Whinery: Republican Convention Recap & Future President Alert

Having taken a few days to digest the results of the Republican Convention, I’ve come away with a somewhat jaded opinion of the whole thing…

For starters, I only saw one President take the stage and it wasn’t Mitt Romney. It’s not that I’m not going to vote for Mr. Romney or don’t think he will be a MILLION times better President than Mr. Obama, he’s just not very exciting. He’d be a brilliant turnaround artist, should he win- which is precisely what the “failed corporation” called the United States of America needs at this time in our history.

All due respect to Mr. Romney, Marco Rubio was the ONLY future President I saw at the convention. Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 5 Comments

Glazer: KC Export Nikki Glasser Gets MTV Show, In Town This Week

Think of it as an early Homecoming Game for KU…

Former Lawrence resident Nikki Glaser is getting her own TV show! That’s right, the 28 year-old Jayhawk has hit it out of the park.

It seems like only yesterday I was bugging Johnny Dare to put her on his show. Johnny was not overly excited, “What, a young chick with no credits, are you serious?” he asked. I told him she was a tall blonde, well-endowed, very funny and smart as hell. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 8 Comments

Hearne: The KC Confidential Crass Comments Cleanup Conundrum

To be or not to be, that is the question…

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the Slings and Arrows of outrageous verbiage. Or to take journalistic arms against a sea of profanities, and by opposing end them: to die, to sleep no more; and by a sleep, to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that reader’s eyes are heir to.

Could I state it any plainer?

Of course I can, and so I shall. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 57 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Lays Down a Few College Bets to Get Things Started

I was going to wait until next week for a full slate of pro and college football picks but…

There are a couple good games today and tomorrow in college football, so let’s take a fast look around the track and pick a couple winners to get things rolling.

The early game is Notre Dame vs. Navy.

Boy does Missouri hate Navy. Remember when Navy beat MU in bowl game three years back?  Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 15 Comments

Leftridge: August Royals’ Recap: The Blessed End is Near

The infuriating thing about the Kansas City Royals is that baseball doesn’t exist in a world of “coulda.”

Baseball is a universally black and white affair (hold the Dominican jokes, please), wherein a team plays 162 games during the course of a grueling regular season. If they win a small percentage more than they lose (typically, anyway), they stand a reasonable chance of earning a postseason spot.

Unfortunately, Royals’ seasons are often marred by some variation of the following sentiment: “if ONLY they’d won even HALF of the games they lost during the ___ game losing streak back in ___, they’d be in good shape right now!” (the blanks are usually filled as follows: double-digit figure, and usually April or May—and occasionally June).

This season, it was “12” and “April.” Early April, at that, thereby toppling the canoe only feet from the lakeshore. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Starbeams: Navy Seal Sex, World’s Oldest Joker, Prom Date & Bugs

I’ve decided the sex in the new Navy Seal book is much better than the sex in 50 Shades of Grey.


Besse Cooper of Georgia is the world’s oldest person. She turned 116 this week and still spends most of her time writing jokes for me.

****** Continue reading

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Glazer: Scribe Picks Chiefs to Finish Last in Division

Well, so most Chiefs fans are worried…

Worried a little, but not too much, right? I listen to sports radio sports shows like on 610 Sports and callers think we’ll likely be 10 and 6, that it’s just the preseason.

Did this one and three preseason really matter?

Where the Chiefs playing possum? Do they have secret weapons? Is Romeo saving his best for Game One with Atlanta? I guess next Sunday we’ll all find out.

What do I think? I don’t want to repeat myself ad nauseam but…

Green Bay‘s backups just waxed our asses. We didn’t lose three games in a row, we got run over. We were never in any of those games with the first string let alone the third.

I say preseason games do matter. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 22 Comments

Hearne: Entercom’s Point Lands Popular Jack FM Host Nycki Pace

There’ve been damn few free agent radio deals go down since the era of people-metered ratings dawned a few years back…

For the most part music radio deejays are lucky to hang on to their paychecks period. Shut up and just play the songs being the current mantra.

And as of late it’s been open season on female air personalities, as evidenced by the recent firings of Alice 102’s Shorty and The Point’s Tanna Guthrie.

Which is funny because women listeners are one of the most sought after demos.

With that in mind, it’s good to hear that a female of the radio species has actually moved up the ladder to the higher ($$$) ground. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 25 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Celeste and Jesse’ Shine In Genre

It’s not often that that I review a made to order chick flick…

However CELESTE AND JESSE FOREVER in a strange sort of way seems to go the extra mile.

No, it doesn’t have a Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Garner—or for that matter any Jennifer in its lead. Instead we get Rashida (‘Parks & Recreation’) Jones, who incidentally co-wrote the screenplay. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 4 Comments

Starbeams: Good News for Aging Royals Fans, Clint Eastwood, Buick & Lance Armstrong

Let me get this straight.  Republicans are going to shed their rich, old-white guy image by sending Clint Eastwood to the podium?


A new study from the National Institute on Aging shows a low calorie diet does nothing to shorten the length of your life.  This might be the best news to hit Kansas City since the 85 World Series.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Whinery: Republican Convention 2012, Night Two

Finally, some electricity from the convention floor last night…

Not surprisingly it was led by none other than vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan. I take back everything bad I ever said about him!  He’s managed to do the impossible, make Medicare a positive issue for Republicans.

