Tons of travel and molten hot heat have resulted in lots of loose ends…
Let’s tie a few of ’em up, shall we? Starting with an item that caught my attention recently in the Pitch. Basically, the Pitch noticed in an outtake scene from Sarah Palin‘s daughter Bristol‘s reality show that she was wearing a Missouri sweatshirt.
Did somebody at the Pitch yell, Stop the presses when they saw that pic?
“Why is Bristol Palin wearing a Mizzou sweatshirt?” shouted the Pitch headline. However, not only did the question go unanswered, there’s no evidence any attempt was made to get to answer the question.
The Pitch just ran with an obscure, fuzzy pic and five sentences of light Bristol banter.
Why was Palin wearing a Mizzou sweatshirt? I wondered. Continue reading