Borders.

"I do because  it’s very dangerous for anyone to have too much impact (and control) over an industry," Jennings says. "That’s why we have anti trust laws. So it’s better to have a number of players. We were at the Winter Institute meeting in New Orleans in January and there was a lot of concern about Barnes & Noble. Because we want to be able to have bricks and mortar bookstores where you have people selling books and creating interest in reading. You don’t want people to just be in a cave – you know – a computer cave. We want people interacting and exchanging ideas – especially for budding new authors.

"And you know what? I feel bad for the booksellers who worked at Borders. That was tough. The thing is that they were a community business and a local business to some extent and they invested money into the community. Maybe not as much as us but…"

While Rainy Day dodged the going out of biz bullet in large part by hosting hundreds of author events every year, Jennings and partner-in-crime Roger Doeren decided a few years ago to dial things way back.

Did they?

"Ohhhhhhh, well we are, but pay attention," Jennings hedges. "I told you we were going to do fewer but bigger. And we were doing 20 to 25 a month – almost every week night – so we’ve cut back some. But we’re still out all of the time. We decided to do fewer but bigger, but we didn’t really affect that very well. But it’s really difficult to get people out now because people are overloaded and they don’t have the time.

"So we’ve realized that we need to make each event an experience. Not just an author signing a book. It’s a total experience – the best experience we can think of for each author -an experience you cannot miss.”

OK, what’s the post-cutback, magic number now?

"Now we just do a couple a week, maybe two or three a week," Jennings says. “We’re still doing well  because we work smart and we work hard, but there’s still no rest.”

In the begininng, getting the big book companies to send authors to KC was the hardest part.

“Kansas City was a total flyover zone,” Jennings says. “People just did not believe this was a (legitimate) market. So we did Anne Rice at the Alexander Majors home and we showed ‘em. Nobody had ever done anything like that here before.”

Take author Jodi Picoult’s signing tonight at Unity Temple on the Plaza.

"That’s a big, big girl’s night out for her book Lone Wolf," Jennings says. "It’s fiction and is about the question of who has the right to make end of life decisions. And then Giada De Laurentis is coming to the Midland on April 5th and Lauren Conrad the star of The Hills will be at Unity Temple for another girls night out on April 10th. And MSNBC host Rachel Madow and I will be having a conversation at the Uptown on Earth Day in April, so that’s going to be really fun."


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Glazer: KC Confidential Sign of the Apocalypse – Scribe Pens a Fiat Story

Maybe Hearne’s car isn’t so gay after all…

His Fiat may be a lot cooler than many of you thought.

MEET THE FIAT 500 Abarth…in the new Charlie Sheen TV Ad that ran during the NCAA’s yesterday. Wow, what a great ad!

Sheen is seen driving this hot black Fiat Abarth through an Italian Mansion at a super high speed. Shifting, racing, bustin up stuff, while a well-placed group of hotties watch and hope he stops for one of them. He eventually does and climbs into the arms of a beautiful lady.

I thought at first it was maybe his real life girlfriend but it’s Romanian supermodel Catrinel Menghia from that other Fiat ad that ran during the Super Bowl.

The funny part is, Charlie’s under house arrest in this piece, kinda like real life. And as he steps out of his hot machine, the Fiat Abarth, in his black suit with a prison ankle bracelet blinking, he grabs the babe, turns to the camera and says, "I love being under house arrest. What do I get for good behavior?"

Then the Abarth roars off and the ad ends with, "Not all bad boys are not created equal."

Sheen has to be cleaning up financially on these commercials with paydays in the millions. And you can’t miss his cable spots which are also very well done. The commercials likely will conitinue with him making more dough all through the summer.

Leading up obviously to Charlie’s new TV series – Anger Management. It’s a take-off on the Jack Nicholson movie a few years back with Sheen playing an anger management counselor who leads two therapy groups – one in prison and one out.

Which is kinda funny since Sheen obviously has anger issues of his own.

