Leftridge: Chiefs’ Training Camp Not as Interesting as Ernest Goes to Camp, Still Intriguing

If you’ve ever been to St. Joseph, you know that there isn’t a whole hell of a lot going on. There’s the Glore Psychiatric Museum (which is really kind of neat), a bunch of chain restaurants, a downtown that had a bunch of money pumped into it a few years ago and a quiet suburban peace broken only occasionally by methamphetamine or booze fueled stabbings and shootings.

Given the Victorian architectural leanings and small-town quaintness, it’s a little like Independence—only with 1/10th of the aforementioned meth-fueled stabbings and shootings.

It also shares Kansas City’s summer weather—obviously—which makes it a bit of a strange place to hold football training camp. Football practice in 105 degree heat? YES PLEASE. Continue reading

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Edelman: Cathy Rigby Soars in Peter Pan at Starlight

Forget Broadway’s Spider-Man. Smack down Cirque du Soleil

Cathy Rigby blows them all away, twisting and turning as she careens overhead in PETER PAN, now through Sunday at Starlight.

Those oohs and ahhhs– they were coming from the kiddies, to be sure. But more than a few of Ms Rigby’s fellow boomers had to be wondering– how the hell does she do that, six nights a week?

The national tour of PETER PAN starring Cathy Rigby is a muscular affair. Continue reading

Posted in Mark Edelman | 14 Comments

Locke: Low tech: Google Fiber, the rest of us are watching

Hey, Google. Nice work.

I realize part of marketing technology is creating buzz, and you’ve proven you’re good at that. Your Google Fiber internet and television products, introduced yesterday at a perky, applause-filled presentation here in Kansas City, sounds great, and are priced right. And you Google folks are all so handsome! But frankly, only about three in 10 of us are really, truly excited about your impending takeover of the Kansas City-area television and ISP market. Continue reading

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Leftridge: Magnolia’s Dishes Southern Fare, Realistic Swampy Atmosphere

The internet does not lie. Everything you have ever read on the Internet is completely and infallibly true.

Oprah Winfrey, Johnny Depp and Eminem all died in (separate) horrific car crashes.

Deep within the recesses of Richard Gere’s anus lives the ghost of a dead, declawed gerbil.

Clicking “like” on the picture of the kid with the harelip donates $10 to a surgery that will fix said harelip.

Nigeria’s got some money for you, asshole.

For better or worse, everything that the internet says about the recently opened soul-food/southern-cooking emporium Magnolia’s actually is pretty spot-on. Continue reading

Posted in Food_and_Fashion | Tagged , , , , | 12 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘THE WATCH’-Marginal R-Rated Bromance

Lately movies seem to be taking the brunt of the blame for acts of violence…

The latest example being of course, last weekend’s suburban shooting Denver incident that occurred at Cinemark’s Century 16 complex with the fingers being pointing at Warner Brothers’ THE DARK KNIGHT RISES.

It happened earlier this year when the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman went down in Florida. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 6 Comments

Sounds Good: The Yawpers@Barnyard Beer, Victor Continental@Liberty Hall, The Roseline@Replay

Hey, what can I say, it’s a good time to be in Lawrence as you can tell from my picks for the week.

Profile Picture

Yep, us Lawrencianites are relishing the last few days until the college kids get back to town with their rap music and purple Mohawks and high top sneakers.

Get a grip on yourself, man.  Go to east Lawrence on Friday and check out some art in the new/old warehouse district.  There’s something like 6 galleries within one block, and there’s booze, art, food, and some bands.  For the “official” schedule go here and check it:  http://www.facebook.com/FFLawrence

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Posted in Entertainment, Matthew_Donnelly | 1 Comment


Amelia Earhart would have been 115 years old this week. She disappeared in July 1937 near Howland Island, just north of the equator in the Pacific Ocean.  A $2.2m expedition to find the wreckage failed to find proof of Ms Earhart’s fate via sonar and video.  I spoke with some of her family members in Atchison and they said they are preparing for the possibility she might have died.

******* Continue reading

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Leftridge: Politics and Chicken Make Strange Bedfellows

Dan Cathy: On God and Chicken

It started like this:

Well, guilty as charged. We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

Dan Cathy, President & CEO, Chick-fil-A speaking to the Baptist Press earlier this month.

What many people read was:


-Dan Cathy, President, CEO, Jerk-Ass and Probable Homosexual, whispering sexily into his boyfriend Satan’s ear

So people reacted. Continue reading

Posted in News_and_Views | Tagged , , | 35 Comments

New Jack City: Jack’s Ode To Colonel Billy & Erectile Dysfunction

When it comes to top notch local TV ads the honors go to NEBRASKA FURNITURE MART...

I don’t know who creates or shoots its spots, but I’ve never felt insulted by one. Month after month and season by season Nebraska’s commercials are themed to particular sales or holidays in eye popping, yet classy ways that blow away the competition. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger, New_Jack_City | 24 Comments

Hearne: Alamo Redo, Celemency for Texters & Towels for Nudists

Turns out those Alamo Draft House dudes aren’t such tough guys after all…

The new signs are up on the former AMC Mainstreet theater downtown’s marquee announcing the switch to Alamo and the Texans have plenty of cool, new things and plans afoot to liven things – that is, up once this heatwave lets up and it’s safe to go outside again. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Donnelly: My Notebook — French Champs Dominate Sporting

French League 1 champions Montpellier Herault SC put a 3-0 beatdown on a depleted Sporting Kansas City squad Tuesday at LIVESTRONG.

