Hearne: Steer Clear of Cheap Seats @ Union Station ‘Extreme Screen”

imagesToo much of a good thing?

Somewhere in between “big is beautiful” and “more is less” lies the unmistakable truth that sitting too close to the screen at a movie can totally suck.

In the unfortunate case of moviegoers sitting in the first few rows of  Union Station‘s new, state-of-the-art “Extreme Screen” this past weekend, it was an all but inescapable nightmare. Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘Wizard’ of Union Station Casts Spell on Disney, Kansas City

Union Station - @Bruce Mathews 3.3.13 (3)There’s more than one Wizard playing at KC’s Union Station

Oh sure, there’s The Great and Powerful Oz on the five-story tall, IMAX screen in stunningly bright 3-D. It’s a moviegoing experience that’s redefining upscale moviegoing in Kansas City.

However a less well known Wizard is also at play in the historic train depot turned science museum. His name is George Gusatello and he joined the then financially troubled station as CEO in December of 2008.

Four years later, and Guastello has three consecutive years of operating profits under his belt – that’s black ink, not red for those of you keeping score at home – and on top of that he’s just added the most spectacular movie watching experience to be had in the Kansas City region. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Hearne: JOCO Voters Leave Choice to Chance

_45435117_toss_getty416What a way to go…

Think of it as death by lottery – a coin flip, actually. After centuries spent fine tuning the so-called American Way, it seems a little trite that after thousands – maybe even tens of thousands – of dollars are spent, months of political campaigning and gosh knows how much behind-the-scenes power schmoozing and intimidation, it all comes down to a coin flip.

Anyhoo, that’s the way the game is played in Johnson County. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 1 Comment

Starbeams: Wienermobile Polishing, Ritz Weddings & Deep Fried Mars Bars

img_2086The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile is spending a few days at the Price Chopper on Barry Road.  Despite the bad weather, I’ve done a great
job of polishing my wiener.


A Denver firm has won the contract to design the $20 million maintenance facility for the downtown streetcar project.  This explains why the facility has a basement with rows of high-powered lights and hydroponic cultivation.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 3 Comments

Hearne: Future of Audio/Video Retail Sketchy, Best Buy Slide Continues

sony-losses-4bnWith audio and video stores becoming scarcer and scarcer, the question is fast becoming, is there any future at all for retailers and manufacturers of higher end A/V gear?

“I don’t know, I’m concerned,” says John Kiefer, practically the last man standing out of what once were scores of Kansas City and Lawrence area electronics retailers. “Look at who lost money last year, Sony. For 60 some odd years Sony was profitable and they lost money last year. I’m questioning if there is a future.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 38 Comments

Randy Miller: Blow my Bagpipes, Martin City Kicks Off St. Patrick’s Day Sunday

Tanna-headshot.jpgThe wearing of the green starts Sunday out south with the Martin City St. Patty’s Day Parade & Irishpalooza…

The festivities begin at 2pm at 135th and Wornall in Martin City.

It’s the 26th annual running of the always fun, family friendly event.  Including a pet costume contest and 5K Whiskey Poker Run and this year’s festivities are gearing up for the biggest crowd yet. Continue reading

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Hearne: Pellet Packing Senior Goes Leap Hunting in Merriam

IMG_2160Think of him as a long-haired, white, suburban trouble magnet…

Wherever hard rocking former Merriam councilman Dan Leap goes conflict and angst seem almost sure to follow.

Since Leap settled into Merriam’s sleepy downtown years ago – living large, high atop his Guitar Lamp selling retail biz – it’s been one dogfight after another.

First it was Leap’s long blonde locks and appetite for heavy metal music that ruffled the feathers of the more conservative pols and town folk. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Disney’s Magical ‘OZ’ Exceeds Expectations

oz-the-great-and-powerful-poster-1How does a movie studio update one of filmdom’s most beloved classics—especially one it doesn’t own?

Not easily.

That’s the case however with OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL which, of course, is Disney’s new prequel to MGM’s great 1939 original—now owned by Warner Brothers. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 3 Comments

Starbeams: Prairiefire, Royals, Oz Meets Katie Horner, Kansas Carries On

493459_GA $500 million dollar Prairiefire at Lionsgate shopping center is coming to 135th and Nall in Overland Park.  Finally a break for our city’s African-American community!


The Royals have won 11 straight at Spring Training in Arizona.  Apparently, the hot desert sun has made them forget they’re a KANSAS CITY team.

******* Continue reading

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Sounds Good: Stoney LaRue@Granada, Quiet Corral@Bottleneck, Ol’ Yeller@Replay, Alabama Shakes@Uptown

Jimi Hendrix released a new album a few days ago called People, Hell and Angels.  Well, Jimi’s estate released it anyway.

It’s made up of mostly unreleased studio recordings of the legendary guitarist in his prime.  My question is, “Do we really need another Jimi album?”

Or maybe the more appropriate question is, “Do Jimi’s heirs really need money that bad?”