I was surprised to learn Charlie is only 46 and was born in New York City. His real name was Carlos Irwin Estevez his older brother being Emilio Estevez.

Yeah, Sheen looks about 10 years older than he really is – I wonder why?

But you have to give him credit, he’s still going strong, still is a big name, still gets the big bucks and yep, he’s still alive.

Hearne, don’t try and live like Charlie Sheen, you’ll end up like William Dafoe did in the film Platoon.

And trust me, you don’t want that.

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Starbeams: Mitt’s Mop Makes Liberty. Model T Makes Liberty Memorial, Big Bang Theory

Mitt Romney will make a campaign stop at William Jewel in Liberty this afternoon. The city is preparing for his arrival by bringing in several truckloads of hair jell.


A restored Model T ambulance was donate to the National WW I Memorial and went on display Monday.  The Titanic exhibit is on display across the street at Union Station. Downtown has cornered the market on the 120 demo.


Stephen Hawking will make a cameo appearance on "The Big Bang Theory" set to air April 5th.  I no longer have an excuse.  I always tell my wife I’m going to the strip club to look for Stephen Hawking.


Kelly Urich is the morning show host on The Point 99.7 FM

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Glazer: Scribe Tries to Make Sense of Senseless Killings in Afghanistan, My Lai

Almost 44 years ago exactly, on March 16, Lt. William Calley of Charlie Company led a raid on a Village in Vietnam…

The Village was My Lai and a massacre ensued with between 350 to 500 villagers being executed by U.S. Troops. The civilians were unarmed, mostly women and children. All killed for no clear reason.

Sound familiar?

A few days ago a U.S. soldier – again for no clear reason – went into a village in Afghanistan and shot and killed at least 16 people, again mostly women and children. It’s being called the worst atrocity U.S. forces have committed during the 10 year war that began as a mission to find Osama Bin Laden.

Oh wait a minute – we already killed him – nevermind.

Make that a 10 year war to…oh yeah…help the people of Afghanistan learn to fight for themselves and stop Communism, I mean the Taliban. They must be stopped because our nation’s security is at risk.

So why are we still there again?

Simple, to set up permanent placement military operations for the future. To try and hold onto the dictators we installed for as long as we can. O.K. I get it.

In every war there are probably untold numbers of atrocities worse than both of these.

The reasons are always the same, hate, despair, battle insanity and, you bastards killed my friends.

It’s as simple as that. There is no military reason really. We are there to KILL, so why not kill? You don’t want to think about it this way, but yeah the words "kinda fun" come to mind. Like hunting birds or deer. It looks the same after a few days, after however many killings.

Is it wrong? You bet it is. For both sides, for those who die and for those who have to live with it forever.

Mostly the wars usually don’t mean much. We’re not fighting for our freedom or theirs. We don’t give a crap about rebuilding their cities, we never did. Look at how we rebuilt Korea and Vietnam. Oh yeah, we lost. Or did we?

Young American’s want to serve their country. I understand that – the glory, the battles, the victory, the total nightmare of it all in real life.

We’re the mightiest military power in the history of the world.

And we must continue to be just that to support our lifestyle and pay our bills. My home value has fallen, gas is five bucks. Next thing you know, we’ll be starving, our shacks will be cold and we’ll have no water. No cars.

America is RICH. We are, we just are.

Last night a guy in a $100 shirt, a pair of pants that had to cost 75 bucks, wearing Nike shoes and a brand new Royals cap, asked me if he could to borrow two bucks for gas.

I was near the Plaza and he said, "Sir, my wife and I are from out of town. We just ran out of gas, could you help please?" 

I recognized the black gentleman from a couple years back in Westport doing the same thing.

Even our beggars have money, a car and a decent place to live.

Yes, we are the richest country in history. By far. So we need to be evil landlords when it comes to combat.

Here’s the awful truth…THEY MUST FEAR US.