His zinger, “We know the difference between saving a program and raiding one,”
portraying ObamaCare as looting Medicare was brilliant.

Ryan also made serious inroads with the CENGA’s (College Educated Not Going Anywhere) demographic. Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 17 Comments

Hearne: Ousted KU Athletics Head Lew Perkins’ Quiet Comeback

Long time no Lew Perkins

The fallen former KU athletics director hit the skids and then the road two years back after seven years of shaking down Jayhawk faithful for basketball and football ticket donation dough, a pair of hugely unhappy football coaching changes, ticket scalping, travel and bribery scandals and a controversial, undeserved $2.6 million going away paycheck.

Since then mum’s pretty much been the word around Lawrence where nobody seems to know much about Perkins current whereabouts, nor care.

Oddly though, in June an oddball campaign to restore Perkins good name began to pop up on obscure web sites like jumpchrisjump.com. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Disses Sports Illustrated, Charts Disaster Ahead for Chiefs

Sports Illustrated senior writer Peter King has spoken…

The Kansas City Chiefs will go 10-6, win the West and win one playoff game against the Buffalo Bills. Yes sir, you can count on Sports Illustrated to get it right. King has the Chiefs winning the West, with Denver and Peyton Manning also going 10-6, being a wild card and ending up in the Super Bowl.

Then Denver loses to Green Bay for the championship.

What do I think now that the preseason is done after tonight’s Packers game? Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 15 Comments

Glazer: Mitt’s Kinda Cool but Barack’s Better

Mitt Romney is one of the better looking men at age 65 you’re ever going to lay eyes on folks…

Now he’s the official Republican Candidate for President of the United States.

But can he win?

“This man will not fail. This man will not let us down,” said Ann Romney his wife of more than 40 years. Hey, that’s a landmark right there. A handsome mega millionaire staying married that long, that’s rare today.

I give him credit. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 60 Comments

Whinery: The Republican Convention 2012 – Day One

Suffering through the Republican Convention – so you don’t have to – here are a few observations on the first nights speeches…

Ann Romney: The nominee’s wife gave a decent speech… She made some strides in “humanizing” Mr. Romney. Explaining his generosity towards others, how he built Bain Capital, how he dealt with her battles with MS and breast cancer. Those are all solid points to make. I just don’t know why she focused so much on how they started out in life with “nothing.”

Does anybody really believe that the son of a wealthy Michigan governor subsisted on “pasta and tuna fish” while in college?

Even if it is true? Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 13 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Lawless’ Pits Bootlegging Brothers Against Corrupt Law

They’re the Bondurant Brothers and in their own mind they’re indestructible…

Brothers Tom Hardy, Jason Clark and Shia LaBeouf protecting and defending their turf, honor and alcohol.

This is LAWLESS, the bloody new prohibition drama set during the depression era in 1930’s Franklin, Virginia as the local clan of bootleggers is about to be muscled out by rival distillers and a corrupt U.S. Marshal who wants his cut. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 9 Comments

Hearne: Fishy Jayhawk Justice Bequeaths Squealer Alert

Informant, snitch, tattletale, rat…

Take your pick, KU ticket ripoff artist and party boy Rodney Jones – the mastermind behind the scandal that sent Kansas athletics director Lew Perkins packing – is now attempting to parlay his role in the above into a shorter prison stretch, says the Lawrence Journal World.

Let’s take a look. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 22 Comments

Donnelly: Has Roger Espinoza Played His Last Game in Sporting Blue?

Following a terrific showing in the Olympics for his native Honduras, Sporting KC’s tenacious defensive midfielder Roger Espinoza has reportedly drawn interest from some major European clubs.

The front-runner seems to be EPL side Wigan, but others interested include Spanish clubs Athletico Madrid and Mallorca.

If a move to England is in the cards, it will probably happen in the next few days, as the transfer window closes this Friday and KC will want to grab some cash for him as this is the last season on his current contract. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Sporting_Kansas_City | 5 Comments

Sounds Good: Merle Haggard@Knuckleheads, Mid X Midwest@Barnyard Beer, Leon Russell@Knuckleheads

Have I ever got some grizzled picks for you this week…

But they’re not just for the old-timers.  Nope, we’ve also got a whole bunch of new, unsigned bands that are trying to make a name for themselves by playing the inaugural MidXMidwest Festival that’s happening at a variety of venues in KC and Lawrence.

Here’s the deal…

Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Glazer: Real or Imagined, Armstrong’s ‘Moon Walk’ Rendered Irrelevant

As we all now know the first man on the moon died Sunday…

Neil Armstrong was 82. He stayed out of the limelight, though he accomplished what many thought impossible.  Some skeptics still do. He was the first man who landed on the moon and walked on its surface. Or so they tell us.

There are still those who believe it all was faked.

Some back that theory up with many things, including that we’ve never sent any explorer groups to other planets or even back to the moon more than another time or two. And it’s nearly half a century later.

Me, I think Armstrong walked on the Moon. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 38 Comments