Hearne: Does KC Really Need a ‘Downtown Ballpark?’

In a word, no…

Not all locals worship at the altar of former Star business writer/downtown ballpark cheerleader Kevin Collison and the Kansas City Royals.

For years Collison – reduced to blogging now – was the poster child for campaigning for the Royals to bail on The K and move downtown. Yet, despite his heaping helpings of hype, to many, a downtown ballpark was the last thing Kansas City wanted, let alone needed.

In part because, block after block of towering stadium walls doesn’t paint a very pretty picture. Actually, the opposite. Add in crime stats suburbanites find worrisome, tight parking, and the team’s limited prospects of achieving playoff success – plus zillions in public tax dollars and many see it a lose-lose deal.

Take Westport business leader Bill Nigro

“Downtown’s doing fine and our current ballpark is world class,” he says. “Everybody that drives by our stadium now, the first thing out of their mouths is, ‘Wow!’ And if they go by at night, it’s, triple wow.”

To former KC councilwoman Becky Nace, it’s about a millionaire owner wanting to roll the dice with public money – by floating romantic imagery past clued out voters – who don’t have much of an idea what’s truly at stake.

Outside of aging baseball fans and supporters like former Entercom radio main man Bob Zuroweste and Collison, does a downtown ballpark make sense?

“It doesn’t, we don’t need it,” Nace says. “They’ll have to bulldoze 20 or 30 buildings in the Crossroads to build this and everybody’s property tax is going to go up.”

The top  Reasons Not to Build a Downtown Ballpark:

“The Royals stadium is beautiful and nationally recognized,” Nace says. “So it’s a waste of money. And you’re not gaining anything when you move it from one part of Kansas City to another. In doing so, you’re choosing winners and losers. Thirdly, anyone who knows downtown, knows that parking is a problem. So when you go down there, you’re going to be on a mission to see where you can park. They are being intellectually dishonest to say there will be no problems.” Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: Race Card Trifecta

The racial animosity sweepstakes by local Democratic officials in conjunction with the Kansas City Star continues unabated…

On February 14 twenty-two people were shot outside Union Station at the Kansas City Chief’s Super Bowl Victory Parade. One died and 15 others suffered life threatening wounds. Nine children were among those injured.

At the time little was known about the circumstances surrounding the shooting. The next day, the 15th, Kansas City Police said they did not believe the incident was terrorism, but thought it possibly was a private dispute that turned violent. They also said two arrests had been made, but that both were juveniles, and thus no information could be disclosed about the suspects.

That same day, Missouri Governor Mike Parsons who, along with Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, had been at the rally, issued a strong statement condemning the violence. He said it was a shame that what should have been a joyous occasion was spoiled by this violent act. He said, “We can’t let some thugs just take over and ruin what happened.”

Remember, this was on the 15th.

The next day, the 16th, KC Mayor Quinton Lucas was interviewed by radio host and former Star journalist Steve Kraske. He said of Governor Parson’s remarks: “I certainly do think this was criminal activity, it’s lawlessness and I think that’s troubling.” Lucas said, “But ‘thugs’ is a dog whistle in the most classic sense, and I have seen this dog whistle time and again.”

Lucas’s comments and the resulting Star coverage were a preemptive strike. Make the story about white racism (a “classic” dog whistle.) and Missouri gun laws, and not the reckless criminals who caused the tragedy. Otherwise, Lucas’s comments make no sense.

I’m sorry, Mayor Q, but the urban dictionary says the definition of “thug” is an aggressive and violent young criminal. Synonyms include “goon,” “hood,” “hoodlum,” “punk,” “strong-armer,” “tough,” and “bully.”

The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as a violent, aggressive person, especially one who is a criminal, e.g. “he was attacked by a gang of thugs.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as a man who acts violently, especially a criminal. If you notice, none of these definitions mention race, creed, color, or religion. Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 3 Comments

Hearne: Is Kansas City Safe?

In word, no…

That’s kinda the fallout in the wake of last week’s Chiefs rally shootings. The statistics were out there long before, but positive PR spins and political correctness have conspired to keep some of those details on the down low.

For example five years back, an organization called Safe Wise pegged the Cowtown as the “fifth most dangerous big city.” Right behind St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore and Memphis.”

The latter being KC’s main barbecue rival and one of my favorite southern getaways.