"The killing of unarmed women and children will not be tolerated by America! Ever!"

That’s what we say. But, really?

Lt. William Calley was convicted of murder…MURDER but the men who tried to stop the murder at My Lai received hate mail and dead animals on their lawns….Calley did three years HOUSE ARREST….President Nixon pardoned him after just THREE YEARS.

To some he is still a hero.

It’s the same old story: President Bush and Dick Cheney are at bar. A guy is listening to them ramble. Bush says we are talking World War III here, Dick. We’ll kill 150 million Arabs and one blonde, blue-eyed, big-boobed chick.  The guy listening asks, "Why the blonde, blue-eyed, big-boobed chick?" 

See Dick nobody gives a damn about those Arabs.

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Donnelly: Ava Luna & Night Moves at the Jackpot in Lawrence, March 9, 2012

“What do you guys do for fun around here in Lawrence, drink?”

The question was posed midway through Night Moves set at the Jackpot on Friday, where the new Minnesota band was opening for NYC headliner Ava Luna.  The audience glanced nervously around, nodding and shuffling their feet.

Pretty much, yeah.  Well, that and watch basketball.

With the crowd now fully engaged by their witty stage banter, Night Moves busted into another psych-rock soundscape, the boom boom bass combining with a hip hop backbeat.  The lead vocals were high and reverb-soaked, in the now crowded vein of MGMT or Band of Horses.

For a relatively new band, these guys were comfortably solid, due in part probably to their work in other bands over the last couple years in the Minneapolis indie rock scene.  My one gripe was the prevalence of pre-programmed shit.  They used a lot of it, and though it sounds good, for me, once a band gets past a certain percentage of pre-recorded stuff it cheapens everything a bit. 

Like they’re cheating or something.

But the 1/3 full Jackpot audience was receptive, though it was obvious most were there to see the main act.

Ava Luna took the stage six strong – apparently missing one of its female backup singers – and quickly launched into Ice Level, the title track off their latest release.  Right off the bat the eccentricity of this group was apparent with its stop beats and disjointed synth blasts.  They allowed ample amounts of space to  shine through the chunky riffs, a move less experienced bands can overlook by sticking to just one dynamic throughout – loud.

The band stuck with material mostly off the album, which is  a mish-mash of neo soul, funk, scuzz, jazz, and sweaters.  With two synthesizers.    

The front man, Carlos Hernandez, looks the part of Rivers Cuomo in the Buddy Holly video, but he croons and shrieks in a soul style reminiscent of the new wave of throwback R & B pranksters like Mayer Hawthorne or Beck from Midnite Vultures.

Is it supposed to be ironic, with a cheeky nod and wink?  Seriously, I really don’t know.

Most of the band’s fairly short set of songs featured chopped up beats from drummer Julian Fader, whose precision timing would have stolen the show if not for the blank, expressionless stare of female backup singer/one handed synth player Felicia Douglass.  Her “I couldn’t care less” stage presence contrasted wildly with that of Hernandez’s wild man, and with super sincere lead female vocalist Becca Kauffman.

But that’s kind of Ava Luna’s deal. 

As the show progressed it was obvious that their other “deal” might be holing up in a rehearsal studio, because all their songs were dense and complex, with twists and turns that constantly popped up, odd rhythmic sequences, and abrupt asymmetrical endings on just about every tune.

Sometimes it seems that’s the band’s downfall, too. 

All the moving parts can sometimes jumble things up a little too much, more so in its live show than on its album, which definitely deserves a listen.  

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New Jack City: Jack Wrestles With The Selling of The Great American Hard On

Next to long-form obituary ads, one of the fastest growing profit centers for local newspapers are the display ads heralding treatments for erectile dysfunction…

Yeap, E.D.

What does that tell you about the age demographic and physical condition of newspaper readers?

Check out the sports section. It’s chock full of full color ads with ridiculous statements like, "I don’t want to talk about erectile dysfunction."

