Today: Colorful Jardine’s Founder & Former Owner Greg Halstead Checks Out

One of Kansas City’s most truly colorful jazz and entertainment characters ever has passed away…

Greg Halstead, the founder and former owner of Jardine’s jazz club died Sunday. The 70-something Halstead may not have set out to lord over the local jazz live music scene, but that’s exactly what he did after taking over the former George’s Cheese and Sausage Shop space in the early 1990s at 4536 Main Street.

“You know, he never liked jazz, he just did it to survive,” says former Jardine’s co-owner Pat Hanrahan. “When he first opened Greg started out with a player piano. Then he talked to the original owner of The Phoenix downtown and he helped Greg start the jazz thing, and Jardine’s became the premier jazz club in town. You know, he had Angela Hagenbach on Friday nights and Ida McBeth on Saturdays.” Continue reading

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Donnelly: Peterson Sparks 2-0 Win at Columbus, Sporting Coming into its Own

Remember a week or two ago when I touted the insertion of journeyman winger/midfielder Jacob Peterson into the Sporting Kansas City lineup?

I believe I called him my new favorite Sporting player and politely asked Bobby Convey, who Peterson replaced, not to rush his rehab from a muscle strain. Continue reading

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New Jack City: Jack’s Mid-Summer Movie Scorecard

It was an air-conditioned, summer night’s dream by the movie studios…

At the start of summer the studios were braced for what was anticipated to be one of the biggest movie box offices ever. However to date that dream has been more of a nightmare as they’ve watched one multi million dollar investment after another go down in flames.

Now as we enter the week of summer’s most anticipated movie—Christopher Nolan‘s THE DARK KNIGHT RISES—here’s my list of the season’s hits, misses, bombs and surprises—thus far.

But before we examine the summer scorecard thus far, let me predict THE DARK KNIGHT RISES upcoming three day boxoffice gross.

My domestic ticket sales magic number is $155 million.

Will it outgross THE AVENGERS? Probably not but it’ll come close.

Why not? Because THE DARK KNIGHT RISES won’t benefit from the 3-D up charges the way THE AVENGERS did. The Avengers collected an additional (average) of $3.00 per ticket for the third dimension.

Do the math.

Here then the major studios list of hits of this summer since Hollywood kicked off the first week of May.

The hands down big winner: Walt Disney’s MARVEL AVENGERS.

MEN IN BLACK 3 did pretty well as expected, as did SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN and THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN.

PROMETHEUS shows up in the winner’s column even though it didn’t have the payoff fans were hoping for.

All three major animated films this summer delivered—including MADAGASCAR 3, BRAVE and ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT.

And as the sleeper comedy hit so far of the summer, Seth MacFarlane‘s TED wins hands down.
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Now the uh, disappointments and misses.

I’ve got to include Tim Burton‘s DARK SHADOWS. Also Sacha Baron Cohen‘s THE DICTATOR. Then there’s the ensemble chick-flick WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING, PEOPLE LIKE US, Oliver Stone‘s SAVAGES and Woody Allen‘s TO ROME WITH LOVE.

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The total bombs thus far include BATTLESHIP, CHERNOBYL DIARIES, Adam Sandler‘s low rent THAT’S MY BOY, Adam Shankman‘s failed screen adaptation of ROCK OF AGES and the (what were they thinking) ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER and KATY PERRY: PART OF ME.
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Oh there’ve been a couple of big surprises this summer.

The first being THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL with its star-studded AARP-worthy cast. This one started out on the art house circuit then successfully added commercial runs thanks to strong word of mouth.

And Steven Soderbergh‘s MAGIC MIKE which no one in the industry predicted would hit the way it did. Not only did it open big but the damn thing has had legs. And butts. And chests. And………
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So within reason it’s so far, so good.

Time to unleash the Caped Crusader Thursday at midnight plus one minute

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Today: KC Confidential Looking for Writers, Staffers & Sales Staff

It’s that time of year again and KC Confidential is on the prowl…

We’re on the verge of unveiling a new, improved website with lots of bells and whistles, a cleaner, hipper new design and lots of improvements that many of you have been clamoring for. To that end, we’re looking for a few good writers and staffers to up the ante and take things to the next level.

Writers who are interested in entertainment, theater, sports, politics, dining, humor and opinion to name a few.

We’re also looking for sales reps who want to make an honest buck selling one of KC’s top news, opinion and entertainment sites.


Hit me at hearne@kcconfidential com and let’s talk!

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Glazer: Drunk Floozy Gets Scribe Arrested & Jailed Over 4th of July

This is a story I mentioned in a recent column…

What happened to me is important for many reasons and needs to be explained. We live in the greatest country on the planet, no argument. However many of our freedoms and fair treatment are being taken away and we need to step up and stop this dangerous trend before we look more like Germany in 1938.

I realize I’m a high profile guy. And I know many of you think of me as a womanizer.

Regardless, that has little to do with the insane police action taken against me one year ago.

