Locke: Star Corners the Market on Bad Online Local Preps Sports Coverage

“If you don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American way.” – Homer Simpson

It’s all very easy to criticize The Kansas City Star anymore, but sometimes The Star itself just makes it so easy.

A topic The Star should be able to take ownership of online quite easily is high school sports. The interest level locally appears quite high, so the potential for revenue – something The Star desperately needs, if we go by the layoffs and two weeks of furlough this year – should be there.

Thus a concerted online effort for prep sports would seem to be a natural (why The Star doesn’t have a site devoted to the Chiefs is an even deeper mystery). Instead, what Kansas City’s biggest news gathering operation puts out is a little abortion of a website called Varsity Zone. Continue reading

Posted in David Locke | 4 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Goes Out on Limb @ Halftime of Chiefs / Chargers Game

I’m writing this at half-time during the Chiefs/Chargers game…

It’s 27-6 Chargers. This was THE GAME FOR FIRST PLACE in the AFC WEST. My phone is ringing off the hook, FINALLY, everyone calling is saying the same thing. “Craig, I thought you were a traitor, now I see why you turned on this program 10 years ago, they really do suck. They just don’t care…on and on.

Matt Cassel, I mean THE FRANCHISE, is horrible – he always has been. Our GM, Scott Pioli needs to go asap, and Romeo has to find a nice rest home where they all smile and try hard as they can to speak proper English. It’s all a big joke.”

Now this is risky because maybe the Chiefs come back like last week. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 32 Comments

Leftridge: Tales From the Tweet; Real Refs Return, Fall Baseball & Kornacki Gets Wacky


This is undoubtedly the BIGGEST story in all of sports right now, right? I mean, all of those guys on skates… and the pucks and sticks and whatnot. I just can’t even believe it’s TRUE, you know? It feels like a terrible nightmare, you guys, and I don’t like it AT ALL. I think I’ll miss the ice the most, or maybe the Russians or the high sticking or the Canadians. I don’t know. This is awful.

Anyway, the real NFL refs are back. People were so happy that during their first game on Thursday, they received a standing ovation. Weird. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge | 10 Comments

Mancow: Whatever Happened to the America I Used to Know & Love?

I can’t tell you who is going to win the election…

I can’t get a feel for it. There’s just too much propaganda (polls) to be able to really get how the public feels. Using logic, I would normally say it would have to be Romney by a landslide.

But being logical has no place in American society anymore.

How can the election possibly be this close? Continue reading

Posted in Mancow | 19 Comments

Donnelly: Zusi in Fine Form as Sporting Locks up Playoff Spot

There was a packed house per usual at LIVESTRONG for Friday night’s pivotal game against the Chicago Fire

The Fire sat just two points back of Eastern Conference leading Sporting KC.

The winner would not only be on top of the table in the east, but with only a few games left in the regular season they would take a huge step toward locking up home field advantage in the playoffs.

It was actually the largest crowd to date at over 21,000. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 6 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Scratches His Head & Sucks it Up for Another Weekend of Football

As KC Confidential  readers that follow college and pro football have learned this season, it ain’t been an easy one…

There have been upsets galore and nobody seems capable of really dominating the NFL these days. The new rules make it hard on teams with defensive talent .

At this point only two teams stand out, 3-0 Atlanta and Houston.

Everybody else has stumbled, lost or failed to cover. Still I’m are a bit ahead of the game thus far.

My current record is 8-7-2 (the 2 are pushes). Not as hot as last year, but no excuses. ButI mean,  New England gets beat at home by a lower level team, San Fran goes up against the what appeared to be a weak Vikings and lose big. Those are tough to call.

But somebody has to do it, so here we go again… Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 13 Comments

Hearne: World War IV Breaks Out Between Kanrocksas & Buzz Beach Ball

From bad guys to good guys in a single year, or so it seems…

Last year Entercom Kansas City played the role of villain by refusing to accept Kanrocksas music fest advertising on any of its eight local radio stations. Nor would it help promote Kanrocksas, give away tickets or even mention the event on its airwaves despite that it featured many of the artists Entercom’s Buzz and other stations played and supported on a regular basis.