When that’s exactly what they are talking about!

Unfortunately it doesn’t stop in print.

Adult targeted radio stations feature once virile, aging personalities hawking various get ’em up and keep’em up’ cures.

And television? Oh. My. God.

Watch something like 60 Minutes even and you can’t get away from things like little blue pills and couples holding hands while sitting in separate bathtubs. 

Apparently sex just ain’t what it used to be.

And big surprise, the cures are pricey.

You’d think there would be more natural, affordable ways to attack the problem. I bet Craig Glazer doesn’t suffer from being unable to have what Hearne likes to describe as "porn star sex."

But then I’m not a doctor – I’m not even a pill popper. I’m simply wondering what the heck is going on in all these people’s sex lives. I mean, it was bad enough when Bob Dole embarrassed the entire state of Kansas a handful of years back by selling out to Viagra.

Like anyone wanted to even think about of Dole having sex under any circumstances!

And whatever happened to old-fashioned cures, like dialing up one of the smoking hot babes in the back of the Pitch?

You know, $100 for 30 minutes.

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Glazer: The Somewhat Obvious Reasons KU & MU Didn’t Make the Cut as No. 1 Seeds

It’s like this, Missouri was expected to be a No. 2 seed in the Big Dance…

There was a glimmer of hope they could move up to a No. 1 seed but Michigan State already had a lot more noise around them. And because MU is NOT an elite basketball program that didn’t help. Despite that MU won the Big 12 tourney this past weekend.

You know, maybe if Kansas had made the final and Missouri had beat them, MU might have had a shot. But obviously that didn’t happen.

In fact, all four top seeds lost – North Carolina, Syracuse, Kentucky and Kansas.

However only KU was punished and dumped to the No. 2 spot.

So why the dump?

KU has been a bit soft at the end of just about every game and doesn’t appear to have a killer instinct.

Rarely does KU bury even the bad teams.

And in their loses, KU falls behind, catches up, then runs out of gas like they did with Baylor. Even the come from behind win over MU was looked at more that KU was getting killed than just their comeback. And look at the loss at MU, they had that one won and blew their large lead it at the end.

Face it, KU is just not as solid as they should be with their talent.

The Jayhawks have maybe the three brightest stars out there as a group but MU has the better overall team.

Still both could make a nice run.

And maybe KU lucked out by being a No. 2. because their path is now easier and the finals are in St. Louis, near the Jayhawks’ home. MU also lucked out and has a softer run.

And man, oh man, think about a KU/MU Final Four. We can dream, It could happen.

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Glazer: Peyton Manning Disses Chiefs, Threatens KC Chances for Division Title

Peyton Manning doesn’t believe the Kansas City Chiefs are a Super Bowl team…

Not even with him at quarterback. In fact, he said yesterday the Chiefs were OUT! WITHOUT EVEN A SIT DOWN OR VISIT.

Wow, what a slap in the face to his agent Tom Condon‘s former team. Condon played his entire career with KC as an offensive lineman. And sources close to the super agent had just told me KC was definitely in the running.

Manning apparently will even skip talking to his hometown team the Miami Dolphins.

The Broncos are the better of the two teams Manning is interested in playing for. They have a strong defense. Their offense is fair, but not like the great receiving group the Chiefs have.

In fact the Chiefs are really better than Denver everywhere but the offensive line.

Kansas City in my opinion is a much better team than either the Broncos or Arizona.

So much so that the Kansas City Star on Sunday pretty much re-wrote my column from last week explaining for the exact same reasons I did, why Manning should be a Chief.

This quick decision by Manning is both odd and sad.

We’ll probably never know why Manning won’t even listen to an offer from Kansas City.

But his agent might have gone the other way to avoid possible problems with Chiefs front office.

Remember, Condon once had several Chiefs under contract, including Tony Gonzalez. So he’s well aware of what it’s like to deal with Pioli and maybe the front office issues were too much for Manning to mess with.

