Hearne: The Jerry Heaster I Knew & Admired

Longtime Kansas City Star business columnist Jerry Heaster died last week after a long battle with cancer…

Let me start by saying what a great guy and supportive colleague Heaster was for most of my 16 years at the newspaper. I was pals with former Star reporter and columnist Jennifer Mann and was a regular visitor to Heaster and Mann’s little corner of the newsroom on the business desk.

Jennifer and I would chat about any number of things in the news or concerning the Star and Jerry offered himself up as an active participant in those discussions more often than not.

Many of those corner talks revolved around me grousing about significant story and news details that my editor in the FYI section removed from my column in the interest of playing it safe and/or PC. So as to not to draw fire from readers, other Star editors or pretty much anyone for that matter. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 12 Comments

Star Search: Star Sells Out to ‘Anonymous Source’ on Clark Hunt / Scott Pioli Story

Ah, the unbearable lightness of being an unnamed source

Yesterday highly respected media outlet CBS Sports reported that Chiefs owner Clark Hunt had offered his embattled general manager Scott Pioli a two-year contract extension…

Whereupon, KCTV, KSHB, The Kansas City Star – even NFL.com – then reported CBS’s “scoop.” As did KC Confidential columnist Craig Glazer.

Cooler heads at KMBC TV and Fox 4 passed on covering the CBS Sports report altogether. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 12 Comments

Glazer: Clark Hunt Shows Arrogance for Fans by Re-signing Scott Pioli

Chiefs owner Clark Hunt is so happy with general manager Scott Pioli, he’s giving him a job extension of two years…

Thank God. We need that genius to stay right here in Kansas City. Lord knows how many teams are after THE GREAT SCOTT.

Truth is, after seeing our hometown team go nearly winless the past two months – sorry that Saints game was a b.s. gimme – we need to force Hunt to make a move. Our Chiefs have not led in a game all year and not since 1983 has that happened for six games.

We have no really big stars in sight, none. And yes, that includes Jamaal Charles. Brandon Flowers got jacked all day by Tampa “Can’t win a game” Bay. You haven’t heard Derrick Johnson or Tamba Hali‘s Name in YEARS. Tyson Jackson must play in Oakland – is he even on this team? Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 29 Comments

Edelman: Esperanza Spalding Brings Future of Jazz to Kauffman Center

I have seen the future of jazz, and it just might be Esperanza Spalding

The Grammy-award winning phenom stole hearts and impressed minds with her nimble execution and musical erudition Tuesday at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts Helzberg Hall. That lovely long-haired venue decidedly got more hip when Ms Spalding, wearing an electric guitar that appeared to weigh just a few pounds less than its lissome player, got down to business.

The pixie with the P-bass strode coolly onto the Helzberg stage, following her eleven piece bands looping intro. Touring on her new Radio Music Society CD, she used her self-described fondness for the airwaves as a framing story for a journey around the junction of jazz, funk and pop (it’s a companion piece to her earlier Chamber Music Society, which went to No 1 on Billboard’s Contemporary Jazz chart). Continue reading

Posted in Mark Edelman | 2 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Worries About ‘Mighty Quinn’ & Sets Sites on Weekend Ahead

It’s football picks time again…

I know, I know, everyone is waiting to see if Brady Quinn can do the almost impossible for the Chiefs and win.

And I don’t mean just Sunday’s game at Tampa Bay, but the rest of the season.

Let’s say Brady’s a solid quarterback – something he hasn’t yet been in the NFL – that means a 7-9 or 6-10 season for the Chiefs. We already have four losses and just the one win. So if Brady does OK, we win nothing and draft about 14th.

Now comes the big question, do the Chiefs follow the Colts model of “Just lose, baby?” Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 27 Comments

Starbeams: Apple Store Rip Off, Paul Ryan Shirtless, Biz Markie & Meth

A “crash and dash” robbery happened at the Apple store in Leawood.  Someone backed a Dodge Intrepid into the store, grabbed the loot and drove away.  Police are on the lookout for the only Dodge in Leawood.


Paul Ryan was interrupted 82 times during the debate table Thursday night.  He said it’s just like having dinner with his wife.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Whinery: Veep Debate a Snoozefest, the Nod to Biden

My description of tonight’s debate- Snoozefest!

I saw nothing that I didn’t predict. Vice President Joe Biden interrupted Paul Ryan 96 times in a 90 minute debate, to Ryan’s six interruptions. Nothing of substance was really covered.

Biden did what he was supposed to do and that was stop the Romney/Ryan juggernaut after the first Presidential debate.

Which is the only reason Biden kind of “won.” Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 23 Comments

Hearne: Star Sprint Center Editorial Comes Sunnyside Up — Minus the Arithmetic

The old ways die hard…

Was a time the Kansas City Star owned this town when it came to, not just news coverage but editorial opinion. It may not always have gotten its way, but it carried a pretty big stick and when it’s writers and editors shouted, “Jump!” the next thought that crossed their minds was “How high?”

Times have changed.

Don’t get me wrong, the “paper” is still Kansas City’s largest gatherer and reporter of news and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. If ever. That said, there are plenty of other voices around today and locals are too well informed to inhale every puff of smoke the Star puts out when it comes to shaping opinions.

Take today’s editorial glorifying the Sprint Center. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments

Leftridge: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia…Still

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s 8th season premiers this Thursday on FX, and frankly, I’m just not so sure how I feel about that fact.

You see, this once grand television show—much like anything that moves beyond a 5th or 6th season—has started to decline in quality and hilarity with each passing episode. Gone are the days of Kitten Mittons, love-letters to Chase Utley and spray-paint huffing inspired musicals about the Dayman; Instead, we’re left with elaborate, sleepy flashback episodes about Frank (Danny DeVito) running a jazz club in the 60’s and an ongoing, rambling storyline about Dee’s (Kaitlyn Olson) pregnancy.

To be fair, it’s not that the jokes are worthless, or all traces of what made the show great are gone, however.

Oh no. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Entertainment | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘ARGO’ — A White Knuckle Nailbiter

ARGO is the most exciting motion picture I’ve seen this year…

That’s really quite remarkable considering the story’s outcome is now public record—hence there’s no reason to hide any spoilers.

In 1979, after the United States granted amnesty to the deposed Shah, Iranian revolutionary militants stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran while its staff scrambled to destroy sensitive files.

“If we shoot one person, they’ll kill everyone inside here.” Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 6 Comments

Starbeams: Jerry Johnston & Willie Nelson, Red X Shortcut, New York Times on Strike


Jerry Johnston used to be pastor of the First Family mega-church but left because of trouble with the I.R.S.  Last year he started a new church and it too has now closed its doors.  We knew the new church might have problems when it was briefly named “The Church of Willie Nelson.”


Construction on the Broadway Extension will end a month earlier than previously predicted and will reopen early in November.  That will cut at least 10 minutes off my Christmas shopping trips to Red X in Riverside.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 9 Comments

Glazer: Nobody Cares About Major League Baseball or the Playoffs Anymore

They moved a presidential speech a few weeks back because of an NFL game being played that night…

Nobody would have cared had it been a baseball game. Or even a playoff game being played during the current presidential debates. Why? There just isn’t nearly the interest in baseball today. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 23 Comments

Sounds Good: The Lighthouse and the Whaler, Brown Bird, Jerry Seinfeld, El Ten Eleven, & Norah Jones

Barbecue, jazz, and crappy football…

That’s what KC is known for, and this weekend we certainly aren’t skimping on any of these grand traditions.

For the ribs and swing, head on down to 18th and Vine for the 2012 Rhythm & Ribs Festival, featuring performances by Brian McKnight and Arturo Sandoval, among others.  Check their website here for more info.