The reason:  Kanrocksas went down in August a scant two weeks before Entercom’s Buzz Beach Ball at Livestrong Sporting Park. And as the promoter of Beach Ball, Entercom stood to lose a lot of money by detouring listeners to the competing fest.

Net result: Kanrocksas flamed out, reportedly with $5 million in losses.

That was then. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

New Jack City: Jack Flashes Two Thumbs Up for Authentic Gunauer Oktoberfest Fare

After finishing my Oktoberfest story last night I had the pleasure of sampling some of the food the Gunauer crew was preparing for today and tomorrow’s big celebration under the tents…

And I must admit to you, the brats, potato salad, pretzels, sauerkraut and red cabbage all passed my German taste buds with flying colors. The seasoning and preparation of all of the sampled food items were right on the mark – as good as in my Mother Country.

So believe me when I say that I’ll be back!

There’s also a case to be made about the beer being served at Grunauer. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 15 Comments

New Jack City: Oktoberfest Parties In Muenchen—Now Also At Grunauer’s in Kansas City

Munich’s Oktoberfest ranks as the world’s biggest bier festival…

It’s 16 days and nights of sheer lunacy during September and traditionally runs through the first weekend of October.

This year’s 179th celebration of bier, roasted chickens and pretzels kicked off on the fairgrounds of the Bavarian city on September 22nd and continues non-stop through October 7.

It’s 150 carnival rides placed between all kinds of arts and crafts, food and beer booths. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 9 Comments

Hearne: The Story Behind the Story on ‘Hot Fuel’ & The Star

Remember the little ditty about not believing everything you read?

Check out yesterday’s editorial in the Kansas City Star. The one sticking up for reporter Steve Everly‘s six-year campaign to stamp out hot gas (and maybe win a Pulitzer).

“Kansas Retailers get a pass on ‘hot fuel,'” the editorial’s headline reads. “A costly verdict hurts consumers.”

That in reaction to a unanimous, 10-person Kansas jury that ruled earlier this week that gasoline-selling retailers were not ripoff artists engaging in the deceptive practice of selling “hot fuel.”

But before we delve into the questionable “science” behind Everly’s hot fuel concept, a brief lesson on how journalism often works…. Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 13 Comments

Starbeams: Google vs. Time Warner, Akin Popularity Boom, K-State Name Drop, Warp Drive & KCI

Google is trying to land some local sports team’s broadcasts and outbid Time Warner Cable.  We’re all hoping this leads to the eventual purchase of the Kansas City Royals.


Finally some good news for Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin.  He is now slightly more popular than NFL referees!


Kansas State University president Kirk Schulz wants everyone to refer to the school as Kansas State UNIVERSITY.  Calling the school “K-State” was a tradition started by students who had trouble with five-syllable words. Continue reading

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Sounds Good: Nick Lowe@Knuckleheads, Guided By Voices@Granada, Ana Sia@Bottleneck

This popped up when I Google Imaged “drunk barbecue” so my hands were tied.

Aside from some cool shows, there’s also a huge game going down at LIVESTRONG Friday night.

I’m told it may be the toughest Sporting KC ticket of the year thus far.  So have some faith people…

The game is against the second place Chicago Fire, who are nipping at Sporting’s heals 55-53 with just a couple games left in the regular season.  I’ll be in Lot F with the chicken wings… Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 4 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Clever Time Jumping Twister Closes Loop

In the future—2074—there will be time travel…

Just one problem though, it’ll be illegal and only available on the black market. But hey, when the mob wants to dispose of someone, they simply send him 30 years into the past where a “Looper” or hired gun—is waiting to execute him.

Think of it as a gangland garbage disposal. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 5 Comments

Hearne: K-State Name Game Desperately Seeking ‘Scholarly’

Who knew that the Aggies of Kansas State University had their hearts set  on appearing – would you believe – “scholarly”?