I remember living in Mayfield, Kentucky years ago and partying on weekends in nearby Memphis and Nashville. At the time, Music City was reportedly one of the highest crime cities. Yet today, KC seems to have surpassed it. And the chances of being involved in a violent or property crime there is reportedly one in 20.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The $64 million question: Why would anybody in their right mind slide into downtown KC for a drunken expedition like a Chiefs Super Bowl rally?

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Dwight: ‘Has Anyone Here Seen My Old Friend Bobby?’

“All right, we are two nations.”

     – John Dos Passos

  A couple of months back, I had the distinct pleasure of spending the evening with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He was in Kansas City for a conference of the Kansans for Health Freedom. After the conference, Kennedy appeared at a campaign event at a suburban restaurant, which is where I met him and had a chance to speak with him at length.

Not only was it the first Democratic fundraiser I ever attended, it was the first campaign event where I actually had a chance to speak one on one with a candidate for the presidency.  (I’ve been involved in Republican politics since I handed out leaflets for Barry Goldwater, later serving as my state’s Republican Committeeman.) I can tell you from long experience that the invariable drill for fund raisers is for the candidate to give a stump speech and then pose for photographs. Q&A’s have been all but eliminated, let alone the chance to interact personally with the candidate, face to face.

The event drew about 60 people and was held outside. I was struck by how easy it would have been for someone intending to harm Kennedy just to walk onto the grounds off the golf course surrounding the restaurant. I was “wanded” by a body guard when I checked in at a folding table at the entrance. He had a charming Irish brogue and was apparently from De Becker & Associates, the security firm Kennedy had to hire because the government refuses to give him Secret Service protection.

A week later a suspicious character, carrying two guns and fake U.S. Marshall’s credentials, was arrested at a Kennedy event in L.A. He was immediately released, without any bond required.There could not be a more stark reminder of how heavily the deck is stacked against anyone who dares to speak out against the Deep State.

Knowing the tragic history of Robert Kennedy’s family with political violence, the Biden Administration made a knowing and willful decision to put his personal safety at risk. Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 22 Comments

Hearne: Whatever Happened to – Uh, me?

I moved back from Arizona late last summer, re-started my car career, and after not feeling the glam in Topeka this time out, retreated to Lawrence where I’m now at Crown Volkswagen / Crown Toyota.

(So feel free to call, text or bother me.)

If that’s not a good enough excuse for not writing much – and it probably isn’t – some kid in his girlfriend’s uninsured Ford Taurus crossed the center line and wiped out my Honda Civic Si the day before Thanksgiving.

Long story short…I lived, had a turkey TV dinner by myself on turkey day. That after the steering wheel airbag did a hardcore number on my chest. Pretty painful, much to my surprise!

Those are my excuses – take ’em or leave ’em.

So what all have we both missed? Stay tuned cuz you’ll soon find out.

Obviously, the Travis Kelce- Taylor Swift thing has taken off since they more-or-less “came out.”

Still I wonder how Tay Tay and her fam will feel when some of Travis’s past exploits become better known. Continue reading

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Hearne: Good Old Daze Star Flashback

For the record, this is not me ragging on the Kansas City Star – yet again…
It’s comment habitué Rainbow Man doing the honors, plus my two cents.
Check it.
“I just miss the way The Star was,” Rainbow begins. “It always had a bit of a left slant, but that was kind of a standard in print when it came to news in this city of about 2 million. You could depend on good reporting, local angled columns, and somewhat careful editorializing.”
Jim Hale and Art Brisbane would be proud.
“The mismanagement of The Star started about 20-22 years ago,” RBM continues. “Bad timing, because the digital paper era was coming and The Star was caught up in remediating chaos.”

Reducing or removing pollutants and harmful chemicals?

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Hearne: Sir Pimp A Lot Returns

What goes around, comes around, right?

Or do I have it backwards? In any case, former Star columnist Jason Whitlock, who used to pimp Carl Peterson and Chiefs fans in general

Still out there trying to piss off whoever he can to remain relevant and getting his name back in play.

This time out, by going after sports talk icon, ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith.

Naturally, Smith took the bait.

“And I will not deny it, I think he’s a fat, no-good bastard who I despise to the core,” Smith said of Whitlock. “But it doesn’t mean that I wish him harm. It ain’t hard to figure out who the hell I’m talking about.”

Mission accomplished! Continue reading

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Hearne: Will Travis Kelce’s Love Linger?

Old flames fade away, but they don’t always die out…

Take Chiefs star Travis Kelce’s ex Maya Benberry and her recent YouTube rant:

“Certain qualities don’t change in men,” she says. “I feel like Travis is a narcissist. So most narcissists don’t change.”