On the evening of July 4th, a young lady I was seeing took a cab to my condo around 11 PM. It was already late, but it was a holiday.  And she was clearly wasted when she arrived. She has a bad drinking problem and often carries a bottle of whiskey in her purse like she did that night.

Continue reading

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Leftridge: Will Royals’ Cain be Able to Make a Difference?

On Friday night, in front of an impressive, boisterous crowd at Kaufmann Stadium, center fielder Lorenzo Cain made his re-debut with the Kansas City Royals. After missing over three months with what was initially a groin-strain, and later, a much more serious hip-flexor tear, Cain, 26, went 3 for 6, walked once, and scored 3 runs while driving in one of his own.


He also looked good in the field, chasing down fly balls that a lesser athlete may not have caught. Oh sure, regular (by virtue of Cain’s absence) CF Jarrod Dyson would have made it to these balls too—and even caught them—but he would have had to rely more on his speed, looking less comfortable in doing so than Cain.

Cain, who currently has the coolest, blackest black-guy name in the Royals organization (a title he took from Clint Robinson, who is, in fact, not black), has the natural grace and agility of the Royals’ LAST good center fielder, Carlos Beltran.

It’s an infuriating characteristic to some outside observers, because neither looks like they’re in all that big of a hurry to get to the ball. They lope languidly through the grass as the ball heads aggressively toward the wall, and although it sometimes appears that they’ll NEVER make it there in time, they almost always do. 

And though Cain will never be quite the player that Beltran was, he is an important piece of this youth movement. He’s not the franchise savior—that’d be Eric Hosmer, or Mike Moustakas, or Billy Butler, or Alex Gordon, or Johnny Damon, or Clint Hurdle—but he is poised to be a potential catalyst to success, and a true measure of Dayton Moore’s time spent in Kansas City.

As you all already know, Cain was acquired from the Milwaukee Brewers along with shortstop Alcides Escobar, reliever James Jeffress and starting pitcher Jake Odorizzi, for fan-favorite, Cy Young winner, perennial head-case Zack Greinke.

Escobar is having a grand old time, quickly becoming one of the game’s premier shortstops.

Odorizzi—who recently pitched in the All Star Futures Game—will likely be in Kansas City sooner, rather than later.

Jeffress, who has spent time with the big league club on a few different stints, has a blazing fastball that he sometimes has difficulty harnessing. Whether or not he’s ever going to be able to do so with any sort of consistency remains to be seen, but he was never the lynchpin of the deal anyway, so whatever.

And then there’s Cain.

As previously mentioned, it’s been a long while since the Royals had a solid, dependable center fielder. And that’s a shame because, well, centerfield is kind of an important thing to a ball team.

Since Beltran was traded in 2004, the Royals have started the following individuals in his stead: Dyson, Mitch Maier, Jason Bourgeois, Cain. Jeff Francoeur, Melky Cabrera, Gregor Blanco, Rick Ankiel, David DeJesus, Willie Bloomquist, Scott Podsednik, Coco Crisp, Josh Anderson, Ryan Freel, Joey Gathright, Mark Teahen, Shane Costa, Kerry Robinson, Esteban German, Aaron Guiel, Chip Ambres, Terrence Long, Eli Marrero, Joe McEwing. Ruben Mateo, Abraham Nunez, Desi Relaford, Wilton Guerrero, Alexis Gomez and Damian Jackson.

There. Is that sufficiently nauseating?

Is anyone actually surprised that the Royals haven’t had a winning record SINCE 2003, when Beltran played 130 games in centerfield? I mean honestly, Aaron Fucking Guiel (above left)? Shane Costa (right)? Chip Ambres? Are you kidding me right now?

That’s why it is imperative that Lorenzo Cain solidifies himself as an everyday player and shows what kind of impact talent and familiarity can provide. He doesn’t need to be Beltran—that’s simply not possible—but he needs to be serviceable and solid, a David DeJesus-type with better tools and more long term successes.

This team is now the team they were supposed to be from day one, at least on the field and at the plate. The rotation is shit, as we all know, and shows no signs of improving, but there are no longer any excuses to average so few runs per game, or get shutout multiple times in a series. And though the onus doesn’t fall squarely on Cain’s shoulders, he needs to not suck, and he needs to stay healthy.

No pressure, bro, and welcome back!

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Hearne: MU Supporter Calls for Sanity in College Athletics in Wake of Penn State Scandal

Follow the money? No way…

A review of Southeastern Conference athletic departments that showed newcomer Missouri ranking in the bottom tier in both sports revenues and expenditures was hailed in yesterday’s Kansas City Star as a clarion call for MU to raise more money. That is if it intends to compete on the playing field in its new conference.

In 2011 Missouri took in and spent about $64 million on sports programs. That’s about half of what the top SEC schools raked in – $20 million less than lowly Kentucky even.

To which longtime Missouri supporter Larry Sells says: "I don’t think raising all that money means anything. If they get it, they spend it. Maybe sometime they’ll want to think of themselves as a university instead of a football stadium with a college attached."