But that’s the plan. The Lawrence Journal World scooped the Star on the story by a day with the details yesterday.

“Don’t call Kansas State University, K-State anymore,” the Journal World began. “K-State President, er, Kansas State President Kirk Schulz said the school wants to be known nationally as Kansas State.”

Something about upping its standing among the more scholarly national universities. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 1 Comment

Mancow: The China Syndrome & Bombs Away in the Middle East

A car carrying the U.S. ambassador to China was mildly damaged after becoming the target of boisterous anti-Japan demonstrators who were expressing outrage over a territorial dispute and marking the 81st anniversary of Japan’s invasion of China….

The State Department said in a statement last week that Ambassador Gary Locke was unhurt in the incident and that diplomats have expressed concerns to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Oh really now… Continue reading

Posted in Mancow | 7 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Overwhelmed by Wave of Statistical Optimism

Maybe I’m destined to owe the Chiefs an apology…

According to NFL statistics the Chiefs are a great team..right now. Yes sir, nobody has a better offense in the AFC.

Don’t believe me?

Well, according to team rankings the Kansas City Chiefs are the number one ranked offense. The Chiefs are number one in rushing with 575 yards thus far and we’re 9th in passing with 750 yards. So overall WE ARE NUMBER ONE IN OFFENSE.

Happy now? Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 8 Comments

New Jack City: Dickinson Theatres CEO Ron Horton Goes One-On-One

You’ve probably seen, read or heard various news accounts about Dickinson Theatres  difficulties these past couple days….

Some were correct or partially right, unfortunately many were based on hearsay, speculation and downright false information. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 10 Comments

Donnelly: The Lumineers at Liberty Hall, September 24, 2012

The Lumineers’ meteoric rise in the music business is no ordinary success story…

The Denver based folk-rock band just released its first full album in April, after signing a management deal the prior Spring.  The self-titled record turned out to be a simple, kind of quiet folk album that featured some cello, some accordion, you know the deal, girls really like it.  But it rocketed up the charts almost immediately, and by mid-summer the feel-good sing-along single Ho Hey had sold over half a million copies.

It leaves music junkies like me pondering how it worked out for them like it did, while other talented musicians continue to slog it out and fight tooth and nail for every scrap of publicity and notoriety they can get.  Continue reading

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Hearne: Chalk One Up for the Bad Guys in ‘Hot Fuel’ Debate

Did I hear somebody cry, uncle?

Probably not, but one has to wonder. Because after Star reporter Steve Everly‘s more than 30 articles banging the big bad oil industry for “deceptive” practices by selling “hot fuel” and ripping off consumers to the tune of billions of dollars, a jury of 10 of those consumers ruled that – wait for it – the gas selling swindlers were not guilty.

By the way, the jury verdict was unanimous.


Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Leftridge: Seahawks Beat Packers With Make-Believe Touchdown

Well, it was bound to happen. With replacement officiating entering its third OH-SO-PAINFUL week, it finally, unequivocally cost a team a game.

With seconds left on the clock, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson launched a ball deep into the Monday Night lights and into the arms of Green Bay Packers defensive back M.D. Jennings. Side judge Lance Easley, apparently oblivious to the fact that Jennings was wearing green and yellow instead of (ugh) aquamarine and neon green and sea-foam (?), signaled touchdown and halfway across the country, thousands of television sets were pelted by cheese curds and empty bottles of Leinenkugels.

And there were a million instantaneous explanations.

Jennings shared possession of the ball with Seattle wide receiver Golden Tate and, well, tie goes to the runner and all that jazz.

Only this certainly didn’t appear to be a tie. M.D. Jennings—excellent name for a television show about a doctor, by the way—pretty clearly had that ball all to himself before Tate got his doughnut thieving paws on it.

This should have been an interception and a touchback, and a Packers victory. Continue reading

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