Glazer: America Needs More Than New Prez, We Need Credit

The simple truth is this….

IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER MUCH WHO WINS THE WHITE HOUSE. Fixing the economy is not something a president can just do.  He can only help, kinda like a cheerleader with some inside scoop.

Sorry. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 51 Comments

Hearne: Fox 4 Film Critic Says Ban the Babies

Let’s get one thing out of the way right up front…

Fox 4 movie critic Shawn Edwards has nothing against babies – he even had one…once.

“I do love babies,” Edwards says. “Just not at the movies.”

However, were Edwards to ascend to say, The White House, moviegoing babies would be in deep doo-doo. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: Alarming Times Call Attention to Vigilance Committee at KU

Make way for Big Brother…

A spate of high profile killings by nut jobs – the Dark Knight massacre in Colorado, the Sikh Temple shootings in Wisconsin – have the country on edge.

So much so that a team at KU to keep an eye on suspicious types is in the limelight.

“Say you’re teaching a class at Kansas University and you’re worried about a particular student,” begins a front page story in today’s Lawrence Journal World. “Maybe a passage in a paper seems particularly dark or talks about suicide. Maybe someone notices a social media post that looks like a threat. Maybe a student unleashes a loud, verbal attack after receiving a failing grade. Where to call?” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Hearne: Screaming Babies Overwhelm Disney Audience @ AMC Town Center

Talk about 100 minutes of hell…

You cannot go to a movie these days without sitting through a primer on cellphone etiquette. You know, about how texting is wrong – terribly wrong.

Here’s what you can do though:

And that’s go to a movie or promotional screening, like last night’s The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  You can walk into the theater, take a seat, carefully turn off your cell phone and then sit back and…listen for 104 minutes nonstop to yelling, screaming babies.

Which is what went down last night at AMC’s Leawood Town Center. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 14 Comments

Whinery: Paul Ryan for Veep, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Not really sure how I feel about this pick…

Part of me wants to be really excited, while other parts are
terrified and incredulous over the selection of Ryan as Mitt Romney’s
running mate.

THE GOOD– Ryan is young and articulate. The kind of guy that “believes
what he says and says what he believes.”  He’s well liked by the grass
roots of the Republican Party, has a very telegenic family and has
been consistently re-elected in a Democrat majority district.

Can you tell I’m struggling to find good things to say? Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 26 Comments

Starbeams: Junk Sports, Cleavage Alert, Brownback Mountain & Casino Smoke

Attendance for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was down this year after the organization decided to end funding for Planned Parenthood.  Plus, after three weeks of giving a crap about gymnastics and beach volleyball, I just didn’t have the energy to go.


It turns out the hot girl who was sitting on Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte‘s lap and shoving her cleavage in his face was actually his sister.  It was like a Christmas play in Arkansas – gold and incest.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Glazer: Will Race Decide This Year’s Presidential Contest?

The race card is raising its ugly head…

Can likely shoe in winner Barack Obama lose because he’s black? The answer: YES!

In fact, this is likely the only way Obama goes down because Republican challenger Mitt Romney on his own can’t win at this point. So the race issue is likely Romney’s only shot.

Of course Mitt won’t ever bring that up, but its there. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 47 Comments

Leftridge: Oh, Ochocinco, No Bueno, Buddy

It’s never okay to hit women.

It just isn’t.

It doesn’t matter if you catch her in bed with the cable TV installer, or if she tells you that she’s been banging a co-worker for the past several years, or if she laughs when you pull down your pants.


She is a fragile creature, borne of inferior strength and muscle mass, and incapable of adequately defending herself against the stronger, more physically imposing sex.

And yes, there ARE exceptions to the latter pontifications, but IT DOESN’T MATTER.

You don’t hit a woman, period. Continue reading

Posted in Sports | Tagged , | 26 Comments

Glazer: Obama Still in Driver’s Seat Post Paul Ryan Pick

Romney takes a mate!

Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan is the picl. Is this a game changer? Will Mitt Romney gain some energy from this point forward?

Ryan is a 42 year old seven term congressman who once worked for Kansan Gov. Sam Brownback in the  Senate. He is a big idea guy who wants to cut taxes, downsize Medicare and other government health programs. He also wants social security reform.

The pros say the attack on President Barack Obama – that he’s not getting it done with the economy – is not working. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 39 Comments

Leftridge: Chiefs Crush Cardinals; Fake Scribe Predicts KC Super Bowl Win

Dexter McCluster, Greatest Wide Receiver Ever

Mark it down. I’m not mincing words. I AM the greatest football predictor in the history of predicting football, and here is my bold, completely thought-out and aggressively accurate assertion about this year’s Kansas City Chiefs: THEY WILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL.

Jamall Charles will rush for 3,000+ yards, Matt Castle will win the MVP and throw 82 touchdowns passes, and Dewayne Bowes will receive 218 passes and be elected as our nation’s first black president in this November’s upcoming election.

And so it shall be, as the Fake Scribe has spoken.