They dated for 8 months after meeting on a reality show that a pal of Craig Glazer‘s set up and Benberry says she thought they were going to marry.

Until Kelce cheated on her, she says…

On top of which, Benberry doubts Kelce’s romance with Taylor Swift is for real. Continue reading

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Hearne: Times, Ethics Have Changed at KC Star

It’s been forever since I’ve laid waste to the KC Star

After my arguably storied career there, I spent considerable time pointing out its many deficiencies. Then again, it’s not like I didn’t launch my public writing career at The Pitch doing that very thing. But repetition gets old and I’ve long since moved on. After all, punching a lifeless corpse can be boring.

That said, now that I’m back after three years of hiding out in the desert, the least I can do is pay my respects…so-to-speak.

So let’s get started…

While some of my favorite punching bags – like former sports editor turned editor, Mike Fannin – have bit the dust, there’s still a lingering want for a “news” entity that tries to at least, try and keep the town honest.

Unfortunately, that’s not what today’s Star is doing.

Instead, the writers and editors are mostly trying to keep the wolf from the door by choking out a bare amount of actual news, while kissing as much you-know-what as possible so as to not tick off advertisers or scare powerful people who might decide not to take their calls.

Yes, it’s come to that.

Take Sunday’s “newspaper…”

A flagrant attempt to appeal to oldsters by running a full, front cover page of colorful neon signs from the past featuring Katz Drugs, Harzfelds and the I-70 Drive-In. Seriously, anybody under 40 would be hard-pressed to recognize those signs, let alone the Grand Ave Garage Park or Dr Scholl’s signs.

Then again, if you’re under 40, chances are, the last thing you’re doing is picking up a copy of The Kansas City Star for six bucks. Not when you could use the dough to buy a high quality latte.

That said, the first thing you see inside Sunday’s Star is a smattering of local restaurant stories, ranging from Panera closing a midtown location, Axois opening an eatery in Joco, an Asian eatery closing in KC and opening a “Johnson County spot” and the once wildly popular New York style pizza joint d’Bonx shutting down its next-to-last location.

And this is in the so-called “news” section of the paper?

Yeah, there are a few stories about the Israeli war, Republican’s electing a House speaker and a Maine shooters body being found, but what the heck – talk about “filler.” Continue reading

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Hearne: KC’s New Wheel of (Mis) Fortune

Move over, London, your “Eye” is getting competition…

For more than 20 years London’s 443 foot tall London Eye ferris wheel has towered over the Thames River. I mean, who’s counting but as the Europe’s  “tallest cantilevered observation wheel” it’s become the most popular tourist attraction in Jolly Ol’ with more than 3 million visitors annually.

So naturally, Kansas City wants to get even a small piece of that action. Who wouldn’t?

Just one problem, instead of being located along a famous river between a pair of historic bridges, KC’s Eye is located in  a sunken area east of the Southwest Trafficway in a half abandoned section of real estate near the West Bottoms.

At 150 tall, finding it won’t be a problem, getting there might.

But first let’s clear up one thing about the vernacular…

While oldsters may call it a ferris wheel, the proper term is – apparently – “observation wheel.”


Fact is it will open next month with 36 enclosed climate-controlled, wheelchair accessible gondola cars (anybody else channeling Clay Chastain here?), each of which will hold six riders at a cost estimated to be around $17 for adults and $12 for children. That compares to tickets to the St. Louis Arch of $15 to $19 for adults and $13 to $15 for kids 3 to 15. Continue reading

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Dwight: War Is The Health of The State

Or, everything’s up to date in Kansas City (still)…

            Randolph Bourne was a radical journalist who was active during the time of the First World War. The phrase I used as a title to this post is from an essay Bourne wrote, opposing the U.S. entry into the war. He was considered to be one of the most brilliant members of his generation but died tragically at age 32 in the influenza epidemic of 1918.

            If he was alive today, he would not be at all surprised at the hype and outright falsehoods used to justify America’s current proxy war in the Ukraine. I think he would be particularly angered at how the national security state has merged with the corporate oligarchy, creating a leviathan which ruthlessly suppresses all dissent questioning our open-ended involvement in that conflict.

