So here we are, yet again. Another year has shed its skin, and along with it, all of the nastiness and strife has been washed away. We are ready to be born anew into the healthy optimism of an entirely new existence. And although nothing has changed but the turn of a calendar page (as if anyone anywhere actually USES a paper calendar anymore), the slate has been wiped clean. The blood you spilled and the tears you shed in 2012 are but a distant, hazy memory; the frozen burritos you ate naked in the kitchen at 3am are expunged from your record. You are a new person and you are absolved of any prior guilt.
And to this end, you must celebrate.
You’re too old (or smart) for the Power and Light however, and due to budgetary concerns, renting a tuxedo for something a little more opulent is out of the question.
And so you’ll host a party.
But to ensure that your party is a hit, you need some help.
To this end, please enjoy “Brandon’s Awesomely Lavish List of Spectacular Party Ideas for the Eve,” or “BALLS PIE,” if you will. Continue reading →