Hearne: ‘Tyreek Hill Ranks Among Biggest Draft Busts of All-Time’

Try this one on for size…

Disgraced Chiefs bad boy Tyreek Hill was one of the worst draft picks ever.

That according to recently departed Lawrence Journal World sports editor Tom Keegan

Amazing how sports media suck ups can suddenly grow a pair when freed of the obligation to write home team schmooze stories. The odds of Keegan nailing KC’s hallowed Chiefs to the wall the past several years when he was passing out attaboys in Lawrence:

Would you believe, zero?

Ah, but now that Keegan is safely ensconced in Bean Town – home of Chiefs rivals Tom Brady and the New England Patriots – he flat laid the pipe to KC’s favorite sports franchise.

“NFL doesn’t need once convicted, twice accused talent in its ranks,” shouts another headline above Keegan’s column in the Boston Herald.

“Every list of NFL draft busts brims with quarterbacks chosen in the first round: Rick Mirer, Heath Shuler, Ryan Leaf, Tim Couch, Vince Young, JaMarcus Russell, Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel,” Keegan begins. “The misses never stop.

“But not all the worst picks in NFL history were taken on the first day. Sometimes they’re selected in the fifth round, even though the scouting reports scream to run in the other direction as fast as possible.”

To wit:

Chiefs receiver Tyreek Hill, a first-round talent taken in the fifth round, was one of the worst picks in the history of an NFL draft loaded with bad choices.”

Hold it right there… Continue reading

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Hearne: Fix Is In On Chiefs ‘Gangsta’ Culture

Newest Chief Frank Clark’s domestic violence mugshot

We’re starting to find out how Clark Hunt’s Chiefs differ from father Lamar’s.

And judging from the way the team has spent the past month tap dancing around facing up to the obvious sins of Tyreek Hill times have big time changed.

The bottom line being the home team is more interested in cashing in on a Super Bowl than setting anything akin to amoral examples.

And hats off to KCTV for its intrepid reporting that did not require ad nauseam reminders that they’d scored some minor scoop..

In direct contrast to the Kansas City Star’s endless reminding readers they were first to report incidental details of Hill’s transgressions – transgressions that paled in comparison Channel 5’s monster scoop busting Hill for threatening the mother of his abused three year-old son in a Dubai airport.

And while the newspaper has done a decent job of guilt tripping the Chiefs, they’ve stopped short of calling out team management.

Where are the tough questions, putting the team and owner Clark Hunt on the record for beating around the bush and hiding in the shadows for weeks, hoping Hunt might somehow dodge the bullet.

And don’t forget, Kansas weak-as-a-kitten child abuse laws still could give Hill an ungraceful out.

So are the Chiefs still looking for excuses to give Hill a zillion dollar contract?

You have to wonder…

Because when it comes to learning from past mistakes, the Chiefs are brutally bad. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Avengers: Endgame’—Climax to Decade of Marvel

So here it is, finally….

The conclusion to one of filmdom’s most successful superhero series ever.

But is it really the end?

There really isn’t a blatant sign to that effect in “AVENGERS: ENDGAME”—not to mention that this is Disney movie making and marketing at its best.

Reviewing this juggernaut of a superhero movie isn’t exactly the easiest task for a critic.

Especially if one wants to honor co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo’s request of not spoiling the comings and goings in this “unprecedented narrative mosaic spanning eleven years and eleven franchises.”

So I won’t do it here except to tell you,  it works!

“ENDGAME” is the epic showdown in Marvel’s cinematic universe and delivers on just about all fronts.

You will recall that after the devastating events of “INFINITY WAR” the universe laid in ruins. But now with the help of the remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more to undo intergalactic titan Thano’s (Josh Brolin) devious actions and finally restore order to the universe.

“We are the Avengers—not Preventers!”