            Consider the following headlines from the last year and a half:

                     Defense Companies Secure Record Orders


                       Lockheed Martin in Talks With Pentagon on Ukraine Weapons


                       Ukraine War Spurs Arms Makers To Boost Production


                        Arms Makers Can’t Hire Enough Workers As Ukraine War Driving Demand


            All these stories appeared in the Wall Street Journal, not in the Nation or The Guardian or in some other left-wing publication. Other sources have taken the question-cui bono? (who benefits?)- a step further. Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 9 Comments

Hearne: Travis Kelce -Taylor Swift – Marketing Mirage or Real DeaL?

Real deal or marketing schmooze, you make the call…

Seems like the entire world – as we know it anyway – is bent on cashing in on Chiefs star Travis Kelce and pop star Taylor Swift‘s budding, presumed romance.

But might it be a cash grab?

The cash is clearly there, and Kelce’s definitely grabbing it.

“Travis Kelce’s Jersey Sales Spike 400 Percent After Taylor Swift Attends His Chiefs Game,” one headline reads. “The big boost comes after Swift was spotted cheering for the Chiefs amid rumors of dating Kelce.”

Whether the Kelce-Swift coupling is for real or not, the Chiefs star’s jersey sales explosion came coupled with tongue-in-cheek requests for her to connect with other parties.

“Taylor can you start hanging out with a teacher in public education who deserves higher wages,” reads one tweet.  “Can we get her photographed reading a newspaper,” reads another, by someone obviously working undercover for the Kansas City Star.

Or, how about…

“If Taylor Swift went to a Broadway show, she could single-handedly save the theatre industry,” and “Taylor, do Medicare for All next.”

But, to borrow a phrase from Joe Biden, here’s the deal:

Aside from Swift hanging at Arrowhead in a suite with Kelce’s mom and walking out with him – albeit minus any obvious signs of PDA – everything that’s been written or said has been couched with the caveat of if they are romantically involved.

As in, nothing’s been confirmed as to R-rated romance.

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Hearne: Tale of Two (Tiny) Cities

There’s a risk to spending too much time on “cable” news…

Where most everything is presented in “cut and dried” form, with baked in conclusions. Kind like getting indoctrinated at the same time you’re trying to absorb actual news.

On Fox, for example, homelessness is often presented as an end of the world phenomenon. Throw in a bit of sympathy for good measure, so as not to appear heartless. Mix with a measure of, “Who are these people and why are ruining our world instead of being out job hunting or doing slam time?”

When it comes to the fair city of Lawrence, Kansas, homeless folks get to run amuck. Which at times can be a little scary or gross to halfway normal folks. All while hipster politicians allow them to create problems and put locals at risk.

That brings me to Topeka – the place I now work. Here, hipness is fairly low on the food chain, so unsightly homeless types are largely unwelcome.

As evidenced by this recent  Topeka Capitol Journal headline:

“Camping near trails banned in unanimous vote by Topeka City Council.

Much of that can be explained by WIBW TV’s headline in February: “Topeka homelessness at four year high.”

In my experience, seeing homeless people used to be a rare occurrence.

No mas.

Explain it as you may – these days they’re almost everywhere, and often in comparatively large numbers. But how folks feel about it often, seems to be reflected by their political persuasion.

Not everybody sees it that way…

“It has nothing to do with stupid politics,” one woman said. “We are fact based.”

I get it, “Just the facts, Ma’am.”

Now let’s check out T Town: Continue reading

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Harley: Brace Yourselves; The Scary Guy Is Back (For now)

The Scribe

Harley is back…

The box man is back. How good does it get? And hernia is back!

Wowww, Glaze must be turning over in his grave that he didn’t get a chance to see Harley’s return in its full glory.

And what happened to smartman/ditch digger/southy and the rest of hearne’s boys on this site? God only knows but it’s time to celebrate that Harley is back….this time ready to go coast to coast on major network tv!

So lets get it started…with hernia… Continue reading

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Hearne: Jason Whitlock Blabs His Way Back Into The News

Former Star scribe Jason Whitlock pompous, condescending, rude?

No way.

Must be thinking about some other loser. I mean, he did fit that description during his years in KC sticking it to Chiefs honcho Carl Peterson, Kevin Kietzman and other sporty locals.

Because after landing some decent gigs on ESPN and Fox – then summarily losing them – Big Sexy kinda mellowed, started standing up for conservative politics and putting most things KC – with the exception of Patrick Mahomes – in the rear view mirror.

Gone are the days of Whitlock fire selling his weight lifting equipment – dripping in Gates sauce – through a local fitness shop. He had bigger fish to fry, like Tucker Carlson.

