Glazer: Sat it Ain’t So, Chiefs Worst Team in NFL History?

It’s come to this…

The Chiefs are now being called by many “THE WORST TEAM IN NFL HISTORY.”

Hard to argue that one. We have the two worst quarterbacks in the NFL, that’s pretty much official. And soon our beloved team in red will break the turnover record for a single season.

We have no stars – Jamaal Charles is no longer able to go even two yards. He was out rushed by Turnover King Matt THE FRANCHISE Cassel. The former star running back had five carries for about, oh, who cares?

This team is just awful. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 11 Comments

New Jack City: Thanksgiving’s Cinematic Fixings—Hold The Turkeys!

Here’s how Kansas City’s Thanksgiving is stacking up on the big screen…

The highlights of Hollywood’s 2012 celebrated turkey offerings at theaters near you are actually pretty impressive this Year.

* Starting this coming weekend with Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle and John Goodman running into major turbulence in FLIGHT.

And Disney Animation going turbo with its terrific WRECK-IT-RALPH voiced by John C. Riley, Sarah Silverman and Jane Lynch. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 3 Comments

Starbeams: Chiefs Hell, Tebow Overrated, Bill Snyder’s Cloud, Cheech & Chong

Sports Illustrated asked 180 NFL stars who the most overrated player in the league is.  The overwhelming #1 choice was Jets backup quarterback Tim Tebow, receiving 34% of the vote.  Tebow recently trademarked his famous “Tebowing” prayer stance.  Just to play it safe, before I say a prayer I consult with Brown and Crouppen.


A Harvard trained neurosurgeon says he has scientific proof that there is an afterlife.  He recently went into a coma and after being brain-dead, he came out with visions of angels.  Meanwhile, 50,000 Chiefs season ticket holders can tell you all about there being a hell. Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Glazer: Eff the World Series, Scribe Straps One on for Wild Football Ride

It’s the job of someone who picks games to bet on to find mismatches...

This week there are so many to choose from in the college ranks I might have a hard time picking the right combination. As you’ve seen using the legal tease of 6 points either way on the spread or the over/under is a nice tool. It comes in handy. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 14 Comments

Glazer: Jason Who? Sam Mellinger Grows a Pair, Rocks Star Sports

I’ve written about Jason Whitlock‘s replacement at the Kansas City Star more than once…

Now I really want to tell you it’s my belief  that Sam “The Man” Mellinger is the real deal.

When Nick Wright was on the scene at 610 Sports, it was my pleasure to be on his show several times and as listeners know Sam was a weekly regular on the show.We never met to my knowledge, unless it was a brief hello in the hallway.

But Mellinger’s last several pieces on the Kansas City Chiefs have been excellent. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 15 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Womb To Tomb—Timebending ‘CLOUD ATLAS’

CLOUD ATLAS is a massive, intense undertaking that’s said to have cost in the neighborhood of $100 million to produce…

But let me forewarn you that it’s not an easy movie to watch or to follow as its storyline is NOT told in chronological order.

With a running time of nearly three hours, CLOUD ATLAS tells six stories exploring how actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, present and the future.

“Why are we making the same mistakes over and over?”

What we’ve got here is the interlaced storytelling of six unrelated novellas in time cutting back and forth from the 1840’s to mid 2100’s. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 7 Comments

Photo Recap: Grace Potter and The Nocturnals

Grace Potter and The Nocturnals performing at The Uptown Theater on October 25th, 2012

Setlist: The Lion The Beast The Beat, Mastermind, Never Go Back, Ah Mary, Goodbye Kiss, Turntable, Treat Me Right, Low Road, Apologies, Roulette, Joey, Stars, Tiny Light, Sweet Hands, Sugar, Paris, Nothing But The Water I and II, Gimme Shelter, and Medicine

Photos by Katie McPansy Grogan

Posted in Entertainment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Do It: Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson, Ron Megee, David Sedaris & The English Beat

 Time for this week’s recs – what to see, where and why…

 Starting with a doubleheader of live, local theater just in time for the scary (and political) season.