So welcome to the Avengers time machine as we reconnect to Marvel’s long list of participants who have shaped its heritage. Continue reading

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Hearne: Chiefs Continue to Tap Dance on Tyreek Hill Controversy

Local media jock sniffers gave the Chiefs a slap on the hand when they drafted Tyreek Hill

After which they spent the better part of past two seasons pretending everything was fine and dandy – that Hill was a changed man – and celebrating his spectacular on field accomplishments.

Unfortunately that’s not how things tend to go with women beaters and domestic abusers

“In discussing why abusers abuse , it’s clear that a lot of the causal factors behind these behaviors are learned attitudes and feelings of entitlement and privilege — which can be extremely difficult to truly change,” according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “Because of this, there’s a very low percentage of abusers who truly do change their ways.”

Got that, a “very low percentage” change their lowdown ways.

Even when they happen to be National Football League superstars. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Dems Face Uphill Climb Against Trump

I saw Mayor Pete on CBS Sunday Morning…

I was not impressed.

Actually, this is the first time I’ve watched the show. And now I get it, it’s appointment television for those who still remember appointment television. Oldsters. Youngsters expect the world to operate on their own schedule, on demand.

I’ve got nothing against Pete Buttigieg – it’s just that he lacks EXPERIENCE!

There used to be two threads in the music business:

Overnight sensation pop stars proffered by the major labels and radio and acts which practiced, rehearsed, wrote their own songs and made it over time.

Now we primarily have the former. Overnight sensations. Who we’re supposed to give credence to because they are young.

Let’s take 17 year-old Billie Eilish.

The youngest performer we had in the classic rock era was there 16 year-old Peter Noone, aka Herman. It was believed you had to have experience, you had to have lived in order to have something to say, in order to be great.

Let’s be honest, America has lived through a tech revolution the past 30 years.

And most Baby Boomers are not up to speed.

They can post to Facebook, they can iMessage, but they don’t know how the software works. As a matter of fact, they’re still into hardware and gadgets.

Whereas youngsters have grown up in an era of no tech help – where you figure it out by yourself and the landscape always changes. The youngsters don’t know everything, but they ride the tiger, unlike the ignorant congressman who complained to the Google exec that his iPhone didn’t work properly. The answer was obvious, it’s a different OS, Android vs. iOS, but this oldster didn’t get it.

And Joe Biden doesn’t get it.

He doesn’t realize that unwanted touch is taboo – he’s just saying he didn’t mean it, and that it was meaningless. Kinda like someone who employs epithets against blacks and Jews and claims as an excuse that they’ve never met one before.

And Bernie Sanders has experience, but he’s old too.

Let’s be honest, if you’re in Congress you don’t have time to play Fortnite – you’re so busy you oftentimes don’t know how the world truly works. You’re aware of the big concepts, but not the little events that burgeon and change society.

So where do we go from here?

Somehow, experience has been denigrated, and fresh and new exalted. Continue reading

Posted in Bob Lefsetz | 10 Comments

Chuck: As the World Turns

The Mueller Report will move no needles in either Democrat or Republican silos…

Places where long standing biases are life sustaining sustenance.

Case in point, approximately 30% of the country thinks anti-Trump Dem Adam Schiff is Diogenes and disgraced MSNBC anchor Brian Williams the last honest man in America.

Another 30% think House Republican (and pro Trump guy) Devin Nunes should be canonized in the ruins of Notre Dame…right after fired FBI head James Comey and twin CNN flaks – former CIA head John Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper are burned at the stake.

There’s just no convincing anyone on the far left or right that ANYTHING has changed.

The far lefters still believe Trump and Putin are BFF’s forever. Continue reading

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Hearne: Lax Kansas Child Abuse Laws May Benefit Tyreek Hill, Chiefs

More evidence that the Star is dragging its feet on the Tyreek Hill child abuse investigation…

The following headline from the local newspaper’s sister daily in Wichita:=

“Kansas uses more rigorous evidence standard for child abuse than other states.”