Missouri and other schools need to get their priorities straight, Sells says.

"I don’t know that it’s so important to have a $6 million coach as opposed to a $2 million coach," he muses.

As for the thinking that MU will be at a disadvantage in its new conference if it doesn’t up the ante, "A disadvantage in what way?" Sells asks. "You know, I go to a football game because I want to enjoy the atmosphere. Not every team is going to win the championship. It’s not about the best athletes money can buy. It’s about an atmosphere of learning and participation.

"But now it’s not even about participation, it’s about watching and hating. If the other team wins you go trash their busses or threaten them or beat up people at the stadium. And heaven forbid if your team wins – you go out and riot. I’m not saying burning down Lawrence is such a bad thing."

Spoken like a true Tiger, even in jest.

Not that the longtime Uptown Theater main man doesn’t bleed MU black and gold.

"I just want to enjoy (the games)," Sells says. "I’m not a better person because my team wins by some artificial score."

Question is, can Missouri thrive in the SEC sans the big bucks?

"They couldn’t do it in the Big 12," Sells says. "How many times have other teams beat Alabama and LSU in the last couple of years? How many times has Missouri beat Texas? None. How many times has Missouri beaten Oklahoma?"

Put another way…

"Who cares?" Sells quips. "I don’t think money is what makes teams good. I think because they’re good they get more money. And I think Alabama would be fine if they spent $60 million. They don’t have to spend $100 million, they spend it because they’ve got it."

Sells forecast for Missouri in the SEC: "I think they’ll have a similar win-loss record as they have in the past."

Was a mistake for MU to bail on the Big 12?

"Why would it be a mistake?" Sells asks. "The Big 12 is gone. The only reason it remains is the Pac 12 wouldn’t accept Texas. You know, they already destroyed the Southwest Conference and they were about to destroy the Big 12.

"It’s all about big corporate universities. They’re not about education, they’re corporate trainees and they continue to dumb down their students."

All of that said – c’mon – won’t Sells miss the KU-MU rivalry? "No," he says.

Why not?

"I don’t believe in fat coaches."

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One Moment of Your Time, Please—The KC Confidential Guide to a 95 Degree Super Flea

Ol’ Skip Sleyster went to the great swap meet in the sky, but his Super Flea Swap & Shop lives on...

Located in the historic Northeast section, the Super Flea offers bargains, knockoffs and barely legal items for area bargain hunters. Porte de Vanves in Paris, LA’s Slauson Super Mall and Kobey’s Swap Meet in San Diego may be the best in the biz, but the Super Flea holds its own. 

The Paris and San Diego’s swap meets are outdoors, but KC’s is laid out like the infamous Slauson.

Super Flea is housed in an old storage warehouse errected by Aaron Montgomery Ward.  Various vendor stalls occupy the sprawling and dizzying layout. The warehouse lacks A/C but box fans make the experience bearable, so be prepared to sweat for your deals. 

Bargaining is possible but not necessary. Admission is 50 cents. Parking is fenced, guarded and free.

Flea market fans will not be disappointed.  You can get all the knock-off jerseys – the best was probably a George Brett pine tar era baby blue throwback.  Other high quality, solid color jerseys were available for $4-5 with caps running $8. 

Your flea bitten correspondent picked up a Royal Blue t-shirt and blue KC cap for $12 all in.  Baseball caps were especially plentiful and cheap.  Get yourself a new crisp one.

The Super Flea has concessions and vendors that sell all sorts of odd candies and off label drinks. And right inside the entrance/exit area is a cart that sells popcorn, Mexican cokes and Mexican fruit pops.  A buck-fifty for a fruit pop or a Mexican coke is a good way to keep cool with all the other poor souls. 

A giant Lollipop bearing a Penn State logo was purchased for 25 cents after being relegated to a Super Flea stall post the Sandusky scandal.

Two major stalls sold tobacco and smoking accessories. The quality seemed OK, but was inferior to both Cooper’s and It’s a Dream on Broadway. Nag Champa and other incenses can be bought if you don’t mind not fooling anybody about your activities.

No firearms were for sale.  

One can find butterfly knives, Rambo knives, and throwing stars though.  And stun guns were quite popular, going @ $25 apiece for the basic models. Hey, and if your grandmother’s been picked on by bullies at the Senior Center, you can buy her a 75,000 volt cattle prod concealed inside of a cane for just $75.

The Sunday breakfasts at First Watch will never be the same! 

The impending death of the CD means less music vendors at flea markets, however local rap artists can be found hawking their latest singles. Most of the other music is Tejano, so you won’t miss much skipping these vendors.  

If you’re a tradesman or tinkerer, there are lots of tools and accessories that may get a little hot in your hand. Or say you need 22 inch spinners or giant kickerbox speakers installed in your late model Donk, there are stalls that can oblige you.  

But if a little old lady with a odd looking cane tells you to turn it down, take my advice and listen.

Super Flea is open Saturdays and Sundays, 8:30 am to 4 pm and is located at 6200 St John Avenue.

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Donnelly: Gaslight Anthem at the Bottleneck, July 12, 2012

The Gaslight Anthem stormed into Lawrence Thursday for a sold out performance at the Bottleneck

And man was it hot in there. 

Not only was the band up for the occasion, but the masses of sweaty dudes inside the venue created a fog in the air reminiscent of my high school locker room.  The closer to the stage I ventured, the more suffocating the heat and humidity became, so I was content to chill for most of the night by the soundboard.

The band started off strong with Great Expectations, 45, Old White Lincoln, and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, before unleashing a searing version of American Slang that set off an already pumped up crowd.  

Nothing could stop gregarious front man Brian Fallon as he rollicked through the band’s material, both old and new. Fallon flailed around the stage with a huge grin on his face looking like even he couldn’t believe how fun it still was to sweat through his jeans.  

In between songs Fallon didn’t hesitate to engage the crowd with what was often times a kind of off kilter banter. 

At one point he invited a female fan on stage juist to have a chat with her for a moment. At annother he told a story about the Howard Stern Show that neither I nor most of the audience could follow.  "You know Howard Stern, right?" he asked a confused crowd that didn’t quite know how to respond.  "What is this, Kansas or something?" 

Aside from the weird shtick, it was clear the band was holding nothing back. 

They blazed through working-class song after song sounding tight and road-tested.  Fallon’s gruff vocals rang true and inspired multiple bouts of handclapping and singalong choruses.

Normally at shows like this there’s a couple songs that really stand out, but that wasn’t the case on this night.  Everything kind of blended together in the swamp fog as the Gaslight boys chugged their way through a dozen or so mid-tempo rocker anthems. 

A lot of their material is pretty similar in terms of dynamics, guitar tones, and overall feeling, so it was refreshing on the few songs where most everyone dropped out but the lead vocals. Which inevitably led right back in to a fist-pumping chorus. 

Such is the case with Gaslight Anthem. 

They’re solid and have good songs, but after an hour or so it feels like you’ve heard everything they have to offer.

The band ended the night strong, with a long encore that closed out the sweaty night, saving one of their best songs – The ’59 Sound – for last. 

And as the lights came back on there was no doubt every last person at the show got their money’s worth.

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Hearne: Former Star Columnist Posnanski Still Giving ‘Silent Treatment” on Paterno

The silence is deafening…

It’s hard to imagine being in a more awkward position than the one former Kansas City Star columnist Joe Posnanski finds himself in today. Then again, worse things could happen. After all, Posnanski banked a reported $750,000 writing fee for his upcoming book about fallen Penn State football coach Joe Paterno.

But what began as a picture perfect Posnanski blowjob about a beloved sports icon – something Joe excells at – has taken nasty turn after nasty turn since the Penn State child abuse sex scandal broke last year.

It took an even nastier turn today with the release of a scathing report nailing Paterno for particpating – and possiblly spearheading – a coverup for convicted former right hand man Jerry Sandusky.

“The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized,” said Louis J. Freeh, the former judge and F.B.I. director  who oversaw the investigation.

"Freeh’s investigation which took seven months and involved more than 400 interviews and the review of more than 3.5 million documents — accuses Paterno, the university’s former president and others of deliberately hiding facts about Sandusky’s sexually predatory behavior over the years," the New York Times reports.

"The facts are the facts," Freeh said of Paterno. "He was an integral part of the act to conceal."

Paterno could have put a halt to Sandusky’s abuse of children "if he so wished," Freeh added.

But back to Posnanski…

Make no mistake, any number of hard hitting journalists would give their eye teeth to change places with JoePo. Unfortunately, on paper Posnanski is practically the worst person imaginable to be in the position he’s in.

That’s because Joe’s forged an entire career of delivering the sports news sunnyside up.

Which of course made Posnanski a perfect fit for a planned fluff piece about Paterno which was what the book started out to be. And that undoubtedly was a major factor in Posnanski’s selection by Paterno to write his story. All of which resulted in Posnanski getting incredibe access to Paterno during the months leading up to the scandal breaking, and to whatever extent immediately afterwards.

The $64 million question being, can or will Posnanski deliver the hard edged goods?

Because at this stage of the game, who wants to read about what a great guy Paterno was and how he won all those football games while sitting on his hands for 14 years and allowing Sandusky to abuse however many kids?

Earlier today the president of Nike, Mark Parker announced that the company will change the name of the Joe Paterno Child Development Center child care facility at Nike’s headquarters. 

”It is a terrible tragedy that children were unprotected from such abhorrent crimes,” Parker said.

As a footnote, Nike’s founder defended Paterno at the coach’s memorial service earlier this year.

So it’s basically a case now of last one out turnoff the lights. No way Posnanski can serve up an attaboy at this stage of the game.

However Posnanski’s remained mostly silent on the matter, turning out tweets like "Kansas City here I come" and about Buck O’Neil, Andy Griffith and which KC Barbecue joints to eat at.