Nobody does it camper than longtime Kansas City actor / producer Ron Megee who loves nothing better than to “hide onstage behind the character.” And a often as not in drag, like when he played Joanna in The Stepford Wives.

This time out in Megee’s incarnations include a variety of men, women and monsters in The Kansas City Repertory Theatre production of The Mystery of Irma Vep, A Penny Dreadful. Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Hearne_Christopher | 1 Comment

Glazer: Romney Backers Stumble, Open Floodgates for Obama Victory

Most Republicans have Mitt Romney winning in November…

IN fact they have him well ahead. However, according to all the major polls that’s not the case. In fact as of today the key battleground states for the most part belong to President Obama. If you believe Gallup or the other major polls. In fact Obama leads the critical state of Ohio by at least 3 points and he’s always led there.

Obama appears to have nearly a lock on the electoral college numbers.


Yesterday the Republicans went NUTS! Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 21 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting Takes Care of Business, Finishes Tops in East

Did they remove the lone yellow seat from the owner’s box? 

That seat was said to be Lance‘s special seat, and was reserved for cancer survivors in attendance that had been associated with the Livestrong Foundation.

Nope, still there.

This final game of the regular season against the lowly Philadelphia Union was a statement game for Sporting Kansas City. Continue reading

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Sounds Good: Big Gigantic, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Quiet Corral, Noise FM

What to do, what to do?…

There will certainly be plenty of costume parties to go along with some top notch shows to catch this weekend.  So you know what that means.

That’s right.  Slutty witches, slutty black cats, slutty nurses.  You get the drift.

Me?  I’m going as a slutty music reviewer.  And if you’re going to the Noise FM show on Saturday like me, you can even get a discount on the cover if you’re dressed up.  But please, people, if you’re going to dress up, keep it classy slutty ok?

On to the picks!… Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Matthew_Donnelly | 4 Comments

Hearne: Yep, Still Stuck in a Drought, Lezak Says

After getting a $400 water bill last month on a new house with a yard full of sod and plenty of plantings, inquiring minds want to know…

Is this seemingly never ending drought coming to an end any time soon? Unfortunately, for the time being the answer is no.

“The drought continues and today is Day 148 of the drought,” says KSHB TV weather wonk Gary Lezak. “The question now is, is it going to go on for the next year? Because right now, there’s no sign of it ending.”

Here’s the deal. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 37 Comments

Starbeams: Church’s Chicken Samurai, Odds of Mizzou Winning SEC Game & Clark Kent Quits Print

Kansas City Police are looking for a man who robbed a Church’s Chicken Tuesday night armed with a samurai sword. The man demanded money from the cash register at the store at 55th Street and Prospect Avenue while driving a brown Chevy pickup.  There’s also a chance he was tired of using those thin plastic knives they provide at Church’s.



An audit of the University of Missouri‘s athletic department finances uncovered credit card charges of more than $7,600 at a Las Vegas strip club.  Ironically, you still can get better odds at a Vegas strip club than you can for MIZZOU beating an SEC team.

******* Continue reading

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Glazer: Scribes Says Westport, Plaza on the Rebound Big Time

Here’s a story that needs to be on the front page: the Comeback of Westport and the Plaza...

Both areas have seen major increases in traffic in the past five months. Especially Westport.

Westport started its comeback with the closing of America’s Pub last December. It led to not blocking the streets to shut down the hip-hop crowd and their cars from cruising this summer.

The urban crowds left with Westport’s hip-hop and rap music dance clubs. Replacing them in a very short time were the hipsters of today’s be-cool, go out groups. Mostly white, post college, ages 22-40. They have money, jobs and are no trouble. Much of that crowd is now also on the Plaza in larger groups, though the Plaza still has little to no late night traffic or anywhere to party.