“Kansas is the only state in the country that requires clear and convincing evidence to substantiate an allegation of child abuse or neglect,” the Wichita Eagle reported five years back. “That standard could be putting children at risk, some in the child welfare field say.”

Which may explain Kansas Department for Children and Families and the Chiefs foot dragging on Tyreek Hill’s three year-old son’s child abuse investigation.

“No other state requires such a high burden of proof, according to Child Maltreatment 2012, a study by the Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A survey of states found that most use a preponderance of evidence, a less rigorous standard in which evidence shows it is more likely than not that abuse or neglect occurred.”

Until 2004, Kansas also used the preponderance of evidence standard.

No mas.

“Since then, it has required clear and convincing evidence that an alleged perpetrator’s actions or inactions meet the legal definition of abuse or neglect,” the Eagle reported.

“It is concerning,” Diana Schunn, executive director of the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County, said of the higher standard now in place. “It seems odd to me that all of the investigation and services that are done are focused on the child and when we get to the finding, that focuses on the offender and not so much on the safety of the child,” she added.

 Short story long: If indeed Hill is allegedly guilty of abusing his young son, he could not have picked a better state than the great state of Kansas. Continue reading

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Hearne: Which is Faster, Child Abuse Investigation or NFL Whitewash?

Maybe  it’s me…

But it sure seems like a more timely deliberation on a child abuse investigation by a known woman beater like Tyreek Hill could go down a little quicker than well over a month.

If for no other reason than to make sure that Hill’s three year-old son with the newly broken arm (from the woman Hill so beat the holy heck out of a few years back when he played for Oklahoma State) doesn’t suffer any further injuries.

Especially given that two – not one – incidents resulted in police being called.

“The first incident occurred March 5 when Overland Park police were called due to a report of child abuse or neglect at home, KCTV News 5 reported Friday. Hill’s name was apparently listed on the report and the case was closed three days later when no one pressed charges against Hill,” reports Fox News.

“Police were then called to the same Kansas home Thursday to investigate a battery against a juvenile, according to KCTV News 5. Hill’s name wasn’t listed on the second police report, according to the station.

“A source familiar with the second incident told the Kansas City Star the incident resulted from the son breaking his arm. Hill’s fiancée, Crystal Espinal, was reportedly listed as ‘others involved’ on the police report. The Kansas Department of Children and Families told the paper it was investigating as well.”

Espinal you may recall was Hill’s girlfriend that he kicked and hit in a fit of rage while she was pregnant with the toddler son now with the broken arm.

The $64 million question: why is it taking so long to make a determination as to what the Chiefs superstar did or did not do?

Might it be because everybody involved – the Chiefs, police and area child services – are reluctant to pull the plug on what  some suspect may be the team’s first Super Bowl in decades? Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Best Of Enemies’ Pits Black Against Wrong!

Did we not see this one before?

It sure would seem that way. Especially following last year’s ‘BLACKKKLANSMAN’ and ‘GREEN BOOK’.

But ‘THE BEST OF ENEMIES’ stands on its own two feet. And just as the other two films is also inspired by true events.

The setting here is Durham, NC circa 1971.

The town is still very much segregated and making no bones about it.

Against that backdrop racist gas station operator C.P. Ellis also serves as leader of the local chapter of the Klan which is still in recruiting mode. He is played by Sam Rockwell.

On the other side of the tracks is outspoken civil rights activist Ann Atwater played to the hilt by Taraji P. Henson. She is the only real force to stand up to the KKK’s local evil of just about everything.

And when the ‘black’ elementary school is severely damaged by a fire she sets all out for school integration—to educate the kids all under one roof.

But how to get it done? Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: Disney Soars With ‘DUMBO’ Reboot

‘DUMBO’—what can I tell you?

It’s a beautifully staged and photographed (i.e. filmed) LIVE-Action, family fantasy movie that should please audiences of ALL ages. Parents and/or grandparents taking the kids to see it will enjoy it as well.

