Glazer: The Gangsta Culture Has Got to Go

Briefly stated. KC Confidential led the way on last week’s Chiefs/murder/suicide stories…

With bullet force. Because we can take the gloves off quickly and be more honest than the TV, radio and print guys.

As I wrote Saturday morning, it was another poor, sad example of bad behavior by an uneducated, highly paid, wannabe gansta NFL black player.

Nothing more. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 37 Comments

Hearne: Jason Whitlock (Finally) Dumps Overland Park Hacienda

For the better part of a decade it was his dream home…

I’m talking about former Kansas City Star sports columnist Jason Whitlock‘s bachelor pad in South Overland Park. The four bedroom, three and a half bath Nottingham Forest abode where he hosted celebrity bashes, reportedly attended by guests such as Ollie Gates, Carl Peterson, Marty Schottenheimer, Derrick Thomas, Bill Self, Danny Manning, Mark Mangino, Roy Williams, Frank White – even Craig Glazer. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 13 Comments

Hearne: KCC’s Christmas Wilding to Go Down at Uptown ‘Conspiracy Room’ December 19

Far be it from me to concede that music and soccer scribe Matt Donnelly painted me into a corner…

Then again, he did call me out in last week’s “Sounds Good” column. Were we going to our annual KC Confidential Christmas Wilding in the rural Lawrence, no-holds-barred strip club known as The Outhouse?

Uh, no Matt, we are not. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 11 Comments

Hearne: Has Been Classic Rockers Fleetwood Mac @ Sprint Should Go ‘Their Own Way’

About that Fleetwood Mac show at Sprint April 30th…

Does the world really need another helping of dated 1970s arena pop rock?

I caught Fleetwood Mac in concert at the then new Qwest Center in Omaha in the early-mid 2000s.

But let me this clear, I didn’t go because I wanted to see the band.

Far from it, I went because a gentleman by the name of Kevin Collison – a business reporter at the Star originally from Nebraska – had been pimping readers about how Kansas City was falling behind Omaha. And that KC needed a new downtown arena to make sure the hicks from the little cowtown didn’t pass up us hicks in the Big Cowtown. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Poessiger: Taking A Stab At ‘HITCHCOCK’ — Shower Scene And All

By 10 minutes into the bio-pic HITCHCOCK, Anthony Hopkins had become the Master of Suspense for me…

And no, you don’t have to be a film geek to enjoy it. Trust me, you will. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 1 Comment

Hearne: Bill O’Reilly Hammers Jason Whitlock on Belcher Murder-Suicide

Just when it was looking like former Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock had become a forgotten man…

Up pops the devil in the form of no-name Kansas City Chiefs player turned murderer, Jovan Belcher.

Belcher’s dastardly deed was the perfect storm for the race baiting former Kansas City columnist, garnering him props from Bob Costas and brickbats Tuesday night from Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 18 Comments

Glazer: KC’s James Johann, WWE’s Mick Foley & Dave Coulier at Stanford’s This Winter

December through February are comedy’s biggest weeks of the year…

Especially fun is December with a strong line-up of stars and large holiday parties joining in at Stanford and Sons at the Legends.

One of the holiday comics is former local guy made good, James Johann. Yes sir, straight from Miami County. James started his career in Westport about 15 years ago. He was picked to be the opening act for the original Blue Collar Tour starring Larry The Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White and Bill Engvall. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 10 Comments

Sounds Good: Kentucky Knife FIght@Barnyard, Ghosty@RecordBar, Noise FM@Replay

Does anyone else here feel really stupid lately? 

Full disclosure: the following rant has nothing to do with the shows that you should think about checking out this week in the KC/Lawrence area.

This past weekend, downtown Lawrence was host to the Ugly Sweater Run.  Approximately 3,000 paid $50 ($50!), and then showed up in all varieties of horrific holiday cheer to run an un-timed 5K.  Actually I heard the course was a bit short of 5K. And it looked like there was more skipping, walking, and trotting than running.  But whatever.

Point is, these are not the Ironman types.  Nope, most were the kind of people that would sign up for The Color Run.  Which by the way attracted about 8,000 participants a few months ago in downtown Lawrence.

Why do people want to pay good money to do this?  I really don’t know.  And that is why I feel stupid. Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Matthew_Donnelly | 1 Comment

Starbeams: LA Soccer Riot, Mentally Illl Facebook ‘Friends’ & Popemobile

The L.A. Galaxy won the Major League Soccer championship.  People started rioting and overturning cars, but not because of the championship, just because
they live in L.A.


New research shows creative people are more likely to experience mental illness.  Finally, some good news for my Facebook friends. Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Hearne: So Many Theories on Chiefs Murder-Suicide, So Few Good Ones

Face it, everybody loves a good murder-suicide story…

That much is obvious on the heels of little known  Chiefs player J0van Belcher‘s dramatic departure from this earth this past Saturday.

I already bagged on the Star, which couldn’t wait long enough for significant details of the incident to come out, littering instead Monday’s front page with huge headlines followed by meaningless details about Belcher and his girlfriend. Not to mention grossly exaggerating the affect of the incident on Kansas Citians with bogus headlines like “Community Mourns” and “A City United In Sorrow.”

Actually, it was more a case of a city united in morbid curiosity. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 24 Comments

Starbeams: Bob Costas, Jason Whitlock, Mistletoe, Kate Middleton & Frank White

I’m trying to figure where I stand on immigration, abortion and the fiscal cliff.  Hurry Bob Costas, channel Jason Whitlock.