Then again, what sports-minded dude could resist weighing in on Deion Sanders, Colorado’s high profile, new football coach.

And what better way to pull one’s half forgotten chestnuts out of the fire than to stick it to the most high profile person in sports and  pop culture?

Think of it as a recipe for headlines reminding folks that, “I still matter.”

Case in point…

“Jason Whitlock’s career over after lying about Deion Sanders”” reads one of many headlines on YouTube and elsewhere. Continue reading

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Hearne: The Tres ‘Classy’ Mrs. Mahomes

This isn’t exactly breaking news…

Far from it, still I think it’s worth noting that while nice guy Chiefs superstar Patrick Mahomes‘s brother Jackson is crass and lame, his wife Brittany is only incrementally better.

That’s not saying much.

Yet while she’s not trying to jam her tongue into random dude’s faces, nor a gawdawful hip-hop dancer, she is a partner in crime to Jackson and some of his lame misdeeds. And she does seem to encourage his poor judgement, and defends him from those who roll their eyes.

On top of which, Brittany engages in her own fair share of poorly thought out acts, like spraying champagne on Chiefs fans in freezing cold weather and buying tacky, wildly expensive Chanel baby gifts.

In other words, both Brittany and Jackson are polar opposites of Patrick.

Patrick is a dream-come-true, model citizen, who represents the Chiefs and KC almost perfectly. And in this day and age, that kind of talent coupled with those skills only come around a few times in a generation. Let alone in our little flyover corner of the world.

Think George Brett minus the pine tar, hemorrhoids, huge ego, and bad temper.

So yeah, it’s easy for many Cowtowners and football freaks to give Brittany a pass.

But isn’t it time for her to look in the mirror and think a few seconds before she says or does something crass and stoopid? Continue reading

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Hearne: Lawrence ‘Homeless’ Crisis Riles Public

Nothing like a handful of ne’re–do-wells to piss off the gentry…

Like Lawrence Journal World reader Chris Chapin. Chapin’s letter to the editor was published a few days ago.

“I’m very disappointed in the direction Lawrence is headed,” he begins. “What I see today is a fiscally irresponsible government whose leaders spend a majority of their time spewing out meaningless social edicts that have nothing to do with the business of running our city.”

Talk about grabbing a bull by the horns…

“Instead of addressing serious issues like what we can do to benefit from the billion dollars, or so, being spent just to our East, we are passing meaningless and embarrassing laws about dreadlocks. This homeless situation has made us the laughing stock of the Midwest, and I heard last night, even Mexico.”

Mexico laughing at us? No way!

“You can’t keep raising taxes and diverting hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of taxpayer money away from needed infrastructure repairs to recruit, house and feed homeless people and not expect consequences,” Chapin continues. “You finally figured out how to fill up the buses. The people who actually pay for taxes are getting pretty restless.

“My observation is that the very vocal and militant far left has effectively silenced anyone who disagrees with them and has successfully hijacked the entire city. The groups I hang with are hoping (Lawrence city commission candidate) Mike Dever will return some degree of sanity to your bunch.”

Lawrence police chief Rich Lockhart is on record that neighboring, smaller police departments are sharing their ‘homeless wealth” with KU-ville.

“Lockhart said law enforcement agencies in nearby Jefferson and Shawnee counties also are bringing people — often homeless, mentally ill or both — to Lawrence, although those counties most often drop people off at the North Lawrence convenience store closest to the turnpike,” the Lawrence Journal World reports. “Lockhart didn’t provide an estimate of how many times per month such activity is happening, but rather said ‘it’s happening pretty frequently.

“I think there is a lot of passing the buck, and it is not fair to the person,” he added.

Not to mention, the city of Lawrence. Continue reading

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Hearne: Lawrence’s Ugly ‘Homeless’ Situation

Homelessness is hitting close to home in Lawrence…

And it’s not pretty. Downtown has long been a refuge for trendy locals and Kansas Citians with a penchant for the hip lifestyle. Forget KU basketball, think upscale small town living, a stones throw from KC.

Now set aside those idyllic images, and get your head around the hundreds of ‘homeless’ types descending on a post COVID college town. And they’re taking a toll on Lawrence’s charming downtown.

To the extent that wooden pallets are now in play to create what they’re calling a pallet shelter village to house some of the scary-looking transient types that have taken up residency in small settlements like the one behind the original Johnny’s Tavern in North Lawrence.

By day, they’re largely invisible, but as evening approaches they drift onto Mass Avenue unsettling downtown merchants, and leaving drugs and bodily fluids in their wake. So much so, that the fabled downtown toy store installed a water spigot to hose down its sidewalk out front.

And while winter temps may send many of them south and west, the city appears reluctant to enforce laws on the books that might prevent loitering, littering and licentiousness. Activities that are scaring off a number of the clean cut family types.

One local – who asked his name be withheld – thinks the problem is out-of-control.

“I don’t think, I know,” he says. “Because I’m reading people on Facebook talking about how unruly they are. The transients use the free local busses to go places where they can panhandle or scout out places to crash. Last week around 2 p.m. this homeless guy walked into our office building into a restroom off the lobby, and took his shitty pants off and tried to clean himself. He left his underwear on the floor and then walked out.”

“And there was a woman panhandling outside the entrance to Dillon’s with a bunch of kids. And the next day, a different woman was there with the same kids, and there was some guy in a truck or a van watching them. I’m telling you, the police are too busy to deal with it all.”

Word on the street is that people in California and places where homelessness runs rampant are telling people to come to Lawrence, the businessman says. Continue reading

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Hearne: Whatever Happened To The Hereford House Pyro?

Time flies when you’re having fun…

That said, chances are, for  convicted Hereford House honcho Rod Anderson it’s been crawling…slowly.

That’s because 10 years ago, Anderson was sentenced to 15 years slam time for setting the original Hereford House downtown ablaze. That after launching failed eateries in both Westport and Lawrence and the downtown location was a run down money loser.

So heralded was Anderson as a civic leader at the time, the judge who sent him away all but apologized to him at at his sentencing.

That is, until prosecutor Jess Michaelson put things in perspective by chastising Anderson for not taking a plea deal and saving taxpayers the expense of trying him for five years. And for not admitting his guilt, and continuing to profess his innocence years after his dastardly deed.

The “funniest:” thing I recall:

When Anderson sent the dudes in to torch the place, he told them how to disable the antiquated burglar and fire alarm. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Anderson, a Hereford House staffer had recently installed a state-of-the-art alarm that busted them royally.

Anyhoo, while Anderson was trying to wriggle out of  his conviction, he got legions of civic leaders to write letters to the judge about what a prince among men he was.

And when he tried to appeal his sentence two years later, it was revealed he’d injected nearly $400 grand into the dilapidated, old building and tried to collect $2.4 million from the insurance company.

Not the stuff civic leaders normally do.

But wait, now that I’m back in KC, I went to the popular Shawnee Hereford House to get an update on Anderson. After all, 10 years into a 15 year sentence – maybe being a boy scout in prison – was he’d be able to secure some sort of parole deal.

Or maybe not.

Because Anderson was “sentenced without parole.” Meaning he’s got like five more years before his get outta jail free card matures.

Shortly after Anderson’s prison time began, KCC reported his wife Camellia had taken the Hereford helm and was running things. Yet some woman named Mary Holland is identified online as the owner?

Calls to Camellia at various Hereford Houses and its corporate office were not returned. Continue reading

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Hearne: Life After Death In Mayfield, Kentucky

I had to see it first hand…

More than a year after my old, home-away-from-home Mayfield, Kentucky was all but wiped off of the map I got around to going there last week to relive my earliest days in business. That, and to witness first hand how badly the infamous December 2021 tornado had ravaged my tiny former town.

The second anniversary’s coming up in four months, but in general, around 1,300 “homes, businesses and places of worship” had been destroyed in Mayfield. Including most of the quaint, all-brick downtown where I worked, shopped, learned how to drink moonshine and eat delicacies such as country ham and  “brains and eggs” – in the “dry county” of my lost youth.

The news reporters were long gone, and the remaining rubble was mostly under control. However, arriving late at night I got totally lost searching for a town that was no longer there. My hotel, the Wingfield Inn had plenty of rooms available, and its pool was open, despite that half of its giant sign was still missing – the half that faced the entrance I drove in on – and it still had funky-looking padlocks hanging on the doors of its lobby entrance.

Mayfield Milling – the grain elevator I learned how to grade grain at and hang with farmers is still standing – but closed – with workers busy removing the twisted remains of giant grain bins that bit the dust in the storm,

There really wasn’t that much left to see, so back I went to the quaint Mayfield Country Club – where I’d encountered my first “beer machine” in the early 1970s – to find out first hand what had happened from locals. Continue reading

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