Imagine that.

Because it’s got heart and soul.

Disney’s well oiled revival machine didn’t skimp on anything here.

It’s all up there on the big screen.

In all fairness I must admit to never having seen the original animated ‘DUMBO’ which Disney first released some 78 years ago in 1941. So my expectations were obviously in pretty low gear.

But the Mouse-House’s business plan of re-imagining  almost all of the studio’s classic animated hits into new live action adventures should propel ‘DUMBO’ to fly high this weekend at the box office.

The storyline really hasn’t changed that much. It is still basically about a young elephant born with giant-sized ears that enable him to fly and help save a struggling circus in the process, eventually landing at the glitzy Dreamland Amusement Park. (Disneyworld, anyone?)

There is of course, much more to the dramatic story setting under the big top. Continue reading

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Sutherland: The Best of Times, Worst of Times: A Tale of Two Hollywoods

Time flies when you’re having fun…

Reading the novels of Anthony Trollope, an English writer of the 19th century, one is struck by how different society is nowadays from his era. 

It’s actually not that remote in time from our own.

Let me explain.

As a small child in 1957, I remember visiting my great-grandmother in an old folks’ home.

Born in 1862, she was already an adult when Trollope died so she may have read his books as a contemporary author, especially since his books were so popular in the U.S.

Despite the overlap of this single lifetime, despite all the recognizable institutions which are outwardly the same; i.e. the business world, the realm of the professions, the two party political system, schools and universities, churches, charities, etc., to read Trollope is to enter a lost world.

It is familiar as far as its outward trappings go, but the mindset of those who lived then would be bewildering to most of us nowadays.

Though human nature has not changed how people want to be perceived, how they judge themselves has.

For example, what has been dismissed as Victorian prudery or hypocrisy is simply a very real understanding of how one’s reputation could be compromised with terrible consequences. Thus people might not always behave but at least they tried to be discrete, i.e. they didn’t flaunt bad behavior.

You don’t have to go back to the 1880’s when Trollope died, however, to be struck by the contrast between how people felt they should lead their lives, then and now.

This realization of radical change in society can be found in a much more compressed time frame, i.e. in a single generation.  

I recently watched two Hollywood movies on Turner Classic Movies (TCM), both reflective of the times they were made. Even though they were only 30 years apart, they seem as remote from each other as if they were from different countries in different centuries. 

The first was 1935’s “A Tale of Two Cities,” based on Charles Dickens’s masterpiece about the French Revolution. Set during the Terror, when “The Committee of Public Safety.” decreed who would live or die depending on  class background (Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, call your office!), it starred two British acting greats in the roles of their lifetimes. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Life Goes On After Mueller Report

It doesn’t matter…

It’s kinda like hip-hop. You either love it or hate it and there’s no track that’s gonna change your mind.

That’s America in 2019. Polarized.

But it’s even worse. Not only are we on two sides, we can’t even agree on the rules.

One side watches Fox and reads Breitbart and the Daily Caller and the other watches MSNBC and reads the New York Times and Daily Kos.

We get different facts, different opinions, and we’re not about to change our minds.

It’s like one side is playing football and the other baseball.

Oh, there are those on the left saying the right is playing unfair and employing falsehoods, but their exhortations are falling on deaf ears. Nobody on the other side is listening. Although I will say for the past few decades the left has been vulnerable to the right’s criticisms, although that is changing.

So the Mueller report is out.

Sure, we felt there might be a bombshell.

But when there wasn’t, we just switched the channel, believing the report was no different from a prize fight or Evel Knievel jumping the Snake River Canyon. Endless hype, and then the event happens and we move on.

The rank and file didn’t believe Trump colluded with the Russians anyway.

They don’t perceive him to be that smart and that Machiavellian.

Trump’s like a pinball and we keep expecting the machine to tilt but he keeps bouncing off the rubber bands and bumpers, wreaking havoc, but now we’re used to it.

We’ve got outrage fatigue. Continue reading

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Hearne: Beginning of the End for Wild Bill Self, KU?

This one’s been a long time coming…

The way overdue departure of Kansas mens basketball coach Bill Self.

Self’s already squeezed big bucks – many millions – from the tiny midwestern burg of Lawrence and University of Kansas. Along the way, some would say, he’s lied and cheated his Jayhawks way into a historic win-loss record for the school.

Not to mention, humiliating his family by engaging in a high profile extramarital affair with a well known Lawrence businesswoman that became the talk of the town. Resulting in him getting booted from the family manse and  having to hole up in a high end condo for months until he could schmooze his way back into the family.

All while Self’s wife and kids – his son playing for the KU  team he coached – suffered the  consequences via public shame as he stumbled around the town in his fabled hairpiece.

Meanwhile, rumors that Self might return to his alma mater Oklahoma State or take a big bucks coaching position in the NBA swirled.

What was he waiting for? More Final Fours? Another national championship?

All of that said, KU fans and Lawrencites could not have cared less about Self’s romantic transgressions. Let alone the sneaking suspicion that many of his blue chip recruits well might have been ill gotten gain.

Nope, Self’s winning record with the Jayhawks gave students, fans and locals a reason to believe that their otherwise small time lives in flyover country actually mattered.

You know, to the people on the coasts and in larger, arguably hipper cities that routinely fell  prey to Self’s highly rated teams. He put KU and Lawrence on the map for something besides suffering a massacre and burning of the town by a rogue Confederate guerilla during the Civil War.

However, we now know that Self’s Jayhawks – slice it and dice it as you may – have been big time cheating. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: “US”—Jordan Peele Twists Nerves

Two years ago he turned the horror-genre upside down when he unleashed ‘GET OUT’ on unsuspecting moviegoers…

This week Oscar winning filmmaker Jordan Peele  attempts to up the psychological mind games with his new terrifying thrill ride simply called ‘US’.

But the less you know about his follow up, the better off you’ll be as you master the unnerving trip Jordan Peele has in store for you.

What I WILL tell you is that unlike his debut thriller in 2017, ‘US’ is not a so-called “social horror” film.

It is instead a pretty straight and inventive creation of cinematic nerve twisting with just enough comedic relief to keep things flowing on screen—as well as for its nervous audience.

‘US’ is about a well adjusted African-American family heading to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and beach for their summer vacation.

That’s where they encounter a group of mysterious strangers. Right there on the doorsteps of their vacation home.

But hold it right there! Continue reading

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Hearne: Will Cops Give Chiefs Star Tyreek Hill a Pass?

Never underestimate the schmooze power of an NFL star…

Why all the foot dragging on whether Chiefs superstar Tyreek Hill (once again) did the unthinkable? I mean, it’s not like he’s incapable of committing heinous violent acts against the people closest to him.

Not to bore, but remember what Hill did in 2014 to Christina Espinal, the then-pregnant mother of his now three year-old son that he’s under “investigation” for breaking the kid’s arm?

“Espinal told police in December that she and Hill had been dating since June,” the Tulsa World reported at the time. “According to information given to Stillwater police, her age was 20 at the time of the incident and she now would be in her fifth month of pregnancy. She testified on Monday that she and Hill had sex during the evening of Dec. 11, and then ‘were planning on going to the movies’ when he became angered by messages he saw on her phone.

“Hill ‘threw my laptop (and) my phone into the hallway’ before ordering her to leave his apartment, Espinal testified. She said she was in the hallway outside of Hill’s room, but did not leave because she wearing only a T-shirt and underwear. After she reentered the apartment, ‘domestic violence occurred,’ she said.

“In response to questions from Payne County Assistant District Attorney Lynn Hermanson, Espinal said that Hill ‘punched my face. … When I tried to get up, I was put into a chokehold (for) longer than a minute.’

“Espinal, who at the time of the alleged attack told police investigators that she was pregnant with Hill’s child, said Hill punched her stomach ‘on the left side,’ and after that ‘grabbed my neck … and started choking me again. … He was pounding my head against the wall. He eventually stopped.’

“When asked why she believes Hill stopped with his alleged attack, Espinal replied, “I think he had a realization moment…

“In the original Stillwater police report, Espinal was said to have told an investigating officer that Hill ‘threw her around like a ragdoll. … She explained Tyreek has a volatile temper and that he thought it was OK to punch and choke her.’ ”

Naturally, the Chiefs skipped right over all of the above because they knew he’d be a huge asset to the team.

After a brief bout of criticism, local media bought into Hill’s signing based on the calibre of his play and the fact that he didn’t get busted since he joined the team.

Until now…

Most, but not all…

Continue reading

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Hearne: Speaking of Sports and Tyreek Hill

Sports media types can be so superficial and pretentious…

Especially those of the print persuasion.

The Sam Mellinger‘s of the sportswriting world don’t write fawning tributes and dole out miniscule wrist slaps to their sports heroes because they grew up dreaming of being investigative  journalists, a la Woodward and Berstein.

The aforementioned who are so full of themselves and nerdish these days that nobody could possibly visualize them as the once-glam actors Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman who played them in the movie All the President’s Men.

Nope, it’s all about jock sniffing and the Bejamins for Sam and Joe Posnanski.

Oh, they’re talented wordsmiths alright.

They just don’t have much to say that about stuff that actually really much matters.

Take Mellinger’s column in the Kansas City Star about troubled Chiefs star Tyreek Hill.

Pretty much everyone in KC (who thought with their big heads as opposed to their little ones) knew the way Hill beat the tar out of the mother of his yet-to-be-born son, that he was a ne’er-do-well of the first order.

Yet the Chiefs swooped him up a couple years later and he went on to become of the team and league’s top stars.

So, dutifully Mellinger wrote at the time about what a bad dude Hill had been, but quickly changed his tune to celebrating Hill’s on-field successes and – given no high profile incidents or convictions – how Hill had turned his life around.

You know, out of sight, out of mind.

Trouble is, really bad dudes tend to remain really bad dudes. Continue reading

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Hearne: What’s in a Word? ‘Bay Toe’ vs. ‘Tad’

Click to hear it from the horse’s mouth

This has been bothering me for awhile…

At first because I wasn’t sure which pronunciation of Beto O’Rourke‘s first name was correct. Because pretty much everybody in the news media was calling him “Bay Toe.”

But then I head one of campaign officials refer to his as “Bet Oh” in a news interview on Tucker Carlson‘s show. Despite which, Tucker continued to call him “Bay Toe.”

What gives, I wondered.

Guess what?

An online search resulted in yet a third – and supposedly more correct pronunciation – that being “Bee Toe.”

Yet despite O’Rourke’s dramatic newfound fame last year – based upon his media coronation, ability to raise ridiculous amounts of money and narrow loss in Texas to Ted Cruz – most media pundits continued to mispronounce his name.

Odd, right?

I mean, there’s almost no way Ted Cruz would not have known the correct way, yet he continued month-after-month to call O’Rourke “Bay Toe.” Continue reading

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Lefsetz: The College Admission Scam

Guess they never read “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Someone with no guilt is a sociopath. They may be nice to others face to face, but they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, casualties be damned.

We live in a sociopathic society.

How did this happen?

First, America lost its place as the inviolate, the undisputed leader.

It started with Nixon and then Trump put a stake in its heart by removing the U.S.A. from compacts under the notion of “America First.”

Just like “Loughlin First” and “Huffman First” and “Rich But Not Famous First.”

You don’t get there by luck. And to stay there you have to continue to employ an edge. They try to assuage their guilt via charity. But even Trump didn’t complete the circle on that.