KC’s lineup didn’t feature a single starter other than Julio Cesar who’s started a handful of games this season, but lately has been on bench warming duty.  Graham Zusi, Aurelien Collin, and Jimmy Nielsen were in Philly for Wednesday night’s All-Star matchup with EPL giants Chelsea.  So was coach Peter Vermes, leaving assistant Kerry Zavagnin at the helm against the French champs.  Roger Espinoza is in London representing Honduras for the Olympics. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Sporting_Kansas_City | 7 Comments

Glazer: Did Sandusky Have the Goods on Paterno?

So I’m driving home from work last week listening to 610 Sports

And yes, they were talking about Penn State coach Joe Paterno and the Jerry Sandusky case.

And the big question was, WHY DID JOE COVER IT UP? Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 15 Comments

Hearne: PR Dude Wipes Out Bambi, Totals Land Yacht

At long last Kansas City PR dude Will Gregory is sporting a new set of wheels…

The reason: “A deer hit me in broad daylight,” Gregory says. “I was coming home from a kids soccer game in Lee’s Summit.”

How many points?

“Uh, I don’t think it had horns,” he says. “I was actually on the phone when it happened, but I wasn’t drinking. I was distracted when the deer plowed into my car but I stayed in my lane.”

So Gregory got sideswiped is his story?

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Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Starbeams: Power & Light Parking Problems, Bradley Wiggins & Michael Phelps

The Power & Light Building in downtown Kansas City is under contract to a Minneapolis developer who wants to turn the historic building into more than 200 apartments.  Great.  Now I’ll have to park even farther away to get free parking for the Boat Show.


The Royals rebuilding program is in high gear.  In fact, several of the team’s starting pitchers at the beginning of the season will assist in converting the Power & Light building into apartments. Continue reading

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Donnelly: Sporting Offense Sputters @ Home but Defense Best in MLS

Sporting Kansas City moved into second place in the Eastern Conference this weekend with a lackluster 0-0 draw at home against the lowly New England Revolution

The one positive to take from this game:  Sporting’s defense.

Jimmy Nielsen and the back four again came up huge, and are allowing the fewest goals in the league, with a .90 goals against average. Continue reading

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Hearne: The Sad, In Denial, Whacky World of Some Sports Media

So many dumb-dumbs, so little time…

It’s crazy out here, 104 degree heat, movie rampages, otherwise reasonable people saying completely unreasonable things.

Let’s start with Missouri football coach Gary Pinkel who said the following last week about disgraced Penn State football coach Joe Paterno‘s role in the Jerry Sandusky child abuse coverup: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments

Hearne: Movie Theater Exit Doors Should Have Alarms

No two ways about it…

If the exit doors out of the now-infamous Cinemark movieplex in Aurora, Colorado had been equipped with audible alarms, there’s a good chance last week’s movie massacre wouldn’t have gone down as it did.

If at all.

And that’s a question movie plexes nationwide must now deliberate upon.

Frankly, it’s not like the door alarm systems are prohibitively expensive. What retail store, hotel or office doesn’t have a few of them? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 15 Comments

New Jack City: The Dark Knight Rises Above Tragedy

The big question in movie industry circles is if and how the Aurora theater tragedy would effect this summer’s most anticipated movie…

To be honest, numbers have not been easy to come by. The major box office reporting services are laying low and won’t release them until Monday.

But through a number of sources, indications are that THE DARK KNIGHT RISES will have taken a slight hit from previous ticket sales predictions. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 3 Comments

Hearne: Pitch Story on Fired Star Columnist Rife with Errors

Turnabout is fair play…

While it’s clear former Kansas City Star columnist Steve Penn‘s lawyer was more than a little sloppy in penning a lawsuit on Penn’s behalf against the newspaper, it’s ironic that in blasting Penn for those errors and omissions, the Pitch unleashed a bevy of its own errors while pillorying Penn and his lawsuit.

Case in point, the online correction the Pitch ran: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 10 Comments

Hearne: KC Star Celebrates, Then Drops Furlough Bomb

Seems a certain local media blogger dude fell asleep at the wheel this past week….

And missed a pretty big story down 18th and Grand way at the Kansas City Star. Hey, it happens. It was a busy week for KC Confidential with the changeover from our less-than-two-year-old, but still rickety former Web site. It’s been a little bumpy, but we’re sorting things out and still have a redesign in the works.

But back to the Star…

Just when its beaten, battered editorial staff thought it was safe to go outside – after five long years of layoffs, cutbacks and other indignities – things appeared to have settled some. The paper’s been chock full of ads and its online game has been growing. Heck, new publisher Mi-Ai Parrish was so stoked about ad sales she threw a huge bash for the sales staff in late June. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments