Do It: Batman Live @ Sprint May Be Precursor to Spider-Man

Anybody can direct you guys to sure fire, blockbuster, can’t miss events…

Shows like next month’s Carrie Underwood at Sprint or Chris Isaak at the Uptown. Chances are you’re already planning to go if you’re into those artists and have the time and ticket money.

Now here’s one you probably haven’t even have begun to consider; Batman Live at the Sprint Center. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Reflects on Grandview Cult Killing & Hypocrisy of Religion

The latest God Killings happened right here in Grandview…

International House of Prayer leader Tyler Deaton‘s wife was the victim. She was found dead of what was thought to have been a suicide on October 30th. Later a church member confessed he’d killed her by order of her husband Deaton. This to cover up the sex and drugs evenings at the church and special places in Grandview.

More God killings. When will it all end? Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 52 Comments

New Jack City: ‘Silver Linings Playbook’—Quirky Complicated Chemistry

Mental illness isn’t funny…

But in the hands of a good director like David O. Russell it can be strangely invigorating. Even amusing. Having a great cast to put it across doesn’t hurt either.

We’re talking SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK, the offbeat loser love story. A dark, bi-polar and mentally challenged comedic gem that pits Bradley Cooper against Jennifer Lawrence and his parents Jacki Weaver and Robert De Niro. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | Leave a comment

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘LIFE OF PI’: God May Have Abandoned Him—but Was Watching

Oscar winning director Ang Lee is a risk taker when it comes to movie making…

Some of his films including the controversial BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON have been major successes. Others, like his K.C./Lawrence filmed RIDE WITH THE DEVIL, not so much.

Lee’s latest production is based on Yann Martel’s widely read novel LIFE OF PI which many in the industry said couldn’t be made to work as a movie. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 3 Comments

Starbeams: Thanksgiving in Manhattan, Chiefs Slay Fan, ‘Lincoln” & ‘Twilight’

This week I’m giving thanks I’m not a K-State fan!


The Chiefs are KILLING us!  Loren Lickteig of Grandview passed away Wednesday.  His obituary reads, “He died due to complications of MS, and heartbreaking disappointment caused by the Kansas City Chiefs!” That”s the reason fans were wearing so much black to the game Sunday…they all had funerals to attend. Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Whinery: The Republicans May Have Lost the Election But…

The Republicans May Have Lost the Election…

But not the argument! The Electoral College may have shown a “landslide” per se…but when you crunch the numbers between 4 states- The Reps lost by a scant 450K votes between Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Colorado. That’s a remarkably close election. And for all of you out there saying WE lost cause we are too Conservative – I beg to differ. The Reps lost because Mitt Romney was a milquetoast middle of the roader. Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 33 Comments

Hearne: Flaming Out with Honest Abe & Double Oh Seven

Better late than never, right?

Look, I totally get that the moviegoers of America pronounced me dead wrong when I told you last summer “Ted” was a snooze. Maybe I was having an off day. I’m going to try it again on video and we’ll see.

That said, this past weekend I saw back-to-back movies that nearly caused me to come down with a case of trypanosomiasis in the middle of both “Lincoln” and “Skyfall,” the new James Bond flick.

Lincoln being the drowsier of the two. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Starbeams: Breaking Dawn, Lincoln, Hope Solo Nuptials & Ted Kennedy

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 opened Friday.  In this movie Bella and Edward have a daughter named “Renesmee.”  Let’s hope dad teaches her how to dress.


Lincoln” hit theaters Friday.  There are no vampires in this movie, but there were several people in my row who looked like they had lived for several centuries.


Kim Kardashian attended a Marine Corps Ball in North Carolina Thursday evening.  Now it’s official.  I’m the only person with a ball Kim hasn’t attended.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Begs Chiefs Owner Clark Hunt for Mercy

Besides that the Chiefs are one of the worst NFL teams ever, its front office is also considered one of the all time worst…

Because of that it’s going to be hard to recruit quality people to lead this team out of the basement.

The Chiefs were once again a no show Sunday, most of the players having already quit. Fans too have quit, as evidenced by an attendance of no more than half a stadium. And as it gets colder, and we fall to 1-10, 1-11 and so on, the attendance may hit less than 25,000. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 27 Comments

Hearne: Alamo Mainstreet Back in Action, Better Than Ever

They said it couldn’t be done…

No way could tiny Austin, Texas exhibitor the Alamo Drafthouse take out all the front rows, add service aisles between every row of seats in the three downstairs auditoriums of the former AMC Mainstreet and not lose half of its 431 downstairs seats.

All but impossible.

Oh sure, there’d likely be a small gain in its three small upstairs auditoriums, but with a 545 seat overall capacity – a capacity that Kansas City based AMC Theatres had been unable to turn a profit on – the loss of 200 or more seats would surely render the task impossible for Alamo.

Well, guess what? Somehow Alamo managed to get the job done. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

True to Nature, Bears Maul Cats

Sometimes, the stars align so cosmically that it’s almost painful.