They feel they’re entitled.

And we eat it all up until we don’t.

It was Reagan and the global economy that blew this country up.

Reagan made greed good,

Michael Douglas just articulated it in a movie.

Suddenly there were people richer than the rest. And by time we hit the 21st century it was clear you could not get to the destination unless you had certain privileges. Mostly, an elite education and connections.

Funny how everybody at Harvard not implicated in this scandal helps each other.

As for getting an MBA, that’s what it’s all about – who you meet, who you can leverage – what you learn in the classroom is nearly irrelevant.

And then came globalization.

Inevitable and to our advantage. But not everybody’s advantage. If you weren’t educated, you were left behind. Oh, we heard about lottery winners, athletes, but the rank and file saw their gigs go overseas and suddenly they couldn’t afford the lifestyle they were accustomed to. They ended up divorced and on drugs.

But the elite considered them throwaway people. Not only the right wing elite, the left wing too.

That’s why Hillary lost, she was out of touch.

The scary little thing is the left wing elite is still out of touch. They think they earned their position. They worked hard, round the clock, and they want the benefits.

As for those people in front of them, they’re bending the rules, so why shouldn’t they?

Bill Gates is lauded for his philanthropy today, but let’s put him on the stand and ask him why he charged computer companies for Windows even if they didn’t put it in the box.

Or Steve Jobs.

Cancer got him, but we want to know about his anti-poach agreements. Continue reading

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New Jack City: Brewmaster Jack Foments Ferments

A bier is just a beer, right?

Stay with me here…

Say you’ve just returned from a great European vacation and you loved the beers overseas. And now you’ve luckily found the very same brew in the import section of your local liquor store.

Just ONE problem!

It doesn’t quite taste the same here as you remember it did in Munich, Prague, Paris, Amsterdam or Berlin.

Your imagination or is there more to it?

In my opinion, probably the latter.

That’s because U.S. laws forces international breweries  to add preservatives to bottles and cans for retail in the USA.

Hence the brew you loved overseas will most likely never quite taste the same here.

The same does not hold true for similar imports sold in Canada, Mexico or on cruise ships,

There you get the real thing.

In other words the German biers brewed under the Fatherland’s strict ‘Purity Law’ (which prohibits additives)  STAYS pure—except here.


Which begs the question as to what my personal choices are for beer?

It used to be BECK’S. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Guy With the Funny Name for President!

John Hickenlooper‘s following the Jimmy Carter playbook…

And Carter may (not) be the best ex-President – as opposed to one in office – but one thing’s for sure, he won.

We underestimate winning.

It’s a long road to the top if you wanna rock and roll and AC/DC lit up bars throughout Australia before they shook the world years later. It’s what you do in the trenches when few are watching that matters. And then you’ve got to find a way to win.

Jimmy Carter used the Allman Brothers and the rest of the Capricorn crew.

Never underestimate the power of rock and roll.

It brings people together and spews out bucks, which were used in the ’70s to fire campaigns. Not only Jimmy Carter’s, but Jerry Brown‘s too.

And now Hickenlooper has Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats on his side. They played his launch rally in Denver.

Not that you paid attention.

The coasts are betting that you’re not paying attention.

They can’t stop making fun of Hickenlooper’s name and his lack of recognition. But have you ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama? I mean, to make fun of someone because of their name… Hell, I wish Alicia Keys and John Legend went back to their original monikers. If you’re not proud of who you are, your message is compromised. You win on identity. You make mistakes, you apologize for them and you carry on.

Only losers don’t have faults. Winners are flawed, but we get behind them because of their character.

I’m left of left.

But this week has me questioning the progressives.

If you can’t smack down anti-Semitism, the game is rigged.

If we all don’t begin on the same starting line, we can’t win.

The holier-than-thou standing up for Ilhan Omar have lost me.

Like AOC. And even Bernie. Continue reading

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