For the horrible football, simply head on out to Lawrence, Columbia, or ArrowheadContinue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 2 Comments

Whinery: The Official KC Confidential Veep Debate Preview

Given President Obama‘s dismal performance in his first debate with Romney, the pressure is on Vice President Joe Biden to, at the very least, hold his own against Republican VP candidate, Paul Ryan

And with the Romney/Ryan ticket taking its first lead in the RealClearPolitics average, it’s imperative that the gaffe prone Mr. Biden play it cool and not say anything really stupid.

The tale of the tape… Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 41 Comments

Hearne: Star Sprint Center Story Looks Back Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Say this about Sunday’s five-year Star send up on the Sprint Center; it covers most of the bases…

Unfortunately, some of the bases left uncovered are about eight years late in being examined by the friendly reporters and editors at 18th and Grand. Quite a few actually. Other details remain largely untold.

So now, the rest of the story. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 20 Comments

Hearne: Rev. Still Revved on Chiefs, Says Keep the Faith but Lose the ‘Gross’ Behavior

 Caught up to U.S. Rep Emanuel Cleaver yesterday at his new campaign headquarters at the Uptown Shoppes in midtown…

Naturally the conversation turned towards the massively frustrated fans of this year’s disappointing Kansas City Chiefs team…

Cleaver’s take on the sorry current state of the beleaguered, all but winless local football franchise?

“There is hope,” Cleaver says. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 31 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting’s Shield Dreams Broken with Espinoza’s Ankle, Zusi Called Up

With a somewhat disappointing 1-1 draw at Columbus over the weekend, Sporting KC’s dream of winning the Supporter’s Shield is all but over…

San Jose looks like they have it locked up, sitting at 64 points in the Western Conference with 2 games to play and KC at 59 in the East with 2 games remaining.

“There has to be a major slip-up on San Jose’s part,” said KC boss Peter Vermes, of his team’s chances at the Shield.  “Right now, it doesn’t look like there’s going to be, especially with the way their schedule looks coming up.”

San Jose’s remaining foes are LA Galaxy at home, and the Portland Timbers on the road.

Sporting would have to win their last two games – at New York Red Bulls and home versus Philly – and San Jose would have to lose their remaining two for KC to creep in and steal away the Shield.

Possible yes, probable no. Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 4 Comments

Glazer: Where’s Kansas City Mayor Sly James When We Need Him?

It’s been a year and a half since Sly James was elected mayor of Kansas City on March 22, 2011…

In the beginning, James gave speech after speech about moving KCMO forward, working with small business and getting this town rolling again.

But lately he’s been almost impossible to find.

Where is he? What’s he up to?

Past mayors Emanuel Cleaver, Kay Barnes – even Funky Mark – were high profile and all over the news on a weekly, if not daily basis. That’s not been the case with James. By comparison, it’s almost as if he’s in hiding.  Or so it seems.

Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 9 Comments

New Jack City: TV Anchor’s Weighty Dilemma

Heard the one about the plus sized news anchor in Wisconsin?

Her’s the deal. Jennifer Livingston of WKBT-TV in LaCrosse received a private communique from a viewer criticizing her for her weighty look on TV. A message that her husband, who also anchors at the station, promptly posted on Facebook.

Ms. Livingston in turn addressed—or confronted — the situation publicly on WKBT’s air and compared the incident to America’s growing problem of bullying.

Whatever. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 17 Comments

Starbeams: Helmet Man Spears Cassel, KC Torture & Hamill Declares Star War on Romney

Chiefs fans say they weren’t cheering because Matt Cassel was injured.  They were cheering because Helmet Man pulled out a lighter to light a CIGARETTE.


The Chiefs went into damage control Monday by trying to restore Cassel’s popularity.  They now claim Matt was they guy who did all of those terrible things to Adele.


More Americans support torture now than when George W. Bush was president.  By supporting torture, we mean, buying Chiefs and Royals season tickets. Continue reading

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