New medical research from Australia shows mistletoe may be just as effective at fighting colon cancer as chemotherapy.  Plus, if you have mistletoe in your colon, everyone can kiss your ass! Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 3 Comments

Glazer: Gangsta Culture Needs to Give Way to Education to Avoid Next Jovan Belcher Incident

Hey look, I’m not dancing…

But KC Confidential  got out in front of most media with the real story on the murder/suicide Saturday. My story was on the money.

This is not something to brag about because it’s truly upsetting and more than sad.

But yes, this was a racially motivated incident. It was about an all too common crime by a young black man who was a highly paid pro athlete.  And who killed someone for no real reason. It’s about a culture that makes even average black Americans just as pissed off and ill. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 54 Comments

Glazer: Scribe Celebrates Another Warm Winter…For Now

It’s starting to look a lot like last year…

The warm winter weather in Kansas City is back. I know, I know, it could still turn on us, but as we get deeper into December with not one really cold day and no snow it’s getting less likely. The next two weeks are supposed to be mild again – between the high 40’s and high 60’s in the daytime. So we likely will reach mid December snowless.

Last year there was no winter. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 6 Comments

Hearne: Star Capitalizes on Chiefs Murder-Suicide with Soap Style Coverage

It’s so predictable, so formulaic…

“A City United in Sorrow,” reads the headline atop today’s Kansas City Star. “Community Mourns – Kasandra Perkins and Jovan Belcher remembered.”


Two people 99 percent of Kansas City never heard of before check out and because one of them was a Chiefs player  – who just happened to murder his girlfriend and himself in a sensationalistic manner – the entire city is supposedly awash in sorrow? I don’t buy it.

I’ll tell you what we’re awash in and that’s media bullshit. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 50 Comments

Donnelly: Jovan Belcher Was No Hero, So Why the Tributes?

It’s tough to predict how anyone will react in the face of unexpected tragedy…

That’s a given.

But most of the reactions from Kansas City Chiefs players and staff following the horrific Jovan Belcher murder-suicide left me a little confused.

“I don’t think anyone ever imagines waking up the day before a game, and getting informed that a player, a leader on your team, has something so tragic happen like that,” said Chiefs quarterback Brady Quinn after the team won its second game of the year barely 24 hours removed from Belcher’s alleged heinous acts.

Let’s be clear – Belcher didn’t have something tragic happen to him.  Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 14 Comments

Glazer: Loser Chiefs Player Offs Girlfriend as White America Weeps Crockodile Tears

Starting Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend, then drove to Arrowhead to discuss the matter with Scott Pioli and Romeo Crennel

As usual, the team leaders failed and Belcher killed himself as the police arrived. Shot himself in the head.

Reports from friends say while he was kind and gentle, he also had violent outbreaks.

Even in college.

Jovan was a un-drafted free agent. The man made over $1 million a year. His girlfriend had a three month old baby, his. She stayed out the night before with other girls to go to a concert. He was upset and she had gone without his OK. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 55 Comments

Leftridge: Royals’ Offseason Soldiers On, Apparent Satan Pact Maker Hochevar Avoids Axe

So they haven’t signed Zack Greinke. The fact of the matter is, they probably won’t.

Get over it.

And to ESPN’s Jim Bowden, who, upon the announcement of Jeremy Guthrie’s signing tweeted, “Royals signing of Jeremy Guthrie ridiculous….now paying Ervin Santana & Guthrie combined $18m in ’13…why not Greinke, Sanchez or Lohse?”

 YOU sir, are a complete idiot. For a baseball analyst, you clearly do not understand how baseball works, and quite honestly, that baffles me. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Glazer: Long Gloomy Road Ahead for Chiefs & KC

The future for our hometown Kansas City Chiefs is dark, very dark…

In the years to come I do not expect this franchise to challenge for anything other than maybe a playoff spot. Remember a third of the league goes to the playoffs.

And since Marty Schottenheimer – and other than Hank Stram – this franchise has been unable to hire a strong leader or quarterback. Without a sharp head coach and top seven quarterback, we’re doomed to just playing out the seasons as an also ran.

And that’s something this franchise has been for decades. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 5 Comments

Starbeams: Not So Secret Santa, Powerballers, Glass House & Romney Eats Turkey

The Powerball ticket sold in Dearborn, MO has turned the small town upside down.  You knew they were getting an attitude when the sign was changed to read:  $100 Million Dollar General Store.


Kansas City’s Secret Santa is showering victims of Hurricane Sandy with $100 bills.  What’s the big deal?  I used to shower a girl named Sandy with $1 bills at Bazooka’s.  Is this a public forum?


A former Boy Scout leader in Columbia, MO has been charged with luring young boys into sending porn to him.  He says he needed the photos to rub his stick to start a fire.

******* Continue reading

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Glazer: K-State Braces for Win with Soon to be Forgotten Football Coach

Another week, another rough ride at Arrowhead Stadium…

But for now, let’s get to my picks below.

Kansas State should destroy a weak and beaten up Texas team tonight. Even though they will not be center stage, and their quarterback is no longer going to win the Heisman (yes he will be invited to the award ceremony for JOHNNY FOOTBALL).

They can however get some redemption for our area losers. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 10 Comments