You get pulled over for speeding on your way to the DMV to get your tags renewed. You call the cops to report a suspicious ne’er-do-well and they find they find the kilo of cocaine sewn into the ass of your son’s Spongebob doll. A hooker demands more than her pittance and you call the cops in anger, only to be reminded that it is illegal to negotiate her services.

Or if you’re the Kansas State Wildcat football team, you travel to an unranked, middling school, recently absolved of its greatest historical threat, and you get your ass handed to you. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

Glazer: Good Grief, Now Even K-State Sucks. Long Live KU Basketball!

I was a bandwagon rider on board the Kansas State freight train…

So were tons of local folks. Nearly everyone in this town wanted to see just one of our  local sports teams matter and win a national title.

That little dream is over. Way over.

K State got run over by un-ranked Baylor. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 7 Comments

Glazer: K-State Closes in on Title Game & Weekend Picks

The World of college football is all over Kansas State

Two more wins and they’ll play for the national title. And it will be the first time for an area NCAA top division football team to play for the brass ring.  More than 30 years ago both KU and MU had a shot at being voted No. 1 if either could beat Penn State in the Orange Bowl.

Both lost close games.

I think K State is going to get there. Today they’ll go to Baylor and defeat the Bears. In the meantime MU will try and win one more to be eligible for a low level post season bowl.
They have been better lately, but are still just an average team at best. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 8 Comments

Hearne: KSHB’s Lezak Teases Winter ‘Cast Due Monday

“The drought has continued through fall and there is no true end in sight right now,” says KSHB TV weather wonk Gary Lezak. “The weather pattern sets up according to my ‘Lezak’s Recurring Cycle,’ or LRC.

“This weather pattern is now cycling and we are still identifying the features that will repeat regularly through the coming winter, spring, and into next summer.”

Uh, that’s the good news. Now the bad. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 18 Comments

Starbeams: Kelly’s Kiss Under the Clock @ Union Station, 5 Hour Barely & American Royal

Hostess Brands has decided to close operations after the company couldn’t reach an agreement with a labor union.  Personally, I’m calling for a government bailout, because I’ve always believed my Ding Dong was too big to fail.


In completely related news, the diabetes rate in Oklahoma has tripled and in Missouri, has doubled since 1995.

Bad news: The FDA is investigating whether or not 13 deaths have been related to the popular energy drink – 5 Hour Energy.  The good news?  Thirteen is my lucky number!  Time to buy a lottery ticket. Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Hearne: The Skinny on The Star’s Crowd Count Policy & How Steve Everly Effed Up

Here we go again…

It’s that time of year, Thanksgiving. And you know what that means. The Plaza Lighting Ceremony – broadcast live this year on KSHB TV – will bring hundreds of thousands of people to the Country Club Plaza. Maybe millions.

And since the Plaza and Kansas City Police are on record as never having made an actual count – nor having any training or methodology to make one, there or anywhere – why not shoot for the moon? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 13 Comments

Hearne: Save Your Money, ‘Lincoln’ Sucks – Check Out ‘FDR’ Instead

Think of it as a house divided…

In one corner we have KC Confidential movie maven Jack Poessiger. In the other, Fox 4 movie guy Shawn Edwards. And smack in the middle, director Steven Spielberg‘s new movie Lincoln.

To Jack’s way of thinking, Lincoln totally rocks. As for Edwards, read on.

“I hated ‘Lincoln,’ write that down. “It’s boring and they skip over slavery entirely. The whole movie is about the 13th Amendment, but they don’t show you anything about how horrible slavery was or how important it was to The South.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 21 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Spielberg Reveals Tumultuous Final Months Of ‘LINCOLN’

Abraham Lincoln was the president you only thought you knew…

In the new bio-pic LINCOLN, director Steven Spielberg bequeaths a rare humanity upon this nation’s 16th president. Specifically on the last four months of his life which were difficult ones and primarily devoted to his political strategies at the end of the Civil War. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 5 Comments

Sounds Good: RNDM@Bottleneck, Bruce@Sprint, Matisyahu@Uptown

Simulated urine?

C’mon man, that’s no fun.  Maybe I’m not quite as OLD school as some of you out there, but since when are we letting performers pass off pseudo micturation as entertainment?  Since when?

Look, I’m not going to recommend a “band” that stands up there and just presses a button on their Macbook Pro while several dudes in tight white jeans and chunky black horned rims prance around.  Which is why I can’t get down with the fake urine yo.

Let’s keep it real.  Real musicians.  Playing real instruments.  Peeing real urine.

Who’s with me?… Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Matthew_Donnelly | 1 Comment

New Jack City: ‘Breaking Dawn, Part 2’–My Night With the Nubiles

No, this is not a review, not quite…

It’s about last night’s journey and encounter with Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black and the rest of the pretty vampire bunch based on the Stephenie Meyer created characters.

It was a Wednesday night and the Kansas City invitational premiere of the closing episode of the Twilight saga.

The tip-off that this was not going to be a typical advance screening was the makeup of the audience with nubile tweens and teens primarily filling the large auditorium. The rest of the assembled masses were Lenexa-beige looking housewives and cougars who had schlepped their young ones to the theater.

Any guys here? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 4 Comments