Oh and a June 30th plug for the Paterno book; ”Will not comment re: Paterno because I don’t think it’s my place now. But I will say that all of this and more is in the book."

Really, Joe? We can only hope.

Not that former fellow Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock could resist taking a dig at his old stablemate:

"What time today will Simon & Schuster announce a delay in publishing of Joe Pos’ book, "One Hazy Moment"? closest prediction wins The Wire," Whitlock sniped.

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Sounds Good: Gaslight Anthem@Bottleneck, Dan Hicks@Knuckleheads, The Sluts, Rev Gusto@Barnyard, O.A.R.@Crossroads

I know this is a music post, but I also cover soccer for those of you following along…

Last night, Sporting KC got sweet revenge, beating down Philly 2-0 after being on the receiving end of a 4-0 curb-stomp just a couple weeks back.  The win puts KC into the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup finals, which will be held at LIVESTRONG.  Get your tickets now, because this will be one of the all-time best atmospheres in a stadium that is known for great atmospheres.  And I assure you, this will be a sellout.  I mean, the last seven games have been sellouts, but this will be a SUPER SELLOUT.

Scary, right?

Back to the music.  A couple of picks for shows that are taking place tonight, so act quickly KCC music junkies…

Thursday, July 12th

The Gaslight Anthem at the Bottleneck in Lawrence

Really looking forward to this show.  Last time the Anthem boys came through town, which was a couple years ago I think, they headlined the Midland.  After touring mostly Europe for a few years they decided to get back to the small club shows.  Which is great for me and everyone else that loves live music.  Smaller the better, right?
The Gaslight Anthem is most often compared to Bruce Springsteen, and though I can hear the resemblance with the gritty storytelling lyrics and straight forward Americana rock, the reference may be due in large part to the fact that these guys hail from New Brunswick, New Jersey.  But they are also heavily influenced by Joe Strummer and The Replacements, and seem to share their same working class ethos.

Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks at Knuckleheads in KC

Dan Hicks is still doing his thing.  But exactly what is his thing?  Pop?  Folk?  Country?  I always related him a little bit to Jimmy Buffet for his easy-going demeanor and tongue-in-cheek musical style.

But don’t take my word, let the man himself tell you: 

“My music is kind of a blending. We have acoustic instruments. It starts out with kind of a folk music sound, and we add a jazz beat and solos and singing. We have the two girls that sing, and jazz violin, and all that, so it’s kind of light in nature, it’s not loud. And, it’s sort of, in a way, kinda carefree. Most of the songs are, I wouldn’t say funny, but kinda maybe a little humorous. We all like jazz, so we like to play in a jazzy way, with a swing sound you know, so I call it “folk swing”. There are a lot of original tunes that I’ve been writing through the years, so that has its personal touch on it.”

Friday, July 13th

Rev Gusto, The Sluts at Barnyard Beer in Lawrence

I believe this is the first real rock show at the Barnyard, which normally caters to the down-home folkster and bluegrass crowd.  Either way, the beer will be flowing.  I recommend the Golden to beat the summer heat.  Also, say hi to Mike and Heath while you’re there, two of the friendliest local brewmeisters you’ll ever meet.  They’re always happy to tell you about their beer, their bar, and just plain old shoot the shit.  

They’re branching out this weekend with a couple of local bands on the rise.  Rev Gusto is out of KC and plays a mix of garage rock mixed with a folk-punk type deal.  And the Sluts are a Lawrence act that is making some major noise, literally.  Last fall, said, “The Sluts are everything I could ask for in a rock band. They’re screamy, noisy and completely unapologetic. I got the feeling that they didn’t really care what you thought of their band. They’re here to be loud and amazing, and that’s all that matters.”

Sounds cool, right?

Saturday, July 14th

O.A.R. and Rebelution at Crossroads KC

That Was a Crazy Game of Poker, unfortunately, is what always comes to mind when I think of O.A.R.  But the fact of the matter is that they have a lot more to offer than the the “You say ahh, I say uhh” frat anthem rock that song always brings to mind.  In fact, they’ve recently released a single in support of Team USA for the London Olympics, featuring rapper B.o.B.  and their last album, released in 2011 hit number 12 on the Billboard charts.   Their shows are always high energy, jammy affairs, that feature a fun loving and feel good vibe.  Perfect for a hot Saturday night.

Rebelution is a cool-ass reggae-ish band, that Sporting KC soccer star Graham Zusi lists as one of his favs.  Their tight grooves and socially conscious lyrics evoke a bit of Marley and a bit of Ben Harper – in fact they toured with Harper last year, hitting up the Crossroads for one of the best shows of the summer.

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Donnelly: Beach House at Liberty Hall, July 10, 2012

I rolled into Liberty Hall at about 9:05, which provided the perfect amount of time to get a Free State Beer before the show started. 

Beach House went on around 9:15, and Liberty Hall—although not at its 1000 person capacity- was pretty packed. And surprisingly, the audience was more versatile than I expected…not just a bunch of hipsters.