This much we do know, a healthy Peyton Manning at Denver will likely end the chances of a Chiefs division title this season.

Someone sent me word that the Chiefs magic number in Vegas this year is 9. Last year it was 7 1/2.

With Peyton at Denver, boy, that would be another bad break for the Chiefs. It would make our division one of the best out there next season. Remember Oakland is a tough out as well and so are the Chargers.

I’m really disappointed, how about you?

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Hearne: City Fathers Turn ‘Fake St. Patty’s’ in Manhattan from Wilding into Snoozefest

It doesn’t get much cruder and crasser around these parts than St. Patrick’s Day in Westport

With the possible exception of Fake St. Patty’s Day in Manhattan. More on that in  a minute.

But here in KC, drunken dudes in green and bar owners revere the Green Day madness. However having worked in Westport for several years, I can tell you it’s one sick puppy that many non booze-based businesses avoid by closing that day to escape streets and sidewalks beset with wiped out women and messed up men publically puddled in greenish fluids and gosh knows what else.

Truth be told, for those who hold their Irishness dear – my mother’s maiden name was O’Callahan – it’s a one day black eye for the Mother Country that lasts about a year…until next St. Patrick’s Day.

Which brings us to the K-State party headquarters known as Aggieville in beautiful downtown Manhattan.

A handful of years back K-State robbed Aggieville of its student population for St. Patrick’s Day by including the holiday in the school’s spring break. So bummed out bar owners got together in 2007 to launch Fake St. Patty’s Day.

Check the Wikipedia:

"The Fake Patty’s Day celebration was started by bar proprietors’ who wanted students to celebrate together in Manhattan rather than miss their patronage during the real St. Patty’s holiday while the students were elsewhere on vacation over spring break. Recently, the Fake Patty’s Day celebration has attracted increasing debate following the community’s disapproval resulting from of the prevalence of criminal offenses associated with the event, such as underage drinking, assaults and batteries, public urination, noise complaints, driving under the influence, littering, amongst other resulting nuisances."

Fake St. Patty’s Day is like Westport’s real one only arguably worse.

Because while Westport targets the 21 and up crowd, Aggieville goes mostly after underage drinkers – K-State students – most of whom are are freshman, sophomores and juniors likely to be under the legal drinking age.

Which explains why the City Fathers have been fighting it all these years.

"The Manhattan City Council has been presented with a number of proposed city ordinances aimed at controlling the event but none have passed due to public debate, objections from the local tavern owners, and legal questions associated with such action," Wikipedia adds.

That is until this year’s Fake St. Patty’s this past Saturday.

"Despite property damage, rising arrests and public outcry, the City and law enforcement officials have had few viable options over the years with regards to curbing or even shutting down Fake Patty’s as no one group, bar or organization has taken ownership of the event," Manhattan alt weekly Hype reports. "Thus, in years past the Aggieville Business Association, City of Manhattan and Riley County only had the power to attempt to cleanup, manage and police an event growing in number of participants and effect upon life in the City.

"What’s new is that the Aggieville Business Association has decided to promote the safety and general well-being of the community by becoming officially involved with the event!" Hype adds. "They’re not promoting the binge drinking and green puke that the media focuses on, but acknowledging that the businesses in Aggieville that profit from this event need to accept the responsibility that the thousands who flock to FPD won’t."

To that end, they bought insurance, blocked off streets, loaded up with cops, brought in food vendors, portapotties, trash recepticles, cleanup crews, hotel shuttles and support staff to attempt to civilize this year’s wilding.

How bad was it? Check out K-State anthropology student CNH‘s blog about last year’s Fake St. P’s:

"Fake Patty’s Day – the Manhattan, Kansas twist on the traditional Irish holiday went off with a bang yesterday,"  he begins. "And I mean that literally, for I awoke to the sounds of car doors slamming and people yelling outside my window and my upstairs neighbor collapsing. Startled out of my slumber, my initial reaction was fire? Shooting? Massive car pile-up? Explosion? I jumped out of bed before remembering it was Fake Patty’s Day… promptly climbed back in bed and curled up under the covers as if that would make the racket stop.