Westport has that nailed down. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 20 Comments

Leftridge: Despite Scribe’s Protests, World Series Begins on Wednesday

First, allow me to apologize in advance for writing about—GAG—baseball. I know from reading The Scribe’s missives that baseball is sucky and horrible and that nobody cares. It’s yesterday’s news, you idiots, and—according to his scientific polling of hot young waitresses who work at the comedy club, “the 12th most popular sport in the world, behind the Portuguese Infant Racing League and just ahead of the WNBA,” and, “what’s a baseball? Who are you and why are you talking to me, creepster?”

But the World Series begins Wednesday, so I figure that I should at least say SOMETHING, right? Just in case a handful of baseball fans stumble upon our humble little website.

 The Detroit Tigers finally did what everyone thought they’d do all along: looked like hundreds of millions of dollars worth of dominance when it mattered the most. Oh sure, they barely led in the AL Central at all this season, but when they found themselves with their back to the wall, they came out in force, first knocking out the Oakland Athletics in five games, and then absolutely RULING the New York Yankees with a four game sweep. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , | 18 Comments

Edelman: Doctor John, Blind Boys In Right Place @ Yardley Hall

I was in the right place, and it happened to be the right time—

Yardley Hall at Johnson County Community College, where Dr John and his merry
band of Cajun kickers held court Sunday night. You could feel the bayou’s soothing splash and sway as the sold-out house dug into the jambalaya and etouffe-infused funk that Mac offered up by the plateful.

Five time Grammy Award winner Mac Rebennack – aka Dr. John cut his musical teeth down on Bourbon Street, an early devotee of Professor Longhair and teenage witness to the likes of Little Richard and Guitar Slim. The cat has obviously done some spirited living, which informed the nonchalant grace he brought to his Overland Park performance. Continue reading

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Hearne: Sporting Kansas City Needs to Pull Plug on Livestrong / Armstrong Connection

It’s time for Sporting Kansas City to face the music – past time, actually…

It’s time to separate the organization from the in-denial sports homers who continue to stand by dishonored cyclist Lance Armstrong – hoping against hope, wanting to believe. Sports fans are like that. Above almost anything else they want to believe in their team, in their guy – no matter who that guy happens to be as long as he’s a star. The guy who breathes life and excitement into our often otherwise drab existences of going to work and paying the bills.

This is no secret, it’s the human condition.

Even the jocks at prestigious local institute of learning Pembroke Hill were held to lower academic standards and treated differently than the future prominent doctors, lawyers and business leaders they attended school alongside.

Nobody much in this country wanted to believe Lance Armstrong was a dirt bag. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 21 Comments

Glazer: Romney Bottoms Out in Debate, the Economy Still Sucks, Race in Dead Heat

You may not like President Barack Obama – he may end up losing his office in two weeks – but he showed the nation last night who was boss and who was in command of this country…

Obama clearly confirmed to us that he’s a sharp, brilliant man who is a strong and clear leader. Mitt Romney showed us he cares and wants to be president, but he also has only one real plan.

“Mister President, your economy still isn’t good.” Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 28 Comments

Whinery: Presidential Debates 2012 — Part Three — The Warmongers

“I’ve seen wider ideological differences between Jehovah’s Witnesses”
Bill Maher, Debate Night Twitter

That about sums up last night’s debate… We basically saw two neocon warmongers pretend they’re for World Peace while talking about regime change in Syria and how we “must stop” a nuclear Iran. Along with a side order of “who’s a bigger friend of Israel,” which Mitt Romney definitely is.

So who won? Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 8 Comments

Photo Recap: Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators

On Thursday, September 27th, the legendary Slash played a sold out show at the Midland Theatre featuring Myles Kennedy. The set had something for everyone, from Guns N’ Roses, Velvet Revolver and of course songs from their most recent release, “Apocalyptic Love” which released in May of this year.

Setlist: Halo, Night Train, Ghost, Standing in the Sun, Back From Cali, Been There Lately, Civil War, Rocket Queen, No More Heroes, Carolina, We’re all Gonna Die, Out ta Get Me, Not for Me, Starlight, Anastasia, You’re a Lie, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Slither, Fall to Pieces, and Paradise City.

Photos by Katie McPansy Grogan

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