Perhaps.   Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 5 Comments

Hearne: The Rise & Fall of David Cook

david_cookNot all American Idol winners are created equal…

And there’s no better example of that than Kansas City’s David Cook, winner of the reality show’s seventh season. Unlike past Idol winners such as Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson who have become household names and achieved superstar status, five years after the fact Cook remains basically, “David who?” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 34 Comments

Edelman: New KC Jazz Spots Take Over for Jardine’s

528376_405967592810723_1742330287_aI miss Beena‘s place as much as the next jazz fan…

But a quick perusal of our town’s weekly Jazz Calendar (devotedly compiled, I might add with a hefty thank you, by piano whiz Roger Wilder) reminds that, Phoenix-like (the bird, not the club on 9th Street), jazz establishments do rise out of the ashes.

***Tonight, for instance, you can catch that master of the B-3 Everette DeVan with Dionne Jeroue at the Green Lady Lounge, 18th and Grand, from 8 to 11. I don’t know the room– comment back if you’ve been there– but anything on 18th Street would seem to have deep jazz roots. Continue reading

Posted in Mark Edelman | 5 Comments

Hearne: Beaumont Club Poised to Ride Again with Comedy, Country

30_400Nothing’s etched in stone…

But sources say that the Beaumont Club in Westport could be ready to climb back in the saddle as early as this summer. Depending upon which of the several rumored interested parties opts to finalize their plans.

The club ground to a halt following a DJ gang bang in late December and has been shuttered ever since. That after talk of discord among its ownership group, back rent owed and a lease yet to wind down.

Enter the interested parties. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 12 Comments

Leftridge: Royals, Chiefs Making Exhibition/Offseason Waves

San Diego Chargers v Kansas City ChiefsThe news spread quickly across Twitter and assorted other social media outlets on Monday afternoon. Dwayne Bowe locked up for 5 years. Dustin Colquitt signed to a long-term contract. Branden Albert given the franchise tag (with the hope, of course, that a long-term deal can be reached). And while some bemoaned the deals—there are always going to be loud malcontents ready to negatively chime in at ANY news—most fans, analysts and experts lauded the moves, confident that the Reid-Dorsey era is decidedly different than the recent history of futility that had been so resolutely displayed by the previous regime.

These were big moves, to be sure, and for the first time in what feels like forever, it’s exciting to be a Chiefs’ fan again. Continue reading

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Hearne: The Mysterious Case of Merriam’s ‘Phantom’ Precinct

g5f6rssfs.4-0.jpg.420x700_q85_upscaleAs elections go, Merriam‘s snow blown barn burner last week was a controversial one…

Or was it?

“The primary election was February 26th when we had all that snow and nobody voted,” says former Merriam council dude Dan Leap. “I mean, I voted but it was only a block away.”

Out of more than 1,600 registered voters in Merriam’s Ward 2 only 88 votes were cast. Kinda reminiscent of KCMO’s controversial streetcar election last year – but I digress. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Hearne: Star Shrinkage Project Starts in Today’s FYI Section

lets+get+smallRemember that Steve Martin bit, Let’s get small?

Well, as first reported here months ago, that process is well on its way at the Kansas City Star  and took its first baby step today in the FYI section. Continue reading

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Hearne: JJ’s Benefit Goes Down Tonight @ The Uptown

542613_10200789086035297_2110480817_nThink good time for a good cause…

The powers that be at the Uptown Theater have graciously agreed to donate the venue and services to host a fundraiser tonight for victims of the fiery gas explosion that decimated the 20-plus year-old Plaza area eatery JJ’s.

The eatery opened in the mid ’80s as J.J. Malane’s, named – at least in part – for founder J.J. Quinn who sold out  in 1985.

However it’s sword swizzling Jimmy Frantze who’s served mostly as JJ’s front man.

A bold, former rogue, Frantze’s once suited up his serving staff in “Fuck American Century” tee-shirts after being forced from his restaurant rental space in the mutual fund’s building on Main Street just north of the Plaza. Continue reading

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Donnelly: Sporting Come Back to Beat Philly in Season Opener

The first 30 minutes of Sporting Kansas City‘s season opener at the Philadelphia Union saw the boys in blue looking disjointed and ineffective.

They struggled to possess, and the back line that was best in MLS last season was repeatedly broken by Philly’s attack.  In the 17th minute Sebastian LeToux received a long ball over the top, brought it down in traffic, and pounded a point blank shot off of Jimmy Nielsen and into the net putting the Union ahead, 1-0. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 4 Comments

Randy Miller: My Appointment with Dr. Phil

dr-phil-robin (1)My cell rang last week and displayed a Boca Raton phone number… 

When I answered, the caller identified herself as a senior editor with The National Enquirer.  My first thought was, “Are they still in business?”

Turns out Enquiring minds wanted to find out about an interview I did years ago on my radio show.  She told me they were doing a story about the TV non-doctor, Dr. Phil.   Continue reading

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Starbeams: ‘Modern Family’ Elevator Mishap, OZ @ Union Station & Oreo Splitter

eric-stonestreet-premiere-american-horror-story-01Three stars of ABC’s “Modern Family” were trapped in the elevator at the Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center Friday night.  Eric Stonestreet, Julie Bowen and Jesse Tyler were supposed to have taken the stage for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City at 9 p.m., but weren’t rescued until 10 p.m.  It made for a great, “a funny thing happened to me on the way here” joke, though.


Union Station landed a preview of the new “Oz, the Great and Powerful” 3-D movie Tuesday.  The movie will screen five times a day on the station’s new $400,000 extreme screen.  Ironically, Union Station makes for a great tornado shelter.

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