The band opened the show with Wild, the second song off their latest album, Bloom.

Although singer/pianist Victoria Legrand does have a strong, full voice, it wasn’t until the third song, Norway, from their 2010 album, Teen Dream, that the band really took command of the audience.

In fact, the girl behind me didn’t make it that long. I overheard her friend ask how she liked it and she replied, “I mean, I’m not into it. It sounds just like the album—all of their sounds are prerecorded and being played from a synthesizer right there on stage.”

Now, this wasn’t 100% true, but it was clear in many instances.

I mean, the band is described as a "dream-pop duo" so I guess you’d kind of expect some sort of synthetic and pre-recorded sounds.  And a lot of their songs do sound surprisingly similar, though still interesting for the most part.   

For the rest of the show, the band weaved in and out of their most recent albums, playing songs from each. Fans seemed to appreciate the older songs, like Used to Be and Take Care.

Guitarist Alex Scally did an amazing job, too, controlling some beats with pedals while simultaneously playing his Stratocaster. It was easy to miss that subtlety, though, and become distracted by the strategically choreographed lights and Legrand’s ever-moving, long mane of hair which she couldn’t seem to keep out of her face.

But they did have witty stage banter, telling the mesmerized audience: “It’s ok if you want to dance, we won’t tell your judgey friends.”

Hey, all my judgey friends were already there to witness my awkward swaying, so

The band ended their show with a 2-song encore, where they immediately re-entered the stage and played 10 Mile Stereo and Irene, one of my favorite songs of the night that left the audience with the droning lyrics, “It’s a strange paradise,” repeating in their minds.

It is indeed.

Set List:

Other People
Used to Be
Silver Soul
Equal Mind
The Hours
New Year
Take Care
10 Mile Stereo


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Hearne: Kansas City Got Shafted by Fox Sports All Star Coverage

Somebody done somebody wrong…

Like a lame country western song, Fox Sports hung Kansas city out to dry in its coverage of last night’s All Star Game. So says local PR guy extraordinaire Will Gregory.

"Here’s the pathetic thing," Gregory says. "Every single act Fox had at the stadium were country and western singers. And not even huge names – like B level American Idol singers. So it makes everybody across the country think we’re this hick town.  It just seemed like to me that they didn’t have any interest in portraying Kansas City as anything more than barbecue and country music. Why not go to some of our James beard nominated restaurants? We have three James Beard winners here and a fourth mulitple nominee and nobody said a thing about that."

Meaning KC blew it in putting its best foot forward on the national TV stage?

"I don’t know that Kansas City blew it, this city was electric and I think we were great hosts. I just think that Fox was lazy and mailed in the the basic barbecue and country music package," Gregory says. "I think the city was ready to show off but the television coverage was a let down. The television coverage of what we have to offer was dated at best and ill informed at worst. I don’t think that Fox had any interest in getting beyond the song, ‘Goin’ to Kansas City’ and video of ribs.

"You know the movie Goodfellas? There’s a scene where a guy gets out of prison and sees Joe Pesci at a bar but hasn’t seen him since Pesci was a kid. And he talks down to him so Joe says to the guy, ‘I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I don’t shine shoes anymore.’ And that’s what I think about Kansas City – we don’t shine shoes anymore.

"We’re not just about country western music and barbecue, we’ve grown up. We’ve got cutting edge tech companies and eclectic restaurants in every category. The editor of Savor magazine was on the  Today Show earlier this year and said that Kansas City was the place for food in 2012. And I don’t think he was talking about barbecue."

Gregory’s bottom line:

"Fox totally stereotyped Kansas City and I don’t think I’m alone in saying I’m tired of that. It’s like people playing the song, ‘Everything’s Up to Date in Kansas City’ from the musical Oklahoma. It’s not the 1800s anymore. It’s time for people to wake up and see Kansas City for what it is today. Not for what it was in Oklahoma."

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Glazer: Order Up! A Serving of Crow for Remorseful Scribe

In today’s Kansas City Star Sam Mellinger wrote what might be his best piece as a sports journalist…


Like a couple of the comment folks, he made me feel kinda bad for going all negative on our All Star game. I WAS WRONG. The game and event did matter. The fans here were excited. It made us feel more important and brought smiles to a frustrated fan base that loves sports.

Mellinger was dead bang right.

Who am I to put down such a fantastic effort by our city and its people? Hey I am proud to be from Kansas City. Even nut job Harley’s comments hit home, I was being a SCROOGE.

Yes, 18th and Vine is not much, we all know that. However to see thousands of people line up on the Plaza for an ALL  STAR PARADE midday on a weekday was awesome. The Plaza is second to none and the stadium looked fabulous on television. It really did.


We want people to appreciate our town and in many ways this event did just that.

Our fans do care. We did sell out all three events which some cities don’t. Who didn’t want an All Star ticket? It was nice to see families smiling at the stadium and we did get some great national press.

Sam pointed out how important the Royals were in the 80’s.