LOLZ! INTERNET JOKES, Y’ALL!!! Continue reading

Posted in Sports | Tagged , , , | 15 Comments

Starbeams: KC Zoo Gets Gorilla, Shatto Gets Snookered & Sprint Gets to No. 1

The Kansas City Zoo just acquired a 25-year-old gorilla from Chicago.  The gorilla says she hopes to do a season here, become a free agent and be traded to a better zoo in New York.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Glazer: True Believers Alert, Chiefs Could. Go. All. The. Way!

TOUCHDOWN! KAN-ZA-CITY! bellows Chiefs announcer dude Mitch Holthus

You can say its just Game One of the preseason, you can say it doesn’t count, but still it was nearly a perfect storm. The Kansas City Chiefs played their best preseason game in years. YEARS.

In the past we’ve usually lost pretty much every game. So what, you say. Well, usually then the team follows those ugly, boring preseason games with a crappy regular ones.

Most important, all the guys we care about looked sharp. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 14 Comments

Hearne: Mystery Surrounds Future of America’s Pub in Wesport

This time last year owners of the urban dance club America’s Pub were up in arms…

They felt the club was about to get kicked out of its longtime home in Westport’s Manor Square because many in the neighborhood blamed it for attracting an African American crowds to the entertainment district, resulting in a spate of crime and violence that gave the midtown party zone a black eye.

America’s Pub’s jig was up by last January. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 48 Comments

Starbeams: Top 5 NFL Penalties That Sound Funny Coming from Female Ref

The NFL’s first female referee made her debut Thursday night.  Shannon Eastin has been a referee in college football for years.

Top 5 Penalties That Sound Funny Coming from a Female Ref:

#5. Player out of bounds at snap…

#4. Neutral zone infraction… Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Sounds Good: Quixotic@Crossroads, Sandbar Block Party@Downtown Lawrence,

It’s art yo.

Local freakout troup Quixotic is playing this Saturday night at Crossroads KC with west coast trip hop producer Emancipator.

Emancipator is playing much larger venues like Red Rocks starting in a few weeks so I’d say this is a prime opportunity catch him while you can at a smaller, more intimate show.

And of course I’m sure he’ll be mixing it up with Quixotic to bug out the attendees.  I caught up with Quixotic drummer Pat Adams to talk about this weekend’s show.

Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Campaign’ Turns Low-Brow, Baby Punch-Gate

Comedy director Jay Roach has a big rep to live up to…

He’s the kingpin behind such laffers like MEET THE FOCKERS and AUSTIN POWERS. Now Roach sets his sights on political satire,  sparing no one in the process.
Everything and everyone is run up the flagpole.

What we end up with is a rude, crude and definitely below the belt congressional campaign between sleaze-bag incumbent Will Farrell (facing his first real opposition) and newby nerd Zach Galifianakis, a living, breathing buffoon.

The reason? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 1 Comment

Jack Goes Confidential: Bourne Legacy Triggers Parallel ‘Same-Timer’ Story

You’re a stranger to the Bourne franchise?
Good luck keeping up with this latest chapter in the spy thriller series. You’d best at least view 2007’s BOURNE ULTIMATUM before venturing into THE BOURNE LEGACY this weekend. Because the backstory here will definitely make it easier to navigate the storyline as Jeremy Renner steps into Matt Damon‘s role.

Sort of. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 5 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Says Chiefs Need Crennel to Step Up and Deliver

We all know you need an elite quarterback to win a Super Bowl…

The Chiefs have had two, maybe three. Len Dawson, who won one and lost one, Joe Montana, the greatest ever with four Championships but not in KC and the man who would have likely taken us to a title, Rich Gannon.

Not having a top five quarterback since has taken the Chiefs out of too many seasons that might have mattered. However the other dark note is we’ve had no long term head coach.

All the other consistent winners have a great coach for years. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 15 Comments

Donnelly: US Open Cup Final, Sporting Wins the Day

Thunderstorms didn’t stop the Cauldron from showing up in true form for the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup final at LIVESTRONG against the visiting Seattle Sounders, winners of the last three Cups.

The 45 minute delay meant just more drinking time and the Cauldron was as fired up as I’ve ever seen them.  Even the wraparound mini-Cauldron was packed, and the standing area in front of the Members Club was shoulder to shoulder.

In the 2nd minute Teal Bunbury showed why he’s Teal, declining to make an easy pass to a wide open Kei Kamara near the penalty spot and instead keeping the ball and trying to beat several defenders before cutting back a harmless cross that Seattle easily corralled. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Uncategorized | 15 Comments

Loose Ends Three: Pitch Editor Slices & Dices Star Columnist

In yet another nod to the Pitch, it was called to my attention that editor Scott Wilson was taking major heat for eviscerating my pal, Star features columnist Jeneé Osterheldt.

The expectation being, I guess, that I’d hop on the Spank Scott train and ride to Jeneé’s rescue.

Well, I won’t.

Not because Wilson didn’t just about totally lose it in burning Osterheldt at the journalistic stake. He did. And that’s something you’re better off not doing as a writer. It’s almost always better to count to 10.

That said, while the subject matter of many (if not most) of Jeneé’s columns tends to be on the light side, she’s hardly Kansas City’s “worst writer.”

Clearly Wilson has yet to edit a Craig Glazer column. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 25 Comments