"It has become an all day, green smeared, drinking fest. Officially beginning at 8am on Saturday, some students get up to pre-drink by 6 and it continues to the wee hours of the ‘morn. Last year the bars ran out of liquor. An impressive feat considering there are something like 40 bars in an area the size of a city block. The main road is blocked off and drunken leprechauns pour forth from all directions."

To cover increased costs this year, a controversial cover charge of $3 to $10 was implemented by bars.

"The students and patrons need to understand that they have to ‘pay to play’ and accept that if they’re going to help trash Aggieville…then they need to be willing to help the businesses cover the expense of cleanup, safety and management of it," Hype reports.

And this just in… it looks like the civilizing of Fake St. Patty’s worked all too well.

A blogger who goes by samizdat was astonished at how civilized and devoid of fun Saturday’s Fake St. Patty’s was.

"The thing is that I walked around with a camera and I had real trouble finding the usual sort of spectacle, like I’d’ve stumbled across in years prior," samizdat blogs. "The whole ambience was more like cordial festivity than wanton drunken revelry. I felt like I was strutting through Disneyland. Next year there should be an official mascot, and a gift shop selling action figures."

And where police at last year’s Fake St. Patty’s issued more citations than any other single day in the past three years  – with a 65 percent increase in calls for service from the year before – television station WIBW’s headline for this year’s fest reads as follows:

"No Major Incidents During Fake Patty’s Day"

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Glazer: Funny Guy Jim Jefferies Brings Down the House While Buying a House

Jim Jefferies bought his dream home in the Hollywood Hills yesterday…

From right here in Kansas City he closed on that puppy over the phone for a cool $1.25 million. And he’s moving in with his TV star girlfriend – a really hot one.

On top of that, Jim’s been hired by FX to do his first TV series. It’s R-rated, of course. He also told me he’s changing his name officially to Jim Jefferies from his Australian-born, real name Geoffrey Nugent.

Now the big bucks are rolling in for him and Jim works mostly theaters for $15 to $20 grand a weekend or night. Yep, he’s gone Hollywood, but he’s earned it.

Jim’s been working the U.S. for just three years and he’s the fastest rising star in comedy today.

He’s had to go back to England every six months because he only has a green card, but he’s planning now to become a US citizen.

We first had Jim for like $3,000 a week back in late 2008.

He followed that with pay raises every visit until this weekend’s gig. Normally, he wouldn’t be back to a club like Stanford’s again due to the larger paydays at places like the Midland and Uptown. But he’s such a great guy that he’s already said, "O.K. Craig, shut up – one more time, just for your ass." 

If not, we’ll produce Jim’s theater show in KC like we did for Larry The Cable Guy at the Uptown.

Jim has a sense of loyalty that’s rare in this biz today. 

I can’t say that about too many others we’ve helped launch like Lisa Lampanelli. Short memories. Hey, that’s the way it is folks.

Jim sold out all his shows here this past week. He was a little tired the first day, but he picked it up Friday and Saturday. With all new stuff too. Even David Naster came out see and meet the it guy in comedy.

"So how about it, Whitney Houston is dead," Jeffries told the crowd. "Sad, right? I mean she had so much more to give. I mean, her best songs were yet to come. And I feel badly for Bobby Brown…he did as many drugs as Whitney but he didn’t die. So why blame him for her habit? She’s just a lightweight. Only babies and Whitney Houston drown in a bathtubs."

"They say a sneeze is like one-eighth of an orgasm, right," he continued. "So now I keep a bowl of pepper near my bed when I have sex. The other day I shot all over this girl, then dumped the bowl of pepper in her face. Hey, she deserved something." 

Not exactly G rated.

But this guy is so much fun, our boy Jim!

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