How he and his dad would turn around and watch the game even when they were not supposed to during a family meal. We all watched it. I did, anyway.

Maybe it’s because we love the Royals and Chiefs so damn much it hurts to see them be so bad for so long. They’ve been like that cheating girlfriend or wife. We just want them to come home and love us. Is that so bad?

I’m sorry now I was so down on this event and being a jerk.

Maybe I care too much and it gets me upset.

This All Star Game was a winner for this city and we are all better off for it being here.

Sam, you made me feel bad, great story.

Hey, maybe we’ll get another big event soon because this one was a such a winner.

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Mancow: Cow Chaws on Kansas City’s All Star Game Glory

I watch baseball only when I run out of sleeping pills…

The punks that came after my boyhood hero George Brett aren’t worth anyone’s time.

As for KC getting the All Star game, Chicagoans don’t even know a far off place called Kansas City exists. Sorry but nobody here cares. And baseball is yesterday’s news like apple pie. Americans now prefer creme brûlée.

Yes baseball is yesterday’s news in America. Kinda like … Uh … freedom.



I loved the Royals. Then I realized they sucked!

Whenever I’m back there people BEG me to take their Royals tickets. They feel guilty wasting them yet they don’t want to go. Love George Brett still though. When I was a runt of a kid Freddy Patek was my hero.

Photo: Believe it or not, the woman standing next to Mancow is Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island.

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Katie: Vans Warped Tour 2012 @ Cricket Wireless Ampitheater

She came, she shot, they conquored…


Even the weather was cool for Monday’s Vans Warped Tour at Cricket Wireless Ampitheater. Eliciting this three sentence review of the event by KC Confidential lens-slinger Katie Grogan:


"soooooooooooo many shots. soooooooooooo many bands. sooooooooooo amazing. :)"


Bands pictured include (in order), Newfound Glory, Rise Against, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire and Sleeping With Sirens

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Starbeams: KC Boos, Tom Cruise Divorce, Katy Perry’s Boobs & Donald Rumsfeld to Dole

Many national viewers were surprised to see Kansas City fans booing Robinson Cano at the Home Run Derby Monday.  What they don’t realize is, for 20 years Kauffman Stadium has had a monopoly on booing.


The booing continued on the red carpet on the Country Club Plaza.  Unfortunately, Sacha Baron Cohen wasn’t able to attend the event.


Billy Butler is having a blast during his first All-Star appearance.  Mainly because Royal bacon blue hot dogs are free to the players.


Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have reached a settlement in their divorce.  Now the pressure is back on Robinson Cano and Royals fans.


Watching Katy Perry‘s movie in 3D is amazing.  It’s like she takes her boobs and ties them around your neck.


Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will speak July 26 at the Dole Institute of Politics in Lawrence. The lone registered Republican in Douglas county is expected to attend.


Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM

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New Jack City: Cable TV War Erupts in Kansas City

So you woke up this morning, congratulations!

You turned on the coffeemaker, went to the bathroom and then turned on the TV for your morning fix of ABC-TV’s Good Morning America or whatever.

However if you’re a Time Warner Cable customer all you got—and are still getting at the time of this writing—is some Hallmark Channel movie fluff.

So you kicked your TV, threw the remote against the wall and bitched about the heartwarming family story being shown where GMA was to be.

What the hell is going on here?

Seems that negotiations between Time Warner and local affiliates KMBC-TV and KCWE-TV finally broke down and the the plug got pulled this morning at midnight.

Your alternatives?

Try and get the free, over the air broadcasts from the two stations. And customers of competing cable systems as well as subscribers to DirecTV and the Dish Network weren’t cut off.

To my way of thinking it’s really a game of chicken here.

Both the stations and TWC have too much to lose.

For the stations, they’re delivering their local newscasts to the metro MINUS the number one cable operator with the most home hookups in the market. Meaning that promised rating points to local advertisers can’t possible be delivered. Resulting in likely makegoods and/or cash backs.

For the cable company it’s a severe case of bad PR.

It’s one thing to lose the Speed Channel—but the local top rated ABC affiliate? That’s BAD NEWS!

If I were a gambling person I’d put my money on the possibility of both stations will be back on TWC by tonight’s prime time lineup.

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Glazer: Brett Reminds America of Way KC Was, All Star Game Disappoints

Hearne was correct and we all know it…

The 2012 All Star Game is for us. Just us. Few people came into town for the occasion and the events outside the stadium are for the most part not very well attended. The restaurants around town – with some exceptions – aren’t extra busy. And we got the city cleaned up and ready for…us. And maybe a few television cameras.

But hey, that’s OK. We did a great job. For us.

So did George Brett on ESPN last night. He stole the show.

Like many of you I’ve never thought of George as a great speaker, but last night he was just that. He made the Royals seem important. He made Kansas City seem like everyone’s home away from home and was humble in doing so.

He was the best man for the job.

He sat with the ESPN boys for quite a long run. In fact, we missed most of Prince Fielder‘s homers, because the spotlight was on Brett – Chris Berman couldn’t get enough George.

Brett talked about the glory days of the Royals. His days.

He made us remember how the stadium used to look when it was sold out on certain nights every week no matter what.  Back then we only held just over 30,000 fans, Brett reminded us but it was so electric. And about all of the ’70s playoff series with the hated Yankees. back when we couldn’t beat them until Brett jacked the winning home run off Goose Gosage to send KC to its first World Series in1980. ESPN showed all the Brett highlights – the big homer, the pine tar incident and his run at .400.

Berman was quick to note that Brett was baseball’s best hitter since Ted Williams.

George explained that he believed the Royals were finally on their way to the top again. Brett said our young players are awesome and it’s time.

Did he really believe that? Somewhat, but no.

Brett used KC bbq to distract Berman from his embarrassing comments about the Royals not being to a play off since 1985. Brett’s only answer was our baby back ribs are great. Berman ate them on the air and agreed.

Other than Robinson Cano, the captain of the American League team and a Yankee going 0 for 10 and coming in last, George was the big star of the night, even though he never suited up or hit the ball.

It was his team, his town.

Brett is THE FACE OF THE ROYALS to this day.

The game of baseball has changed and not for the better. There’s less offense and, since 2000, fewer American players. Today’s players are mostly Latino. The Star even pointed out how few blacks play in the pros anymore.

The reason: simple, money and time.

In Latin American countries there is no NFL or NBA, so a ball and bat still rule the day. It’s their only way out. Not so in America.

The game has lost too many young fans, they simply don’t care much about baseball. It’s that simple.

It’s more of a local sport now. Games are still well attended in some cities like KC, even with really bad teams. National TV ratings are falling every year and post season playoffs don’t draw on the tube anywhere much except the cities that have teams in the games. 

Baseball’s kinda a dying sport and that’s sad.

In Kansas City, Brett reminded us of how great our team once was and how important and proud the Royals made us feel.

But that’s long gone.

Yes, the Negro League museum pretends this will put their small exhibition hall on the map. It won’t, sorry.

Eighteenth and Vine is a sad joke and we all know that.

Remember, younger blacks don’t care about baseball and not many white people go down there to see Negro League stars they never heard of from 50 or 70 years ago.

The Star wrote a front page story today about the out of towners here for the All Star Game. Something like, "as people across the country FLOCK to Kansas City for the All Star Game."

Really? All what – 2,000 of ’em?

I called some hotels like the Ambassador at 1111 Grand (brand new, nice redo, rooms $200 a night) and asked for a room from Sunday-Wed…they said OK. Can I get six rooms for the rest of my family? No problem. So PLEASE, enough with the out of towners there are none basically.

Brett is to the Royals what Len Dawson is to the Chiefs.

These two men represent our sports shinning moments of the last half century.

When President Bush came to town on a big swing, the two men sent to the airport to meet him on TV were Chiefs boss Carl Peterson and George Brett. That says it all.

Great job George, thanks for making us remember why our city – with all its faults – is still a great city to call home. It really is!

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Whinery: The Death of Privacy, Warrantless Mobil Phone Tracking Epidemic

The Right of the People to be Secure in their Persons, Houses, Papers and Effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon PROBABLE CAUSE by Oath
or Affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons to be seized…

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

A report released by the major mobile phone networks in the USA – a Country that still pretends to protect its citizen/subjects from unreasonable search and seizure – shows a shocking uptick in requests by law enforcement agencies for mobile phone data.

And not surprisingly, most law enforcement agencies do not provide a proper warrant.

As Gomer Pyle might say, “Surprise, Surprise”

The New York Times reported that US Mobile Companies responded to an astounding 1.3 million requests – that they’ll admit to – from law enforcement agencies requesting user data.

You may ask, "Doesn’t my network protect my data?" However the phone companies now charge law enforcement for the data and are turning a PROFIT supplying it.

Do you think they care about the integrity of the 4th Amendment? Doubtful.

AT&T now fields over 700 such requests a day! Of which 30 are considered “emergency” and don’t require a warrant.

Now I went to Washburn in Topeka for Law School – not some hoity toity Ivy League School like Yale– but I still never saw the “emergency” exception in the 4th Amendment.

We are a Nation of LAWS and Government needs to follow them too.

I know, I know. When the Country is bankrupt it’s of the utmost importance to stop the drug trade. We would never want to do anything weird like tax and legalize a commodity that many Americans crave and that the Government could turn a profit on! 

That would be Common Sense.

Where is Tom Paine when you need him?

All of our rights are leaving this GREAT Nation because of the drug trade.

That’s the Government’s rationale for trashing the 4th Amendment and all our rights. We have to rid the streets of narcotics!


I know that drugs are VERY harmful- but are they worth losing our Country over? Shouldn’t addiction be treated as a public health issue and not a criminal justice issue?

Some of you may think that “terrorists” are the reason for all these requests.

Read the PATRIOT Act – it includes Meth Interdiction.

If terrorists are meth dealers – the MidWest must be worse than Baghdad…

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